Re: [LIH] Squid Help - site block

2001-03-22 Thread Suresh Ramasubramanian

Dr. Sudhir Kumar rearranged electrons thusly:

> How can I deny some sites ( etc.) using squid 2.3.x?

acl banned [regexp]

Suresh Ramasubramanian  <-->  mallet  efn  org
EMail Sturmbannfuhrer, Lower Middle Class Unix Sysadmin

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Re: [LIH] Squid to filter client requests

2001-03-20 Thread Suresh Ramasubramanian

Sudhir Kumar rearranged electrons thusly:

> How can I make Squid to filter (allow or deny  deny, in specific) some
> client requests. I wish to block some sites of net owing to very poor
> bandwidth that we have. Please help

acl banned [regexp]
See the sample squid.conf file


Suresh Ramasubramanian  <-->  mallet  efn  org
EMail Sturmbannfuhrer, Lower Middle Class Unix Sysadmin

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Re: [LIH] Squid [was DSL Setup]

2001-03-17 Thread Devdas Bhagat

On Thu, 15 Mar 2001, Jiju Thomas Mathew spewed into the ether:
> > I recommend using large squid cache along with NAT.
> is 1200 mb enough for a lan of 10 machines ?
> daily average intake is less than 1Gig
Thats huge. 200 MB will suffice.
Put up junkbuster, configure it to block ads, and the cache will be 
even more useful.
Devdas Bhagat
"All Bibles are man-made."
-- Thomas Edison

The mailing list archives are available at

Re: [LIH] Squid [was DSL Setup]

2001-03-15 Thread Jiju Thomas Mathew

> I recommend using large squid cache along with NAT.
is 1200 mb enough for a lan of 10 machines ?
daily average intake is less than 1Gig

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Re: [LIH] Squid [was DSL Setup]

2001-03-15 Thread Upendra

Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:
> I generally use only NAT instead of running a proxy.

I recommend using large squid cache along with NAT.


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Re: [LIH] squid proxy and greetings websites

2001-03-06 Thread sreangsu acharyya

On Tue, 6 Mar 2001, Jiju Thomas Mathew wrote:

> I did this
> echo '8192' > /proc/sys/fs/file-max
> echo '32768' > /proc/sys/fs/inode-max
> and the problem is gone

quite puzzled!! how does increasing the max no of open files and max
number of open nodes fix this. Was it that earlier it was not able to
create that many temporary files. 
  BTW how did you come across this soln ? 

> - Original Message -
> > quite okay, other than some greetings sites, especially
> > and there
> > the pictures are not displayed properly.  Also certian

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Re: [LIH] squid proxy and greetings websites

2001-03-06 Thread Jiju Thomas Mathew

I did this
echo '8192' > /proc/sys/fs/file-max
echo '32768' > /proc/sys/fs/inode-max
and the problem is gone

but now another one, Microsoft Netmeeting connects to other
machines, but bi-directional communication is impossible.
ie, no incoming voice is received.
 any idea ?

- Original Message -
From: Jiju Thomas Mathew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: 04 March, 2001 10:29 AM
Subject: [LIH] squid proxy and greetings websites

> hi all
> I had setup a cafe server last week, after throwing out Win ME
> and putting RedHat 6.2 and squid.  The whole setup is working
> quite okay, other than some greetings sites, especially
> and there
> the pictures are not displayed properly.  Also certian
> mail accounts on yahoo refuses to show attached gif and jpegs.
> any idea ?
> jiju
> --
> Find out more about this and other Linux India
> mailing lists at

Find out more about this and other Linux India 
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Re: [LIH] squid proxy and greetings websites

2001-03-05 Thread Vijay Deval

Dear Jiju

May be it needs some plug-ins to netscape. Recently I had a mail with
animation. It pointed to flash_linux site, which I downloaded and
installed The mail started showing animation. However some of the things
did not work, for it demanded more permissions for different things, and
I was not too keen to read it as root.


