Re: Proposing lecturing activism

2003-10-25 Thread Shaul Karl

  Are you the one who came to the last telux meeting and said similar
things to the one in your message?

On Fri, Oct 24, 2003 at 01:35:27PM -0700, Ian wrote:
 Peace, Linux lovers!
 I'm hereby offering to give free/open lectures/series/courses on
 a variety
 of topics... with the proviso that the community (that's you!)
 help make
 this have an impact on Linux/FLOSS adoption locally. Right?!

  Looks to me as if your message contains lot of enthusiasm but also too
much expectations and desire to have an immediate impact. I believe you
should drop *all* those expectations. If that still suits you then you
might want to get in contact with one or more of the lecture hall
providers that are around. I can list them if you want to. I can also be
the man in the middle. Do take into account that I can hardly represent
  Of course you can contact them any way but it is my belief that you
will get disappointed, and not necessarily from their reaction.

 I hope Hamakor will take this up. And seriously.

  I suggest that *you* will start by pointing out what *exactly* would
you like Hamakor to do or give. Yes, you already volunteer to talk and 
here I am, making more demands from you. That is how it runs. Yes, you
already mentioned a lecture hall, getting lots of people and making sure
it has a lot of impact. Other then a reasonable belief that arranging a
lecture hall can be done, I have already suggested to lower your 
  Lucky for all of us, this is only my opinion, and is certainly not
expressed on behalf of Hamakor. In fact, I did not speak with them about
this. There is still a chance that their opinion is a lot or just a
little different.

 Really, off the top of my head, mere suggestions (your feedback
 And so on.

  In general, I will come at least once or twice to any talk of yours,
no matter what the subject will be, provided it will take place in the
Tel-Aviv area. One condition that some other people will raise is that
the meetings will take place in another area.

 -- Ilan

  Are you Ilan or Ian? Any circumstances where you prefer one name on
the other?


Shaul Karl,shaulk @ actcom . net . il

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Re: Proposing lecturing activism

2003-10-25 Thread Shachar Shemesh

First, I would like to ask you, and everybody else, that if you have 
something you want Hamakor to comment about or do something about, make 
sure you at least CC one of the relevant Hamakor lists (board@ if you 
want something done, pr@ if this is something that requires public 
relations, assembly@ if this is something members should take action 
about, such as changing bylaws or complaining about the board (though 
comptrollers@ would probably be better for complaints), and discussions@ 
if this is something relevant to everyone who paid Hamakor).

The point I'm trying to make is that floating 
suggestions/criticism/requests on a public list is ok and encouraged, I 
(and I believe others too) are less likely to get that 
criticism/suggestion/whatever. I give higher priority to my inbox than I 
do board@ messages (3 subscribers), and I certanly don't give linux-il 
(over 500 subscribers) the same priority as I do board.

Now, to the point. Thanks for the offer. It's always welcome. The 
problem with your enthusiasm is that you are eager to make a difference. 
This means that you want a stage for speaking to the unconvinced. While 
good in theory, the main problem with speaking to the unconvinced is to 
get to them. While there is a lot of openness relating to 1 on 1 speaks 
(and I can also tell you that they have a non-negligant impact, at least 
as far as aleviating FUD), people don't easilly come to places to be 
preached to. As such, we have a very limited forum where we can do such 

One such place is the interest groups PeopleComputers are helping to 
organize. I can assure you that I'm trying to push through as many of 
our guys in there as possible. These are EXTREMELY far apart, and 
under publicised.

In theory we can try and organize a conference (half day + lunch type 
thing). In order to do that, however, we need substantially more funding 
than we currently have. You cannot charge money in such events, and you 
need to give some fooddrinks. Those potentially have solutions (get 
commercial sponsors, but only let them present stuff outside sort of 
thing), but are a lot of work to do.

If you think you can help with those aspects of things, I'll love to 
hear from you (hey - I'd love to hear from you anyways). Maybe we do 
have enough momentum to actually move ahead with such a thing. Also, 
about February or March I'm hoping we'll have another Go-Linux, and 
people will defenitely be open to hear those things. I'll post here (and 
elsewhere) when we need lecturers.


Ian wrote:

Peace, Linux lovers!

