Sie haben eine Spende von € 5.800.000,00.

2021-01-11 Thread Mrs. Mavis
Sie haben eine Spende von € 5.800.000,00. von Mavis Wanczyk antworten Sie mit 
diesem Code [MW530342019], um die Spende zu erhalten

Vous avez un don de 5 800 000,00 €. de Mavis Wanczyk répondez avec ce code 
[MW530342019] pour recevoir le don

Sie haben eine Spende von € 5.800.000,00.

2021-01-09 Thread Mrs. Mavis
Sie haben eine Spende von € 5.800.000,00. von Mavis Wanczyk antworten Sie mit 
diesem Code [MW530342019], um die Spende zu erhalten

Vous avez un don de 5 800 000,00 €. de Mavis Wanczyk répondez avec ce code 
[MW530342019] pour recevoir le don

Sie haben eine Spende von € 5.800.000,00.

2021-01-09 Thread Mrs. Mavis
Sie haben eine Spende von € 5.800.000,00. von Mavis Wanczyk antworten Sie mit 
diesem Code [MW530342019], um die Spende zu erhalten

Vous avez un don de 5 800 000,00 €. de Mavis Wanczyk répondez avec ce code 
[MW530342019] pour recevoir le don

Sie haben eine Spende von € 5.800.000,00.

2021-01-01 Thread Mrs. Mavis
Sie haben eine Spende von € 5.800.000,00. von Mavis Wanczyk antworten Sie mit 
diesem Code [MW530342019], um die Spende zu erhalten

Vous avez un don de 5 800 000,00 €. de Mavis Wanczyk répondez avec ce code 
[MW530342019] pour recevoir le don

Du har en donation på € 5,800,000,00.

2020-12-20 Thread Mrs. Mavis
Du har en donation på € 5,800,000,00. från Mavis Wanczyk svara med den här 
koden [MW530342019] för att ta emot donationen

Máte dar vo výške 5 800 000,00 €.

2020-12-19 Thread Mrs. Mavis
Máte dar vo výške 5 800 000,00 €. od Mavisa Wanczyka odpovedzte týmto kódom 
[MW530342019], aby ste dostali dar

my subject

2020-12-18 Thread Mavis
Sie haben eine Spende von EUR 5.800.000,00. Antworten Sie mit diesem Code 
[MW530342019], um den Gewinn zu beanspruchen


2019-10-05 Thread Mavis

Lieber Freund,
Ich bin Frau Mavis Wanczyk, Bürgerin von Massachusetts, Vereinigte Staaten von 
Amerika, die Mega-Gewinnerin des Powerball-Jackpots in Höhe von 758,7 Millionen 
US-Dollar. Ich spende an 5 zufällige Personen. Wenn Sie diese E-Mail erhalten, 
wird Ihre E-Mail zu einer von mir verteilten Kugel wenig von meinem Vermögen an 
eine Reihe von Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen und Organisationen. Ich habe mich 
freiwillig entschlossen, den Betrag von 5.800.000,00 € an Sie als einen der 
ausgewählten 5 zu spenden, um meine Gewinne zu überprüfen. Weitere 
Informationen finden Sie auf meiner YouTube-Seite unten.
Dies ist Ihr Spendencode: [MW530342019]
Antworte auf diese E-Mail mit dem DONOR
Ich hoffe, Sie und Ihre Familie glücklich zu machen.Grüße Frau Mavis Wanczyk


2019-08-05 Thread Mavis
Dear friend,

I'm Ms. Mavis Wanczyk, a citizen of Massachusetts, United States of America, 
the $ 758.7 million mega-winner of the Powerball jackpot. I donate to 5 random 
people little of my fortune to a number of charities and organizations. I 
volunteered to donate $ 5,800,000 to you as one of the selected 5 to review my 
winnings. For more information, visit my YouTube page below.


This is your donation code: [MW530342019]

Reply to this email with the DONOR CODE:

I hope to make you and your family happy.
Greetings Mrs. Mavis Wanczyk

(pas d'objet)

2018-11-02 Thread Mavis Wancyzk

Mein Name ist Mavis Wanczyk, Gewinner des Power Ball Jackpots im August
2017, 758,7 Millionen Dollar. Ich spende € 1.800.000,00 an Sie.
Kontaktieren Sie mich per E-Mail: für
Informationen / Anspruch.

