Re: GPL vs non-GPL device drivers

2007-02-25 Thread D. Hazelton
On Sunday 25 February 2007 19:47, David Schwartz wrote:

> > Similary, there are many ways to write inline functions present in
> > headers, and no, embedded developer being lazy does not mean they can
> > copy those functions into their proprietary module.
> Yes, it does. Have you read Lexmark v. Static Controls? You can take what
> you need to interoperate.

This is apples and oranges, to use your idiom. In that case Lexmark had the 
code in the toner cartridges had to have a specific SHA1 hash in order for 
the printer to recognize them. Because the only way, then, to produce a 
functional toner cartridge for the printer was to *copy* that code *exactly*. 
In the case of a system where this is not the case, then you are free to 
write your own interface functions. If Lexmark had *not* been using a SHA1 
hash to validate that the cartridge was produced by them (and that is the 
real reason - Lexmark wanted to lock users of their printers into buying new 
toner cartridges from them) the case would have gone against Static Controls. 
The Lexmark v Static Controls decision applies only to interfaces where there 
is only, literally, one way to do it. What this means is that, yes, any use 
of the code in a GPL'd product that could be written in another manner is not 
covered by the "interoperability standard" that Lexmark v Static Controls 
describes. (No argument here, people: Lexmark v. Static Controls basically 
says "Since the only way for this replacement toner cartridge to work was to 
have the 'Toner Loading Program' exactly copied from one of the cartridges 
produced by Lexmark doing such is fair use." All application of this 
precedent to other things must show the exact same thing - namely that the 
*one* and *only* way for something you have designed/written to fulfill its 
purpose is to rely on a copy of a copyrighted work.  This ruling *only* 
applies to making computers, peripherals or parts of those peripherals and 
the copyrighted item that makes it interoperable.

Lexmark v. Static Controls does not give people carte blanche to use 
interfaces to programs that could be re-implemented by them without causing 
the output to stop functioning. In the given example the work including the 
GPL'd header file and using its functions is in violation of the GPL if not 
released under the GPL but is distributed. Why? Because unless there was some 
form of lock-in making those functions a requirement for interoperability 
the "Evil Hacker" could have written and used his own versions and his 
plugin/program would still have been interoperable.

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Re: GPL vs non-GPL device drivers

2007-02-25 Thread D. Hazelton
On Sunday 25 February 2007 06:54, Michael K. Edwards wrote:
> On 2/25/07, Pavel Machek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> But a 20KLoC 3-D graphics driver that happens to #include
>  is not thereby a "derivative work" of the kernel,
> no matter how many entrypoints are labeled EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL or
> provided as inline functions.  And under the Lexmark standard,
> MODULE_LICENSE("GPL") with a disclaimer in the doco is by far the
> sanest way to deal with the EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL mind games, and likely
> (IANAL, TINLA) to be endorsed by any court in the US and probably lots
> of other places too.  Especially when the graphics chip maker explains
> that keeping their driver source code closed isn't really an attempt
> to hide their knowledge under a bushel basket.  It's a defensive
> measure against having their retail margins destroyed by nitwits who
> take out all the busy-wait loops and recompile with -O9 to get another
> tenth of a frame per second, and then pretend ignorance when
> attempting to return their slagged GPU at Fry's.

At that point, Mike, you are treading on *very* thin ice. With Intel having 
released the complete source to their chipsets and with the number of totally 
free 3D drivers that don't slag GPU's...

However - if the hardware is really that fickle then why is it on the market? 
Yes, it can run hot enough to slag itself - all modern CPU's run the same 
risk. Yet people, mostly the "Power Gamers", will push a CPU beyond their 
rated spec's and have it riding the edge of thermal breakdown. Because of the 
nature of the 3D accelerator market most manufacturers (of the chips 
themselves) have already pushed their chips to that thermal edge, and some of 
the makers of the boards will even provide the end user means to push the 
chips even further.

However, even *with* some hardware manufacturers providing a way for the 
end-user to do it, pushing the componets to the edge of thermal breakdown (or 
beyond and keeping them in check through an active cooling system) is 
not "normal and expected use". As well, if the that is the argument that 
NVidia and ATI use (that they are worried about people recompiling the code 
with busy-loops stripped out) then they don't know the Open Source community 
well. In general the people that are most likely to recompile the driver with 
the busy-loops removed don't run Open Source systems - they run Windows. 
Those people are called "competetive gamers" and 99% of the games they play 
are only available for Windows.

What I'm trying to say is: Just like the "It gives away too much information 
on our IP" claim, the "People will recompile it with code needed to keep it 
from destroying itself" claim is bunk. Even moreso if their code is 
documented well enough that the purpose of the busy-wait loop is clear.

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Re: GPL vs non-GPL device drivers

2007-02-25 Thread D. Hazelton
On Sunday 25 February 2007 06:54, Michael K. Edwards wrote:
 On 2/25/07, Pavel Machek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 But a 20KLoC 3-D graphics driver that happens to #include
 linux/whatever.h is not thereby a derivative work of the kernel,
 no matter how many entrypoints are labeled EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL or
 provided as inline functions.  And under the Lexmark standard,
 MODULE_LICENSE(GPL) with a disclaimer in the doco is by far the
 sanest way to deal with the EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL mind games, and likely
 (IANAL, TINLA) to be endorsed by any court in the US and probably lots
 of other places too.  Especially when the graphics chip maker explains
 that keeping their driver source code closed isn't really an attempt
 to hide their knowledge under a bushel basket.  It's a defensive
 measure against having their retail margins destroyed by nitwits who
 take out all the busy-wait loops and recompile with -O9 to get another
 tenth of a frame per second, and then pretend ignorance when
 attempting to return their slagged GPU at Fry's.

At that point, Mike, you are treading on *very* thin ice. With Intel having 
released the complete source to their chipsets and with the number of totally 
free 3D drivers that don't slag GPU's...

However - if the hardware is really that fickle then why is it on the market? 
Yes, it can run hot enough to slag itself - all modern CPU's run the same 
risk. Yet people, mostly the Power Gamers, will push a CPU beyond their 
rated spec's and have it riding the edge of thermal breakdown. Because of the 
nature of the 3D accelerator market most manufacturers (of the chips 
themselves) have already pushed their chips to that thermal edge, and some of 
the makers of the boards will even provide the end user means to push the 
chips even further.

However, even *with* some hardware manufacturers providing a way for the 
end-user to do it, pushing the componets to the edge of thermal breakdown (or 
beyond and keeping them in check through an active cooling system) is 
not normal and expected use. As well, if the that is the argument that 
NVidia and ATI use (that they are worried about people recompiling the code 
with busy-loops stripped out) then they don't know the Open Source community 
well. In general the people that are most likely to recompile the driver with 
the busy-loops removed don't run Open Source systems - they run Windows. 
Those people are called competetive gamers and 99% of the games they play 
are only available for Windows.

What I'm trying to say is: Just like the It gives away too much information 
on our IP claim, the People will recompile it with code needed to keep it 
from destroying itself claim is bunk. Even moreso if their code is 
documented well enough that the purpose of the busy-wait loop is clear.

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Re: GPL vs non-GPL device drivers

2007-02-25 Thread D. Hazelton
On Sunday 25 February 2007 19:47, David Schwartz wrote:

  Similary, there are many ways to write inline functions present in
  headers, and no, embedded developer being lazy does not mean they can
  copy those functions into their proprietary module.

 Yes, it does. Have you read Lexmark v. Static Controls? You can take what
 you need to interoperate.

This is apples and oranges, to use your idiom. In that case Lexmark had the 
code in the toner cartridges had to have a specific SHA1 hash in order for 
the printer to recognize them. Because the only way, then, to produce a 
functional toner cartridge for the printer was to *copy* that code *exactly*. 
In the case of a system where this is not the case, then you are free to 
write your own interface functions. If Lexmark had *not* been using a SHA1 
hash to validate that the cartridge was produced by them (and that is the 
real reason - Lexmark wanted to lock users of their printers into buying new 
toner cartridges from them) the case would have gone against Static Controls. 
The Lexmark v Static Controls decision applies only to interfaces where there 
is only, literally, one way to do it. What this means is that, yes, any use 
of the code in a GPL'd product that could be written in another manner is not 
covered by the interoperability standard that Lexmark v Static Controls 
describes. (No argument here, people: Lexmark v. Static Controls basically 
says Since the only way for this replacement toner cartridge to work was to 
have the 'Toner Loading Program' exactly copied from one of the cartridges 
produced by Lexmark doing such is fair use. All application of this 
precedent to other things must show the exact same thing - namely that the 
*one* and *only* way for something you have designed/written to fulfill its 
purpose is to rely on a copy of a copyrighted work.  This ruling *only* 
applies to making computers, peripherals or parts of those peripherals and 
the copyrighted item that makes it interoperable.

Lexmark v. Static Controls does not give people carte blanche to use 
interfaces to programs that could be re-implemented by them without causing 
the output to stop functioning. In the given example the work including the 
GPL'd header file and using its functions is in violation of the GPL if not 
released under the GPL but is distributed. Why? Because unless there was some 
form of lock-in making those functions a requirement for interoperability 
the Evil Hacker could have written and used his own versions and his 
plugin/program would still have been interoperable.

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Re: GPL vs non-GPL device drivers

2007-02-22 Thread D. Hazelton
On Thursday 22 February 2007 09:10, Alan wrote:
> > As a side note: The distinct wording of the GPL actually *invalidates*
> > the GNU/FSF claim that dynamically linking a work with, say, the readline
> > library,  means the work is a derivative of said library. The GPL states
> > (in
> Not that I can see no, but you could take this to a list with lawyers not
> programmers on and improve life for both parties

See Section/clause 0 of the GPL. 

> > clause 0) that the license only covers copying, modification and
> > distribution. Unless they are confusing "Linking" with "copying" or
> > "creating a derivative work" the claim is invalid - because, as it has
> > been shown, a mechanical process such as compilation or linking *cannot*
> > create a derivative work.
> If you take the microsoft windows source code and compile it yourself
> believe me you will get sued if you ship the resulting binaries and you
> will lose in court.

But that's because it is *WINDOWS*, which, unless specifically granted to you, 
does not include a transfer of the right to distribute in *ANY* form. Every 
PC manufacturer that wants to distribute Windows on new machines they produce 
*MUST* sign an agreement with M$. As I have never seen any of those 
agreements I cannot state what the terms are and whether they are different 
for each company holding such a license.

And unless you've signed a licensing agreement over the source code to 
Windows, you're more than likely to have another lawsuit on your hands for 
possessing it. 

> I would also note that the FSF makes no claim about dynamic v static
> linking, merely about derivative works - which is the boundary the law is
> interested in. Indeed the GPLv2 was written in the days where dynamic
> linking was quite novel which is one reason the LGPL talks about


> "For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis
>  or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave
>  you.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source
>  code.  If you link a program with the library, you must provide
>  complete object files to the recipients so that they can relink them
>  with the library, after making changes to the library and recompiling
>  it.  And you must show them these terms so they know their rights."

Eh? Complete *object* files so that after making changes and recompiling they 
can relink it? Umm... I don't know about you, but that makes me laugh. What 
is the purpose of providing "Complete Object Files" to everyone if they are 
just going to recompile and relink the library?

Yes, I know this quite likely refers to any object files (or other binaries) 
that are part of the library but not part of the source. (and *are* required 
for the library to be completely functional)

> and says nothing about dynamic/static linking.
> > Related to that... Though a parser generated by Bison and a tokenizer
> > generated by Flex both contain large chunks of GPL'd code, their
> > inclusion in the source file that is to be compiled is mechanical - the
> > true unique work is in writing the file that is processed by the tool to
> > produce the output.
> Flex is more complex because the resulting binary contains both compiled
> work of yours and a support library of FSF owned code (-lfl). 

