Re: NFS v2 attribute problem with 2.2.18?
On Tue, Dec 12, 2000 at 12:03:35PM +0100, Jens-Uwe Mager wrote: > ramses$ /bin/mkdir yyy; /bin/touch yyy/xxx > /bin/touch: yyy/xxx: Permission denied I've had similar problems with previous kernels, altough not at the same situation. If I try to touch a file which is on NFS mounted directory, I get "Permission denied" despite group I belong to has full access to this file. I can edit and remove the file with no problems, but touch doesn't work. This is rather tricky situation, as compiling code gets quite difficult for this group, as only the owned can touch the file despite the effective permissions on file (and previous directories). -Tuoppi- - To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please read the FAQ at
Re: NFS v2 attribute problem with 2.2.18?
>It would help a lot more if you ran tcpdump with "-s 1500" or some >similar large number. As Neil points out truncated packets do not help, so the trace again with -s 1500 as an argument to tcpdump: 13:48:05.395685 > ans.nfs: 132 lookup fh 9,65537/2147693539 "xxx" (ttl 64, id 1029) 4500 00a0 0405 4011 1dfa ac10 002d ac10 0001 031f 0801 008c 3faf 64f1 d261 0002 0001 86a3 0002 0004 0001 0034 0105 0010 7261 6d73 6573 2e68 656c 696f 732e 6465 0064 001e 0004 001e 0064 0065 0067 0025 0001 0003 000a 0003 8003 33e3 7c3e 000a 0002 33de 2bb9 0003 7878 7800 13:48:05.397304 ans.nfs > reply ok 28 lookup ERROR: No such file or directory (ttl 255, id 62046) 4500 0038 f25e ff11 7107 ac10 0001 ac10 002d 0801 031f 0024 64e1 64f1 d261 0001 0002 13:48:05.397774 > ans.nfs: 164 mkdir fh 9,65537/2147693539 "xxx" (ttl 64, id 1033) 4500 00c0 0409 4011 1dd6 ac10 002d ac10 0001 031f 0801 00ac fc67 65f1 d261 0002 0001 86a3 0002 000e 0001 0034 0105 0010 7261 6d73 6573 2e68 656c 696f 732e 6465 0064 001e 0004 001e 0064 0065 0067 0025 0001 0003 000a 0003 8003 33e3 7c3e 000a 0002 33de 2bb9 0003 7878 7800 41fd 13:48:05.418391 ans.nfs > reply ok 128 mkdir fh 9,65537/2014524401 DIR 40775 ids 4294967295/4294967295 sz 4294967295 nlink 4294967295 rdev fsid nodeid a/m/ctime 4294967295.00 4294967295.00 4294967295.00 (ttl 255, id 62047) 4500 009c f25f ff11 70a2 ac10 0001 ac10 002d 0801 031f 0088 6d7c 65f1 d261 0001 0025 0001 0003 000a 000e 7813 33f1 a7b6 000a 0002 33de 2bb9 0002 41fd 13:48:05.422817 > ans.nfs: 132 lookup fh 9,65537/2014524401 "x" (ttl 64, id 1036) 4500 00a0 040c 4011 1df3 ac10 002d ac10 0001 031f 0801 008c 9288 66f1 d261 0002 0001 86a3 0002 0004 0001 0034 0105 0010 7261 6d73 6573 2e68 656c 696f 732e 6465 0064 001e 0004 001e 0064 0065 0067 0025 0001 0003 000a 000e 7813 33f1 a7b6 000a 0002 33de 2bb9 0001 7800 13:48:05.429952 ans.nfs > reply ok 28 lookup ERROR: No such file or directory (ttl 255, id 62048) 4500 0038 f260 ff11 7105 ac10 0001 ac10 002d 0801 031f 0024 62e1 66f1 d261 0001 0002 13:48:05.431057 > ans.nfs: 132 lookup fh 10,11/144350 "jum" (ttl 64, id 1038) 4500 00a0 040e 4011 1df1 ac10 002d ac10 0001 031e 0801 008c 1449 67f1 d261 0002 0001 86a3 0002 0004 0001 0034 0105 0010 7261 6d73 6573 2e68 656c 696f 732e 6465 0064 001e 0004 001e 0064 0065 0067 0028 000b 0003 000a 0002 33de 34af 000a
NFS v2 attribute problem with 2.2.18?
