
2021-03-19 Thread M Faraz
Hello there,

Good day. I sent you an email a few days ago but I did not 
receive a reply. I am not sure if you got that email or not. I am 
Muhammad Faraz. I got your contact from an online business 
directory and I am contacting you because I have a proposition 
that could be of great interest to you. I want you to keep an 
open mind while reading this proposal. I represent the interest 
of my brother in-law who was a former minister in the Syrian 
Government. As you probably know, there is a lot of crisis going 
on currently in that part of the world and my brother in-law has 
been one of the few people to publicly oppose the Government's 
policy on this senseless war and killings of innocent citizens 
and have been trying to advocate for a more peaceful and 
prosperous country. Unfortunately, his unwavering support for the 
rebels who are fighting to put an end to the war has caused him 
to fall out with the ruling party and he now has reasons to be 
believe that his life is at risk. In order to ensure that his 
family is taken care of and protected incase anything happens to 
him, he has asked me to help him find a foreign partner with good 
business acumen that can help him secure and invest his assets 
that he has in Europe. This is why I have contacted you. I 
searched online and saw your profile so I thought you would be 
interested in this opportunity.

Do you have investment ideas or business projects that these 
funds can be invested into? Please note that he wants this done 
very discretely and I will be acting as his eyes and ears during 
the course of this transaction. He is also prepared to compensate 
you very much for your efforts so this would be worth your time. 
If this proposal interests you, kindly respond so that I can give 
you more details.



Investment Partnership

2020-12-06 Thread Fawaz Khe Saleh

I hope this email find you well.

My name is Fawaz KHE Al SALEH, Member of the Board of Directors at Kuveyt Turk 
Participation Bankasi & CEO and Chairman Turkapital Holding B.S.C.C

I am reaching out to you because I am looking to confidentially invest my asset 
sum USD $47,500,000.00 overseas into a profitable business project over a 
period of 10 years.

I am reached out to you to see if you are capable to receive and manage the 
funds on a well-done package and profitable business that can generate 6% 

NOTE: That any valid and secured investment that will meet up to the expected 
ROI will be acceptable.

I await your swift response on this subject matter

Best Regards
Mr Fawaz Khe Saleh


2020-11-11 Thread Ms E. A Alhashimy

My name is Reem E. Al-Hashimi, the Emirates Minister of State and Managing 
Director of the United Arab Emirates (Dubai) World Expo 2020 Committee. I am 
writing to you to stand as my partner to receive my share of gratification from 
foreign companies whom I helped during the bidding exercise towards the Dubai 
World Expo 2020 Committee and also i want to use this funds to assist 
Coronavirus Symptoms and Causes.

Am a single Arab women and serving as a minister, there is a limit to my 
personal income and investment level and For this reason, I cannot receive such 
a huge sum back to my country or my personal account, so an agreement was 
reached with the foreign companies to direct the gratifications to an open 
beneficiary account with a financial institution where it will be possible for 
me to instruct further transfer of the fund to a third party account for 
investment purpose which is the reason i contacted you to receive the fund as 
my partner for investment in your country.

The amount is valued at Euro 47,745,533.00 with a financial institution waiting 
my instruction for further transfer to a destination account as soon as I have 
your information indicating interest to receive and invest the fund, I will 
compensate you with 30% of the total amount and you will also get benefit from 
the investment.

If you can handle the fund in a good investment. reply on this email only:

Ms. Reem


2020-11-10 Thread Saudi Aramco Crude Oil Company
Saudi Aramco Crude Oil Company.
P.O. Box 5000. Dhahran 31311,
Dhahran-Saudi Arabia.


I have a legit and genuine lucrative business deal to discuss with you. Can i 
trust you to be a sincere partner to handle the business? For more information 
reply back.

Mrs.Reem Nasser,
Sales/Marketing Manager
Saudi Aramco Crude Oil Company

Business Partnership Needed

2020-11-01 Thread Sr. Luis Fernandez

Good Day,

I am Barr Luis Fernandez from Madrid,Spain.I have something important to 
discuss with you which might interest you and i believe that it will be 
a very good opportunity for both of us.Kindly get back to me for more 


Barr. Luis Fernandez
(Senior Advocate/Solicitor)

De Mr Armand AGBO(Demande de Partenariat / Partnership Request)

2020-10-20 Thread Mr Armand AGBO
De Mr Armand AGBO

Je suis Mr Armand AGBO de nationalitй bйninoise, gestionnaire de compte dans 
une institution bancaire. Je vous prie de m'excuser pour cette intrusion 
inattendue de ma part car c'est suite а une recherche via internet que j'ai 
trouvй votre contact et aprиs avoir parcouru votre profil, je suis convaincu 
que vous serez mieux placй pour exйcuter cette transaction commerciale avec moi.
En effet, ceci concerne l’un de nos clients qui est dйcйdй depuis prиs de 5 ans 
et qui dispose un compte sans successeur ni mandataire mentionnй dans les 
fichiers ni dans les archives. Je viens donc par ce message vous solliciter 
pour un partenariat comme suit : Ce compte est actuellement inactif et est 
bloquй mais c’est un compte physique liй а un compte en ligne. Je tiens а avoir 
votre accord de collaboration afin d’inscrire votre nom en tant que 
bйnйficiaire de succession au codicille et dernier testament de ce dernier dans 
nos fichiers et archives.
Cette transaction est 100% sans risque seulement une confiance mutuelle car 
tous les documents juridiques qui seront utilisйs pour traiter ce dossier 
seront traitйs par moi, dans votre acceptation de coopйrer avec moi sur cette 
Veuillez me faire parvenir votre lettre d'acceptation pour me permettre de 
commencer а vous procurer tous les documents juridiques pour la libйration de 
ses fonds. Voici mon adresse e-mail personnelle:
Cordialement …