Copyright *doesn't* extend to compiled code. It cannot, because compiled code 
is a machine generated translation. A machine generated translation isn't the 
product of a creative process. And you can also provide all the routines 
normally provided by the support library. This means that the support library 
is *NOT* a necessary part of the system.

> The non 
> computing analogy here is the difference between using a paint program to
> create a work, and using a paint program to create a work but also
> including other artwork (eg clipart). 

Yes, but in both cases the result is *CLEARLY* the result of a creative 
process, and said clipart, unless it is in the form of an entirely machine 
generated image, is a separate work (and one resulting from a creative 
process) that you are using under license. (Unless said clipart was released 
into the public domain)

> The same is true of the GCC compiler 
> as it merges your work with supporting library helper code modules which
> are themselves creative works. 

Again you are confusing a mechanical translation process with a creative 
process. But it doesn't matter, in this case. The binary form of a program 
*technically* falls under the copyright on the source code - a mechanical 
process that translates a copyrighted work into another form *cannot* remove 
the original copyright.

But said modules have clearly defined and limited purposes.

> Clearly you could replace those helper 
> modules with your own work and the result would be different.

Yes.  And you've noted that yes, they can be replaced. Which means that they 
are also not a necessary part of the system. 

Claiming that any 

Re: GPL vs non-GPL device drivers

2007-02-22 Thread D. Hazelton
On Thursday 22 February 2007 11:45, Theodore Tso wrote:

> But saying that just by licensing your code under the GPL means that
> the FSF owns your code?  That's just crazy talk.
>   - Ted

Actually, I've replied with private messages to several mails that arrived in 
reply to this explaining that the copyright clause I noted does, in fact, 
refer to the person releasing the code and the FSF. However, because it is 
located in the preamble and outside the terms of the license it has no legal 
bearing. As I've noted in those private mails, I pointed it out because I 
could see the FSF (in the person of Eben Moglen (or another attorney)) using 
it in a strong-arm tactic to gain copyright to the code.

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Re: GPL vs non-GPL device drivers

2007-02-22 Thread D. Hazelton
On Thursday 22 February 2007 11:45, Theodore Tso wrote:

 But saying that just by licensing your code under the GPL means that
 the FSF owns your code?  That's just crazy talk.

   - Ted

Actually, I've replied with private messages to several mails that arrived in 
reply to this explaining that the copyright clause I noted does, in fact, 
refer to the person releasing the code and the FSF. However, because it is 
located in the preamble and outside the terms of the license it has no legal 
bearing. As I've noted in those private mails, I pointed it out because I 
could see the FSF (in the person of Eben Moglen (or another attorney)) using 
it in a strong-arm tactic to gain copyright to the code.

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Re: GPL vs non-GPL device drivers

2007-02-22 Thread D. Hazelton
On Thursday 22 February 2007 09:10, Alan wrote:
  As a side note: The distinct wording of the GPL actually *invalidates*
  the GNU/FSF claim that dynamically linking a work with, say, the readline
  library,  means the work is a derivative of said library. The GPL states

 Not that I can see no, but you could take this to a list with lawyers not
 programmers on and improve life for both parties

See Section/clause 0 of the GPL. 

  clause 0) that the license only covers copying, modification and
  distribution. Unless they are confusing Linking with copying or
  creating a derivative work the claim is invalid - because, as it has
  been shown, a mechanical process such as compilation or linking *cannot*
  create a derivative work.

 If you take the microsoft windows source code and compile it yourself
 believe me you will get sued if you ship the resulting binaries and you
 will lose in court.

But that's because it is *WINDOWS*, which, unless specifically granted to you, 
does not include a transfer of the right to distribute in *ANY* form. Every 
PC manufacturer that wants to distribute Windows on new machines they produce 
*MUST* sign an agreement with M$. As I have never seen any of those 
agreements I cannot state what the terms are and whether they are different 
for each company holding such a license.

And unless you've signed a licensing agreement over the source code to 
Windows, you're more than likely to have another lawsuit on your hands for 
possessing it. 

 I would also note that the FSF makes no claim about dynamic v static
 linking, merely about derivative works - which is the boundary the law is
 interested in. Indeed the GPLv2 was written in the days where dynamic
 linking was quite novel which is one reason the LGPL talks about


 For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis
  or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave
  you.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source
  code.  If you link a program with the library, you must provide
  complete object files to the recipients so that they can relink them
  with the library, after making changes to the library and recompiling
  it.  And you must show them these terms so they know their rights.

Eh? Complete *object* files so that after making changes and recompiling they 
can relink it? Umm... I don't know about you, but that makes me laugh. What 
is the purpose of providing Complete Object Files to everyone if they are 
just going to recompile and relink the library?

Yes, I know this quite likely refers to any object files (or other binaries) 
that are part of the library but not part of the source. (and *are* required 
for the library to be completely functional)

 and says nothing about dynamic/static linking.

  Related to that... Though a parser generated by Bison and a tokenizer
  generated by Flex both contain large chunks of GPL'd code, their
  inclusion in the source file that is to be compiled is mechanical - the
  true unique work is in writing the file that is processed by the tool to
  produce the output.

 Flex is more complex because the resulting binary contains both compiled
 work of yours and a support library of FSF owned code (-lfl). 

Copyright *doesn't* extend to compiled code. It cannot, because compiled code 
is a machine generated translation. A machine generated translation isn't the 
product of a creative process. And you can also provide all the routines 
normally provided by the support library. This means that the support library 
is *NOT* a necessary part of the system.

 The non 
 computing analogy here is the difference between using a paint program to
 create a work, and using a paint program to create a work but also
 including other artwork (eg clipart). 

Yes, but in both cases the result is *CLEARLY* the result of a creative 
process, and said clipart, unless it is in the form of an entirely machine 
generated image, is a separate work (and one resulting from a creative 
process) that you are using under license. (Unless said clipart was released 
into the public domain)

 The same is true of the GCC compiler 
 as it merges your work with supporting library helper code modules which
 are themselves creative works. 

Again you are confusing a mechanical translation process with a creative 
process. But it doesn't matter, in this case. The binary form of a program 
*technically* falls under the copyright on the source code - a mechanical 
process that translates a copyrighted work into another form *cannot* remove 
the original copyright.

But said modules have clearly defined and limited purposes.

 Clearly you could replace those helper 
 modules with your own work and the result would be different.

Yes.  And you've noted that yes, they can be replaced. Which means that they 
are also not a necessary part of the system. 

Claiming that any library (that can be replaced), either dynamically or 

Re: GPL vs non-GPL device drivers

2007-02-21 Thread D. Hazelton
On Wednesday 21 February 2007 21:05, Michael K. Edwards wrote:
> On 2/21/07, D. Hazelton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Related to that... Though a parser generated by Bison and a tokenizer
> > generated by Flex both contain large chunks of GPL'd code, their
> > inclusion in the source file that is to be compiled is mechanical - the
> > true unique work is in writing the file that is processed by the tool to
> > produce the output. Since the aggregation of the GPL'd code into the
> > output source is done mechanically - via mechanical translation (which is
> > what compilation is as well) - the result is *not* and under US copyright
> > law *cannot* be a derivative work. What this means is that the GNU/FSF
> > "special" terms applied to parsers generated by Bison and tokenizers
> > generated by Flex is unnecessary - they are granting you a right you
> > already have.
> Half true.  It's not a derivative work exactly, but it could
> conceivably be held to infringe against the copyright in Flex/Bison,
> if you could prove that the amount of _creative_expression_ copied
> into the output exceeds a "de minimis" standard and doesn't constitute
> a "fair use".  Those nifty photomosaics would probably infringe
> against the photographers' copyright in the photos they're made up of,
> if they weren't licensed through the graphic industry's "stock photo
> archive" mechanism.  You could probably defend on "fair use" with
> respect to Flex/Bison and the vanilla GPL, since the fact that I can
> get some random program with a parser in it from you without needing
> my own copy of bison doesn't cost the FSF anything.  But it's a
> gamble, especially if that random program competes with something the
> FSF makes $$$ off of; and I'd want that extra bit of estoppel in my
> back pocket.

Actually, on re-reading the GPL, I see exactly why they made that pair of 
exceptions. Where it's quite evident that a small to mid scale parsers that 
could have been written *without* the use of Bison is clearly a 
non-derivative work - Bison was not required, but was used as a mean of 
expediency. When you reach a large scale parser, such as one that meets all 
requirements to act as the parser for an ANSI C99 compiler, Bison stops being 
expedient - it'd likely take just as much time to hand craft the parser as it 
would to debug the Bison input. However, it makes maintaining the parser 

But the fact is that it's the small to medium scale parsers that have a lower 
ratio of original to GPL'd code that are at risk of being declared derivative 
works. All of this because the GPL contains the following text in section 0:
"The act of running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the 
Program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
Whether that is true depends on what the Program does."

That clause, to me, seems specifically tailored to cover programs such as 
Bison and Flex. (and is the reason that I try to use Byacc and when I need 
to, write tokenizers by hand) This frankly stinks of attempts to cover all 
possible code. (I actually started studying Copyright law in my free time 
because I was wondering how legal the GPL was and was also puzzled by some 
major online entities actually complaining about it)

> The LGPL is a very different story.  It's not just GPL with extra
> estoppel, it's a booby trap.  It goes a lot farther to put over its
> own perverse definition of "derivative work", and it tries to compel
> you to provide all the "data and utility programs needed for
> reproducing the executable from it".  I don't use the LGPL for my own
> work, I wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole if it didn't have the
> "GPL upgrade" clause in it, and I advise my employers and consulting
> clients to go through the "GPL (v2 only!) upgrade" rigmarole with
> respect to anything they so much as recompile.  They don't all take
> that advice, but that's not my problem.

Since I tailor the license I apply to code I produce to meet the needs of the 
person or entity I am writing it for, I've never run into this. In truth, the 
LGPL is, IMHO, a piece of garbage. (as is the GPL - if you release code under 
the GPL you no longer have a legal right to it. Note the following text that 
appears in the GPL:

"  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
distribute and/or modify the software."
--IE: Once you release the code under the GPL, it becomes the *copyrighted* 
*property* of the FSF and you are just another person that the GPL is applied 
to. This means that if you later change yo

Re: GPL vs non-GPL device drivers

2007-02-21 Thread D. Hazelton
On Wednesday 21 February 2007 19:28, Michael K. Edwards wrote:
> I think you just misread.  I said that the Evil Linker has cheerfully
> shipped the source code of the modified POP server.  He may not have
> given you the compiler he compiled it with, wihout which the source
> code is a nice piece of literature but of no engineering utility; but
> that's the situation the GPL is DESIGNED TO PRODUCE.

Actually, if memory serves, when you license a work under the GPL, part of the 
terms is that you have to provide the source and any scripts needed to 
produce a functioning executable.

*checks a local copy of GPLv2 for the exact wording*

Third clause of the license:
"For an executable work, complete source code means all the source code for 
all modules it contains, plus any associated interface definition files, plus 
the scripts used to control compilation and installation of the executable."

So yes, someone could produce a work that compiles on a specific compiler, but 
there is then nothing stopping someone from fixing the problems that cause it 
to not compile using another compiler and releasing that source code - 
distributing it as a patch, AFAICT, falls outside coverage by the GPLv2. The 
build tool-chain, libraries and other works that are not a direct part of the 
program produced by compilation of the source code. (the wording of the GPL 
is: "However, as a special exception, the source code distributed need not 
include anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary 
form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the 
operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component itself 
accompanies the executable.")

As a side note: The distinct wording of the GPL actually *invalidates* the 
GNU/FSF claim that dynamically linking a work with, say, the readline 
library,  means the work is a derivative of said library. The GPL states (in 
clause 0) that the license only covers copying, modification and 
distribution. Unless they are confusing "Linking" with "copying" or "creating 
a derivative work" the claim is invalid - because, as it has been shown, a 
mechanical process such as compilation or linking *cannot* create a 
derivative work.