Herzlichen Glückwunsch, haben Sie als unsere Begünstigten gewählt worden...

2018-10-31 Thread Mavis
Sehr geehrter Herr/Frau,
Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitzuteilen, dass Sie ausgewählt wurden, um die Summe zu 
erhalten €2,000,000.00 Euro aus Mitteln der Mavis Wanczyk Hilfe.  Mein Name ist 
Mavis Wanczyk der Gewinner des 758,7 Millionen US-Dollar in der Power Ball 
Lotterie Jackpot als der größte Preis aus einem einzigen Lottoschein in USA.  
Meine Wohltätigkeitsstiftung hat dich ausgewählt, als unsere glücklichen 
Empfänger erhalten die Summe von € 2,000,000.00 EURO. Nehmen Sie dieses Angebot 
an und kontaktieren Sie mich für Weitere Details.

Herzlichen Glückwunsch, haben Sie als unsere Begünstigten gewählt worden...

2018-10-31 Thread Mavis
Sehr geehrter Herr/Frau,
Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitzuteilen, dass Sie ausgewählt wurden, um die Summe zu 
erhalten €2,000,000.00 Euro aus Mitteln der Mavis Wanczyk Hilfe.  Mein Name ist 
Mavis Wanczyk der Gewinner des 758,7 Millionen US-Dollar in der Power Ball 
Lotterie Jackpot als der größte Preis aus einem einzigen Lottoschein in USA.  
Meine Wohltätigkeitsstiftung hat dich ausgewählt, als unsere glücklichen 
Empfänger erhalten die Summe von € 2,000,000.00 EURO. Nehmen Sie dieses Angebot 
an und kontaktieren Sie mich für Weitere Details.

Do You Need A Helping Hand?

2018-10-07 Thread Mavis Wanczyk


2018-10-07 Thread Mrs Mavis Wanczyk

Good Day Sir/Madam:

I am Mavis Wanczyk i know you may not know me but am the latest largest
US Power-ball lottery winner of $758.7m just of recent, am currently
helping out people in need of financial assistance, i know it's hard to
believe anything on the internet, so if you don't need my help please
don't reply to this message.
If you are interested kindly reply to me via
email::( )

Best Regards
Mrs.Mavis Wanczyk.


2018-10-06 Thread Mavis Wanczyk...

I am Mavis Wanczyk i know you may not know me but am the latest  
largest US Powerball lottery winner of $758.7m just of recent, am  
currently helping out  people in need of financial assistance, i know  
it's hard to believe anything on the internet,  so if you don't need  
my help please don't reply to this message.

Mavis Wanczyk


2018-10-06 Thread Mavis Wanczyk...

I am Mavis Wanczyk i know you may not know me but am the latest  
largest US Powerball lottery winner of $758.7m just of recent, am  
currently helping out  people in need of financial assistance, i know  
it's hard to believe anything on the internet,  so if you don't need  
my help please don't reply to this message.

Mavis Wanczyk


2018-10-05 Thread Mavis Wanczyk....

I am Mavis Wanczyk i know you may not know me but am the latest largest 
US Powerball lottery winner of $758.7m just of recent, am currently 
helping out  people in need of financial assistance, i know it's hard to 
believe anything on the internet,  so if you don't need my help please 
don't reply to this message.

Mavis Wanczyk

(sin asunto)

2018-09-26 Thread Mrs. Mavis Wanczyk

Good Day,

I, Mavis Wanczyk donates $ 5 Million Dollars to you, from part of my 
Jackpot Lottery of $ 758 Million Dollars, respond with your details for 

I await your earliest response and God Bless you.

Good luck,
Mavis Wanczyk.


