Re: Vgames

2001-05-13 Thread Oded Arbel

On Sat, 12 May 2001, Ilya Konstantinov wrote:

 On Fri, May 11, 2001 at 11:57:20AM +0300, Stanislav Malyshev a.k.a Frodo wrote:
  IK As to KHTML (used by Konq), it's much more forgiving than Mozilla.
  IK Heck, it implements a 'document.all' object (for IE compatibility)!
  If it implements full MSIE DOM (including all properties and methods ans
  stuff) it's cool. But somehow I doubt it. But if it does not, this only
  means they do a great disservice for the users, because now this browser
  is detected by all scripts as MSIE (while if it didn't support MSIE but
  did support W3C DOM, it would be detected as W3C DOM browser) and all
  scripts that have different versions for MSIE and W3C DOM (a lot of them)
  try now to use MSIE version and fail miserably. It's very bad to
  masquerade as supporting something unless you do support it 100%.

 The proper logics should be first test for W3C DOM (via
 document.getElementByTag('body') or smth) to detect Moz / Konq / IE5,
 only only later resort to hacks.

True. also - a lot of scripts (which of course don't check for browser
support other then document.all vs. document.layers) use document.all and
no other IE specific extensions which isn't in the DOM.


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Re: Vgames

2001-05-13 Thread Stanislav Malyshev a.k.a Frodo

OA True. also - a lot of scripts (which of course don't check for
OA browser support other then document.all vs. document.layers) use
OA document.all and no other IE specific extensions which isn't in
OA the DOM.

Well, these scripts are antic and will die out, as soon as Netscape 4 dies
out. And, obvious, these scripts are outright broken since they ignore W3C
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  \/  There shall be counsels taken
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Re: Vgames

2001-05-12 Thread Roozbeh Pournader

On Thu, 10 May 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What's wrong with the blink tag?

Well, first of all, it's not in any standard. Netscape thought it's nice,
and put it there. Second,  Well, it's better to look at Eric Raymond's
HTML Hell Page:

It's the first item.


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Re: Vgames

2001-05-12 Thread Ilya Konstantinov

On Fri, May 11, 2001 at 11:57:20AM +0300, Stanislav Malyshev a.k.a Frodo wrote:
 IK As to KHTML (used by Konq), it's much more forgiving than Mozilla.
 IK Heck, it implements a 'document.all' object (for IE compatibility)!
 If it implements full MSIE DOM (including all properties and methods ans
 stuff) it's cool. But somehow I doubt it. But if it does not, this only
 means they do a great disservice for the users, because now this browser
 is detected by all scripts as MSIE (while if it didn't support MSIE but
 did support W3C DOM, it would be detected as W3C DOM browser) and all
 scripts that have different versions for MSIE and W3C DOM (a lot of them)
 try now to use MSIE version and fail miserably. It's very bad to
 masquerade as supporting something unless you do support it 100%.

The proper logics should be first test for W3C DOM (via
document.getElementByTag('body') or smth) to detect Moz / Konq / IE5,
only only later resort to hacks.

Best regards,
Ilya Konstantinov

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Re: Vgames

2001-05-11 Thread Stanislav Malyshev a.k.a Frodo

IK As to KHTML (used by Konq), it's much more forgiving than Mozilla.
IK Heck, it implements a 'document.all' object (for IE compatibility)!

If it implements full MSIE DOM (including all properties and methods ans
stuff) it's cool. But somehow I doubt it. But if it does not, this only
means they do a great disservice for the users, because now this browser
is detected by all scripts as MSIE (while if it didn't support MSIE but
did support W3C DOM, it would be detected as W3C DOM browser) and all
scripts that have different versions for MSIE and W3C DOM (a lot of them)
try now to use MSIE version and fail miserably. It's very bad to
masquerade as supporting something unless you do support it 100%.
Actually, if you support W3C DOM, you don't need any document.all's, since
the former is the accepted standard, all current major browsers support it
and all serious DHTML makers know about it and support it.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  \/  There shall be counsels taken
Stanislav Malyshev  /\  Stronger than Morgul-spells
phone +972-3-9316425/\  JRRT LotR.  whois:!SM8333

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Re: Vgames

2001-05-11 Thread Daniel Feiglin

Chen Shapira wrote:

   I doubt it. I got Minibank from Mizrachi. It's got some
  security stuff which is strict MS, and it is touted for Win 98 .
   (It screwed up something in my Win 2000 partition that
  badly that I had to re-install, but that's another sad story.)
   Linux? I wonder if the folks at Mizrachi know what it is.
  I use Bank Hapoalim's, beside some Hebrew problem it works On
  Netscape 4.76
  On RedHat 6.2 ( Whatever that means )

 That's what community is for!

