I Need An Investment Partner

2020-11-01 Thread Mr. Soma
Dear Friend,

 I am Aisha Al-Qaddafi, the only biological Daughter of Former
President of Libya Col. Muammar Al-Qaddafi. Am a single Mother and a
Widow with three Children.

I have investment funds worth Twenty Seven Million Five Hundred
Thousand United State Dollar ($27.500.000.00 ) and i need a trusted
investment Manager/Partner because of my current refugee status,
however, I am interested in you for investment project assistance in
your country, may be from there, we can build business relationship in
the nearest future.

I am willing to negotiate an investment/business profit sharing ratio
with you based on the future investment earning profits.
If you are willing to handle this project on my behalf kindly reply
urgently to enable me to provide you more information about the
investment funds.

Your Urgent Reply Will Be Appreciated
Best Regards

I Need An Investment Partner

2019-04-08 Thread Mrs Aisha Gaddafi

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh,

Dear Friend,
I came across your e-mail contact prior a private search while in need of your 
assistance. I am Aisha Al-Qaddafi, the only biological Daughter of Former 
President of Libya Col. Muammar Al-Qaddafi.  Am a single Mother and a Widow 
with three Children.  

I have investment funds worth Twenty Seven Million Five Hundred Thousand United 
State Dollar ($27.500.000.00 ) and i need a trusted investment Manager/Partner 
because of my current refugee status, however, I am interested in you for 
investment project assistance in your country, may be from there, we can build 
business relationship in the nearest future.

I am willing to negotiate investment/business profit sharing ratio with you 
base on the future investment earning profits.

If you are willing to handle this project on my behalf kindly reply urgent to 
enable me provide you more information about the investment funds. PLEASE REPLY 
ME THROUGH THIS EMAIL mgaddafi...@gmail.com

Your Urgent Reply Will Be Appreciated

Best Regards
Mrs Aisha Al-Qaddafi

I need an investment Partner

2018-12-13 Thread Aisha Gaddafi

Hello Dear ,
I came across your contact during my private search
Mrs Aisha Al-Qaddafi is my name, the only daughter of late Libyan
president, I have funds the sum
of $27.5 million USD for investment, I am interested in you for
investment project assistance in your country,
i shall compensate you 30% of the total sum after the funds are
transfer into your account,
Reply me urgent for more details
Mrs Aisha Al-Qaddafi

Dear I Need An Investment Partner

2018-11-28 Thread Aisha Gaddafi

Hello Dear ,
I came across your contact during my private search
Mrs Aisha Al-Qaddafi is my name, the only daughter of late Libyan
president, I have funds the sum
of $27.5 million USD for investment, I am interested in you for
investment project assistance in your country,
i shall compensate you 30% of the total sum after the funds are
transfer into your account,
Reply me urgent for more details
Mrs Aisha Al-Qaddafi

Dear I Need An Investment Partner

2018-11-28 Thread Aisha Gaddafi

Hello Dear ,
I came across your contact during my private search
Mrs Aisha Al-Qaddafi is my name, the only daughter of late Libyan
president, I have funds the sum
of $27.5 million USD for investment, I am interested in you for
investment project assistance in your country,
i shall compensate you 30% of the total sum after the funds are
transfer into your account,
Reply me urgent for more details
Mrs Aisha Al-Qaddafi

Hello Dear I Need An Investment Partner

2018-11-16 Thread Aisha Gaddafi

Hello Dear ,
I came across your contact during my private search
Mrs Aisha Al-Qaddafi is my name, the only daughter of late Libyan
president, I have funds the sum
of $27.5 million USD for investment, I am interested in you for
investment project assistance in your country,
i shall compensate you 30% of the total sum after the funds are
transfer into your account,
Reply me urgent for more details
Mrs Aisha Al-Qaddafi

Hello Dear I Need An Investment Partner

2018-11-16 Thread Aisha Gaddafi

Hello Dear ,
I came across your contact during my private search
Mrs Aisha Al-Qaddafi is my name, the only daughter of late Libyan
president, I have funds the sum
of $27.5 million USD for investment, I am interested in you for
investment project assistance in your country,
i shall compensate you 30% of the total sum after the funds are
transfer into your account,
Reply me urgent for more details
Mrs Aisha Al-Qaddafi