Jiju Thomas Mathew wrote:
> hi all
> I had setup a cafe server last week, after throwing out Win ME
> and putting RedHat 6.2 and squid.  The whole setup is working
> quite okay, other than some greetings sites, especially
> and there
> the pictures are not displayed properly.  Also certian
> mail accounts on yahoo refuses to show attached gif and jpegs.
> any idea ?
> jiju

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Re: [LIH] squid proxy and greetings websites

2001-03-04 Thread Indraneel Majumdar

squid does have certain options to enable/disable caching of gifs and
jpegs. Maybe you need to disable it and set it up so that the images are
requested everytime the page reloads from the cache or otherwise. Check
out the squid.conf . Most of the options are disabled by default in redHat
and work only for localhost.


On Sun, 4 Mar 2001, Jiju Thomas Mathew wrote:

> the pictures are not displayed properly.  Also certian
> mail accounts on yahoo refuses to show attached gif and jpegs.


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RE: [LIH] squid and hostnames containing underscore

2001-02-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Jiju Thomas Mathew spewed into the ether:

> is refused by squid and says
AFAIK, the _ is disallowed in a URI. Only [A-Za-z0-9-] are allowed as legal characters.

Devdas Bhagat

For Valentine's Day shop by Brand, Product, Price, Store and Location!

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Re: [LIH] squid and hostnames containing underscore

2001-02-14 Thread Suresh Ramasubramanian

Dwivedi Ajay kumar rearranged electrons thusly:

> On Wed, 14 Feb 2001, Jiju Thomas Mathew wrote:
> > is refused by squid and says
> > there is illegal double escape or so in the hostname.
>   The hostname is invalid becauase a valid internet hostnane can
> only have alphabets(cast insensitive), digits and the hyphen (-) in
> them. I think there is some rfc regarding the host naming convention but I
> forgot which one.

RFC 2068 - dealing with HTTP/1.1, for one 

Try this quote from "DNS tips and tricks" - and these are from people like
Vixie, Mockapetris etc ...

  Legal characters in hostnames

   Domain names can contain almost any characters. However, host names and mail domain 
   have restrictions which only allow the use of characters `a-z', `A-Z', `0-9', and 
   (dash or minus sign). The `/' and `_' (divide or slash and underscore) characters 
are not
   legal. Note that hostnames include the owners of A and MX records and 
   records, and the data fields of MX and PTR records: in other words, 
   all currently used DNS entries! The current releases of the BIND name server 
   enforce these restrictions. 20-Nov-1997, 10-Apr-1996

>   (So squid is just conforming to the standard, nothing else )
Yeah.  And vsplash's got a problem, I see ...


Suresh Ramasubramanian  <-->  mallet  efn  org
EMail Sturmbannfuhrer, Lower Middle Class Unix Sysadmin
"What separates normal people from kooks is how they react when people disagree
with them or tell them "NO"  <-- Ron Ritzman on

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Re: [LIH] squid and hostnames containing underscore

2001-02-14 Thread Dwivedi Ajay kumar

On Wed, 14 Feb 2001, Jiju Thomas Mathew wrote:

> is refused by squid and says
> there is illegal double escape or so in the hostname.

The hostname is invalid becauase a valid internet hostnane can
only have alphabets(cast insensitive), digits and the hyphen (-) in
them. I think there is some rfc regarding the host naming convention but I
forgot which one.
(So squid is just conforming to the standard, nothing else )


#!!!If anything can go wrong, _FIX_ it. (To hell with MURPHY)

Ajay kumar Dwivedi

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Re: [LIH] squid and hostnames containing underscore

2001-02-13 Thread Binand Raj S.

Jiju Thomas Mathew forced the electrons to say:
> Now the site is refused by squid and says
> there is illegal double escape or so in the hostname.

An underscore is an illegal character in an Internet hostname. Can't
quote the RFC off hand, but you can check it up. You might need to
recompile squid. It is your hosting service's mistake that they are not
following RFCs.


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Re: [LIH] Squid Proxy Server

2001-01-30 Thread G.Sagar


If you are using RH, goto setup and enable squid !

- Sagar.