 Now Daniel can ask his bank for a decent service, because he can tell them
 that he has other options...

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Not so simple!

I wish I could, but I'm so heavily tied into Mizrachi that it wouldn't work. (I 
sometimes wonder if I bank with them or
they bank with me.) I think that we need to put pressure on the public organizations 
into at least being cross platform.

A previous correspondent, Chaim Gelfenbeyn, mentioned problems with Bank Discount's 
Java package. I'm not surprised,
since Java applets tend to be very platform sensitive - browser differences, JDK 
version differences, support (or
non-support) for Swing etc. etc.

The simple truth is, that we need to get our own act together - and this is no longer 
a Linux issue. For the moment, the
closest thing to cross platform standards  are exemplified by tools like Java, Tcl, 
Perl. Of these Java seems to be
the best candidate for the matters which interest us.

The issue is not, therefore Linux vs. FreeBSD vs. Unix vs. Windows vs. Mac vs.  . 
It is open standards (not
necessarily open source), vs. the old proprietary standards bogeyman.

Although this is a Linux list, we would be sticking our heads in the ground, 
ostrich-style, to tackle the problem as a
Linux issue.

I  suggest that ,

1. We close this discussion here.
2. IGLU might either initiate or take a more active part in a list dedicated to this 
specific issue.

Daniel Feiglin

Re: Vgames

2001-05-10 Thread Daniel Feiglin

Internet-Gold Service wrote:

 Dear Surfer, Please click on the attached file to view this message. Internet Gold 

Dear Sir,

My workstation runs under Linux using a Netscape browser without Hebrew support. 
Please send clear text messages in
English only! (Yes, I know that you don't support Linux, but let me remind you, that 
English is not a specifically
Linux product,  and you may use it without unduly upsetting Microsoft.)


Daniel Feiglin

Re: Vgames

2001-05-10 Thread Daniel Feiglin

Internet-Gold Service wrote:

 Dear Surfer, Please click on the attached file to view this message. Internet Gold 

(Attached file, index.html contains gobbeldygook.)

Dear Sir,

My workstation runs under Linux using a Netscape browser without Hebrew support. 
Please send clear text messages in
English only! (Yes, I know that you don't support Linux, but let me remind you, that 
English is not a specifically
Linux product,  and you may use it without unduly upsetting Microsoft.)


Daniel Feiglin

(Added note for IGLU: I presume that I'm not the only who has to put up with this sort 
of crap ...)

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RE: Vgames

2001-05-10 Thread Chen Shapira

 (Added note for IGLU: I presume that I'm not the only who has 
 to put up with this sort of crap ...)

And Isracard requires IE 5.0 *and* 800x600 screen resolution to view credit
info through the net.

Guys, I think we are a minority being ignored and harassed by companies.

Should we start an awareness campaign?

Chen Shapira.


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Re: Vgames

2001-05-10 Thread Nadav Har'El

On Thu, May 10, 2001, Chen Shapira wrote about RE: Vgames:
  (Added note for IGLU: I presume that I'm not the only who has 
  to put up with this sort of crap ...)
 And Isracard requires IE 5.0 *and* 800x600 screen resolution to view credit
 info through the net.
 Guys, I think we are a minority being ignored and harassed by companies.
 Should we start an awareness campaign?

I also saw another site,, which insists to not work
with Netscape (not just provide you a worse experience - it doesn't work at
all giving you a message about). It tells you something like the following,
in Hebrew (look at the actual site with Netscape for the original text):

Dear user, the new site of chever consumer club ltd. is an advanced content
site, which uses standard Hebrew representation only, and uses advanced
features of the broser. Since Netscape's products do not support standard
Hebrew and cannot perform certain advanced actions, and since Microsoft's
IE5.0 can be downloaded for free, and according to a survey this software
is used by most of the public (over 80%), this site can be viewed and used
using [only] IE5.x which you are invited to download and install on your
comuter. For your convenience we include a reference to a download site.

