Free libre internet search engine.

2001-02-18 Thread Roberto Diaz

Hi.. well this is off-topic sorry.. somebody is going to kill me
but.. somebody has to make sure about this,

Being aware about the new Microsoft "world domination" attempt with its
.NET platform and after years watching how the Internet is getting more
and more commercial (well this maybe is not that bad while freedom be
respected).. I would like to propose the following: (and maybe it exist
already if so tell me please and sorry!).

We need a free, libre, Internet Search Engine.. we should coordinate this
from all the international LUG's.. this Internet search engine should be
not for profit but to ensure in the future that all of us will have a
site of reference to query for all pages/information/documentation in the
Internet without economical or other kind of interests interfering.

We also should made sure that in the future every document in the Internet
could have a chance to be indexed in order to be founded from every place
around the world.

Maybe this is not for tomorrow.. but a libre search engine is something

Sorry very much, for my english that I am trying to improve and for my
off-topic.. but I think is necessary to mention the possibility of a
project like this. 
Sorry and thank you very much indeed. If you believe in this idea please
write the FSF so they could coordinate all the effort.

God bless you all!!



Roberto Diaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Powered by ddt dynamic DNS
Powered by GNU running on a Linux kernel.
Powered by Debian (The real wonder)

Concerto Grosso Op. 3/8 A minor
Antonio Vivaldi (so... do you need beautiful words?)

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the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Free libre internet search engine.

2001-02-18 Thread Roberto Diaz

Hi.. well this is off-topic sorry.. somebody is going to kill me
but.. somebody has to make sure about this,

Being aware about the new Microsoft "world domination" attempt with its
.NET platform and after years watching how the Internet is getting more
and more commercial (well this maybe is not that bad while freedom be
respected).. I would like to propose the following: (and maybe it exist
already if so tell me please and sorry!).

We need a free, libre, Internet Search Engine.. we should coordinate this
from all the international LUG's.. this Internet search engine should be
not for profit but to ensure in the future that all of us will have a
site of reference to query for all pages/information/documentation in the
Internet without economical or other kind of interests interfering.

We also should made sure that in the future every document in the Internet
could have a chance to be indexed in order to be founded from every place
around the world.

Maybe this is not for tomorrow.. but a libre search engine is something

Sorry very much, for my english that I am trying to improve and for my
off-topic.. but I think is necessary to mention the possibility of a
project like this. 
Sorry and thank you very much indeed. If you believe in this idea please
write the FSF so they could coordinate all the effort.

God bless you all!!



Powered by ddt dynamic DNS
Powered by GNU running on a Linux kernel.
Powered by Debian (The real wonder)

Concerto Grosso Op. 3/8 A minor
Antonio Vivaldi (so... do you need beautiful words?)

To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in
the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
More majordomo info at
Please read the FAQ at

Re: Software Mestizo Manifesto

2001-02-07 Thread Roberto Diaz

> > > Your "ethical" statement is incompatible with the GPL.
> I disagree. Its a statement. Its a request. It says 'advice'. Anyone is
> entitled to advise how to use GPL software. The only issue is if someone
> chooses to require it is not used by XYZ person. 

Please.. I am not lawyer... my intention were good, just to give authors
the freedom to say "hey please dont drop a nuclear weapon in my city using
my software" just that..

As you see even I have troubles with my english.. 

If someone agree this intentions please help.



Roberto Diaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Powered by ddt dynamic DNS
Powered by GNU running on a Linux kernel.
Powered by Debian (The real wonder)

Concerto Grosso Op. 3/8 A minor
Antonio Vivaldi (so... do you need beautiful words?)

To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in
the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Please read the FAQ at

Re: Software Mestizo Manifesto

2001-02-07 Thread Roberto Diaz

   Your "ethical" statement is incompatible with the GPL.
 I disagree. Its a statement. Its a request. It says 'advice'. Anyone is
 entitled to advise how to use GPL software. The only issue is if someone
 chooses to require it is not used by XYZ person. 

Please.. I am not lawyer... my intention were good, just to give authors
the freedom to say "hey please dont drop a nuclear weapon in my city using
my software" just that..