- Original Message -
From: Surjo Das <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear Friends,

How do I ensure that the squid proxy service comes up during the system
startup.   Everytime after the system comes up and logging in as root I
have to run

/etc/rc.d/init.d/squid start

Is there any way that squid will come up automatically ?  Kindly help me

The mailing list archives are available at

Re: [LIH] Squid Proxy Server

2001-01-29 Thread Dhiran Rajbhandari

Run following command:
# chkconfig --add squid
# chkconfig --level 345 squid on

or run setup and choose system services and select squid to start the 
or put the script ie. /etc/rc.d/init.d/squid in /etc/rc.d/rc.local file../


At 04:11 PM 1/28/01 +0530, you wrote:
>Dear Friends,
>How do I ensure that the squid proxy service comes up during the system 
>startup.   Everytime after the system comes up and logging in as root I 
>have to run
>/etc/rc.d/init.d/squid start
>Is there any way that squid will come up automatically ?  Kindly help me out.
>Surjo Das.
>LIH is all for free speech.  But it was created
>for a purpose.  Violations of the rules of
>this list will result in stern action.

D h i r a n  R a j b h a n d a r i
Senior Executive
ATC Communications Network
7/28 Adarsh Nagar, Birgunj, Nepal
Ph: 051-24075, 22276
"All man die, but matter how you die."
"Software is like sex; it's better when it's free."
"Never trust a software package you don't have sources for."

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Re: [LIH] Squid Proxy Server

2001-01-29 Thread RaghuNath L

just create a file in rc3.d S94squid and create the link to ../init.d/squid

this will make the squid to come up when rebooted also try with ntsysv --level 3

PS: iam assuming init defualt as 3.

Surjo Das wrote:

> Dear Friends,
> How do I ensure that the squid proxy service comes up during the system startup.   
>Everytime after the system comes up and logging in as root I have to run
> /etc/rc.d/init.d/squid start
> Is there any way that squid will come up automatically ?  Kindly help me out.
> Regards,
> Surjo Das.

Regards   ph:5099025
RaghuNath L   pager:9624395369
WSS-Team,Texas Instruments India.
 You have to live on the edge of reality -
 to make your dreams come true!!!

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Re: [[LIH] Squid Proxy Server]

2001-01-29 Thread sandeep rohila

Use RC Script for that matter
/etc/rc3.d and write a script for starting the proxy server

"Surjo Das" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dear Friends,

How do I ensure that the squid proxy service comes up during the system
startup.   Everytime after the system comes up and logging in as root I have
to run

/etc/rc.d/init.d/squid start

Is there any way that squid will come up automatically ?  Kindly help me out.


Surjo Das.

> - 
>   Attachment: text/plain 
>   MIME Type: text/plain 
> - 
> - 
>   Attachment: text/plain 
>   MIME Type: text/plain 
> - 

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Re: [LIH] Squid Problem

2000-10-05 Thread jthoma

On Fri, Sep 08, 2000 at 09:19:43PM -0700, nilesh vaghela wrote:
> Hi!
> I am nilesh
> I have installed a Squid for proxy purpose. Working
> fine and with excellent speed. Linux server and win 98
> clients. 
> But the only problem is CHating is not working.

u need ip forwarding for chat to work
try running pcqupdt script, if u have PCQ RedHat 6.(1/2)

Jiju Thomas Mathew (MCSE, DCME)
techsupport and linux:
company web:

Red Hat Linux release 6.1 (Cartman)
Linux Version 2.2.12-20, Compiled #5 Mon Sep 4 21:26:43 IST 2000
One 100MHz Intel Pentium Processor, 16M RAM, 39.73 Bogomips Total

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Re: [LIH] Squid Problem

2000-10-05 Thread jthoma

see my tech support, where a cyber cafe server
installation guideline is provided

> Did you start ip forwarding??
> > ICQ? Yahoo? what?
> > 
> > > But the only problem is CHating is not working.
> > >
> > > But it is working on Linux server.
> > >

Jiju Thomas Mathew (MCSE, DCME)
techsupport and linux:
company web:

Red Hat Linux release 6.1 (Cartman)
Linux Version 2.2.12-20, Compiled #5 Mon Sep 4 21:26:43 IST 2000
One 100MHz Intel Pentium Processor, 16M RAM, 39.73 Bogomips Total

LIH is all for free speech.  But it was created
for a purpose.  Violations of the rules of
this list will result in stern action.

Re: [LIH] Squid Problem

2000-09-13 Thread Yunus Shaikh

> > chat cannot work thru squid, 

run pcqupd script from PCQ CDS  and ENable Internet Gatewaying 
The Pcq Script will generate a rc.local to do ip forwarding automatically
Please Note if you are running PCQUPD script from 6.2 CD 
you will need to change /etc/rc.d/rc.local replace all modprobe module.o 
with just module 
for eg modprobe path/ip_masq_irc.o to  modprobe path/ip_masq_irc

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Re: [LIH] Squid Problem

2000-09-09 Thread ajay chaudhari

Did you start ip forwarding??

