RedHat - The next Ver. ?

1999-03-10 Thread Ishai Parasol


Does anyone know when RedHat releases it's new version to linux (5.3 or 6.0)


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Re: RedHat - The next Ver. ?

1999-03-10 Thread Ira Abramov - Scalable Solutions

Today, Ishai Parasol blurbed:

On Wed, 10 Mar 1999, Ishai Parasol wrote:

> Hello
> Does anyone know when RedHat releases it's new version to linux (5.3 or 6.0)
> ?

no one at LWE wanted (or knew what) to tell me. RH's lips are sealed.
they usually like to release just before a big show, I think the Atlanta
Linux showcase is next.

Ira Abramov ;  whois:IA58  ; ;  all around Linux enthusiast
All your files have been destroyed (sorry).  Paul.

Re: RedHat - The next Ver. ?

1999-03-11 Thread Eli Marmor

> Does anyone know when RedHat releases it's new version to linux (5.3 or 6.0)
> ?

Firstly, next version is 6.0, not 5.3.

Regarding to its date: In an interview with Raster, "observers" were
quoted that 6.0 is expected in March. I don't know who are these
observers, and Raster denies any connection to them (I asked him).
On the other hand, some "officials" were quoted that it is expected
in April-May, but again - RH refused.

The sure thing is that 6.0 will be released after about 2 weeks of
VERY intensive QA, which will come after all the milestones will be
completed. Most of the milestones were already completed: kernel
2.2, Samba 2.0, glibc-2.1, GTK/GLib 1.2.0, GNOME-1.0, etc. Most of
these milestones are very major releases which took 2-3 years to
develop, and after minor releases and patches in the last weeks, are
claimed to be already more stable than previous major releases (but
don't flame me; flame the claimers!). There are some applications
that even conflict with bugs of 2.0.* and needs 2.2 to work (like
Java 2, though Alan Cox made an AC patch to 2.0).

Currently, the main milestone which is still not done is
Enlightenment-DR0.15 (which is rumored to be the DEFAULT window
manager of 6.0), but Raster is very busy in documenting it and in
having last-minute fixes. Meanwhile, the rest of the staff in RHAD
are trying to improve the problematic parts (GMC, ORBit, etc.).

If you force me to guess, I expect 6.0 to be released in the
beginning of April, plus-minus (i.e. don't kill me if it will be
released before end of March or only in the end of April :-)

Eli Marmor
El-Mar Software Ltd.