By Mr Armand AGBO
I am Mr Armand AGBO of Beninese nationality, account manager in a banking 
institution. I apologize for this unexpected intrusion on my part because it is 
following an internet search that I found your contact and after having browsed 
your profile, I am convinced that you will be in a better position to execute 
this transaction. commercial with me.
Indeed, this concerns one of our clients who has been deceased for almost 5 
years and who has an account without a successor or representative mentioned in 
the files or in the archives. So I come by this message to solicit you for a 
partnership as follows: This account is currently inactive and is blocked but 
it is a physical account linked to an online account. I would like to have your 
collaboration agreement in order to register your name as beneficiary of the 
estate in the codicil and last will of the latter in our files and archives.
This transaction is 100% risk free only mutual trust as all legal documents 
that will be used to process this case will be handled by me, in your agreement 
to cooperate with me on this matter.
Please send me your letter of acceptance to allow me to start getting all the 
legal documents for the release of its funds. Here is my personal email 
Cordially …

L'absence de virus dans ce courrier électronique a été vérifiée par le logiciel 
antivirus Avast.

Your Partnership

2020-07-28 Thread Rashid Al-Wahaibi
Good day,
My name is Rashid Al-Wahaibi, I am from Oman but base here in the UK
and a Managing Partner of BP Partnership Ltd, a Financial Consultancy
Firm with office in the United Kingdom. I am contacting you based on
the request of Ms Rosmah Mansor Najib Razak, wife of Najib Razak, the
immediate past Malaysian Prime Minister.

I found your profile satisfying and decided to contact you based on Ms
Rosmah Mansor Najib Razak desire to invest in any viable project in
your region.

I need you to guide me on the type of investment that will be of best
interest and provide good return on investment in your country and
also act as her investment manager. She is ready to invest $25m to
$50m USD

I will explain further detail of this business proposal when you reply
to this email indicating your interest.


Rashid Al-Wahaibi,
Bp Partnership Ltd
60 Raglan Road
Reigate, ENG RH2 0HN,
United Kingdom

I need your good partnership on this project

2020-07-12 Thread Refat Ebrima
With due respect to your personality and much sincerity of this
purpose, I make this contact with you believing that you can be of
great assistance to me. I'm Mr. Refat Ebrima, from Burkina Faso, I'm
currently hold the post of Internal Audit Manager of our bank in
Ouagadougou Branch, Please see this as a confidential message and do
not reveal it to another person because it’s a top secret.

We are imposition to reclaim and inherit the sum of US $(38,850,000
Million ) without any trouble, from a dormant account which remains
unclaimed since 7 years the owner died. This is a U.S Dollars account
and the beneficiary died without trace of his family to claim the

Upon my personal audit investigation into the details of the account,
I find out that the deceased is a foreigner, which makes it possible
for you as a foreigner no matter your country to lay claim on the
balance as the Foreign Business Partner or Extended Relative to the
deceased, provided you are not from here.

Your integrity and trustworthiness will make us succeed without any
risk. Please if you think that the amount is too much to be
transferred into your account, you have the right to ask our bank to
transfer the fund into your account bit by bit after approval or you
double the account. Once this fund is transferred into your account,
we will share the fund accordingly. 45%, for you, 45%, for me, 5%, had
been mapped out for the expense made in this transaction, 5% as a free
will donation to charity and motherless babies homes in both our
countries as sign of breakthrough and more blessings.

If you are interested to help without disappointment or breach of
trust, reply me, so that I will guide you on the proper banking
guidelines to follow for the claim. After the transfer, I will fly to
your country for sharing of funds according to our agreement.
Assurance: Note that this transaction will never in any way harm or
foiled your good post or reputation in your country, because
everything will follow legal process.

I am looking forward to hear from you soonest.
Yours faithfully,
Mr. Refat Ebrima


2020-07-10 Thread Rashid Al-Wahaibi
Good day,

My name is Rashid Al-Wahaibi, I am from Oman but base here in the UK
and a Managing Partner of BP Partnership Ltd, a Financial Consultancy
Firm with office in the United Kingdom. I am contacting you based on
the request of Ms Rosmah Mansor Najib Razak, wife of Najib Razak, the
immediate past Malaysian Prime Minister.

I found your profile satisfying and decided to contact you based on Ms
Rosmah Mansor Najib Razak desire to invest in any viable project in
your region.

I need you to guide me on the type of investment that will be of best
interest and provide good return on investment in your country and
also act as her investment manager. She is ready to invest $25m to
$50m USD

I will explain further detail of this business proposal when you reply
to this email indicating your interest.


Rashid Al-Wahaibi,
Bp Partnership Ltd
60 Raglan Road
Reigate, ENG RH2 0HN,
United Kingdom

I need your partnership

2020-05-23 Thread WU SS
Pls, i need your interest over a transaction of $10.million.

thanks, From. bank Manager.

Horrors, Anguish and Frustrations of Forming Business Partnership with Mr. X

2020-05-15 Thread Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming

Link to reading resource:


The Gospel for all Targeted Individuals (TIs):

[The New York Times] Microwave Weapons Are Prime Suspect in Ills of
U.S. Embassy Workers


Singaporean Mr. Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming's Academic
Qualifications as at 14 Feb 2019 and refugee seeking attempts at the 
United Nations Refugee Agency Bangkok (21 Mar 2017), in Taiwan (5 Aug 
2019) and Australia (25 Dec 2019 to 9 Jan 2020):






2019-08-06 Thread Simon Beron
Dear Friend,

I need you to please let me know if there are fast growing investments
in your country in which i can invest money in. I have access to a
huge amount of money, which i want to invest in your country, i want
to know if you can be an agent/partner to me and i will give you a
commission of 30% only If you agree to assist me, i will like to know
if the commission is ok for you, also i would love to know more about
you too. Get Back to me without delay if you are interested

Yours Faithfully

Simon Beron.