Do that,

--- VaibhaV Sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> what kind of chatting?
> ICQ? Yahoo? what?
> It seems you blocked all the traffic on your
> firewall and allowed ONLY squid
> to go through. Seems you read that squid transparent
> proxy faq and
> implemented that.
> But cant tell you anymore till I know more about
> your setup.
> VaibhaV
> Network Engineer
> Ebot TechnoSoft Ltd.
> Indore
> - Original Message -
> From: nilesh vaghela <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, September 09, 2000 9:49 AM
> Subject: [LIH] Squid Problem
> > Hi!
> > I am nilesh
> >
> > I have installed a Squid for proxy purpose.
> Working
> > fine and with excellent speed. Linux server and
> win 98
> > clients.
> >
> > But the only problem is CHating is not working.
> >
> > But it is working on Linux server.
> >
> > I tried a lot. Could not get the solution.
> >
> > Any body can help me.
> >
> > Thans from Nilesh.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > __
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from
> anywhere!
> >
> >
> > --
> > An alpha version of a web based tool to manage
> > your subscription with this mailing list is at
> >
> >
> --
> An alpha version of a web based tool to manage
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Re: [LIH] Squid Problem

2000-09-08 Thread VaibhaV Sharma

what kind of chatting?

ICQ? Yahoo? what?

It seems you blocked all the traffic on your firewall and allowed ONLY squid
to go through. Seems you read that squid transparent proxy faq and
implemented that.

But cant tell you anymore till I know more about your setup.

Network Engineer
Ebot TechnoSoft Ltd.

- Original Message -
From: nilesh vaghela <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, September 09, 2000 9:49 AM
Subject: [LIH] Squid Problem

> Hi!
> I am nilesh
> I have installed a Squid for proxy purpose. Working
> fine and with excellent speed. Linux server and win 98
> clients.
> But the only problem is CHating is not working.
> But it is working on Linux server.
> I tried a lot. Could not get the solution.
> Any body can help me.
> Thans from Nilesh.
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!
> --
> An alpha version of a web based tool to manage
> your subscription with this mailing list is at

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Re: [LIH] Squid

2000-08-25 Thread Linux Admin


You can download it from :



parag mehta
- Original Message - 
From: "Derryl Madtha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, August 26, 2000 8:58 AM
Subject: [LIH] Squid

> hi all,
>  From which site can i download squid proxy
> server.
> How do i install it on a RH6.2 srv. Can anyone help
> me.
> thanks in advance.
> darryl
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!
> --
> The mailing list archives are available at

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2000-08-20 Thread jthoma

On Thu, Aug 17, 2000 at 11:03:05PM -0700, Suraj Peri wrote:
> when i start the squid  i get a message called:
> FATAL : Store UFs DIR parse:invalid size value
> squid Cache (version 2.3.STABLE):Terminated abnormally
> CPU Usage:0.020 Seconds=0.020user+0.000 Sys
> Maximum resident size =0kb
> Page faults with physical i/o:169
try removing the squid cache
and recreating it 

Jiju Thomas Mathew

Red Hat Linux release 6.1 (Cartman)
Linux Version 2.2.12-20, Compiled #1 Mon Sep 27 10:25:54 EDT 1999
One 100MHz Intel Pentium Processor, 16M RAM, 39.73 Bogomips Total

LIH is all for free speech.  But it was created
for a purpose.  Violations of the rules of
this list will result in stern action.


2000-08-18 Thread Indraneel Majumdar

Sorry for this late reply. Check if your filesystem is OK. It should be if
there are no booting problems. There seems to be an error in your cache. I
don't know if there are any tools in squid to rebuild your cache. You
might try removing everything under the cache directory and starting squid
(hopefully squid will initialise the cache again). Or you can try
uninstalling and reinstalling squid. (Make a backup of squid.conf first).
In both these methods you'll lose everything in the cache.