I'm hereby offering to give free/open lectures/series/courses on
a variety
of topics... with the proviso that the community (that's you!)
help make
this have an impact on Linux/FLOSS adoption locally. Right?!
I'm a professional, avid lecturer, with years of experience in
the training
industry, and over 20 years of programming... and militant on
software. (And, BTW, looking for work -- your help most
appreciated! :o)
The _least_ I'd expect is help in getting a crowd (and I mean _a
show up. And I mean newbies (!), business people... any potential
converts who could use a push. (I disagree with Jonathan: Linux
in IL ain't over -- quite the opposite!)
Tentative offerings:
1. Web applications development (see below)
2. Security (for fun and profit; see below)
3. Python vs other PLs (for programmers... and language lawyers
Topics I'd need help with/love to help others with:
4. Unix haters (for advanced admins; bring protective gear and
5. Symposium on taking over the Israeli OS market: advice from
marketing strategists and stories from the trenches
6. Continental philosophy... oops! off topic, just kidding
et cetera.

Oh, and of course I'd love to assist anyone with their own
lectures, with
didactics, syllabi construction, brain-storming... lots of free
advice :o).
I hope Hamakor will take this up. And seriously.

Really, off the top of my head, mere suggestions (your feedback
=Web applications development=

A thorough, in-depth coverage of the technologies, the
life-cycle, and
meta issues. (Maybe a full course, or workshop, and actually
building a
_real-world_ site!)
1. Web technologies: the standards (IETF, W3C), accessibility
i18n...), CGI/FCGI/Apache mods/HTTP servers, caching, hosting,
hosting, etc.
2. Software engineering: programming languages (dis/advantages,
fitness to purpose, experiences), Web app frameworks/tools,
aspects (testing, adaptivity...), data modeling, quality of
service aspects
(confirmability, robustness...), etc.
3. Implementation: systems architecture (load balancing,
OO, persistence and pervasive paradigm, high availability.
4. Slandering Micrapsoft, pushing penguins and friends. :o)

5. Lively discussion (read: flaming), forking, early releases --
to take
home! (Really, let's build a real(ly good) one! Python, Java...
no PHP!)

Proposing lecturing activism

2003-10-24 Thread Ian
Peace, Linux lovers!

I'm hereby offering to give free/open lectures/series/courses on
a variety
of topics... with the proviso that the community (that's you!)
help make
this have an impact on Linux/FLOSS adoption locally. Right?!

I'm a professional, avid lecturer, with years of experience in
the training
industry, and over 20 years of programming... and militant on
software. (And, BTW, looking for work -- your help most
appreciated! :o)

The _least_ I'd expect is help in getting a crowd (and I mean _a
show up. And I mean newbies (!), business people... any potential
converts who could use a push. (I disagree with Jonathan: Linux
in IL ain't over -- quite the opposite!)

Tentative offerings:
1. Web applications development (see below)
2. Security (for fun and profit; see below)
3. Python vs other PLs (for programmers... and language lawyers

Topics I'd need help with/love to help others with:
4. Unix haters (for advanced admins; bring protective gear and
5. Symposium on taking over the Israeli OS market: advice from
marketing strategists and stories from the trenches
6. Continental philosophy... oops! off topic, just kidding

et cetera.

Oh, and of course I'd love to assist anyone with their own
lectures, with
didactics, syllabi construction, brain-storming... lots of free
advice :o).

I hope Hamakor will take this up. And seriously.

Really, off the top of my head, mere suggestions (your feedback

=Web applications development=

A thorough, in-depth coverage of the technologies, the
life-cycle, and
meta issues. (Maybe a full course, or workshop, and actually
building a
_real-world_ site!)

1. Web technologies: the standards (IETF, W3C), accessibility
i18n...), CGI/FCGI/Apache mods/HTTP servers, caching, hosting,
hosting, etc.

2. Software engineering: programming languages (dis/advantages,
fitness to purpose, experiences), Web app frameworks/tools,
aspects (testing, adaptivity...), data modeling, quality of
service aspects
(confirmability, robustness...), etc.

3. Implementation: systems architecture (load balancing,
OO, persistence and pervasive paradigm, high availability.

4. Slandering Micrapsoft, pushing penguins and friends. :o)

5. Lively discussion (read: flaming), forking, early releases --
to take
home! (Really, let's build a real(ly good) one! Python, Java...
no PHP!)


For the curious, the paranoid, the inventive, and the
probably not for script-kiddies.

1. History: overview of how infosec/infowar began, phreaking,
cracking... Approaching Zero, The Hacker Crackdown,
technoculture studies, free software activism, government reports
(CyberCrime, Echelon...), and so on.

2. White hats: case studies, approaches to infosec (risk
defense-in-depth), standards (ISO Common Criteria...), permission
models (Bell-LaPadula, etc, expert systems)... sniffing,
spoofing, snorting, scrubbing... and Satan and the Angels, too!

3. Black hats... (think so?)

4. Future: research directions, interesting stuff...

5. Micrapsoft slandering no end! And, sure enough, pushing
and friends. :o)

And so on.

I can conjure up more, if there are takers.
Speak up!

-- Ilan

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