2019-06-10 Thread DR. OMAR KALIFA

Compliment of the season. My name is Dr. Omar Kalifa. i work with one
of the reputable banks here in West Africa.I have a lucrative and
profitable business to discuse with you. Reply if you are intersted
for more details.

Dr. Omar Kalifa

Business Investment / Partnership

2019-04-29 Thread Mr.Omar Aziz
Dear Friend,
I know this means of communication may not be morally right to you as a person 
but I also have had a great thought about it and I have come to this conclusion 
which I am about to share with you.

INTRODUCTION: I am a banker and in one way or the other was hoping you will 
cooperate with me as a partner in a project of transferring an abandoned fund 
of a late customer of the bank worth of $18,000,000 (Eighteen Million Dollars 
US). This will be disbursed or shared between the both of us in these 
percentages, 45% for me and 45% for you while 10% will be for expenses both 
parties might have incurred during the process of transferring of the funds 
into your bank account.

Also according to the agreement if the payment year expires and the account 
holder or partner wishes to claim the said funds, the claimer has to 
re-activate the account. The cost of the re-activation will be paid by both of 

Contact me immediately if that is alright for you so that we can enter in 
agreement before we start processing for the transfer of the funds. If you are 
satisfied with this proposal, please provide the below details for the Mutual 
Confidential Agreement:
1. Full Name and Address
2. Occupation and Country of Origin
3. Telephone Number and Next of Kin

I wait for your response so that we can commence on this project as soon as 
Mr.Omar Aziz

Business Investment / Partnership

2019-04-29 Thread Mr. Aziz Omar
Dear Friend,
I know this means of communication may not be morally right to you as a person 
but I also have had a great thought about it and I have come to this conclusion 
which I am about to share with you.

INTRODUCTION: I am a banker and in one way or the other was hoping you will 
cooperate with me as a partner in a project of transferring an abandoned fund 
of a late customer of the bank worth of $18,000,000 (Eighteen Million Dollars 
US). This will be disbursed or shared between the both of us in these 
percentages, 45% for me and 45% for you while 10% will be for expenses both 
parties might have incurred during the process of transferring of the funds 
into your bank account.

Also according to the agreement if the payment year expires and the account 
holder or partner wishes to claim the said funds, the claimer has to 
re-activate the account. The cost of the re-activation will be paid by both of 

Contact me immediately if that is alright for you so that we can enter in 
agreement before we start processing for the transfer of the funds. If you are 
satisfied with this proposal, please provide the below details for the Mutual 
Confidential Agreement:
1. Full Name and Address
2. Occupation and Country of Origin
3. Telephone Number and Next of Kin

I wait for your response so that we can commence on this project as soon as 
Mr.Omar Aziz

Joint Partnership

2019-03-10 Thread Andrew Jones & Partners
Andrew Jones Partners
8 Kennington Rd,
Phone: +447978256654
Fax: +44 8704795246

Request for Partnership-

2018-08-17 Thread Juan Carlos
I have access to very vital information that can be used to move huge amount of 
money. I have done my homework very well and i have the machineries in place to 
get it done since I am still in active service. If it was possible for me to do 
it alone I would not have bothered contacting you. Ultimately I need you to 
play an important role in the completion of this business transaction.
Reply if you are willing to do the business.
Juan Carlos

Request for Partnership-

2018-08-17 Thread Juan Carlos
I have access to very vital information that can be used to move huge amount of 
money. I have done my homework very well and i have the machineries in place to 
get it done since I am still in active service. If it was possible for me to do 
it alone I would not have bothered contacting you. Ultimately I need you to 
play an important role in the completion of this business transaction.
Reply if you are willing to do the business.
Juan Carlos

partnership offer,

2018-07-30 Thread Juliet Muhammad
I want us to join hands as partners because i have a deal for you.

partnership offer,

2018-07-30 Thread Juliet Muhammad
I want us to join hands as partners because i have a deal for you.

partnership offer,

2018-07-30 Thread Juliet Muhammad
I want us to join hands as partners because i have a deal for you.

partnership offer,

2018-07-30 Thread Juliet Muhammad
I want us to join hands as partners because i have a deal for you.

partnership offer

2018-07-29 Thread Rosarita Houmam
I want us to join hands as partners because i have a deal for you

partnership offer

2018-07-29 Thread Rosarita Houmam
I want us to join hands as partners because i have a deal for you

Request for Partnership

2018-07-27 Thread Richard
I have access to very vital information that can be used to move huge amount of 
money. I have done my homework very well and i have the machineries in place to 
get it done since I am still in active service. If it was possible for me to do 
it alone I would not have bothered contacting you. Ultimately I need you to 
play an important role in the completion of this business transaction.
Reply if you are willing to do the business.
Richard Willis

Request for Partnership

2018-07-27 Thread Richard
I have access to very vital information that can be used to move huge amount of 
money. I have done my homework very well and i have the machineries in place to 
get it done since I am still in active service. If it was possible for me to do 
it alone I would not have bothered contacting you. Ultimately I need you to 
play an important role in the completion of this business transaction.
Reply if you are willing to do the business.
Richard Willis

Request for Partnership!

2018-07-26 Thread Richard
I have access to very vital information that can be used to move huge amount of 
money. I have done my homework very well and i have the machineries in place to 
get it done since I am still in active service. If it was possible for me to do 
it alone I would not have bothered contacting you. Ultimately I need you to 
play an important role in the completion of this business transaction.
Reply if you are willing to do the business.
Richard Willis

Request for Partnership!