2018-09-03 Thread Mavis Wanczyk

Sehr geehrter Herr / Frau,

 Wir freuen uns mitteilen zu können, dass Sie von Mavis Wanczyk Hilfe in
 Höhe von € 1.000.000,00 erhalten haben. Mavis Wanczyk ist der Gewinner
 von $ 758,7 Millionen Dollar im Power Ball Lottery Jackpot als der
 größte Preis von einem einzigen Lottoschein in den USA. Meine
 Wohltätigkeitsstiftung hat Sie als unseren glücklichen Empfänger
 ausgewählt, um die Summe von € 1.000.000,00 EURO zu erhalten.
 Akzeptieren Sie dieses Angebot Bitte kontaktieren Sie mich für alle
 Details per E-Mail:


2018-07-22 Thread Mrs Mavis L. Wanczyk

This is the second time i am sending you this mail.I, Mavis Wanczyk donates $ 5 
Million Dollars from part of my Powerball Jackpot Lottery of $ 758 Million 
Dollars, respond with your details for claims.

Good luck.
Mrs Mavis L. Wanczyk


2018-07-22 Thread Mrs Mavis L. Wanczyk

This is the second time i am sending you this mail.I, Mavis Wanczyk donates $ 5 
Million Dollars from part of my Powerball Jackpot Lottery of $ 758 Million 
Dollars, respond with your details for claims.

Good luck.
Mrs Mavis L. Wanczyk

Do You Need A Helping Hand?

2018-06-16 Thread Mavis Wanczyk...

I am Mavis Wanczyk i know you may not know me but am the latest  
largest US Powerball lottery winner of $758.7m just of recent, am  
currently helping out  people in need of financial assistance, i know  
it's hard to believe anything on the internet,  so if you don't need  
my help please don't reply to this message.

Mavis Wanczyk

Do You Need A Helping Hand?

2018-06-09 Thread Mavis Wanczyk

I am Mavis Wanczyk i know you may not know me but am the latest  
largest US Powerball lottery winner of $758.7m just of recent, am  
currently helping out  people in need of financial assistance, i know  
it's hard to believe anything on the internet,  so if you don't need  
my help please don't reply to this message.

Mavis Wanczyk

Do You Need A Helping Hand?

[no subject]

2018-06-04 Thread Mavis Wanczyk

Good Day,

I, Mavis Wanczyk donates $ 5 Million Dollars from part of my Powerball
Jackpot Lottery of $ 758 Million Dollars, respond with your details
for claims.

I await your earliest response and God Bless you

Good luck.
Mavis Wanczyk

Charity Gift !!!

2018-05-04 Thread Mrs Mavis L. Wanczyk

This is the second time i am sending you this mail.

I, Mavis Wanczyk donates $ 5 Million Dollars from part of my Powerball  
Jackpot Lottery of $ 758 Million Dollars, respond with your details  
for claims.

I await your earliest response and God Bless you

Good luck.
Mavis Wanczyk

Charity Gift !!!

2018-05-03 Thread Mrs Mavis L. Wanczyk

This is the second time i am sending you this mail.

I, Mavis Wanczyk donates $ 5 Million Dollars from part of my Powerball  
Jackpot Lottery of $ 758 Million Dollars, respond with your details  
for claims.

I await your earliest response and God Bless you

Good luck.
Mavis Wanczyk

Charity Gift !!!

2018-05-03 Thread Mrs Mavis L. Wanczyk

This is the second time i am sending you this mail.

I, Mavis Wanczyk donates $ 5 Million Dollars from part of my Powerball  
Jackpot Lottery of $ 758 Million Dollars, respond with your details  
for claims.

I await your earliest response and God Bless you

Good luck.
Mavis Wanczyk

Do You Need A Hand?

2018-05-03 Thread Mavis Wanczyk

I am Mavis Wanczyk i know you may not know me but am the latest  
largest US Powerball lottery winner of $758.7m just of recent, am  
currently helping out  people in need of financial assistance, i know  
it's hard to believe anything on the internet,  so if you don't need  
my help please don't reply to this message.

Mavis Wanczyk

$950,000 Donations

2018-01-03 Thread Mavis L Donations
Dear Email Owner.
   I won $758.7Million Powerball Lottery in november last year, I am doing alot 
of charity works worldwide, so i decided to give $950,000 USD each to 5 lucky 
people worldwide, Your email was seleted from a date of internet E-mail users 
which your ID came out as one of my lucky participants, Please confirm if you 
are still using your email address by getting back to me with your details. 
Please do send details below..
Your name:
Phone No:
Congratulations & Happy New Year.
Mavis L Wanczyk.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.