I was infuriated (actually, I think that was the intention of the guy that
sent it to me ;)). This kind of thinking is similar to the thinking of
companies who don't bother to be accessible to handicapped people, because
(let's face it) most people are not handicapped. I wrote a similar sign
which I suggest they should put on their building:

Dear user, the new building of Chever consumer club is an advanced building,
 which uses a three dimensional structure to offer you more content. Because
 certain wheelchairs do not support making use of the third dimension in
 the _standard_ way (i.e., walking up a staircase), and because people in
 weelchairs have relatives who can be sent instead (for free!) and because
 our survey shows that legs are in use for most of the public (over 80%),
 our building is usable for leg-users only. You are invited to install
 mechanic legs - for your convenience we include a reference to a good


Nadav Har'El| Thursday, May 10 2001, 17 Iyyar 5761
Phone: +972-53-245868, ICQ 13349191 |How could we possibly use sex to get   |what we want? Sex IS what we want! Fraser

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Re: Vgames

2001-05-10 Thread Ilya Konstantinov

On Thu, May 10, 2001 at 01:00:03PM +0300, Nadav Har'El wrote:

I do understand them in preferring to work with Logical Hebrew only.

In fact, what they're doing is more analogous putting a guard at the
entrance, preventing handicapped people from entering. Not to imply
Linux users are handicapped :)

Actually, we don't have to go and search for small Hebrew sites.
Try, owned by no other than Warner Brothers.
Especially try it from Mozilla or Konqueror. Notice the page offers you
no way to proceed further.

I have no problem with using advanced features. I do have a problem
with sites thinking (rather close-minded) they know what's good for me.

Best regards,
Ilya Konstantinov

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RE: Vgames

2001-05-10 Thread Matan Ziv-Av

On Thu, 10 May 2001, Chen Shapira wrote:

  (Added note for IGLU: I presume that I'm not the only who has
  to put up with this sort of crap ...)
 And Isracard requires IE 5.0 *and* 800x600 screen resolution to view credit
 info through the net.
 Guys, I think we are a minority being ignored and harassed by companies.
 Should we start an awareness campaign?

How about Cancelling your Isracard, ordering a Visa-cal instead, and
telling isracard what you did and why?
It should be more effective than an awareness campaign.

Visa-cal's site works OK with netscape, but unfortunately does not work
with konqueror. I am not sure if it is a konqueror bug or site design
bug yet.

On the same subject - is there a bank in israel that's it's online
banking (internet or direct modem connection) is usefull within linux?


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Re: Vgames

2001-05-10 Thread Tzafrir Cohen

On Thu, 10 May 2001, Nadav Har'El wrote:

 On Thu, May 10, 2001, Chen Shapira wrote about RE: Vgames:
   (Added note for IGLU: I presume that I'm not the only who has 
   to put up with this sort of crap ...)
  And Isracard requires IE 5.0 *and* 800x600 screen resolution to view credit
  info through the net.
  Guys, I think we are a minority being ignored and harassed by companies.
  Should we start an awareness campaign?
 I also saw another site,, which insists to not work
 with Netscape (not just provide you a worse experience - it doesn't work at
 all giving you a message about). It tells you something like the following,
 in Hebrew (look at the actual site with Netscape for the original text):

( how do I chenge the browser ID in netscape 4.x? I had no problem
browsing it using lynx, so it probably looks in the browser-ID for

 Dear user, the new site of chever consumer club ltd. is an advanced content
 site, which uses standard Hebrew representation only, and uses advanced
 features of the broser. Since Netscape's products do not support standard
 Hebrew and cannot perform certain advanced actions, and since Microsoft's
 IE5.0 can be downloaded for free, and according to a survey this software
 is used by most of the public (over 80%), this site can be viewed and used
 using [only] IE5.x which you are invited to download and install on your
 comuter. For your conveniencewe include a reference to a download site.

Actually, their standard-compliance assumtion is a bit wrong:

(that page used to also contain a link to the bdns461i: IBM's bidi-ed
netscape 4.61)

Actually the latest news is that the newest nightly builds of mozilla
/should/ contain bidi support compiled in (haven't tried it yet. just read
a message in a newgroup).