2018-07-26 Thread Richard
I have access to very vital information that can be used to move huge amount of 
money. I have done my homework very well and i have the machineries in place to 
get it done since I am still in active service. If it was possible for me to do 
it alone I would not have bothered contacting you. Ultimately I need you to 
play an important role in the completion of this business transaction.
Reply if you are willing to do the business.
Richard Willis


2018-07-21 Thread Alhaji Mustapha Amidu
Hello, my name is Alhaji Mustapha Amidu from Accra Ghana. I am
interested to invest $4.7 Million Dollars in your country and i will
need your assistance and co-operation to actualize it. If you are
capable to handle the money and invest it in a profitable business
that will benefit both of us, please confirm your interest
immediately. So that i will give you more details and arrange for my
representative to travel to your country for a face to face meeting
with you. Thanks.


2018-07-21 Thread Alhaji Mustapha Amidu
Hello, my name is Alhaji Mustapha Amidu from Accra Ghana. I am
interested to invest $4.7 Million Dollars in your country and i will
need your assistance and co-operation to actualize it. If you are
capable to handle the money and invest it in a profitable business
that will benefit both of us, please confirm your interest
immediately. So that i will give you more details and arrange for my
representative to travel to your country for a face to face meeting
with you. Thanks.


2018-07-10 Thread Richard Willis
I have access to very vital information that can be used to move huge amount of 
money. I have done my homework very well and i have the machineries in place to 
get it done since I am still in active service. If it was possible for me to do 
it alone I would not have bothered contacting you. Ultimately I need you to 
play an important role in the completion of this business transaction.
Reply if you are willing to do the business.
Richard Willis


2018-07-10 Thread Richard Willis
I have access to very vital information that can be used to move huge amount of 
money. I have done my homework very well and i have the machineries in place to 
get it done since I am still in active service. If it was possible for me to do 
it alone I would not have bothered contacting you. Ultimately I need you to 
play an important role in the completion of this business transaction.
Reply if you are willing to do the business.
Richard Willis

business partnership

2018-06-03 Thread Kofi Quaye
Hello Dear,

It is a Great privilege to unveil this important business transaction
to you. I have the mandate of my Director, Senior Staff with Gold
Mining Company based in Ghana West Africa. After much deliberation by
the Gold Mining executives, we arrived at resolution of seeking for
individual Partnership Globally.

The Company desire for a business partnership globally, though our
interest is in Europe, America or Asia. Our Company started its
operation years ago and have being doing very well without any debt.
We have in stock 24 Karats Gold, with 96.69% Purity. I will be pleased
if you can be our business partner whereby, we shall send you some of
the Gold product to sell under PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT.

We shall run transaction in total sincerity and honesty, and you will
receive your percentage in all sales you made in your Country. We will
deliver our Gold product to you at the cost of $25,000.00 (Twenty five
thousand Dollars) per kilogram, and you can sell in your Country based
on current Gold World Market price, which is very high recently, or at
your own price. We are ready to start transaction with you, and we can
deliver some of our gold product to you in your Country immediately.

I shall wait for your urgent reply to enable me enhance you with the
absolute requisite.

Thanks and God bless you.

Kofi Quaye
chirano gold  Limited
P.O.Box AT 1744,Achimota Market,
Accra Ghana

Please be advised that this email may contain confidential
information. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify us
by email by replying to the sender and delete this message.  If the
reader of this e-mail is not the intended recipient or the employee or
agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended party,
you are hereby notified that any use dissemination, forwarding,
printing or copying of this email is strictly prohibited. Automated
script is not for resale.

business partnership

2018-06-03 Thread Kofi Quaye
Hello Dear,

It is a Great privilege to unveil this important business transaction
to you. I have the mandate of my Director, Senior Staff with Gold
Mining Company based in Ghana West Africa. After much deliberation by
the Gold Mining executives, we arrived at resolution of seeking for
individual Partnership Globally.

The Company desire for a business partnership globally, though our
interest is in Europe, America or Asia. Our Company started its
operation years ago and have being doing very well without any debt.
We have in stock 24 Karats Gold, with 96.69% Purity. I will be pleased
if you can be our business partner whereby, we shall send you some of
the Gold product to sell under PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT.

We shall run transaction in total sincerity and honesty, and you will
receive your percentage in all sales you made in your Country. We will
deliver our Gold product to you at the cost of $25,000.00 (Twenty five
thousand Dollars) per kilogram, and you can sell in your Country based
on current Gold World Market price, which is very high recently, or at
your own price. We are ready to start transaction with you, and we can
deliver some of our gold product to you in your Country immediately.

I shall wait for your urgent reply to enable me enhance you with the
absolute requisite.

Thanks and God bless you.

Kofi Quaye
chirano gold  Limited
P.O.Box AT 1744,Achimota Market,
Accra Ghana

Please be advised that this email may contain confidential
information. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify us
by email by replying to the sender and delete this message.  If the
reader of this e-mail is not the intended recipient or the employee or
agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended party,
you are hereby notified that any use dissemination, forwarding,
printing or copying of this email is strictly prohibited. Automated
script is not for resale.


2018-05-24 Thread Alhaji Mustapha Amidu
Hello, my name is Alhai Mustapha Amidu from Accra Ghana. I am
interested to invest $4.7 Million Dollars in your country and i will
need your assistance and co-operation to actualize it. If you are
capable to handle the money and invest it in a profitable business
that will benefit both of us, please confirm your interest
immediately. So that i will give you more details and arrange for my
representative to travel to your country for a face to face meeting
with you. Thanks.


2018-05-24 Thread Alhaji Mustapha Amidu
Hello, my name is Alhai Mustapha Amidu from Accra Ghana. I am
interested to invest $4.7 Million Dollars in your country and i will
need your assistance and co-operation to actualize it. If you are
capable to handle the money and invest it in a profitable business
that will benefit both of us, please confirm your interest
immediately. So that i will give you more details and arrange for my
representative to travel to your country for a face to face meeting
with you. Thanks.