As you see even I have troubles with my english.. 

If someone agree this intentions please help.



Powered by ddt dynamic DNS
Powered by GNU running on a Linux kernel.
Powered by Debian (The real wonder)

Concerto Grosso Op. 3/8 A minor
Antonio Vivaldi (so... do you need beautiful words?)

To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in
the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Please read the FAQ at

Re: Software Mestizo Manifesto

2001-02-06 Thread Roberto Diaz

> Quoted from the GPL:
> ---
>   6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
> Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
> original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
> these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
> restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
> You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
> this License.
> ---
> Your "ethical" statement is incompatible with the GPL.

Thank you very much.. do you find incompatibilities here:

/**  Software Mestizo Manifesto  *
 * This code is **Software Mestizo** meaning it has been developed with
 * the help of many diverse individuals worldwide; no matter their 
 * racial or cultural origin, they all work together in peace and harmony 
 * in the belief of humankind fraternity.  Using this software with the 
 * purpose of harming these principles is to harm the software itself,
 * We advice to use it only in the context of these principles or refrain 
 * from its use if you don't agree with the spirit in which it was 
 * written.

Please let the people to decide wether they want to attach this to their
source code.. I am only trying to do a manifesto which I think is valuable

Please send a CC: to Guido Socher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> he is the
Editor-in-Chief of maybe he could help (or kill me
still dont know.. anyway).



Roberto Diaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Powered by ddt dynamic DNS
Powered by GNU running on a Linux kernel.
Powered by Debian (The real wonder)

Concerto Grosso Op. 3/8 A minor
Antonio Vivaldi (so... do you need beautiful words?)

To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in
the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Please read the FAQ at

Software Mestizo Manifesto

2001-02-06 Thread Roberto Diaz

Hi this is off-topic sorry.

I am trying to make a manifesto in order to attach it to all my gpl'd
developments.. due to limitations in my english I would like to ask for
your help... and maybe you can have a couple of new ideas to improve it.

I am doing this because gpl'd developments usually involves people all
around the world and more times this is its main feature.. and being aware
that a lot of gpl'd / GNU resources are used by fascist, terrorist and
that kind of "people" everyday.. well maybe  is a begginig.

Please help the way you can.

for now is just this:

/**  Software Mestizo Manifesto  *
 * This code is **Software Mestizo** meaning it has been developed with 
 * the help of a lot of individuals no matter their racial or cultural 
 * origin, they all work together in peace and harmony in the belief of 
 * humankind fraternity, using this software with the purpose to harm 
 * this principles is to harm this software itself, uncivilizated and
 * completely unethical. Please use it only in the context of this 
 * principles or dont use it if you dont agree the spirit of the Authors.



Roberto Diaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Powered by ddt dynamic DNS
Powered by GNU running on a Linux kernel.
Powered by Debian (The real wonder)

Concerto Grosso Op. 3/8 A minor
Antonio Vivaldi (so... do you need beautiful words?)

To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in
the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Please read the FAQ at

Software Mestizo Manifesto

2001-02-06 Thread Roberto Diaz

Hi this is off-topic sorry.

I am trying to make a manifesto in order to attach it to all my gpl'd
developments.. due to limitations in my english I would like to ask for
your help... and maybe you can have a couple of new ideas to improve it.

I am doing this because gpl'd developments usually involves people all
around the world.. and being aware that a lot of gpl'd / GNU resources are
used by fascist, terrorist and that kind of "people" everyday.. well maybe 
is a begginig.

Please help the way you can.

for now is just this:

/**  Software Mestizo Manifesto  *
 * This code is **Software Mestizo** meaning it has been developed with 
 * the help of a lot of individuals no matter their racial or cultural 
 * origin, they all work together in peace and harmony in the belief of 
 * humankind fraternity, using this software with the purpose to harm 
 * this principles is to harm this software itself, uncivilizated and
 * completely unethical. Please use it only in the context of this 
 * principles or dont use it if you dont agree the spirit of the Authors.