Related to that... Though a parser generated by Bison and a tokenizer 
generated by Flex both contain large chunks of GPL'd code, their inclusion in 
the source file that is to be compiled is mechanical - the true unique work 
is in writing the file that is processed by the tool to produce the output. 
Since the aggregation of the GPL'd code into the output source is done 
mechanically - via mechanical translation (which is what compilation is as 
well) - the result is *not* and under US copyright law *cannot* be a 
derivative work. What this means is that the GNU/FSF "special" terms applied 
to parsers generated by Bison and tokenizers generated by Flex is 
unnecessary - they are granting you a right you already have.

Anyway, it's been fun watching this thread. If I've made a mistake somewhere 
in there, let me know - IANAL and I am just starting to really get into the 
meat of Copyright and related laws in independant study.

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Re: GPL vs non-GPL device drivers

2007-02-21 Thread D. Hazelton
On Wednesday 21 February 2007 19:28, Michael K. Edwards wrote:
 I think you just misread.  I said that the Evil Linker has cheerfully
 shipped the source code of the modified POP server.  He may not have
 given you the compiler he compiled it with, wihout which the source
 code is a nice piece of literature but of no engineering utility; but
 that's the situation the GPL is DESIGNED TO PRODUCE.

Actually, if memory serves, when you license a work under the GPL, part of the 
terms is that you have to provide the source and any scripts needed to 
produce a functioning executable.

*checks a local copy of GPLv2 for the exact wording*

Third clause of the license:
For an executable work, complete source code means all the source code for 
all modules it contains, plus any associated interface definition files, plus 
the scripts used to control compilation and installation of the executable.

So yes, someone could produce a work that compiles on a specific compiler, but 
there is then nothing stopping someone from fixing the problems that cause it 
to not compile using another compiler and releasing that source code - 
distributing it as a patch, AFAICT, falls outside coverage by the GPLv2. The 
build tool-chain, libraries and other works that are not a direct part of the 
program produced by compilation of the source code. (the wording of the GPL 
is: However, as a special exception, the source code distributed need not 
include anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary 
form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the 
operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component itself 
accompanies the executable.)

As a side note: The distinct wording of the GPL actually *invalidates* the 
GNU/FSF claim that dynamically linking a work with, say, the readline 
library,  means the work is a derivative of said library. The GPL states (in 
clause 0) that the license only covers copying, modification and 
distribution. Unless they are confusing Linking with copying or creating 
a derivative work the claim is invalid - because, as it has been shown, a 
mechanical process such as compilation or linking *cannot* create a 
derivative work.

Related to that... Though a parser generated by Bison and a tokenizer 
generated by Flex both contain large chunks of GPL'd code, their inclusion in 
the source file that is to be compiled is mechanical - the true unique work 
is in writing the file that is processed by the tool to produce the output. 
Since the aggregation of the GPL'd code into the output source is done 
mechanically - via mechanical translation (which is what compilation is as 
well) - the result is *not* and under US copyright law *cannot* be a 
derivative work. What this means is that the GNU/FSF special terms applied 
to parsers generated by Bison and tokenizers generated by Flex is 
unnecessary - they are granting you a right you already have.

Anyway, it's been fun watching this thread. If I've made a mistake somewhere 
in there, let me know - IANAL and I am just starting to really get into the 
meat of Copyright and related laws in independant study.

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Re: GPL vs non-GPL device drivers

2007-02-21 Thread D. Hazelton
On Wednesday 21 February 2007 21:05, Michael K. Edwards wrote:
 On 2/21/07, D. Hazelton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Related to that... Though a parser generated by Bison and a tokenizer
  generated by Flex both contain large chunks of GPL'd code, their
  inclusion in the source file that is to be compiled is mechanical - the
  true unique work is in writing the file that is processed by the tool to
  produce the output. Since the aggregation of the GPL'd code into the
  output source is done mechanically - via mechanical translation (which is
  what compilation is as well) - the result is *not* and under US copyright
  law *cannot* be a derivative work. What this means is that the GNU/FSF
  special terms applied to parsers generated by Bison and tokenizers
  generated by Flex is unnecessary - they are granting you a right you
  already have.

 Half true.  It's not a derivative work exactly, but it could
 conceivably be held to infringe against the copyright in Flex/Bison,
 if you could prove that the amount of _creative_expression_ copied
 into the output exceeds a de minimis standard and doesn't constitute
 a fair use.  Those nifty photomosaics would probably infringe
 against the photographers' copyright in the photos they're made up of,
 if they weren't licensed through the graphic industry's stock photo
 archive mechanism.  You could probably defend on fair use with
 respect to Flex/Bison and the vanilla GPL, since the fact that I can
 get some random program with a parser in it from you without needing
 my own copy of bison doesn't cost the FSF anything.  But it's a
 gamble, especially if that random program competes with something the
 FSF makes $$$ off of; and I'd want that extra bit of estoppel in my
 back pocket.

Actually, on re-reading the GPL, I see exactly why they made that pair of 
exceptions. Where it's quite evident that a small to mid scale parsers that 
could have been written *without* the use of Bison is clearly a 
non-derivative work - Bison was not required, but was used as a mean of 
expediency. When you reach a large scale parser, such as one that meets all 
requirements to act as the parser for an ANSI C99 compiler, Bison stops being 
expedient - it'd likely take just as much time to hand craft the parser as it 
would to debug the Bison input. However, it makes maintaining the parser 

But the fact is that it's the small to medium scale parsers that have a lower 
ratio of original to GPL'd code that are at risk of being declared derivative 
works. All of this because the GPL contains the following text in section 0:
The act of running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the 
Program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.

That clause, to me, seems specifically tailored to cover programs such as 
Bison and Flex. (and is the reason that I try to use Byacc and when I need 
to, write tokenizers by hand) This frankly stinks of attempts to cover all 
possible code. (I actually started studying Copyright law in my free time 
because I was wondering how legal the GPL was and was also puzzled by some 
major online entities actually complaining about it)

 The LGPL is a very different story.  It's not just GPL with extra
 estoppel, it's a booby trap.  It goes a lot farther to put over its
 own perverse definition of derivative work, and it tries to compel
 you to provide all the data and utility programs needed for
 reproducing the executable from it.  I don't use the LGPL for my own
 work, I wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole if it didn't have the
 GPL upgrade clause in it, and I advise my employers and consulting
 clients to go through the GPL (v2 only!) upgrade rigmarole with
 respect to anything they so much as recompile.  They don't all take
 that advice, but that's not my problem.

Since I tailor the license I apply to code I produce to meet the needs of the 
person or entity I am writing it for, I've never run into this. In truth, the 
LGPL is, IMHO, a piece of garbage. (as is the GPL - if you release code under 
the GPL you no longer have a legal right to it. Note the following text that 
appears in the GPL:

  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
distribute and/or modify the software.
--IE: Once you release the code under the GPL, it becomes the *copyrighted* 
*property* of the FSF and you are just another person that the GPL is applied 
to. This means that if you later change your mind and decide to revoke the 
GPL on your code and replace it with say, the Larry Wall's Artistic License 
you are breaking the terms of the GPL and therefore lose all rights to modify 
and distribute your code.

A similar clause appears in the LGPL:
We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we copyright the library

Re: somebody dropped a (warning) bomb

2007-02-08 Thread D. Hazelton
On Thursday 08 February 2007 19:42, Linus Torvalds wrote:

> Most C types don't, and some you can't even tell (do pointers generate
> "signed" or "unsigned" comparisons? I'll argue that a compiler that
> generates signed comparisons for them is broken, but it tends to be
> something you can only see with a standards- conforming proghram if you
> can allocate memory across the sign boundary, which may or may not be
> true..)

And this is, because as Dennis Ritchie says in "The Development of the C 
Language" ( C evolved from a 
typeless language, B - which, in turn, had originated as a stripped down 
version of BCPL. B and BCPL  used a "cell addressing" scheme, but because of 
the move off the PDP-7, and the difficulties run into by Ken Thompson in 
rewriting the code for Unix in B (the original Unix was written in assembler) 
types were added - 'char' and 'int'. These represented the byte and word 
addressing modes of the PDP-11, and were needed because Ritchie was in the 
process of having the compiler generate assembler instead of "threaded code". 
This "NB" language, after also having data structures added and the rules for 
defining pointers finalized, was renamed "C" by Ritchie.

So almost all the rules around the signs of types are because of a single, 
historical machine. Hence the rules about "char" being unsigned by default 
and "int" being signed by default are because of the nature of the PDP-11. 
The implementation defined nature of bitfields is because Dennis Ritchie had 
freedom there - the PDP-11 didn't have anything like them in the hardware and 
they were being stuffed in to make Thompsons life easier.

Now: There is no reason for the behavior that came from the nature of the 
PDP11 to have survived, but because it was in "The White Book" it made it 
through the ANSI standardization process.

Now that this history lesson is over...

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Re: somebody dropped a (warning) bomb

2007-02-08 Thread D. Hazelton
On Thursday 08 February 2007 19:42, Linus Torvalds wrote:
 Most C types don't, and some you can't even tell (do pointers generate
 signed or unsigned comparisons? I'll argue that a compiler that
 generates signed comparisons for them is broken, but it tends to be
 something you can only see with a standards- conforming proghram if you
 can allocate memory across the sign boundary, which may or may not be

And this is, because as Dennis Ritchie says in The Development of the C 
Language ( C evolved from a 
typeless language, B - which, in turn, had originated as a stripped down 
version of BCPL. B and BCPL  used a cell addressing scheme, but because of 
the move off the PDP-7, and the difficulties run into by Ken Thompson in 
rewriting the code for Unix in B (the original Unix was written in assembler) 
types were added - 'char' and 'int'. These represented the byte and word 
addressing modes of the PDP-11, and were needed because Ritchie was in the 
process of having the compiler generate assembler instead of threaded code. 
This NB language, after also having data structures added and the rules for 
defining pointers finalized, was renamed C by Ritchie.

So almost all the rules around the signs of types are because of a single, 
historical machine. Hence the rules about char being unsigned by default 
and int being signed by default are because of the nature of the PDP-11. 
The implementation defined nature of bitfields is because Dennis Ritchie had 
freedom there - the PDP-11 didn't have anything like them in the hardware and 
they were being stuffed in to make Thompsons life easier.

Now: There is no reason for the behavior that came from the nature of the 
PDP11 to have survived, but because it was in The White Book it made it 
through the ANSI standardization process.

Now that this history lesson is over...

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Re: [PATCH] KVM: 'asm' operand has impossible constraints

2007-01-27 Thread D. Hazelton
On Saturday 27 January 2007 16:28, S.Çağlar Onur wrote:
> 27 Oca 2007 Cts tarihinde, Avi Kivity şunları yazmıştı:
> > The patch looks correct, but I don't understand the gcc error message.
> > Are we sure this isn't a gcc 4.2 bug?
> >
> > "g" appears to be equivalent to "rmi", if "i" is impossible, gcc is free
> > to use "r" or "m", no?
> Accorgind to GCC devs. its not a bug
> (, on comment #5 the
> problem described like;
> "g" means "r"+"i" so the register allocator in the -O0 case is selecting
> "r" while in the optimize case is selecting "i"

Sounds like a bug to me! After all, shouldn't the different sections of code 
be selecting the *same* bits ?

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Re: [PATCH] KVM: 'asm' operand has impossible constraints

2007-01-27 Thread D. Hazelton
On Saturday 27 January 2007 16:28, S.Çağlar Onur wrote:
 27 Oca 2007 Cts tarihinde, Avi Kivity şunları yazmıştı:
  The patch looks correct, but I don't understand the gcc error message.
  Are we sure this isn't a gcc 4.2 bug?
  g appears to be equivalent to rmi, if i is impossible, gcc is free
  to use r or m, no?