Netscape 4.x is indeed a problematic browser, with hebrew and with other
issues. It has been under-developed for a couple of years now...

The question is whether all of their advanced content uses w3c
standards, or MS-spesific standards.

 I was infuriated (actually, I think that was the intention of the guy that
 sent it to me ;)). This kind of thinking is similar to the thinking of
 companies who don't bother to be accessible to handicapped people, because
 (let's face it) most people are not handicapped. I wrote a similar sign
 which I suggest they should put on their building:
 Dear user, the new building of Chever consumer club is an advanced building,
 which uses a three dimensional structure to offer you more content. Because
 certain wheelchairs do not support making use of the third dimension in
 the _standard_ way (i.e., walking up a staircase), and because people in
 weelchairs have relatives who can be sent instead (for free!) and because
 our survey shows that legs are in use for most of the public (over 80%),
 our building is usable for leg-users only. You are invited to install
 mechanic legs - for your convenience we include a reference to a good

Not exactly a good analogy, because of the difficulty in obtaining
and installing MSIE5 comparing to a mechanical leg (and now you should try
explaining them why it is not availble for your spesific platform...)

Tzafrir Cohen

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Re: Vgames

2001-05-10 Thread Michael Rozhavsky


On Thu, May 10, 2001 at 01:22:18PM +0300, Matan Ziv-Av wrote:
 On the same subject - is there a bank in israel that's it's online
 banking (internet or direct modem connection) is usefull within linux?

I can connect to Bank Leumi with netscape on linux. The interface is English, but the 
content of the site is a 40% of Hebrew one. But in any case it is much better that 
Isracard :)

Unfortunately their site is rendered wrong in konqueror, but I'm not sure which side 
is buggy.

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   Michael Rozhavsky
   Optical Access
   Senior Software Engineer

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Re: Vgames

2001-05-10 Thread Daniel Feiglin

Matan Ziv-Av wrote:

 On Thu, 10 May 2001, Chen Shapira wrote:

   (Added note for IGLU: I presume that I'm not the only who has
   to put up with this sort of crap ...)
  And Isracard requires IE 5.0 *and* 800x600 screen resolution to view credit
  info through the net.
  Guys, I think we are a minority being ignored and harassed by companies.
  Should we start an awareness campaign?

 How about Cancelling your Isracard, ordering a Visa-cal instead, and
 telling isracard what you did and why?
 It should be more effective than an awareness campaign.

 Visa-cal's site works OK with netscape, but unfortunately does not work
 with konqueror. I am not sure if it is a konqueror bug or site design
 bug yet.

 On the same subject - is there a bank in israel that's it's online
 banking (internet or direct modem connection) is usefull within linux?


I doubt it. I got Minibank from Mizrachi. It's got some security stuff which is strict 
MS, and it is touted for Win 98 .
(It screwed up something in my Win 2000 partition that badly that I had to re-install, 
but that's another sad story.)
Linux? I wonder if the folks at Mizrachi know what it is.

Re: Vgames

2001-05-10 Thread Ury Segal

Daniel Feiglin wrote:

 Matan Ziv-Av wrote:

  On the same subject - is there a bank in israel that's it's online
  banking (internet or direct modem connection) is usefull within linux?

 I doubt it. I got Minibank from Mizrachi. It's got some security stuff which is 
strict MS, and it is touted for Win 98 .
 (It screwed up something in my Win 2000 partition that badly that I had to 
re-install, but that's another sad story.)
 Linux? I wonder if the folks at Mizrachi know what it is.

I use Bank Hapoalim's, beside some Hebrew problem it works On Netscape 4.76
On RedHat 6.2 ( Whatever that means )


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RE: Vgames

2001-05-10 Thread Chen Shapira

  I doubt it. I got Minibank from Mizrachi. It's got some 
 security stuff which is strict MS, and it is touted for Win 98 .
  (It screwed up something in my Win 2000 partition that 
 badly that I had to re-install, but that's another sad story.)
  Linux? I wonder if the folks at Mizrachi know what it is.
 I use Bank Hapoalim's, beside some Hebrew problem it works On 
 Netscape 4.76
 On RedHat 6.2 ( Whatever that means )

That's what community is for!