I'm interested in establishing and operating a very viable business and also a charity in your country. My preference is any good profit yielding business, I would appreciate your partnership, I shall

2018-01-23 Thread Anna Sonja

I'm interested in establishing and operating a very viable business and also a charity in your country. My preference is any good profit yielding business, I would appreciate your partnership, I shall

2018-01-23 Thread Anna Sonja

Business Partnership Needed...

2017-10-29 Thread Anotai Adulbhan

Good day,
I write to inform you of funds available for immediate investment in your
country and I also want to tell you that it belongs to my client and it is
purely investment funds. My client intends to establish and operate a profit
making venture in your country based on outlined business agreement. Kindly
reply to this ( this is within your scope so we can
discuss the possible investment prospects and the anticipated ROI.
I look forward to your prompt response to my email below:
Anotai Adulbhan

This mail sent through IMP:

Business Partnership Needed...

2017-10-29 Thread Anotai Adulbhan

Good day,
I write to inform you of funds available for immediate investment in your
country and I also want to tell you that it belongs to my client and it is
purely investment funds. My client intends to establish and operate a profit
making venture in your country based on outlined business agreement. Kindly
reply to this ( this is within your scope so we can
discuss the possible investment prospects and the anticipated ROI.
I look forward to your prompt response to my email below:
Anotai Adulbhan

This mail sent through IMP:

Partnership proposal: Read attachment for details

2017-01-13 Thread webbbbw6

Partnership proposal: Read attachment for details and get back to me.

Partnership proposal: Read attachment for details

2017-01-13 Thread webbbbw6

Partnership proposal: Read attachment for details and get back to me.

Your Partnership in business

2016-10-14 Thread MR.ALEJANDRO FOLMER
Dear Sir,

I am MR.ALEJANDRO FOLMER. I have a Proposition involving an investment
initiative in your Country to discuss with you,It will be of mutual
benefit to both of us,and I believe we can handle it together once we
have a common understanding and mutual co-operation in the execution
of the modalities.I work with one of the commercial bank in Spain,and
I discovered a dormant account,it involves account of Late Alan
Williams, If you should be interested, please email back to me through
this email address: ( )for more details.
I await your earliest response.

Yours Sincerely,

IMPORTANT: If you receive this message in your spam or junk its due to
your network provider

Your Partnership in business

2016-10-14 Thread MR.ALEJANDRO FOLMER
Dear Sir,

I am MR.ALEJANDRO FOLMER. I have a Proposition involving an investment
initiative in your Country to discuss with you,It will be of mutual
benefit to both of us,and I believe we can handle it together once we
have a common understanding and mutual co-operation in the execution
of the modalities.I work with one of the commercial bank in Spain,and
I discovered a dormant account,it involves account of Late Alan
Williams, If you should be interested, please email back to me through
this email address: ( )for more details.
I await your earliest response.

Yours Sincerely,

IMPORTANT: If you receive this message in your spam or junk its due to
your network provider

Partnership Cooperation

2016-09-08 Thread Hasher Al Maktoum
Dear Friend,

Your contact details came to me by recommendation, I am interested in investing 
in your country and I believe you have the capabilities of providing the needed 
assistance, solutions and advise in actualizing this, Let me know if you are 
willing to understake this task for me so we can discuss more. I hope to hear 
from you soon.

Hasher Al Maktoum
Chairman/Chief Executive Officer
Dubai International Holding Company.

Partnership Cooperation

2016-09-08 Thread Hasher Al Maktoum
Dear Friend,

Your contact details came to me by recommendation, I am interested in investing 
in your country and I believe you have the capabilities of providing the needed 
assistance, solutions and advise in actualizing this, Let me know if you are 
willing to understake this task for me so we can discuss more. I hope to hear 
from you soon.

Hasher Al Maktoum
Chairman/Chief Executive Officer
Dubai International Holding Company.

Partnership Cooperation

2016-09-05 Thread Hasher Al Maktoum
Dear Friend,

Your contact details came to me by recommendation, I am interested in investing 
in your country and I believe you have the capabilities of providing the needed 
assistance, solutions and advise in actualizing this, Let me know if you are 
willing to understake this task for me so we can discuss more. I hope to hear 
from you soon.

Hasher Al Maktoum
Chairman/Chief Executive Officer
Dubai International Holding Company.

Partnership Cooperation

2016-09-05 Thread Hasher Al Maktoum
Dear Friend,

Your contact details came to me by recommendation, I am interested in investing 
in your country and I believe you have the capabilities of providing the needed 
assistance, solutions and advise in actualizing this, Let me know if you are 
willing to understake this task for me so we can discuss more. I hope to hear 
from you soon.

Hasher Al Maktoum
Chairman/Chief Executive Officer
Dubai International Holding Company.

Partnership Cooperation

2016-09-05 Thread Hasher Al Maktoum
Dear Friend,

Your contact details came to me by recommendation, I am interested in investing 
in your country and I believe you have the capabilities of providing the needed 
assistance, solutions and advise in actualizing this, Let me know if you are 
willing to understake this task for me so we can discuss more. I hope to hear 
from you soon.

Hasher Al Maktoum
Chairman/Chief Executive Officer
Dubai International Holding Company.

Partnership Cooperation

2016-09-05 Thread Hasher Al Maktoum
Dear Friend,

Your contact details came to me by recommendation, I am interested in investing 
in your country and I believe you have the capabilities of providing the needed 
assistance, solutions and advise in actualizing this, Let me know if you are 
willing to understake this task for me so we can discuss more. I hope to hear 
from you soon.

Hasher Al Maktoum
Chairman/Chief Executive Officer
Dubai International Holding Company.

Partnership Cooperation

2016-08-29 Thread Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Dear Friend,

Your contact details came to me by recommendation, I am interested in investing 
in your country and I believe you have the capabilities of providing the needed 
assistance, solutions and advise in actualizing this, Let me know if you are 
willing to understake this task for me so we can discuss more. I hope to hear 
from you soon.

Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Chairman/Chief Executive Officer
Dubai International Holding Company.

Partnership Cooperation

2016-08-29 Thread Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Dear Friend,

Your contact details came to me by recommendation, I am interested in investing 
in your country and I believe you have the capabilities of providing the needed 
assistance, solutions and advise in actualizing this, Let me know if you are 
willing to understake this task for me so we can discuss more. I hope to hear 
from you soon.

Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Chairman/Chief Executive Officer
Dubai International Holding Company.

Partnership Cooperation

2016-08-26 Thread Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Dear Friend,

Your contact details came to me by recommendation, I am interested in investing 
in your country and I believe you have the capabilities of providing the needed 
assistance, solutions and advise in actualizing this, Let me know if you are 
willing to understake this task for me so we can discuss more. I hope to hear 
from you soon.

Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Chairman/Chief Executive Officer
Dubai International Holding Company.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Partnership Cooperation

2016-08-26 Thread Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Dear Friend,

Your contact details came to me by recommendation, I am interested in investing 
in your country and I believe you have the capabilities of providing the needed 
assistance, solutions and advise in actualizing this, Let me know if you are 
willing to understake this task for me so we can discuss more. I hope to hear 
from you soon.

Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Chairman/Chief Executive Officer
Dubai International Holding Company.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Partnership Cooperation

2016-08-25 Thread Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Dear Friend,

Your contact details came to me by recommendation, I am interested in investing 
in your country and I believe you have the capabilities of providing the needed 
assistance, solutions and advise in actualizing this, Let me know if you are 
willing to understake this task for me so we can discuss more. I hope to hear 
from you soon.

Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Chairman/Chief Executive Officer
Dubai International Holding Company.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Partnership Cooperation

2016-08-25 Thread Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Dear Friend,

Your contact details came to me by recommendation, I am interested in investing 
in your country and I believe you have the capabilities of providing the needed 
assistance, solutions and advise in actualizing this, Let me know if you are 
willing to understake this task for me so we can discuss more. I hope to hear 
from you soon.

Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Chairman/Chief Executive Officer
Dubai International Holding Company.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Partnership Cooperation

2016-08-24 Thread Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Dear Friend,

Your contact details came to me by recommendation, I am interested in investing 
in your country and I believe you have the capabilities of providing the needed 
assistance, solutions and advise in actualizing this, Let me know if you are 
willing to understake this task for me so we can discuss more. I hope to hear 
from you soon.

Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Chairman/Chief Executive Officer
Dubai International Holding Company.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Partnership Cooperation

2016-08-24 Thread Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Dear Friend,

Your contact details came to me by recommendation, I am interested in investing 
in your country and I believe you have the capabilities of providing the needed 
assistance, solutions and advise in actualizing this, Let me know if you are 
willing to understake this task for me so we can discuss more. I hope to hear 
from you soon.

Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Chairman/Chief Executive Officer
Dubai International Holding Company.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Partnership Cooperation

2016-08-23 Thread Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Dear Friend,

Your contact details came to me by recommendation, I am interested in investing 
in your country and I believe you have the capabilities of providing the needed 
assistance, solutions and advise in actualizing this, Let me know if you are 
willing to understake this task for me so we can discuss more. I hope to hear 
from you soon.

Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Chairman/Chief Executive Officer
Dubai International Holding Company.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Partnership Cooperation

2016-08-23 Thread Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Dear Friend,

Your contact details came to me by recommendation, I am interested in investing 
in your country and I believe you have the capabilities of providing the needed 
assistance, solutions and advise in actualizing this, Let me know if you are 
willing to understake this task for me so we can discuss more. I hope to hear 
from you soon.

Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Chairman/Chief Executive Officer
Dubai International Holding Company.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Partnership Cooperation

2016-08-22 Thread Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Dear Friend,

Your contact details came to me by recommendation, I am interested in investing 
in your country and I believe you have the capabilities of providing the needed 
assistance, solutions and advise in actualizing this, Let me know if you are 
willing to understake this task for me so we can discuss more. I hope to hear 
from you soon.

Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Chairman/Chief Executive Officer
Dubai International Holding Company.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Partnership Cooperation

2016-08-22 Thread Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Dear Friend,

Your contact details came to me by recommendation, I am interested in investing 
in your country and I believe you have the capabilities of providing the needed 
assistance, solutions and advise in actualizing this, Let me know if you are 
willing to understake this task for me so we can discuss more. I hope to hear 
from you soon.

Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Chairman/Chief Executive Officer
Dubai International Holding Company.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Partnership Cooperation

2016-08-22 Thread Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Dear Friend,

Your contact details came to me by recommendation, I am interested in investing 
in your country and I believe you have the capabilities of providing the needed 
assistance, solutions and advise in actualizing this, Let me know if you are 
willing to understake this task for me so we can discuss more. I hope to hear 
from you soon.

Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Chairman/Chief Executive Officer
Dubai International Holding Company.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Partnership Cooperation

2016-08-22 Thread Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Dear Friend,

Your contact details came to me by recommendation, I am interested in investing 
in your country and I believe you have the capabilities of providing the needed 
assistance, solutions and advise in actualizing this, Let me know if you are 
willing to understake this task for me so we can discuss more. I hope to hear 
from you soon.

Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Chairman/Chief Executive Officer
Dubai International Holding Company.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Partnership Cooperation

2016-08-18 Thread Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Dear Friend,

Your contact details came to me by recommendation, I am interested in investing 
in your country and I believe you have the capabilities of providing the needed 
assistance, solutions and advise in actualizing this, Let me know if you are 
willing to understake this task for me so we can discuss more. I hope to hear 
from you soon.

Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Chairman/Chief Executive Officer
Dubai International Holding Company.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Partnership Cooperation

2016-08-18 Thread Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Dear Friend,

Your contact details came to me by recommendation, I am interested in investing 
in your country and I believe you have the capabilities of providing the needed 
assistance, solutions and advise in actualizing this, Let me know if you are 
willing to understake this task for me so we can discuss more. I hope to hear 
from you soon.

Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Chairman/Chief Executive Officer
Dubai International Holding Company.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Partnership Cooperation

2016-08-17 Thread Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Dear Friend,

Your contact details came to me by recommendation, I am interested in investing 
in your country and I believe you have the capabilities of providing the needed 
assistance, solutions and advise in actualizing this, Let me know if you are 
willing to understake this task for me so we can discuss more. I hope to hear 
from you soon.

Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Chairman/Chief Executive Officer
Dubai International Holding Company.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Partnership Cooperation

2016-08-17 Thread Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Dear Friend,

Your contact details came to me by recommendation, I am interested in investing 
in your country and I believe you have the capabilities of providing the needed 
assistance, solutions and advise in actualizing this, Let me know if you are 
willing to understake this task for me so we can discuss more. I hope to hear 
from you soon.

Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Chairman/Chief Executive Officer
Dubai International Holding Company.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Partnership Cooperation

2016-08-15 Thread Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Dear Friend,

Your contact details came to me by recommendation, I am interested in investing 
in your country and I believe you have the capabilities of providing the needed 
assistance, solutions and advise in actualizing this, Let me know if you are 
willing to understake this task for me so we can discuss more. I hope to hear 
from you soon.

Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Chairman/Chief Executive Officer
Dubai International Holding Company.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Partnership Cooperation

2016-08-15 Thread Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Dear Friend,

Your contact details came to me by recommendation, I am interested in investing 
in your country and I believe you have the capabilities of providing the needed 
assistance, solutions and advise in actualizing this, Let me know if you are 
willing to understake this task for me so we can discuss more. I hope to hear 
from you soon.

Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Chairman/Chief Executive Officer
Dubai International Holding Company.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Partnership Cooperation

2016-08-11 Thread Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Dear Friend,

Your contact details came to me by recommendation, I am interested in investing 
in your country and I believe you have the capabilities of providing the needed 
assistance, solutions and advise in actualizing this, Let me know if you are 
willing to understake this task for me so we can discuss more. I hope to hear 
from you soon.

Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Chairman/Chief Executive Officer
Dubai International Holding Company.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Partnership Cooperation

2016-08-11 Thread Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Dear Friend,

Your contact details came to me by recommendation, I am interested in investing 
in your country and I believe you have the capabilities of providing the needed 
assistance, solutions and advise in actualizing this, Let me know if you are 
willing to understake this task for me so we can discuss more. I hope to hear 
from you soon.

Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Chairman/Chief Executive Officer
Dubai International Holding Company.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Partnership Cooperation

2016-08-08 Thread Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Dear Friend,

Your contact details came to me by recommendation, I am interested in investing 
in your country and I believe you have the capabilities of providing the needed 
assistance, solutions and advise in actualizing this, Let me know if you are 
willing to understake this task for me so we can discuss more. I hope to hear 
from you soon.

Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Chairman/Chief Executive Officer
Dubai International Holding Company.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Partnership Cooperation

2016-08-08 Thread Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Dear Friend,

Your contact details came to me by recommendation, I am interested in investing 
in your country and I believe you have the capabilities of providing the needed 
assistance, solutions and advise in actualizing this, Let me know if you are 
willing to understake this task for me so we can discuss more. I hope to hear 
from you soon.

Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Chairman/Chief Executive Officer
Dubai International Holding Company.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Partnership Cooperation

2016-08-08 Thread Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Dear Friend,

Your contact details came to me by recommendation, I am interested in investing 
in your country and I believe you have the capabilities of providing the needed 
assistance, solutions and advise in actualizing this, Let me know if you are 
willing to understake this task for me so we can discuss more. I hope to hear 
from you soon.

Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Chairman/Chief Executive Officer
Dubai International Holding Company.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Partnership Cooperation

2016-08-08 Thread Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Dear Friend,

Your contact details came to me by recommendation, I am interested in investing 
in your country and I believe you have the capabilities of providing the needed 
assistance, solutions and advise in actualizing this, Let me know if you are 
willing to understake this task for me so we can discuss more. I hope to hear 
from you soon.

Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum
Chairman/Chief Executive Officer
Dubai International Holding Company.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Request for your partnership

2016-07-29 Thread Bun Sam
Good day, 

I work with one of the major banks in Cambodia as the director of auditor. I 
have a proposal for you, a very urgent and quick business that will be 
completed in 12 working days. I have just discovered documents relating to 
funds belonging to a deceased client of our bank,

I went through all the related documents to the funds and I discovered no 
listed next of kin to inherit the funds which has been in our bank for more 
than 7 years now. I need your cooperation in getting the funds, I have the 
power to list you as the beneficiary of the funds and have the funds 
transferred to you.

If you are interested, do get back to me so I can provide you with the full 

Bun Sam.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Request for your partnership

2016-07-29 Thread Bun Sam
Good day, 

I work with one of the major banks in Cambodia as the director of auditor. I 
have a proposal for you, a very urgent and quick business that will be 
completed in 12 working days. I have just discovered documents relating to 
funds belonging to a deceased client of our bank,

I went through all the related documents to the funds and I discovered no 
listed next of kin to inherit the funds which has been in our bank for more 
than 7 years now. I need your cooperation in getting the funds, I have the 
power to list you as the beneficiary of the funds and have the funds 
transferred to you.

If you are interested, do get back to me so I can provide you with the full 

Bun Sam.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Request for your partnership

2016-07-29 Thread Bun Sam
Good day, 

I work with one of the major banks in Cambodia as the director of auditor. I 
have a proposal for you, a very urgent and quick business that will be 
completed in 12 working days. I have just discovered documents relating to 
funds belonging to a deceased client of our bank,

I went through all the related documents to the funds and I discovered no 
listed next of kin to inherit the funds which has been in our bank for more 
than 7 years now. I need your cooperation in getting the funds, I have the 
power to list you as the beneficiary of the funds and have the funds 
transferred to you.