 Accorgind to GCC devs. its not a bug
 (, on comment #5 the
 problem described like;

 g means r+i so the register allocator in the -O0 case is selecting
 r while in the optimize case is selecting i

Sounds like a bug to me! After all, shouldn't the different sections of code 
be selecting the *same* bits ?

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Re: kernel + gcc 4.1 = several problems

2007-01-02 Thread D. Hazelton
On Tuesday 02 January 2007 18:24, you wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 02, 2007 at 05:06:14PM -0500, D. Hazelton wrote:
> > On Tuesday 02 January 2007 16:56, Alistair John Strachan wrote:
> > > On Tuesday 02 January 2007 21:10, Adrian Bunk wrote:
> > > [snip]
> > >
> > > > > > Comparing your report and [1], it seems that if these are the
> > > > > > same problem, it's not a hardware bug but a gcc or kernel bug.
> > > > >
> > > > > This bug specifically indicates some kind of miscompilation in a
> > > > > driver, causing boot time hangs. My problem is quite different, and
> > > > > more subtle. The crash happens in the same place every time, which
> > > > > does suggest determinism (even with various options toggled on and
> > > > > off, and a 300K smaller kernel image), but it takes 8-12 hours to
> > > > > manifest and only happens with GCC 4.1.1. ...
> > > >
> > > > Sorry if my point goes a bit away from your problem:
> > > >
> > > > My point is that we have several reported problems only visible
> > > > with gcc 4.1.
> > > >
> > > > Other bug reports are e.g. [2] and [3], but they are only present
> > > > with using gcc 4.1 _and_ using -Os.
> > >
> > > I find [2] most compelling, and I can confirm that I do have the same
> > > problem with or without optimisation for size. I don't use selinux nor
> > > has it ever been enabled.
> > >
> > > At any rate, I have absolute confirmation that it is GCC 4.1.1, because
> > > with GCC 3.4.6 the same kernel I reported booting three days ago is
> > > still cheerfully working. I regularly get uptimes of 60+ days on that
> > > machine, rebooting only for kernel upgrades. 2.6.19 seems to be no
> > > worse in this regard.
> > >
> > > Perhaps fortunately, the configs I've tried have consistently failed to
> > > shake the crash, so I have a semi-reproducible test case here on C3-2
> > > hardware if somebody wants to investigate the problem (though it still
> > > takes 6-12 hours).
> >
> > The GCC code generator appears to have been rewritten between 3.4.6 and
> > 4.1.1
> >
> > I took a look at the dump he posted and there are some minor and some
> > massive differences between the code. In one case some of the code is
> > swapped, in another there is code in the 3.4.6 version that isn't in the
> > 4.1.1... Finally the 4.1.1 version of the function has what appears to be
> > function calls and these don't appear in the code generated by 3.4.6
> Differences are expected since we disable unit-at-a-time for gcc < 4
> and gcc development didn't stall between 3.4 and 4.1.

Okay. Thing is that these noted differences, aside from where 4.1.1 doesn't 
generate an opcode that 3.4.6 does aren't all that fatal, IMHO. The fact that 
there it does generate call's rather than jumps for local pointer moves 
(IIRC - been a while since I looked at the dump of pipe_poll that he 
provided) might be part of the problem

> > In other words - the code generation for 4.1.1 appears to be broken when
> > it comes to generating system code.
> Bug number for an either already open or created by you bug in the gcc
> Bugzilla for what you claim to be a bug in gcc?

None. I didn't file a report on this because I didn't find the big, just noted 
a problem that appears to occur. In this case the call's generated seem to 
wrap loops - something I've never heard of anyone doing. These *might* be 
causing the off-by-one that is causing the function to re-enter in the middle 
of an instruction.

Seeing this I'd guess that this follows for all system-level code generated by 
4.1.1 and this is exactly what I was reporting. If you'd like I'll go dig up 
the dumps he posted and post the two related segments side-by-side to give 
you a better example what I'm referring to.

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Re: kernel + gcc 4.1 = several problems

2007-01-02 Thread D. Hazelton
On Tuesday 02 January 2007 16:56, Alistair John Strachan wrote:
> On Tuesday 02 January 2007 21:10, Adrian Bunk wrote:
> [snip]
> > > > Comparing your report and [1], it seems that if these are the same
> > > > problem, it's not a hardware bug but a gcc or kernel bug.
> > >
> > > This bug specifically indicates some kind of miscompilation in a
> > > driver, causing boot time hangs. My problem is quite different, and
> > > more subtle. The crash happens in the same place every time, which does
> > > suggest determinism (even with various options toggled on and off, and
> > > a 300K smaller kernel image), but it takes 8-12 hours to manifest and
> > > only happens with GCC 4.1.1. ...
> >
> > Sorry if my point goes a bit away from your problem:
> >
> > My point is that we have several reported problems only visible
> > with gcc 4.1.
> >
> > Other bug reports are e.g. [2] and [3], but they are only present with
> > using gcc 4.1 _and_ using -Os.
> I find [2] most compelling, and I can confirm that I do have the same
> problem with or without optimisation for size. I don't use selinux nor has
> it ever been enabled.
> At any rate, I have absolute confirmation that it is GCC 4.1.1, because
> with GCC 3.4.6 the same kernel I reported booting three days ago is still
> cheerfully working. I regularly get uptimes of 60+ days on that machine,
> rebooting only for kernel upgrades. 2.6.19 seems to be no worse in this
> regard.
> Perhaps fortunately, the configs I've tried have consistently failed to
> shake the crash, so I have a semi-reproducible test case here on C3-2
> hardware if somebody wants to investigate the problem (though it still
> takes 6-12 hours).

The GCC code generator appears to have been rewritten between 3.4.6 and 

I took a look at the dump he posted and there are some minor and some massive 
differences between the code. In one case some of the code is swapped, in 
another there is code in the 3.4.6 version that isn't in the 4.1.1... Finally 
the 4.1.1 version of the function has what appears to be function calls and 
these don't appear in the code generated by 3.4.6

In other words - the code generation for 4.1.1 appears to be broken when it 
comes to generating system code.

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Re: kernel + gcc 4.1 = several problems

2007-01-02 Thread D. Hazelton
On Tuesday 02 January 2007 16:56, Alistair John Strachan wrote:
 On Tuesday 02 January 2007 21:10, Adrian Bunk wrote:

Comparing your report and [1], it seems that if these are the same
problem, it's not a hardware bug but a gcc or kernel bug.
   This bug specifically indicates some kind of miscompilation in a
   driver, causing boot time hangs. My problem is quite different, and
   more subtle. The crash happens in the same place every time, which does
   suggest determinism (even with various options toggled on and off, and
   a 300K smaller kernel image), but it takes 8-12 hours to manifest and
   only happens with GCC 4.1.1. ...
  Sorry if my point goes a bit away from your problem:
  My point is that we have several reported problems only visible
  with gcc 4.1.
  Other bug reports are e.g. [2] and [3], but they are only present with
  using gcc 4.1 _and_ using -Os.

 I find [2] most compelling, and I can confirm that I do have the same
 problem with or without optimisation for size. I don't use selinux nor has
 it ever been enabled.

 At any rate, I have absolute confirmation that it is GCC 4.1.1, because
 with GCC 3.4.6 the same kernel I reported booting three days ago is still
 cheerfully working. I regularly get uptimes of 60+ days on that machine,
 rebooting only for kernel upgrades. 2.6.19 seems to be no worse in this

 Perhaps fortunately, the configs I've tried have consistently failed to
 shake the crash, so I have a semi-reproducible test case here on C3-2
 hardware if somebody wants to investigate the problem (though it still
 takes 6-12 hours).

The GCC code generator appears to have been rewritten between 3.4.6 and 

I took a look at the dump he posted and there are some minor and some massive 
differences between the code. In one case some of the code is swapped, in 
another there is code in the 3.4.6 version that isn't in the 4.1.1... Finally 
the 4.1.1 version of the function has what appears to be function calls and 
these don't appear in the code generated by 3.4.6

In other words - the code generation for 4.1.1 appears to be broken when it 
comes to generating system code.

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Re: kernel + gcc 4.1 = several problems

2007-01-02 Thread D. Hazelton
On Tuesday 02 January 2007 18:24, you wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 02, 2007 at 05:06:14PM -0500, D. Hazelton wrote:
  On Tuesday 02 January 2007 16:56, Alistair John Strachan wrote:
   On Tuesday 02 January 2007 21:10, Adrian Bunk wrote:
  Comparing your report and [1], it seems that if these are the
  same problem, it's not a hardware bug but a gcc or kernel bug.

 This bug specifically indicates some kind of miscompilation in a
 driver, causing boot time hangs. My problem is quite different, and
 more subtle. The crash happens in the same place every time, which
 does suggest determinism (even with various options toggled on and
 off, and a 300K smaller kernel image), but it takes 8-12 hours to
 manifest and only happens with GCC 4.1.1. ...
Sorry if my point goes a bit away from your problem:
My point is that we have several reported problems only visible
with gcc 4.1.
Other bug reports are e.g. [2] and [3], but they are only present
with using gcc 4.1 _and_ using -Os.
   I find [2] most compelling, and I can confirm that I do have the same
   problem with or without optimisation for size. I don't use selinux nor
   has it ever been enabled.
   At any rate, I have absolute confirmation that it is GCC 4.1.1, because
   with GCC 3.4.6 the same kernel I reported booting three days ago is
   still cheerfully working. I regularly get uptimes of 60+ days on that
   machine, rebooting only for kernel upgrades. 2.6.19 seems to be no
   worse in this regard.
   Perhaps fortunately, the configs I've tried have consistently failed to
   shake the crash, so I have a semi-reproducible test case here on C3-2
   hardware if somebody wants to investigate the problem (though it still
   takes 6-12 hours).
  The GCC code generator appears to have been rewritten between 3.4.6 and
  I took a look at the dump he posted and there are some minor and some
  massive differences between the code. In one case some of the code is
  swapped, in another there is code in the 3.4.6 version that isn't in the
  4.1.1... Finally the 4.1.1 version of the function has what appears to be
  function calls and these don't appear in the code generated by 3.4.6

 Differences are expected since we disable unit-at-a-time for gcc  4
 and gcc development didn't stall between 3.4 and 4.1.

Okay. Thing is that these noted differences, aside from where 4.1.1 doesn't 
generate an opcode that 3.4.6 does aren't all that fatal, IMHO. The fact that 
there it does generate call's rather than jumps for local pointer moves 
(IIRC - been a while since I looked at the dump of pipe_poll that he 
provided) might be part of the problem

  In other words - the code generation for 4.1.1 appears to be broken when
  it comes to generating system code.

 Bug number for an either already open or created by you bug in the gcc
 Bugzilla for what you claim to be a bug in gcc?

None. I didn't file a report on this because I didn't find the big, just noted 
a problem that appears to occur. In this case the call's generated seem to 
wrap loops - something I've never heard of anyone doing. These *might* be 
causing the off-by-one that is causing the function to re-enter in the middle 
of an instruction.

Seeing this I'd guess that this follows for all system-level code generated by 
4.1.1 and this is exactly what I was reporting. If you'd like I'll go dig up 
the dumps he posted and post the two related segments side-by-side to give 
you a better example what I'm referring to.

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Re: Happy Birthday to Our Fearless Leader

2006-12-27 Thread D. Hazelton
On Wednesday 27 December 2006 18:39, David R. Meyer wrote:
> I hope it doesn't get me kicked off the list for unnecessary traffic,
> but Happy Birthday Linus.  Thanks for making computing fun again
> Dave

Oh, wow, I totally missed the initial post. Happy Birthday, Linus!