Roberto Diaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Powered by ddt dynamic DNS
Powered by GNU running on a Linux kernel.
Powered by Debian (The real wonder)

Concerto Grosso Op. 3/8 A minor
Antonio Vivaldi (so... do you need beautiful words?)

To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in
the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Please read the FAQ at

Software Mestizo Manifesto

2001-02-06 Thread Roberto Diaz

Hi this is off-topic sorry.

I am trying to make a manifesto in order to attach it to all my gpl'd
developments.. due to limitations in my english I would like to ask for
your help... and maybe you can have a couple of new ideas to improve it.

I am doing this because gpl'd developments usually involves people all
around the world.. and being aware that a lot of gpl'd / GNU resources are
used by fascist, terrorist and that kind of "people" everyday.. well maybe 
is a begginig.

Please help the way you can.

for now is just this:

/**  Software Mestizo Manifesto  *
 * This code is **Software Mestizo** meaning it has been developed with 
 * the help of a lot of individuals no matter their racial or cultural 
 * origin, they all work together in peace and harmony in the belief of 
 * humankind fraternity, using this software with the purpose to harm 
 * this principles is to harm this software itself, uncivilizated and
 * completely unethical. Please use it only in the context of this 
 * principles or dont use it if you dont agree the spirit of the Authors.



Powered by ddt dynamic DNS
Powered by GNU running on a Linux kernel.
Powered by Debian (The real wonder)

Concerto Grosso Op. 3/8 A minor
Antonio Vivaldi (so... do you need beautiful words?)

To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in
the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Please read the FAQ at

Software Mestizo Manifesto

2001-02-06 Thread Roberto Diaz

Hi this is off-topic sorry.

I am trying to make a manifesto in order to attach it to all my gpl'd
developments.. due to limitations in my english I would like to ask for
your help... and maybe you can have a couple of new ideas to improve it.

I am doing this because gpl'd developments usually involves people all
around the world and more times this is its main feature.. and being aware
that a lot of gpl'd / GNU resources are used by fascist, terrorist and
that kind of "people" everyday.. well maybe  is a begginig.

Please help the way you can.

for now is just this:

/**  Software Mestizo Manifesto  *
 * This code is **Software Mestizo** meaning it has been developed with 
 * the help of a lot of individuals no matter their racial or cultural 
 * origin, they all work together in peace and harmony in the belief of 
 * humankind fraternity, using this software with the purpose to harm 
 * this principles is to harm this software itself, uncivilizated and
 * completely unethical. Please use it only in the context of this 
 * principles or dont use it if you dont agree the spirit of the Authors.



Powered by ddt dynamic DNS
Powered by GNU running on a Linux kernel.
Powered by Debian (The real wonder)

Concerto Grosso Op. 3/8 A minor
Antonio Vivaldi (so... do you need beautiful words?)

To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in
the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Please read the FAQ at

Re: Software Mestizo Manifesto

2001-02-06 Thread Roberto Diaz

 Quoted from the GPL:
   6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
 Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
 original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
 these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
 restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
 You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
 this License.
 Your "ethical" statement is incompatible with the GPL.

Thank you very much.. do you find incompatibilities here:

/** Software Mestizo Manifesto *
* This code is **Software Mestizo** meaning it has been developed with
* the help of many diverse individuals worldwide; no matter their 
 * racialor cultural origin, they all work together in peace and harmony 
 * in thebelief of humankind fraternity. Using this software with the 
 * purpose of harming these principles is to harm the software itself,
 * We advice to use it only in the context of these principles or refrain 
 * from its use if you don't agree with the spirit in which it was 
 * written.

Please let the people to decide wether they want to attach this to their
source code.. I am only trying to do a manifesto which I think is valuable

Please send a CC: to Guido Socher [EMAIL PROTECTED] he is the
Editor-in-Chief of maybe he could help (or kill me
still dont know.. anyway).



Powered by ddt dynamic DNS
Powered by GNU running on a Linux kernel.
Powered by Debian (The real wonder)

Concerto Grosso Op. 3/8 A minor
Antonio Vivaldi (so... do you need beautiful words?)

To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in
the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Please read the FAQ at