2018-11-12 Thread Mrsaisha Gadafi


I came across your e-mail,
 contact prior a private,
 search while in need of,
 your assistance.
 I am Aisha Al-Qaddafi,
 the only biological,
 Daughter of Former,
 President of Libya,
 Col. Muammar Al-Qaddafi. 

i have a bussiness propusal for you, and i know you will not betray me

your urgent reply we be appreciated

Best Regards
Mrs Aisha Al-Qaddafi


2018-11-12 Thread Mrsaisha Gadafi


I came across your e-mail,
 contact prior a private,
 search while in need of,
 your assistance.
 I am Aisha Al-Qaddafi,
 the only biological,
 Daughter of Former,
 President of Libya,
 Col. Muammar Al-Qaddafi. 

i have a bussiness propusal for you, and i know you will not betray me

your urgent reply we be appreciated

Best Regards
Mrs Aisha Al-Qaddafi

Please Dear, I Need An Investment Partner

2018-08-27 Thread Aisha Gaddafi

Dear Assalamu Alaikum,
I came across your contact during my private search
Mrs Aisha Al-Qaddafi is my name, the only daughter of late Libyan
president, I have funds the sum
of $27.5 million USD for investment, I am interested in you for
investment project assistance in your country,
i shall compensate you 30% of the total sum after the funds are
transfer into your account,
Greetings from Mrs Aisha Al-Qaddafi
Mrs Aisha Al-Qaddafi

---Übersetzung in Deutsch---

Lieber Assalamu Alaikum,
Ich bin bei meiner privaten Suche auf Ihren Kontakt gestoßen
Frau Aisha Al-Gaddafi ist mein Name, die einzige Tochter des 
verstorbenen Libyers
Präsident, ich habe die Summe finanziert
von 27,5 Mio. USD für Investitionen, ich interessiere mich für Sie
Investitionsprojektunterstützung in Ihrem Land,
Ich werde Ihnen 30% der Gesamtsumme erstatten, wenn die Mittel 
aufgebraucht sind
in dein Konto überweisen,
Grüße von Frau Aisha Al-Gaddafi
Frau Aisha Al-Gaddafi

Please Dear, I Need An Investment Partner

2018-08-27 Thread Aisha Gaddafi

Dear Assalamu Alaikum,
I came across your contact during my private search
Mrs Aisha Al-Qaddafi is my name, the only daughter of late Libyan
president, I have funds the sum
of $27.5 million USD for investment, I am interested in you for
investment project assistance in your country,
i shall compensate you 30% of the total sum after the funds are
transfer into your account,
Greetings from Mrs Aisha Al-Qaddafi
Mrs Aisha Al-Qaddafi

---Übersetzung in Deutsch---

Lieber Assalamu Alaikum,
Ich bin bei meiner privaten Suche auf Ihren Kontakt gestoßen
Frau Aisha Al-Gaddafi ist mein Name, die einzige Tochter des 
verstorbenen Libyers
Präsident, ich habe die Summe finanziert
von 27,5 Mio. USD für Investitionen, ich interessiere mich für Sie
Investitionsprojektunterstützung in Ihrem Land,
Ich werde Ihnen 30% der Gesamtsumme erstatten, wenn die Mittel 
aufgebraucht sind
in dein Konto überweisen,
Grüße von Frau Aisha Al-Gaddafi
Frau Aisha Al-Gaddafi

Please Dear, I Need An Investment Partner

2018-08-25 Thread Aisha Gaddafi

Dear Assalamu Alaikum,
I came across your contact during my private search
Mrs Aisha Al-Qaddafi is my name, the only daughter of late Libyan
president, I have funds the sum
of $27.5 million USD for investment, I am interested in you for
investment project assistance in your country,
i shall compensate you 30% of the total sum after the funds are
transfer into your account,
Greetings from Mrs Aisha Al-Qaddafi
Mrs Aisha Al-Qaddafi

Please Dear, I Need An Investment Partner

2018-08-25 Thread Aisha Gaddafi

Dear Assalamu Alaikum,
I came across your contact during my private search
Mrs Aisha Al-Qaddafi is my name, the only daughter of late Libyan
president, I have funds the sum
of $27.5 million USD for investment, I am interested in you for
investment project assistance in your country,
i shall compensate you 30% of the total sum after the funds are
transfer into your account,
Greetings from Mrs Aisha Al-Qaddafi
Mrs Aisha Al-Qaddafi