> Loye Young wrote:
> > Be it remembered that on the 28th day of December in the year of our Lord
> > 1969, there was born in the town of Helsinki, Finland, Linus Benedict
> > Torvalds.
> >
> > Long live the king.
> >
> > -
> > To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel"
> > in the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > More majordomo info at
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Re: Happy Birthday to Our Fearless Leader

2006-12-27 Thread D. Hazelton
On Wednesday 27 December 2006 18:39, David R. Meyer wrote:
 I hope it doesn't get me kicked off the list for unnecessary traffic,
 but Happy Birthday Linus.  Thanks for making computing fun again


Oh, wow, I totally missed the initial post. Happy Birthday, Linus!


 Loye Young wrote:
  Be it remembered that on the 28th day of December in the year of our Lord
  1969, there was born in the town of Helsinki, Finland, Linus Benedict
  Long live the king.
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  in the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  More majordomo info at
  Please read the FAQ at
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Re: [Alsa-devel] HDA Intel sound driver fails on Acer notebook

2006-12-19 Thread D. Hazelton
On Tuesday 19 December 2006 20:48, tony mancill wrote:
> FWIW, using pci=noacpi seems to break the USB controller on this laptop.
> I get "device not accepting address xx, error -110.

Strange. I'm using an Acer Aspire 1640Z and the sound works perfectly. Of 
course Kubuntu was the only distro I could find that did OOB, but that's 
besides the point. In a quick look through /etc on my laptop I wasn't able to 
see how they do this. But after doing a quick check on Google the reports 
vary from this being a patched bug in ALSA to being easily solved by ensuring 
that the needed sound modules are loaded in the proper order.

An alternate solution to this is to load the snd-hda-intel module with the 
parameter "model=laptop"

> In addition, neither the onboard nor the wireless NIC work anymore with
> this option.  For the onboard, you see that the link is up, but then
> get "NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth0: transmit timed out."
> acpi=off is worse - the boot hangs trying to load acpi/thermal.ko.

>From personal experience I can say that ACPI is needed for Acer notebooks with 
the centrino chipset to function properly.

> I've tested with both 1.0.13 and and 1.0.14rc1.  I don't get exactly
> the same kernel logging (I'm using a Debian 2.6.18 kernel), but kern.log
> contains:

I had the same problem when I tried Debian on this laptop. I don't recommend 
it for laptops, since there are several common pieces of hardware found on 
laptops that need firmware not shipped by Debian. This includes the ipw2200 
firmware - which most Acer laptops need, because they ship with that wireless 

> Dec 19 17:39:43 maus kernel: : hda_codec: invalid dep_range_val 0:7fff
> Dec 19 17:39:43 maus kernel: ALSA
> /home/tony/alsa-driver-1.0.14rc1/pci/hda/hda_codec.c:216: hda_codec:
> invalid dep_range_val 0:7fff Dec 19 17:39:43 maus last message repeated 279
> times
> Dec 19 17:39:43 maus kernel: hda_codec: num_steps = 0 for NID=0xd
> Dec 19 17:39:43 maus kernel: hda_codec: num_steps = 0 for NID=0x9
> Dec 19 17:39:43 maus kernel: hda_codec: num_steps = 0 for NID=0xd
> Dec 19 17:39:43 maus last message repeated 20 times
> Dec 19 17:39:43 maus kernel: hda_codec: num_steps = 0 for NID=0x9
> Thanks in advance for any assistance.  I hope you enjoyed your
> vacation.
> Thanks,
> tony
> Takashi Iwai wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > sorry for the late reply since I've been on vacation.
> >
> > At Sun, 3 Dec 2006 02:30:34 -0500,
> >
> > Chuck Ebbert wrote:
> >> The HDA Intel sound driver still fails to load on my Acer Aspire 5102
> >> notebook (Turion64 X2, ATI chipset):
> >>
> >> Here is the PCI info while running x86_64.  I tried i386 and x86_64 and
> >> it fails on both:
> >>
> >> 00:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc Unknown device 437b (rev 01)
> >> Subsystem: Acer Incorporated [ALI] Unknown device 009f
> >> Control: I/O- Mem+ BusMaster+ SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop-
> >> ParErr- Stepping- SERR- FastB2B- Status: Cap+ 66MHz- UDF- FastB2B-
> >> ParErr- DEVSEL=slow >TAbort- SERR-  >> 64, Cache Line Size 08
> >> Interrupt: pin ? routed to IRQ 16
> >> Region 0: Memory at c000 (64-bit, non-prefetchable)
> >> [size=16K] Capabilities: [50] Power Management version 2
> >> Flags: PMEClk- DSI- D1- D2- AuxCurrent=55mA
> >> PME(D0+,D1-,D2-,D3hot+,D3cold+) Status: D0 PME-Enable- DSel=0 DScale=0
> >> PME-
> >> Capabilities: [60] Message Signalled Interrupts: 64bit+
> >> Queue=0/0 Enable- Address:   Data: 
> >> 00: 02 10 7b 43 06 00 10 04 01 00 03 04 08 40 00 00
> >> 10: 04 00 00 c0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
> >> 20: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 25 10 9f 00
> >> 30: 00 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00
> >> 40: 00 00 02 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
> >> 50: 01 60 42 c8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
> >> 60: 05 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
> >> 70: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
> >> 80: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
> >> 90: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
> >> a0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
> >> b0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
> >> c0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
> >> d0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
> >> e0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
> >> f0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
> >>
> >> On i386 I get this after doing
> >> insmod snd-hda-codec.ko ;  insmod snd-hda-intel.ko
> >>
> >> Dec  1 17:38:29 ac kernel: ACPI: PCI Interrupt :00:14.2[A] -> GSI 16
> >> (level, low) -> IRQ 18 Dec  1 17:38:29 ac kernel: codec_mask = 0xb
> >> Dec  1 17:38:30 ac kernel: hda_codec: PCI 1025:9f, codec config 5 is
> >> selected Dec  1 17:38:31 ac kernel: hda_intel: azx_get_response timeout,
> >> switching to polling mode... Dec  1 17:38:32 ac kernel: hda_intel:
> >> azx_get_response timeout, switching to single_cmd mode...
> >
> > These messages are scary.  It 

Re: [Alsa-devel] HDA Intel sound driver fails on Acer notebook

2006-12-19 Thread D. Hazelton
On Tuesday 19 December 2006 20:48, tony mancill wrote:
 FWIW, using pci=noacpi seems to break the USB controller on this laptop.
 I get device not accepting address xx, error -110.

Strange. I'm using an Acer Aspire 1640Z and the sound works perfectly. Of 
course Kubuntu was the only distro I could find that did OOB, but that's 
besides the point. In a quick look through /etc on my laptop I wasn't able to 
see how they do this. But after doing a quick check on Google the reports 
vary from this being a patched bug in ALSA to being easily solved by ensuring 
that the needed sound modules are loaded in the proper order.

An alternate solution to this is to load the snd-hda-intel module with the 
parameter model=laptop

 In addition, neither the onboard nor the wireless NIC work anymore with
 this option.  For the onboard, you see that the link is up, but then
 get NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth0: transmit timed out.

 acpi=off is worse - the boot hangs trying to load acpi/thermal.ko.

From personal experience I can say that ACPI is needed for Acer notebooks with 
the centrino chipset to function properly.

 I've tested with both 1.0.13 and and 1.0.14rc1.  I don't get exactly
 the same kernel logging (I'm using a Debian 2.6.18 kernel), but kern.log

I had the same problem when I tried Debian on this laptop. I don't recommend 
it for laptops, since there are several common pieces of hardware found on 
laptops that need firmware not shipped by Debian. This includes the ipw2200 
firmware - which most Acer laptops need, because they ship with that wireless 

 Dec 19 17:39:43 maus kernel: : hda_codec: invalid dep_range_val 0:7fff
 Dec 19 17:39:43 maus kernel: ALSA
 /home/tony/alsa-driver-1.0.14rc1/pci/hda/hda_codec.c:216: hda_codec:
 invalid dep_range_val 0:7fff Dec 19 17:39:43 maus last message repeated 279
 Dec 19 17:39:43 maus kernel: hda_codec: num_steps = 0 for NID=0xd
 Dec 19 17:39:43 maus kernel: hda_codec: num_steps = 0 for NID=0x9
 Dec 19 17:39:43 maus kernel: hda_codec: num_steps = 0 for NID=0xd
 Dec 19 17:39:43 maus last message repeated 20 times
 Dec 19 17:39:43 maus kernel: hda_codec: num_steps = 0 for NID=0x9

 Thanks in advance for any assistance.  I hope you enjoyed your


 Takashi Iwai wrote:
  sorry for the late reply since I've been on vacation.
  At Sun, 3 Dec 2006 02:30:34 -0500,
  Chuck Ebbert wrote:
  The HDA Intel sound driver still fails to load on my Acer Aspire 5102
  notebook (Turion64 X2, ATI chipset):
  Here is the PCI info while running x86_64.  I tried i386 and x86_64 and
  it fails on both:
  00:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc Unknown device 437b (rev 01)
  Subsystem: Acer Incorporated [ALI] Unknown device 009f
  Control: I/O- Mem+ BusMaster+ SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop-
  ParErr- Stepping- SERR- FastB2B- Status: Cap+ 66MHz- UDF- FastB2B-
  ParErr- DEVSEL=slow TAbort- TAbort- MAbort- SERR- PERR- Latency:
  64, Cache Line Size 08
  Interrupt: pin ? routed to IRQ 16
  Region 0: Memory at c000 (64-bit, non-prefetchable)
  [size=16K] Capabilities: [50] Power Management version 2
  Flags: PMEClk- DSI- D1- D2- AuxCurrent=55mA
  PME(D0+,D1-,D2-,D3hot+,D3cold+) Status: D0 PME-Enable- DSel=0 DScale=0
  Capabilities: [60] Message Signalled Interrupts: 64bit+
  Queue=0/0 Enable- Address:   Data: 
  00: 02 10 7b 43 06 00 10 04 01 00 03 04 08 40 00 00
  10: 04 00 00 c0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  20: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 25 10 9f 00
  30: 00 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00
  40: 00 00 02 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  50: 01 60 42 c8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  60: 05 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  70: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  80: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  90: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  a0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  b0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  c0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  d0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  e0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  f0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  On i386 I get this after doing
  insmod snd-hda-codec.ko ;  insmod snd-hda-intel.ko
  Dec  1 17:38:29 ac kernel: ACPI: PCI Interrupt :00:14.2[A] - GSI 16
  (level, low) - IRQ 18 Dec  1 17:38:29 ac kernel: codec_mask = 0xb
  Dec  1 17:38:30 ac kernel: hda_codec: PCI 1025:9f, codec config 5 is
  selected Dec  1 17:38:31 ac kernel: hda_intel: azx_get_response timeout,
  switching to polling mode... Dec  1 17:38:32 ac kernel: hda_intel:
  azx_get_response timeout, switching to single_cmd mode...
  These messages are scary.  It means that the communication between the
  controller chip and the codec chip doesn't work, usually incorrect IRQ
  handling, and often due to broken BIOS or ACPI 

Re: GPL only modules

2006-12-18 Thread D. Hazelton
On Monday 18 December 2006 12:16, David Schwartz wrote:
> Combined responses to save bandwidth and reduce the number of times people
> have to press "d".
> > Agreed. You missed the point.
> I don't understand how you could lead with "agreed" and then proceed to
> completely ignore the entire point I just made.

I *initially* thought you had missed the point. After your later post 
clarifying things I saw that my statement had been in error and that I did 
agree with you completely.