2017-11-23 Thread Mavis Wanc
I am giving out my donation to you.

Re: Donation

2017-09-28 Thread Mavis Wanczyk Foundation
Greetings To You,

My Name is Mavis wanczyk , the winner of the Power ball jackpot of $ $758.7 
million  in the AUGUST 24, 2017, My jackpot was a gift from God to me hence my 
Entire family/foundation has AGREED to do this. My foundation is donating 
$500,000.00USD to you. please contac for full details 
and please accept this token as a gift from me and my family.

Read more:

 Best Regards,
 Mavis Wanczyk

Re: Donation

2017-09-09 Thread Mavis Wanczyk Foundation
Greetings To You,

My Name is Mavis wanczyk , the winner of the Power ball jackpot of $ $758.7 
million  in the AUGUST 24, 2017, My jackpot was a gift from God to me hence my 
Entire family/foundation has AGREED to do this. My foundation is donating 
$500,000.00USD to you. please contac for full details 
and please accept this token as a gift from me and my family.

Read more:

 Best Regards,
 Mavis Wanczyk

Re: Donation

2017-09-07 Thread Mavis Wanczyk Foundation
Greetings To You,

My Name is Mavis wanczyk , the winner of the Power ball jackpot of $ $758.7 
million  in the AUGUST 24, 2017, My jackpot was a gift from God to me hence my 
Entire family/foundation has AGREED to do this. My foundation is donating 
$500,000.00USD to you. please contac for full details 
and please accept this token as a gift from me and my family.

Read more:

 Best Regards,
 Mavis Wanczyk

Re: Donation

2017-09-06 Thread Mavis Wanczyk Foundation
Greetings To You,

My Name is Mavis wanczyk , the winner of the Power ball jackpot of $ $758.7 
million  in the AUGUST 24, 2017, My jackpot was a gift from God to me hence my 
Entire family/foundation has AGREED to do this. My foundation is donating 
$500,000.00USD to you. please contac for full details 
and please accept this token as a gift from me and my family.

Read more:

 Best Regards,
 Mavis Wanczyk

Re: Donation

2017-09-06 Thread Mavis Wanczyk Foundation
Greetings To You,

My Name is Mavis wanczyk , the winner of the Power ball jackpot of $ $758.7 
million  in the AUGUST 24, 2017, My jackpot was a gift from God to me hence my 
Entire family/foundation has AGREED to do this. My foundation is donating 
$500,000.00USD to you. please contac for full details 
and please accept this token as a gift from me and my family.

Read more:

 Best Regards,
 Mavis Wanczyk

Re: Donation

2017-09-05 Thread Mavis Wanczyk Foundation
Greetings To You,

My Name is Mavis wanczyk , the winner of the Power ball jackpot of $ $758.7 
million  in the AUGUST 24, 2017, My jackpot was a gift from God to me hence my 
Entire family/foundation has AGREED to do this. My foundation is donating 
$500,000.00USD to you. please contac for full details 
and please accept this token as a gift from me and my family.

Read more:

 Best Regards,
 Mavis Wanczyk

Re: Donation

2017-09-04 Thread Mavis Wanczyk Foundation
Greetings To You,

My Name is Mavis wanczyk , the winner of the Power ball jackpot of $ $758.7 
million  in the AUGUST 24, 2017, My jackpot was a gift from God to me hence my 
Entire family/foundation has AGREED to do this. My foundation is donating 
$500,000.00USD to you. please contac for full details 
and please accept this token as a gift from me and my family.

Read more:

 Best Regards,
 Mavis Wanczyk

Re: Donation

2017-09-02 Thread Mavis Wanczyk Foundation
Greetings To You,

My Name is Mavis wanczyk , the winner of the Power ball jackpot of $ $758.7 
million  in the AUGUST 24, 2017, My jackpot was a gift from God to me hence my 
Entire family/foundation has AGREED to do this. My foundation is donating 
$500,000.00USD to you. please contac for full details 
and please accept this token as a gift from me and my family.

Read more:

 Best Regards,
 Mavis Wanczyk