On Thu, 17 Aug 2000, Suraj Peri wrote:

> Hi friends,
> I am presently using SQUID as a proxy and cache server
> on RH 6.2 Linux.
>  Squid is good and works properly .. but i have a
> problem now.
> when i start the squid  i get a message called:
> FATAL : Store UFs DIR parse:invalid size value
> squid Cache (version 2.3.STABLE):Terminated abnormally
> CPU Usage:0.020 Seconds=0.020user+0.000 Sys
> Maximum resident size =0kb
> Page faults with physical i/o:169
> So  above is the message i get when i type squid at
> prompt, previously i get nothing and squid used to
> start now  my broser keeps on searching for the server

# Indraneel Majumdar  ¡  E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #
# Bioinformatics Unit (EMBNET node),  ¡  URL:  #
# Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics, #
# Hyderabad, India - 500076  #

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2000-08-17 Thread Suraj Peri

Hi friends,
I am presently using SQUID as a proxy and cache server
on RH 6.2 Linux.
 Squid is good and works properly .. but i have a
problem now.
when i start the squid  i get a message called:
FATAL : Store UFs DIR parse:invalid size value
squid Cache (version 2.3.STABLE):Terminated abnormally
CPU Usage:0.020 Seconds=0.020user+0.000 Sys
Maximum resident size =0kb
Page faults with physical i/o:169

So  above is the message i get when i type squid at
prompt, previously i get nothing and squid used to
start now  my broser keeps on searching for the server
Pinging is normal . 
Network is established
Please can anyone suggest the solution as this is
limiting us providing service to our users.
Many thanks.
Suraj Peri
Bioinformatics Centre 
M.S.Universtiy of Baroda 
390 002

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Re: [LIH] Squid problem

2000-08-16 Thread Pinku Hussain

1. Delete all the cache_dir from /var/spool/squid

2. Change the value of cache-dir /var/spool/squid 100 
16 256 to 300 32 256

3. Run squid -z

Hope this will work.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am running squid on RH6.2 on 8.2 GB HDD.
> The squid is stopping after some time and 
> /var/log/messages shows 
> you have run out of swap file numbers
> I am using default value cache_dir /var/spool/squid
> 100 16 256
> But df - k shows 60% free space is available on HDD
> Any advice?
> S N Krishna Rao
> C.F.T.R.I.
> Mysore - 570 013
> India
> --
> The mailing list archives are available at

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LIH is all for free speech.  But it was created
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Re: [LIH] squid & administration

2000-06-26 Thread Shanker Balan

Rajesh Fowkar saw fit to inform LIH that: 
>Is there any utility to monitor Squid Proxy server ?

Yes! There are some cgi(?) scripts that so it for you. The debs for the
same are packaged as squid-cgi-xx.deb. You will have to run an http server
on the squid box to use them.

Try a freshmeat search.

-- Shanu

 -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -  -( Shanu )  -  -
 Shanker Balan  Debian GNU/Linux
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Woody Powered

LIH is all for free speech.  But it was created for a purpose - to help
people discuss issues about installing and running Linux.  If your
messages are counterproductive to this purpose, your privileges to
submit messages can and will be revoked.

Re: [LIH] Squid gives Access Denied

2000-05-25 Thread rakesh pawar

--- Vishwanath Paranjape <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >
have u edite the squid.conf and configured acl
> properly?
> vish
> -Original Message-
> To: Linux-India-Help
> Date: Wednesday, May 24, 2000 4:46 AM
> Subject: [LIH] Squid gives Access Denied
> >Hi all,
> >I have Successfully Configured Linux as a
> Gateway for Accessing
> >Internet. we are using Win95 as node ans Linux (RH
> 6.1) as as the Internet
> >Gateway.
> >When we configure DNS and Gateway in Win 95, it
> works fine but when we
> >configure the IE 5.0's Proxy setting and ask for
> any web Page it displays
> an
> >Error Message that the Access is denied.
> >Why is it so. I have Checked the whole squid.conf
> file but could not get
> any
> >thing which is wrongly set.
> >
> >Please Help as soon as Possible.
> >
> >Thanks in Advance
> >
> >-Nitin Srivastava
> >
> >Note : (SQUID.CONF not Attached)
> >I am not attaching the squid.conf file but if
> necessary I can send it to
> >that individual person to very who asks to check
> it. in this way it will
> not
> >take the bandwidth of the List.
> >
> >
> >For more information on the LIH mailing list see:
> >
> >
> The LIH mailing list archives are available at:

   You can send the squid.conf to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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Re: [LIH] Squid gives Access Denied

2000-05-25 Thread Vishwanath Paranjape

have u edite the squid.conf and configured acl properly?