> > Since the Linux Kernel header files
> > contain a
> > chunk of the source code for the kernel in the form of the macros
> > for locking
> > et. al. then using the headers - including that code in your
> > module - makes
> > it a derivative work.
> No, it does not. The header files are purely function and not expressive in
> this case. Copyright only protects one choice among many equally-practical
> choices for expressing the same idea or performing the same function.

In this case, well. We aren't talking Copyright, but the license under which 
the software is distributed. According to the USPTO placing a statement such 
as (c) 2006 Pornrat Watanabe on a work you have created automatially places 
it under a copyright. The kernel source code, copyrighted as it is, is then 
distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL. 

Using the code from the header files may not make the module a derivative, but 
it is including parts of a copyrighted work. By *NOT* complying with the 
license under which said copyrighted work is distributed, you are giving up 
your rights under the license.

This doesn't negate any problems with people making Blob drivers, because, as 
you pointed out, under the same laws they aren't a derivative work, which 
means that that clause of the license doesn't apply. Now if the GPL contained 
a clause specifically defining what it considered a derivative work things 
would be different.

> > Actually, thinking about it, the way a Linux driver module works actually
> > seems to make *ANY* driver a derivative work, because they are
> > loaded into
> > the kernels memory space and cannot function without having that done.
> If every practical way of expressing an idea contains something, then that
> something is *not* protectable when used to express an idea of that kind.

Not what I was saying. There are any number of ways to make a driver 
function - the FUSE system has shown that clearly. But by making that driver 
one that is loaded directly into the kernels memory space...

It's that act that *I* *FEEL* makes it a derivative work.

> > *IF* the "Usermode Driver" interface that is being worked on ever proves
> > useful then, and only then, could you consider it *NOT* a
> > derivative work.
> > Because then the only thing it is using *IS* an interface, not complete
> > chunks of the source as generated when the pre-processor finishes running
> > through the file.
> No, you have it completely backwards.

No, you missed my point. I was saying that the Usermode Driver interface would 
make the current style of kernel modules fully derivative works. This being 
because they are using an open system interface and *NOT* including code 
distributed with the kernel.

> If a usermode driver interface was equally practical to develop a
> particular type of driver, then using the kernel headers would make the
> driver a derivative work. Because, in that case, the choice to use the
> kernel headers would be a creative choice -- one chosen method among many
> equally practical one.

And this is what I was saying. Perhaps I didn't state it in clear and concise 

> Copyright only protects creative choices, not purely functional ones.
> "A Linux 2.6 driver for the ATI X800 graphics chipset" is an idea. If the
> only reasonably practical way to express that idea is with the Linux kernel
> header files, then using the Linux kernel header files is scenes a fair,
> not protected content.

Okay. I understood this back at the start of your reply.

> DS

Okay, after a lot of thought and me realizing some mistakes I had made in 
interpreting the law and legal precedents I see we are on the same page.

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Re: GPL only modules

2006-12-18 Thread D. Hazelton
On Monday 18 December 2006 20:35, David Schwartz wrote:
> > For both static and dynamic linking, you might claim the output is an
> > aggregate, but that doesn't matter.  What matters is whether or not
> > the output is a work based on the program, and whether the "mere
> > aggregation" paragraph kicks in.
> >
> > If the output is not an aggregate, which is quite likely to be
> > the case for dynamic linking, and quite possibly also for many static
> > linking cases, then the "mere aggregation" paragraph of clause 2 does
> > not kick in.
> >
> > If the output is indeed an aggregate, as it may quite likely be in the
> > case of static linking, then the "mere aggregation" considerations of
> > clause 2 may kick in and enable the 'anything else' to not be brought
> > under the scope of the license.  You still need permission to
> > distribute the whole.  The GPL asserts its non-interference with your
> > ability to distribute the separate portion separately, under whatever
> > license you can, as long as it's not a derived work from the GPL
> > portion.
> No!
> It makes no difference whether the "mere aggregation" paragraph kicks in
> because the "mere aggregation" paragraph is *explaining* the *law*. What
> matters is what the law actually *says*.
> We are talking about what works are within the GPL's scope. The text of the
> GPL does not matter because the GPL does not set its own scope, copyright
> law does.
> The GPL could say that if you ever see the source code to a GPL'd work,
> every work you ever write must be placed under the GPL. But that wouldn't
> make it true, because that would be a requirement outside the GPL's scope.
> We are talking about works are inside the GPL's legal scope, and in that
> case, nothing the GPL says can enlarge the scope.
> DS

Actually, after rereading the GPLv2 because of this discussion I came to a 
most surprising conclusion. While there are *IMPLICIT* and *EXPLICIT* 
copyrights on the code, they have no bearing on the text of the GPL.

The GPL is a License that covers how the code may be used, modified and 
distributed. This is the reason that the FSF people had to make the big 
exception for Bison, because the parser skeleton is such an integral part of 
Bison (Bison itself, IIRC, uses the same skeleton, modified, as part of the 
program) that truthfully, any parser built using Bison is a derivative work 
of code released under the GPL.

That said, since there is a distribution, use and modification license on the 
Linux Kernel - the GPLv2 - there are those extra restrictions on the code 
*OUTSIDE* the copyright rules.

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Re: GPL only modules

2006-12-18 Thread D. Hazelton
On Monday 18 December 2006 14:41, Alexandre Oliva wrote:
> On Dec 17, 2006, Kyle Moffett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On the other hand, certain projects like OpenAFS, while not license-
> > compatible, are certainly not derivative works.
> Certainly a big chunk of OpenAFS might not be, just like a big chunk
> of other non-GPL drivers for Linux.
> But what about the glue code?  Can that be defended as not a derived
> work, such that it doesn't have to be GPL?

That has never been an issue, really. Its what 99% of the binary drivers 
believe - hence the reason that there is the user-compiled component to all 
of them.

> If not, can the whole containing both the non-derivative work and the
> source code providing the glue without which the whole wouldn't
> fulfill its intended purpose be regarded as a mere aggregate, and thus
> not be subject to the requirement that the whole be released under the
> GPL?

The view that binary vendors take is "Linking does not create a derived 
work" - regardless of the fact that you cannot have a complete compiled 
program or module *WITHOUT* that linking. However I have a feeling that the 
lawyers in the employ of the companies that ship BLOB drivers say that all 
they need to do to comply with the GPL is to ship the glue-code in source 

And I have to admit that this does seem to comply with the GPL - to the 
letter, if not the spirit.

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Re: GPL only modules

2006-12-18 Thread D. Hazelton
On Monday 18 December 2006 10:47, Dave Neuer wrote:
> On 12/17/06, D. Hazelton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Sunday 17 December 2006 16:32, David Schwartz wrote:
> > > > I would argue that this is _particularly_ pertinent with regards to
> > > > Linux.  For example, if you look at many of our atomics or locking
> > > > operations a good number of them (depending on architecture and
> > > > version) are inline assembly that are directly output into the code
> > > > which uses them.  As a result any binary module which uses those
> > > > functions from the Linux headers is fairly directly a derivative work
> > > > of the GPL headers because it contains machine code translated
> > > > literally from GPLed assembly code found therein.  There are also a
> > > > fair number of large perhaps-wrongly inline functions of which the
> > > > use of any one would be likely to make the resulting binary
> > > > "derivative".
> > >
> > > That's not protectable expression under United States law. See Lexmark
> > > v. Static Controls and the analogous case of the TLP (ignore the DMCA
> > > stuff in that case, that's not relevant). If you want to make that kind
> > > of content protectable, you have to get it out of the header files.
> > >
> > > You cannot protect, by copyright, every reasonably practical way of
> > > performing a function. Only a patent can do that. If taking something
> > > is reasonably necessary to express a particular idea (and a Linux
> > > module for the ATI X850 card is an idea), then that something cannot be
> > > protected by copyright when it is used to express that idea. (Even if
> > > it would clearly be protectably expression in another context.)
> > >
> > > The premise of copyright is that there are millions of equally-good
> > > ways to express the same idea or perform the same function, and you
> > > creatively pick one, and that choice is protected. But if I'm
> > > developing a Linux module for a particular network card, choosing to
> > > use the Linux kernel header files is the only practical choice to
> > > perform that particular function. So their content is not protectable
> > > when used in that context. (If you make another way to do it, then the
> > > content becomes protectable in that context again.)
> > >
> > > IANAL.
> > >
> > > DS
> >
> > Agreed. You missed the point. Since the Linux Kernel header files contain
> > a chunk of the source code for the kernel in the form of the macros for
> > locking et. al. then using the headers - including that code in your
> > module - makes it a derivative work.
> David didn't miss the point; Lexmark vs. Static Controls, however
> unintuitively, ruled that even _verbatim_ copying is not always
> copyright infringement in the case of software because of issues like
> the doctrine of scenes a faire. In the case of spinlocks, if the only
> way to accomplish atomic operations on an architecture is to use
> something like the assembler that the inclusion of spinlock.h injects
> into your binary, then according to Lexmark vs. Static Controls that
> makes that included code unprotectable by copyright.

Ah, okay. However I'm quite sure that there are more ways to accomplish the 
tasks handled by the code in the header files (in most cases). 

> Where I disagree with David (as I have publicly before on this list),
> is that he incorrectly applies the concept of "functional idea" to
> "write a linux kernel module." I don't believe that is a "functional
> idea" in the sense that is meaningful in the context of software
> copyright or patents (at least until someone writes a piece of
> software that writes kernel modules).

Agreed. And thanks for clarifying that.

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Re: GPL only modules

2006-12-18 Thread D. Hazelton
On Monday 18 December 2006 10:47, Dave Neuer wrote:
 On 12/17/06, D. Hazelton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Sunday 17 December 2006 16:32, David Schwartz wrote:
I would argue that this is _particularly_ pertinent with regards to
Linux.  For example, if you look at many of our atomics or locking
operations a good number of them (depending on architecture and
version) are inline assembly that are directly output into the code
which uses them.  As a result any binary module which uses those
functions from the Linux headers is fairly directly a derivative work
of the GPL headers because it contains machine code translated
literally from GPLed assembly code found therein.  There are also a
fair number of large perhaps-wrongly inline functions of which the
use of any one would be likely to make the resulting binary
   That's not protectable expression under United States law. See Lexmark
   v. Static Controls and the analogous case of the TLP (ignore the DMCA
   stuff in that case, that's not relevant). If you want to make that kind
   of content protectable, you have to get it out of the header files.
   You cannot protect, by copyright, every reasonably practical way of
   performing a function. Only a patent can do that. If taking something
   is reasonably necessary to express a particular idea (and a Linux
   module for the ATI X850 card is an idea), then that something cannot be
   protected by copyright when it is used to express that idea. (Even if
   it would clearly be protectably expression in another context.)
   The premise of copyright is that there are millions of equally-good
   ways to express the same idea or perform the same function, and you
   creatively pick one, and that choice is protected. But if I'm
   developing a Linux module for a particular network card, choosing to
   use the Linux kernel header files is the only practical choice to
   perform that particular function. So their content is not protectable
   when used in that context. (If you make another way to do it, then the
   content becomes protectable in that context again.)
  Agreed. You missed the point. Since the Linux Kernel header files contain
  a chunk of the source code for the kernel in the form of the macros for
  locking et. al. then using the headers - including that code in your
  module - makes it a derivative work.

 David didn't miss the point; Lexmark vs. Static Controls, however
 unintuitively, ruled that even _verbatim_ copying is not always
 copyright infringement in the case of software because of issues like
 the doctrine of scenes a faire. In the case of spinlocks, if the only
 way to accomplish atomic operations on an architecture is to use
 something like the assembler that the inclusion of spinlock.h injects
 into your binary, then according to Lexmark vs. Static Controls that
 makes that included code unprotectable by copyright.

Ah, okay. However I'm quite sure that there are more ways to accomplish the 
tasks handled by the code in the header files (in most cases). 

