Re: "GPL weasels and the atheros stink"

2007-09-02 Thread Jonathan A. George

Matthew Jacob wrote:

 > Question #1: Is it _ethical_ (legality aside) to take someone else's

actively maintained work (for example an OpenBSD driver) and make
changes which can not be shared/used by the original developer/maintainer?

Answer #1: Considering that the whole reason I personally choose the GPL
for some projects is to prevent this sort of one way street behavior
_away_ from the original OSS developers/contributors _my_ answer must
be; No it is not ethical.

I beg to differ. If you want to put things out there for others to use
but want to avoid having the situation as you describe it, simply
license the work as such (which would be neither BSD nor GPL)-
requiring any changes to come back to the original maintainer.
*Snort*. I seem to recall Unix commercial distributions that made
claims that bug fixes that you made belonged to them.

... But is it _ethical_ (as opposed to legal) to violate the expressed 
intent of the original author ...

IP laws (including copyright) are generally used as an imperfect (and 
internationally inconsistent) mechanism to protect intent, but inexact 
application of those laws affects enforcement as law ... however, 
respect for intent remains the ethical standard by which I (for one) 
would prefer to govern my life.

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Re: "GPL weasels and the atheros stink"

2007-09-02 Thread Jonathan A. George
While the title of Marc's email might be construed as flame bait, it is 
disappointing to see that the generally very valid points he has made 
(as both a BSD _and_ _GPL_ developer) are being ignored. To make it 
simple try answering these two questions:

Question #1: Is it _ethical_ (legality aside) to take someone else's 
actively maintained work (for example an OpenBSD driver) and make 
changes which can not be shared/used by the original developer/maintainer?

Answer #1: Considering that the whole reason I personally choose the GPL 
for some projects is to prevent this sort of one way street behavior 
_away_ from the original OSS developers/contributors _my_ answer must 
be; No it is not ethical.

Question #2: Is it _technically beneficial_ to branch an OSS work (for 
example an OpenBSD driver) in such a way as to diminish the ability to 
share contributions between projects?

Answer #2: It would be fascinating (and sad) to see an attempt at 
justifying a yes response to this question.

Please don't let the rude language or defensiveness bought out by this 
particular incident distract from doing the right thing.  Just because 
you legally can (or might be able to) do something doesn't make it right.


P.S. As a secondary concern; it could be legally dubious with some 
governments to relicense an existing file from the OpenBSD license 
(given that the copyright license must remain intact) -- though patches 
could themselves _technically_ be GPL.  Creating _new_ GPL files which 
work _with_ the existing BSD licensed has no such ambiguity, but please 
see questions #1 and #2 above -- is it the _right_ thing to do?

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Re: Please open sysfs symbols to proprietary modules

2005-02-03 Thread Jonathan A. George

> ...The EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL is a license statement to binary module 

As noted repeatedly a symbol prefix doesn't appear to carry any legal 
weight under U.S. law.  In fact the GPL copyright notice is appear 
legally limited to the granting of *copy* *rights* per U.S. copyright 
law and specifically does _not_ appear to implicitly or explicitly 
create the kind of exceptions you seem to be looking for.

> The one major stumbling block is that any code that imports symbols
> that are exported via "EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL" can only legally _export_
> symbols using the same, for the reason I stated above.
The GPL as a *copy* *right* notice can apparently only apply obviously 
derivative works under U.S. law, and an independent driver created for a 
different OS is obviously _not_ a derivative work.  Basically the 
attempt to create such a distinction does not appear to be supported by 
U.S. law as applied to the GPL.

> If it's a non-GPL module it _cannot_ legally use EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPLed
> symbols, either directly or indirectly, under any circumstances.
Actually you can probably use any symbols you want since only the glue 
layer to the OS independent driver is would appear derivative of Linux, 
and since the glue layer appears to be derivative of two *independent* 
works (the OS and the Driver when done this way) you might need to 
license the glue layer in a way which is compatible with both works.  
The current BSD license could be a good choice in this instance.

** As noted previously it would be interested to see the opinion of a 
U.S. IP lawyer who has conclusively tested the impact of copy right law 
where the boundary of what constitutes a derivative work was explicitly 
stated by a federal judge.

P.S. Consider a kernel module which allows the use of a binary only 
MS-Windows driver in its unmodified stated.  Could you actually consider 
the MS-Windows driver to be a derivative work of the Linux kernel by 
virtue of an intermediate glue module which was BSD licensed and made 
free use of all symbols?  Would the Linux kernel be considered a 
derivative work of your motherboards firmware?  These seem rather 
unlikely conclusions.
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Re: Please open sysfs symbols to proprietary modules

2005-02-02 Thread Jonathan A. George
As an observation:
The Linux kernel appears to contain the GPL copyright notice.  This 
appears to explicitly releases the right to alter anything in a copy 
written work which shares that copyright notice.  Therefore,  all 
exported symbols would appear to carry equal weight; thus making the 
GPL_ prefix a notation of dubious value.   Furthermore, it seems as if 
that the copyright might allow changing the GPL_ prefix notation to 

It would seem just as surprising if the U.S. courts were to stop 
considering history of enforcement in copyright law as it would if they 
were to start considering in cases of patent law.

(I would love to see the opinion of an IP lawyer who has conclusively 
tested these aspects of copyright law in court.)

A paranoid approach it to develop your driver targeted at FreeBSD, and 
then develop a glue layer abstraction for porting to other OS's.  Then 
you simply might GPL your glue layer code as a module using any symbols 
you want for your GPL copy written code per the observations earlier in 
this email.

In this way you will have created a work with no intrinsic dependencies 
on the Linux kernel which avoids presenting your work as an obvious 
target for those who prefer to spend their time looking for targets. :-)

P.S. Sorry about breaking mailer threading. :-(
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