Here is a good example of using open source in self publishing, a review I
wrote on my site, analyzing the Iranian anti-Semitic Holocaust cartoon web

   - Screen captures were taken on an Ubuntu desktop, using gnome-screenshot
   - Captures were mass-cropped using image-magick convert utility (thanks
   FLUX members for the script and advice)
   - The page is presented using PmWiki, an open source PHP application. The
   server runs LAMP, using hardware that is over 12 years old.

None of the software involved cost a single cent.

In case anyone is interested, here is a link to my review of the site's
content. I did not capture the music or the flash, but what I have is


P.S. If you have any comments on the page, feel free to email them. If you
feel others will benefit from the content, direct them to the page (the site
is not commercial, though there are google ads in the template I use)

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