-Original Message-
To: Linux-India-Help <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, May 24, 2000 4:46 AM
Subject: [LIH] Squid gives Access Denied

>Hi all,
>I have Successfully Configured Linux as a Gateway for Accessing
>Internet. we are using Win95 as node ans Linux (RH 6.1) as as the Internet
>When we configure DNS and Gateway in Win 95, it works fine but when we
>configure the IE 5.0's Proxy setting and ask for any web Page it displays
>Error Message that the Access is denied.
>Why is it so. I have Checked the whole squid.conf file but could not get
>thing which is wrongly set.
>Please Help as soon as Possible.
>Thanks in Advance
>-Nitin Srivastava
>Note : (SQUID.CONF not Attached)
>I am not attaching the squid.conf file but if necessary I can send it to
>that individual person to very who asks to check it. in this way it will
>take the bandwidth of the List.
>For more information on the LIH mailing list see:

The LIH mailing list archives are available at:

Re: [LIH] Squid gives Access Denied

2000-05-23 Thread rakesh pawar

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Hi all,
> I have Successfully Configured Linux as a
> Gateway for Accessing
> Internet. we are using Win95 as node ans Linux (RH
> 6.1) as as the Internet
> Gateway.
> When we configure DNS and Gateway in Win 95, it
> works fine but when we
> configure the IE 5.0's Proxy setting and ask for any
> web Page it displays an
> Error Message that the Access is denied.
> Why is it so. I have Checked the whole squid.conf
> file but could not get any
> thing which is wrongly set.
> Please Help as soon as Possible.
> Thanks in Advance
> -Nitin Srivastava
> Note : (SQUID.CONF not Attached)
> I am not attaching the squid.conf file but if
> necessary I can send it to
> that individual person to very who asks to check it.
> in this way it will not
> take the bandwidth of the List.
> For more information on the LIH mailing list see:

Hi Nitin,

I would like to have a view of your squid.conf to see
the various settings and we would mail you the
repaired copy but in the mean while pl. do not delete
the existing file.


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Re: [LIH] Squid Problem: Log Entries mentioned

2000-05-03 Thread Madhesh wara


  I have only two linux partitions
   /swap --- 128 MB
   / --- 1.5 GB

Where actually are the squid cache files located and
how much is the minimum space required.


--- Kedar Patankar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >   In continuation with my squid problem, i have
> > mentioned the log file entries below.  Squid proxy
> is
>   Is your /var on a separate partition, and if so how
> much space is
> available there?
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Re: [LIH] Squid Problem: Log Entries mentioned

2000-05-03 Thread Kedar Patankar

>   In continuation with my squid problem, i have
> mentioned the log file entries below.  Squid proxy is

Is your /var on a separate partition, and if so how much space is
available there?

For more information on the LIH mailing list see:

Re: [LIH] Squid

2000-04-10 Thread Rohit

>   I am using Redhat 6.1 on my system.  I would like to
> know whether squid proxy is inbuilt in RH 6.1.  If
> yes, then what are the documentations to be referred
> and what are the configuration files.

Nothing is really in-built in Linux that way. It is whether there or not
in the stock
installation. And you can always download an application of your own,
the source from scratch, install on your machine and run it. Squid is one
of the thousand
applications which are available for use on Linux.

Download the rpm/tar archieves for squid if locate squid does not give you
an answer
to your query. Read the manuals, info pages.. and then get back.


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Re: [LIH] Squid

2000-04-10 Thread Kedar Patankar

>   I am using Redhat 6.1 on my system.  I would like to
> know whether squid proxy is inbuilt in RH 6.1.  If
> yes, then what are the documentations to be referred
> and what are the configuration files.

Yes, squid has been available on standard RedHat since ages.
Install squid-1.1.22-2.i386.rpm
and then RTFM - /usr/doc/squid-*/


Kedar N. Patankar.
Senior Software Engineer.
Ishoni Networks India Pvt. Ltd.

Don't worry over what other people are thinking about you.
They're too busy worrying over what you are thinking about them.

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