I just installed the new 2.2.18 kernel and I get a strange problem with NFS v2 servers (for example AIX 4.1.5). The problem does not appear if the NFS server is a newer V3 for example from Solaris 7. The problem is that I am unable to create new files in a newly created directory for a while: ramses$ /bin/mkdir yyy; /bin/touch yyy/xxx /bin/touch: yyy/xxx: Permission denied The permission denied error goes away after a while. I did trace the above command using tcpdump (I hope this helps to diagnose the problem): 11:56:23.724180 > ans.nfs: 132 lookup [|nfs] (ttl 64, id 21710) 4500 00a0 54ce 4011 cd30 ac10 002d ac10 0001 031f 0801 008c 1a93 00e6 6d51 0002 0001 86a3 0002 0004 11:56:23.725265 ans.nfs > reply ok 28 lookup [|nfs] (ttl 255, id 42181) 4500 0038 a4c5 ff11 bea0 ac10 0001 ac10 002d 0801 031f 0024 2dfd 00e6 6d51 0001 11:56:23.725361 > ans.nfs: 164 mkdir [|nfs] (ttl 64, id 21712) 4500 00c0 54d0 4011 cd0e ac10 002d ac10 0001 031f 0801 00ac d74b 01e6 6d51 0002 0001 86a3 0002 000e 11:56:23.736633 ans.nfs > reply ok 128 mkdir [|nfs] (ttl 255, id 42183) 4500 009c a4c7 ff11 be3a ac10 0001 ac10 002d 0801 031f 0088 adcf 01e6 6d51 0001 11:56:23.740561 > ans.nfs: 132 lookup [|nfs] (ttl 64, id 21716) 4500 00a0 54d4 4011 cd2a ac10 002d ac10 0001 031f 0801 008c 6e2a 02e6 6d51 0002 0001 86a3 0002 0004 11:56:23.742417 ans.nfs > reply ok 28 lookup [|nfs] (ttl 255, id 42184) 4500 0038 a4c8 ff11 be9d ac10 0001 ac10 002d 0801 031f 0024 2bfd 02e6 6d51 0001 11:56:23.743843 > ans.nfs: 132 lookup [|nfs] (ttl 64, id 21718) 4500 00a0 54d6 4011 cd28 ac10 002d ac10 0001 031e 0801 008c f12d 03e6 6d51 0002 0001 86a3 0002 0004 11:56:23.744632 ans.nfs > reply ok 128 lookup [|nfs] (ttl 255, id 42185) 4500 009c a4c9 ff11 be38 ac10 0001 ac10 002d 0801 031e 0088 dcc3 03e6 6d51 0001 11:56:23.744951 > ans.nfs: 132 lookup [|nfs] (ttl 64, id 21719) 4500 00a0 54d7 4011 cd27 ac10 002d ac10 0001 031e 0801 008c a93a 04e6 6d51 0002 0001 86a3 0002 0004 11:56:23.746059 ans.nfs > reply ok 128 lookup [|nfs] (ttl 255, id 42186) 4500 009c a4ca ff11 be37 ac10 0001 ac10 002d 0801 031e 0088 3d68 04e6 6d51 0001 11:56:23.746381 > ans.nfs: 140 lookup [|nfs] (ttl 64, id 21721) 4500 00a8 54d9 4011 cd1d ac10 002d ac10 0001 031e 0801 0094 4073 05e6 6d51 0002 0001 86a3 0002 0004 11:56:23.747517 ans.nfs > reply ok 128 lookup [|nfs] (ttl 255, id 42187) 4500 009c a4cb ff11 be36 ac10 0001 ac10 002d 0801 031e 0088 9cce 05e6 6d51 0001 11:56:23.747855 > ans.nfs: 136 lookup [|nfs] (ttl 64, id 21723) 4500 00a4 54db 4011 cd1f ac10 002d ac10 0001 031e 0801 0090 b185 06e6 6d51 0002 0001 86a3 0002 0004 11:56:23.749215 ans.nfs > reply ok 128 lookup [|nfs] (ttl 255, id 42188) 4500 009c a4cc ff11 be35 ac10 0001