 Where I disagree with David (as I have publicly before on this list),
 is that he incorrectly applies the concept of functional idea to
 write a linux kernel module. I don't believe that is a functional
 idea in the sense that is meaningful in the context of software
 copyright or patents (at least until someone writes a piece of
 software that writes kernel modules).

Agreed. And thanks for clarifying that.

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Re: GPL only modules

2006-12-18 Thread D. Hazelton
On Monday 18 December 2006 14:41, Alexandre Oliva wrote:
 On Dec 17, 2006, Kyle Moffett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On the other hand, certain projects like OpenAFS, while not license-
  compatible, are certainly not derivative works.

 Certainly a big chunk of OpenAFS might not be, just like a big chunk
 of other non-GPL drivers for Linux.

 But what about the glue code?  Can that be defended as not a derived
 work, such that it doesn't have to be GPL?

That has never been an issue, really. Its what 99% of the binary drivers 
believe - hence the reason that there is the user-compiled component to all 
of them.

 If not, can the whole containing both the non-derivative work and the
 source code providing the glue without which the whole wouldn't
 fulfill its intended purpose be regarded as a mere aggregate, and thus
 not be subject to the requirement that the whole be released under the

The view that binary vendors take is Linking does not create a derived 
work - regardless of the fact that you cannot have a complete compiled 
program or module *WITHOUT* that linking. However I have a feeling that the 
lawyers in the employ of the companies that ship BLOB drivers say that all 
they need to do to comply with the GPL is to ship the glue-code in source 

And I have to admit that this does seem to comply with the GPL - to the 
letter, if not the spirit.

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Re: GPL only modules

2006-12-18 Thread D. Hazelton
On Monday 18 December 2006 20:35, David Schwartz wrote:
  For both static and dynamic linking, you might claim the output is an
  aggregate, but that doesn't matter.  What matters is whether or not
  the output is a work based on the program, and whether the mere
  aggregation paragraph kicks in.
  If the output is not an aggregate, which is quite likely to be
  the case for dynamic linking, and quite possibly also for many static
  linking cases, then the mere aggregation paragraph of clause 2 does
  not kick in.
  If the output is indeed an aggregate, as it may quite likely be in the
  case of static linking, then the mere aggregation considerations of
  clause 2 may kick in and enable the 'anything else' to not be brought
  under the scope of the license.  You still need permission to
  distribute the whole.  The GPL asserts its non-interference with your
  ability to distribute the separate portion separately, under whatever
  license you can, as long as it's not a derived work from the GPL


 It makes no difference whether the mere aggregation paragraph kicks in
 because the mere aggregation paragraph is *explaining* the *law*. What
 matters is what the law actually *says*.

 We are talking about what works are within the GPL's scope. The text of the
 GPL does not matter because the GPL does not set its own scope, copyright
 law does.

 The GPL could say that if you ever see the source code to a GPL'd work,
 every work you ever write must be placed under the GPL. But that wouldn't
 make it true, because that would be a requirement outside the GPL's scope.

 We are talking about works are inside the GPL's legal scope, and in that
 case, nothing the GPL says can enlarge the scope.


Actually, after rereading the GPLv2 because of this discussion I came to a 
most surprising conclusion. While there are *IMPLICIT* and *EXPLICIT* 
copyrights on the code, they have no bearing on the text of the GPL.

The GPL is a License that covers how the code may be used, modified and 
distributed. This is the reason that the FSF people had to make the big 
exception for Bison, because the parser skeleton is such an integral part of 
Bison (Bison itself, IIRC, uses the same skeleton, modified, as part of the 
program) that truthfully, any parser built using Bison is a derivative work 
of code released under the GPL.

That said, since there is a distribution, use and modification license on the 
Linux Kernel - the GPLv2 - there are those extra restrictions on the code 
*OUTSIDE* the copyright rules.

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Re: GPL only modules

2006-12-18 Thread D. Hazelton
On Monday 18 December 2006 12:16, David Schwartz wrote:
 Combined responses to save bandwidth and reduce the number of times people
 have to press d.

  Agreed. You missed the point.

 I don't understand how you could lead with agreed and then proceed to
 completely ignore the entire point I just made.

I *initially* thought you had missed the point. After your later post 
clarifying things I saw that my statement had been in error and that I did 
agree with you completely.

  Since the Linux Kernel header files
  contain a
  chunk of the source code for the kernel in the form of the macros
  for locking
  et. al. then using the headers - including that code in your
  module - makes
  it a derivative work.

 No, it does not. The header files are purely function and not expressive in
 this case. Copyright only protects one choice among many equally-practical
 choices for expressing the same idea or performing the same function.

In this case, well. We aren't talking Copyright, but the license under which 
the software is distributed. According to the USPTO placing a statement such 
as (c) 2006 Pornrat Watanabe on a work you have created automatially places 
it under a copyright. The kernel source code, copyrighted as it is, is then 
distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL. 

Using the code from the header files may not make the module a derivative, but 
it is including parts of a copyrighted work. By *NOT* complying with the 
license under which said copyrighted work is distributed, you are giving up 
your rights under the license.

This doesn't negate any problems with people making Blob drivers, because, as 
you pointed out, under the same laws they aren't a derivative work, which 
means that that clause of the license doesn't apply. Now if the GPL contained 
a clause specifically defining what it considered a derivative work things 
would be different.

  Actually, thinking about it, the way a Linux driver module works actually
  seems to make *ANY* driver a derivative work, because they are
  loaded into
  the kernels memory space and cannot function without having that done.

 If every practical way of expressing an idea contains something, then that
 something is *not* protectable when used to express an idea of that kind.

Not what I was saying. There are any number of ways to make a driver 
function - the FUSE system has shown that clearly. But by making that driver 
one that is loaded directly into the kernels memory space...

It's that act that *I* *FEEL* makes it a derivative work.

  *IF* the Usermode Driver interface that is being worked on ever proves
  useful then, and only then, could you consider it *NOT* a
  derivative work.
  Because then the only thing it is using *IS* an interface, not complete
  chunks of the source as generated when the pre-processor finishes running
  through the file.

 No, you have it completely backwards.

No, you missed my point. I was saying that the Usermode Driver interface would 
make the current style of kernel modules fully derivative works. This being 
because they are using an open system interface and *NOT* including code 
distributed with the kernel.

 If a usermode driver interface was equally practical to develop a
 particular type of driver, then using the kernel headers would make the
 driver a derivative work. Because, in that case, the choice to use the
 kernel headers would be a creative choice -- one chosen method among many
 equally practical one.

And this is what I was saying. Perhaps I didn't state it in clear and concise 

 Copyright only protects creative choices, not purely functional ones.

 A Linux 2.6 driver for the ATI X800 graphics chipset is an idea. If the
 only reasonably practical way to express that idea is with the Linux kernel
 header files, then using the Linux kernel header files is scenes a fair,
 not protected content.

Okay. I understood this back at the start of your reply.


Okay, after a lot of thought and me realizing some mistakes I had made in 
interpreting the law and legal precedents I see we are on the same page.

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Re: GPL only modules

2006-12-17 Thread D. Hazelton
On Sunday 17 December 2006 16:32, David Schwartz wrote:
> > I would argue that this is _particularly_ pertinent with regards to
> > Linux.  For example, if you look at many of our atomics or locking
> > operations a good number of them (depending on architecture and
> > version) are inline assembly that are directly output into the code
> > which uses them.  As a result any binary module which uses those
> > functions from the Linux headers is fairly directly a derivative work
> > of the GPL headers because it contains machine code translated
> > literally from GPLed assembly code found therein.  There are also a
> > fair number of large perhaps-wrongly inline functions of which the
> > use of any one would be likely to make the resulting binary
> > "derivative".
> That's not protectable expression under United States law. See Lexmark v.
> Static Controls and the analogous case of the TLP (ignore the DMCA stuff in
> that case, that's not relevant). If you want to make that kind of content
> protectable, you have to get it out of the header files.
> You cannot protect, by copyright, every reasonably practical way of
> performing a function. Only a patent can do that. If taking something is
> reasonably necessary to express a particular idea (and a Linux module for
> the ATI X850 card is an idea), then that something cannot be protected by
> copyright when it is used to express that idea. (Even if it would clearly
> be protectably expression in another context.)
> The premise of copyright is that there are millions of equally-good ways to
> express the same idea or perform the same function, and you creatively pick
> one, and that choice is protected. But if I'm developing a Linux module for
> a particular network card, choosing to use the Linux kernel header files is
> the only practical choice to perform that particular function. So their
> content is not protectable when used in that context. (If you make another
> way to do it, then the content becomes protectable in that context again.)
> DS

Agreed. You missed the point. Since the Linux Kernel header files contain a 
chunk of the source code for the kernel in the form of the macros for locking 
et. al. then using the headers - including that code in your module - makes 
it a derivative work.

Actually, thinking about it, the way a Linux driver module works actually 
seems to make *ANY* driver a derivative work, because they are loaded into 
the kernels memory space and cannot function without having that done.

*IF* the "Usermode Driver" interface that is being worked on ever proves 
useful then, and only then, could you consider it *NOT* a derivative work. 
Because then the only thing it is using *IS* an interface, not complete 
chunks of the source as generated when the pre-processor finishes running 
through the file.

But as David said - IANAL

D. Hazelton
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Re: GPL only modules

2006-12-17 Thread D. Hazelton
On Sunday 17 December 2006 16:32, David Schwartz wrote:
  I would argue that this is _particularly_ pertinent with regards to
  Linux.  For example, if you look at many of our atomics or locking
  operations a good number of them (depending on architecture and
  version) are inline assembly that are directly output into the code
  which uses them.  As a result any binary module which uses those
  functions from the Linux headers is fairly directly a derivative work
  of the GPL headers because it contains machine code translated
  literally from GPLed assembly code found therein.  There are also a
  fair number of large perhaps-wrongly inline functions of which the
  use of any one would be likely to make the resulting binary

 That's not protectable expression under United States law. See Lexmark v.
 Static Controls and the analogous case of the TLP (ignore the DMCA stuff in
 that case, that's not relevant). If you want to make that kind of content
 protectable, you have to get it out of the header files.

 You cannot protect, by copyright, every reasonably practical way of
 performing a function. Only a patent can do that. If taking something is
 reasonably necessary to express a particular idea (and a Linux module for
 the ATI X850 card is an idea), then that something cannot be protected by
 copyright when it is used to express that idea. (Even if it would clearly
 be protectably expression in another context.)

 The premise of copyright is that there are millions of equally-good ways to
 express the same idea or perform the same function, and you creatively pick
 one, and that choice is protected. But if I'm developing a Linux module for
 a particular network card, choosing to use the Linux kernel header files is
 the only practical choice to perform that particular function. So their
 content is not protectable when used in that context. (If you make another
 way to do it, then the content becomes protectable in that context again.)



Agreed. You missed the point. Since the Linux Kernel header files contain a 
chunk of the source code for the kernel in the form of the macros for locking 
et. al. then using the headers - including that code in your module - makes 
it a derivative work.

Actually, thinking about it, the way a Linux driver module works actually 
seems to make *ANY* driver a derivative work, because they are loaded into 
the kernels memory space and cannot function without having that done.

*IF* the Usermode Driver interface that is being worked on ever proves 
useful then, and only then, could you consider it *NOT* a derivative work. 
Because then the only thing it is using *IS* an interface, not complete 
chunks of the source as generated when the pre-processor finishes running 
through the file.