Now Daniel can ask his bank for a decent service, because he can tell them
that he has other options...

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Re: Vgames

2001-05-10 Thread Oded Arbel

On Thu, 10 May 2001, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:

  I also saw another site,, which insists to not work
  with Netscape (not just provide you a worse experience - it doesn't work at
  all giving you a message about). It tells you something like the following,
  in Hebrew (look at the actual site with Netscape for the original text):

 ( how do I chenge the browser ID in netscape 4.x? I had no problem
 browsing it using lynx, so it probably looks in the browser-ID for

It gives the same error message when I try to view the site using
Konqueror. worse - on my Mandrake 8.0, KDE 2.1.1, Konqueror crashes
imidietly after rendering the message.


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Re: Vgames

2001-05-10 Thread Stanislav Malyshev a.k.a Frodo

TC Actually the latest news is that the newest nightly builds of mozilla
TC /should/ contain bidi support compiled in (haven't tried it yet. just read
TC a message in a newgroup).

Does this mean there's a chance 0.9.[12] will have BiDi in? Can I
already order wine and candies to celebrate? :)

TC Netscape 4.x is indeed a problematic browser, with hebrew and with other
TC issues. It has been under-developed for a couple of years now...

Calling this pile of crap problematic browser is a great mercy to it. It
never was out of beta. It's stability would make Microsoft BSOD division
blush. It's standard compliance never existed. And it has blink tag.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  \/  There shall be counsels taken
Stanislav Malyshev  /\  Stronger than Morgul-spells
phone +972-3-9316425/\  JRRT LotR.  whois:!SM8333

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Re: Vgames

2001-05-10 Thread Stanislav Malyshev a.k.a Frodo

MR Unfortunately their site is rendered wrong in konqueror, but I'm
MR not sure which side is buggy.

I fear it's Konq. I saw a number of sites rendered OK with Mozilla but bad
with Konq. Or Mozilla is very forgiving (which rises aquestion why Konq
isn't), or Konq is buggy.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  \/  There shall be counsels taken
Stanislav Malyshev  /\  Stronger than Morgul-spells
phone +972-3-9316425/\  JRRT LotR.  whois:!SM8333

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Re: Vgames

2001-05-10 Thread dgi_il

 Calling this pile of crap problematic browser is a great mercy to it. It
 never was out of beta. It's stability would make Microsoft BSOD division
 blush. It's standard compliance never existed. And it has blink tag.
What's wrong with the blink tag?

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Re: Vgames

2001-05-10 Thread Marc A . Volovic

On Thu, May 10, 2001 at 10:36:25PM -, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  blush. It's standard compliance never existed. And it has blink tag.
 What's wrong with the blink tag?

Exactly. That is EXACTLY what is wrong with the blink tag. Some 
benighted soul has the temerity to use the blink tag and not
understand the depravity of the mechanism.

Oh tempora, oh mores!

   Linguists Do It Cunningly
Marc A. Volovic  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Vgames

2001-05-10 Thread Ilya Konstantinov

On Thu, May 10, 2001 at 10:24:28PM +0300, Stanislav Malyshev a.k.a Frodo wrote:
 TC Actually the latest news is that the newest nightly builds of mozilla
 TC /should/ contain bidi support compiled in (haven't tried it yet. just read
 TC a message in a newgroup).
 Does this mean there's a chance 0.9.[12] will have BiDi in? Can I
 already order wine and candies to celebrate? :)

Yes, BiDi support is available in the latest Nightly, along with
numerous other enhancements which didn't make it into 0.9 (a new cooler
version of Modern theme, IE-like offer to search for in the
autocomplete popup etc.)

Unfortunately, BiDi support is horribly buggy and kept crashing on
trivial sites, unlike Konqueror. Crashes were especially common on
Hebrew sites. We can all try and elevate those issues for main
attention by downloading a Talkback-enabled version and sending every
crash event we experience. Redundant is not bad here -- it actually
just increases the importance of the same bug!

As to KHTML (used by Konq), it's much more forgiving than Mozilla.
Heck, it implements a 'document.all' object (for IE compatibility)!

Best regards,
Ilya Konstantinov

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