On 14/02/07, RIz Khan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dear Sir/Madam,
I have an interview at symantec and i need to knw about Linux kernel
development using C. I have done prgramming in C++ but in windows enviorment
but i dont kknw nothing about linux and especially about kernel development.
I would be greatfull if u can tell me something about it and recomend me a
vry vry basic book.

So you want to learn a new programming language (C), a new operating
system (Linux) and dive into kernel development as well, all at the
same time - that's no small task :)

As for the C language bit, starting with K&R's "The C programming
language, second edition" is not a bad place to start.

As for the linux kernel, "Linux Kernel Development, second edition"by
Robert Love is a good introduction that gives a good overview of most
aspects of the kernel.
You probably also want to read the file Documentation/HOWTO in the
Linux kernel source dir (as well as all the files it refers you to -
an online copy can be read here:

And probably also won't hurt you to read "Linux in a Nutshell" by
Ellen Siever, Aaron Weber & Stephen Figgins if you want a good general
Linux reference.

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