But as David said - IANAL

D. Hazelton
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Re: Overriding X on panic

2006-11-26 Thread D. Hazelton
On Sunday 26 November 2006 17:19, Dave Airlie wrote:
> On 11/27/06, Alan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Sun, 26 Nov 2006 09:18:41 +0100
> >
> > Arjan van de Ven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > The mode switch sequences for modern cards are a bit more hairy than
> > > > lists of I/O poking unfortunately.
> > >
> > > for the Intel hw Keith doesn't seem to think it's all that much of a
> > > problem though...
> >
> > Including the TV out, odder LCD panels, non BIOS modes etc ? If so then
> > it might be an interesting test case for intelfb to grow some kind of
> > console helper interface
> It's non-trivial, I think you are better off going initially with just
> using the current framebuffer that X is using, I know ajax was doing
> some hacking on this with a "user"-framebuffer, until I disuaded him
> due to I think the trouble caused by dual-head and something else I
> can't remember..
> I personally think we need to probably just bite the bullet and start
> sticking graphics drivers into the kernel, the new randr-1.2 interface
> for X is probably a good starting point for a generic mode setting
> interface that isn't so X dependent and could replace fbdev with
> something more sane wrt dualhead and multiple outputs... fbdev could
> be implemented on top of that layer then.. also suspend/resume really
> needs this sort of thing

I've been working on this myself. Unfortunately the box I was using for devel 
has died and the start I made on the work was lost several months ago when I 
had a hard drive die on me. (I really need to go buy a UPS and a better surge 
protector - the box I was doing devel on bought it in a lightning strike and 
the hard drive I had used as a backup just died)

> My main worry with integrating graphics drivers into the kernel is
> that when they don't work the user gets no screen, with network/sound
> etc this isn't so bad, but if they can't see a screen debugging gets
> to be a bit more difficult

Yeah - this is why the work I was doing kept the old vgacon around and used 
fbcon on those platforms that needed it (unchanged). My plan was to add a 
graphics system that would "take over" from the boot console when it was 
ready to take over.

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Re: Overriding X on panic

2006-11-26 Thread D. Hazelton
On Sunday 26 November 2006 17:19, Dave Airlie wrote:
 On 11/27/06, Alan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Sun, 26 Nov 2006 09:18:41 +0100
  Arjan van de Ven [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The mode switch sequences for modern cards are a bit more hairy than
lists of I/O poking unfortunately.
   for the Intel hw Keith doesn't seem to think it's all that much of a
   problem though...
  Including the TV out, odder LCD panels, non BIOS modes etc ? If so then
  it might be an interesting test case for intelfb to grow some kind of
  console helper interface

 It's non-trivial, I think you are better off going initially with just
 using the current framebuffer that X is using, I know ajax was doing
 some hacking on this with a user-framebuffer, until I disuaded him
 due to I think the trouble caused by dual-head and something else I
 can't remember..

 I personally think we need to probably just bite the bullet and start
 sticking graphics drivers into the kernel, the new randr-1.2 interface
 for X is probably a good starting point for a generic mode setting
 interface that isn't so X dependent and could replace fbdev with
 something more sane wrt dualhead and multiple outputs... fbdev could
 be implemented on top of that layer then.. also suspend/resume really
 needs this sort of thing

I've been working on this myself. Unfortunately the box I was using for devel 
has died and the start I made on the work was lost several months ago when I 
had a hard drive die on me. (I really need to go buy a UPS and a better surge 
protector - the box I was doing devel on bought it in a lightning strike and 
the hard drive I had used as a backup just died)

 My main worry with integrating graphics drivers into the kernel is
 that when they don't work the user gets no screen, with network/sound
 etc this isn't so bad, but if they can't see a screen debugging gets
 to be a bit more difficult

Yeah - this is why the work I was doing kept the old vgacon around and used 
fbcon on those platforms that needed it (unchanged). My plan was to add a 
graphics system that would take over from the boot console when it was 
ready to take over.

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Re: [PATCH] ALSA: hda-intel - Disable MSI support by default

2006-11-16 Thread D. Hazelton
On Wednesday 15 November 2006 23:25, Lu, Yinghai wrote:
> I think the root cause in hda_intel driver's self.
> It gets io-apic irq initialized at first, and it will use
> azx_acquire_irq to install handler after check if MSI can be enabled.
> And when it try to enable the MSI, that will start the int in the chip.
> Even handler for MSI is not installed.
> YH

That seems rather stupid. Perhaps installing a conditional handler before 
doing anything with MSI will solve that problem... The problem then just 
revolves around replacing the conditional handler with the real one when MSI 
is fully enabled. If I understood the code for this driver better I'd try to 
make this work. As it stands I'm still trying to recover from the loss of the 
work I did on another project. (DRM based uniform kernel graphics interface - 
had a blackout here that caused my devel machine to crash and left me with a 
trashed drive)

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Re: [PATCH] ALSA: hda-intel - Disable MSI support by default

2006-11-16 Thread D. Hazelton
On Wednesday 15 November 2006 23:25, Lu, Yinghai wrote:
 I think the root cause in hda_intel driver's self.

 It gets io-apic irq initialized at first, and it will use
 azx_acquire_irq to install handler after check if MSI can be enabled.
 And when it try to enable the MSI, that will start the int in the chip.
 Even handler for MSI is not installed.


That seems rather stupid. Perhaps installing a conditional handler before 
doing anything with MSI will solve that problem... The problem then just 
revolves around replacing the conditional handler with the real one when MSI 
is fully enabled. If I understood the code for this driver better I'd try to 
make this work. As it stands I'm still trying to recover from the loss of the 
work I did on another project. (DRM based uniform kernel graphics interface - 
had a blackout here that caused my devel machine to crash and left me with a 
trashed drive)

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Re: GFS, what's remaining

2005-09-03 Thread D. Hazelton
On Saturday 03 September 2005 02:14, Arjan van de Ven wrote:
> On Sat, 2005-09-03 at 13:18 +0800, David Teigland wrote:
> > On Thu, Sep 01, 2005 at 01:21:04PM -0700, Andrew Morton wrote:
> > > Alan Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > - Why GFS is better than OCFS2, or has functionality which
> > > > > OCFS2 cannot possibly gain (or vice versa)
> > > > >
> > > > > - Relative merits of the two offerings
> > > >
> > > > You missed the important one - people actively use it and
> > > > have been for some years. Same reason with have NTFS, HPFS,
> > > > and all the others. On that alone it makes sense to include.
> > >
> > > Again, that's not a technical reason.  It's _a_ reason, sure. 
> > > But what are the technical reasons for merging gfs[2], ocfs2,
> > > both or neither?
> > >
> > > If one can be grown to encompass the capabilities of the other
> > > then we're left with a bunch of legacy code and wasted effort.
> >
> > GFS is an established fs, it's not going away, you'd be hard
> > pressed to find a more widely used cluster fs on Linux.  GFS is
> > about 10 years old and has been in use by customers in production
> > environments for about 5 years.
> but you submitted GFS2 not GFS.

I'd rather not step into the middle of this mess, but you clipped out 
a good portion that explains why he talks about GFS when he submitted 
GFS2.  Let me quote the post you've pulled that partial paragraph 
from: "The latest development cycle (GFS2) has focused on improving
performance, it's not a new file system -- the "2" indicates that it's 
not ondisk compatible with earlier versions."

In other words he didn't submit the original, but the new version of 
it that is not compatable with the original GFS on disk format.  
While it is clear that GFS2 cannot claim the large installed user 
base or the proven capacity of the original (it is, after all, a new 
version that has incompatabilities) it can claim that as it's 
heritage and what it's aiming towards, the same as ext3 can (and 
does) claim the power and reliability of ext2.

In this case I've been following this thread just for the hell of it 
and I've noticed that there are some people who seem to not want to 
even think of having GFS2 included in a mainline kernel for personal 
and not technical reasons. That does not describe most of the people 
on this list, many of whom have helped debug the code (among other 
things), but it does describe a few.

I'll go back to being quiet now... 


Description: application/pgp-keys

Description: PGP signature

Re: GFS, what's remaining

2005-09-03 Thread D. Hazelton
On Saturday 03 September 2005 02:14, Arjan van de Ven wrote:
 On Sat, 2005-09-03 at 13:18 +0800, David Teigland wrote:
  On Thu, Sep 01, 2005 at 01:21:04PM -0700, Andrew Morton wrote:
   Alan Cox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 - Why GFS is better than OCFS2, or has functionality which
 OCFS2 cannot possibly gain (or vice versa)

 - Relative merits of the two offerings
You missed the important one - people actively use it and
have been for some years. Same reason with have NTFS, HPFS,
and all the others. On that alone it makes sense to include.
   Again, that's not a technical reason.  It's _a_ reason, sure. 
   But what are the technical reasons for merging gfs[2], ocfs2,
   both or neither?
   If one can be grown to encompass the capabilities of the other
   then we're left with a bunch of legacy code and wasted effort.
  GFS is an established fs, it's not going away, you'd be hard
  pressed to find a more widely used cluster fs on Linux.  GFS is
  about 10 years old and has been in use by customers in production
  environments for about 5 years.

 but you submitted GFS2 not GFS.

I'd rather not step into the middle of this mess, but you clipped out 
a good portion that explains why he talks about GFS when he submitted 
GFS2.  Let me quote the post you've pulled that partial paragraph 
from: The latest development cycle (GFS2) has focused on improving
performance, it's not a new file system -- the 2 indicates that it's 
not ondisk compatible with earlier versions.

In other words he didn't submit the original, but the new version of 
it that is not compatable with the original GFS on disk format.  
While it is clear that GFS2 cannot claim the large installed user 
base or the proven capacity of the original (it is, after all, a new 
version that has incompatabilities) it can claim that as it's 
heritage and what it's aiming towards, the same as ext3 can (and 
does) claim the power and reliability of ext2.

In this case I've been following this thread just for the hell of it 
and I've noticed that there are some people who seem to not want to 
even think of having GFS2 included in a mainline kernel for personal 
and not technical reasons. That does not describe most of the people 
on this list, many of whom have helped debug the code (among other 
things), but it does describe a few.

I'll go back to being quiet now... 


Description: application/pgp-keys

Description: PGP signature

Re: oops in 2.6.13-rc6-git5

2005-08-15 Thread D. Hazelton
On Monday 15 August 2005 08:22, Jesper Juhl wrote:
> Can you reproduce the crash reliably?
> Can you reproduce the crash with a non-tainted kernel?

I've tried several times now to reproduce the oops, but there might have been 
another factor that led to the oops, because just booting the kernel and 
shutting down does not trigger it. I have tried reproducing all conditions up 
to the time that the oops actually occurred and think it might just be my 
hardware going flaky - so I have reloaded the module that taints the kernel 
(have done this already and having the module loaded when the powerdown 
started did not trigger the oops) and am seeing if using it for any period of 
time causes the oops to occur. If it does I will try the other driver 
available for the modem, although that one also contains proprietary code. 
The upside is that it does not make use of any functions marked as deprecated 
in any version of the kernel, where the official driver requires me to 
re-enable a deprecated function that had been made non-exported by the 


Description: application/pgp-keys

Description: PGP signature

Re: oops in 2.6.13-rc6-git5

2005-08-15 Thread D. Hazelton
On Monday 15 August 2005 08:22, Jesper Juhl wrote:
 Can you reproduce the crash reliably?
 Can you reproduce the crash with a non-tainted kernel?

I've tried several times now to reproduce the oops, but there might have been 
another factor that led to the oops, because just booting the kernel and 
shutting down does not trigger it. I have tried reproducing all conditions up 
to the time that the oops actually occurred and think it might just be my 
hardware going flaky - so I have reloaded the module that taints the kernel 
(have done this already and having the module loaded when the powerdown 
started did not trigger the oops) and am seeing if using it for any period of 
time causes the oops to occur. If it does I will try the other driver 
available for the modem, although that one also contains proprietary code. 
The upside is that it does not make use of any functions marked as deprecated 
in any version of the kernel, where the official driver requires me to 
re-enable a deprecated function that had been made non-exported by the 


Description: application/pgp-keys

Description: PGP signature