If you are interested, do get back to me so I can provide you with the full 

Bun Sam.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Request for your partnership

2016-07-29 Thread Bun Sam
Good day, 

I work with one of the major banks in Cambodia as the director of auditor. I 
have a proposal for you, a very urgent and quick business that will be 
completed in 12 working days. I have just discovered documents relating to 
funds belonging to a deceased client of our bank,

I went through all the related documents to the funds and I discovered no 
listed next of kin to inherit the funds which has been in our bank for more 
than 7 years now. I need your cooperation in getting the funds, I have the 
power to list you as the beneficiary of the funds and have the funds 
transferred to you.

If you are interested, do get back to me so I can provide you with the full 

Bun Sam.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Request for your partnership

2016-07-26 Thread Bun Sam
Good day, 

I work with one of the major banks in Cambodia as the director of auditor. I 
have a proposal for you, a very urgent and quick business that will be 
completed in 12 working days. I have just discovered documents relating to 
funds belonging to a deceased client of our bank,

I went through all the related documents to the funds and I discovered no 
listed next of kin to inherit the funds which has been in our bank for more 
than 7 years now. I need your cooperation in getting the funds, I have the 
power to list you as the beneficiary of the funds and have the funds 
transferred to you.

If you are interested, do get back to me so I can provide you with the full 

Bun Sam.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Request for your partnership

2016-07-26 Thread Bun Sam
Good day, 

I work with one of the major banks in Cambodia as the director of auditor. I 
have a proposal for you, a very urgent and quick business that will be 
completed in 12 working days. I have just discovered documents relating to 
funds belonging to a deceased client of our bank,

I went through all the related documents to the funds and I discovered no 
listed next of kin to inherit the funds which has been in our bank for more 
than 7 years now. I need your cooperation in getting the funds, I have the 
power to list you as the beneficiary of the funds and have the funds 
transferred to you.

If you are interested, do get back to me so I can provide you with the full 

Bun Sam.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.


2016-05-03 Thread Mike Hillary

Dear Friend,

I am Mike Hilary, the former Assistant Director of Project,  Niger Delta
Development Commission, (NDDC.) Nigeria

I am interested in investing in your country but i am faced with the problem of 
finding a trustworthy partner who will advice me on the viable areas to invest 
in and at the same time, act as my representative. It is on this reason that i 
am contacting you.

Please, indicate your interest by contacting me  for more details.

Yours Sincerely,
Mike Hillary


2016-05-03 Thread Mike Hillary

Dear Friend,

I am Mike Hilary, the former Assistant Director of Project,  Niger Delta
Development Commission, (NDDC.) Nigeria

I am interested in investing in your country but i am faced with the problem of 
finding a trustworthy partner who will advice me on the viable areas to invest 
in and at the same time, act as my representative. It is on this reason that i 
am contacting you.

Please, indicate your interest by contacting me  for more details.

Yours Sincerely,
Mike Hillary

Business Partnership

2016-02-10 Thread EYADEMA

I am Mr. LAURENT EYADEMA from Republic of Togo.please read the attached 
Thanks in anticipation of your urgent response,


Description: Binary data

Business Partnership

2016-02-10 Thread EYADEMA

I am Mr. LAURENT EYADEMA from Republic of Togo.please read the attached 
Thanks in anticipation of your urgent response,


Description: Binary data

Business Partnership

2016-02-10 Thread EYADEMA

I am Mr. LAURENT EYADEMA from Republic of Togo.please read the attached 
Thanks in anticipation of your urgent response,


Description: Binary data

Business Partnership

2016-02-10 Thread EYADEMA

I am Mr. LAURENT EYADEMA from Republic of Togo.please read the attached 
Thanks in anticipation of your urgent response,


Description: Binary data

RE: Partnership

2016-01-25 Thread Wihongi, Lizzie
Partnership is needed contact for details email:<>
Good planets are hard to find - please think of the environment before you 
print this email.

CAUTION - This message may contain privileged and confidential 
information intended only for the use of the addressee named above.
If you are not the intended recipient of this message you are hereby 
notified that any use, dissemination, distribution or reproduction 
of this message is prohibited. If you have received this message in 
error please notify Air New Zealand immediately. Any views expressed 
in this message are those of the individual sender and may not 
necessarily reflect the views of Air New Zealand.
For more information on the Air New Zealand Group, visit us online

RE: Partnership

2016-01-25 Thread Wihongi, Lizzie
Partnership is needed contact for details email:<>
Good planets are hard to find - please think of the environment before you 
print this email.

CAUTION - This message may contain privileged and confidential 
information intended only for the use of the addressee named above.
If you are not the intended recipient of this message you are hereby 
notified that any use, dissemination, distribution or reproduction 
of this message is prohibited. If you have received this message in 
error please notify Air New Zealand immediately. Any views expressed 
in this message are those of the individual sender and may not 
necessarily reflect the views of Air New Zealand.
For more information on the Air New Zealand Group, visit us online


2016-01-05 Thread 'Lee Dong'
Dear Friend,
Good day, I have a mutual business proposal to share with you, it involves the 
transfer of a large sum of money . I got your reference in my search for 
someone who suits my proposed business relationship. If you are interested in 
working with me contact me through my private email for further details: Your earliest response to this letter will be 

Lee D
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2016-01-05 Thread 'Lee Dong'
Dear Friend,
Good day, I have a mutual business proposal to share with you, it involves the 
transfer of a large sum of money . I got your reference in my search for 
someone who suits my proposed business relationship. If you are interested in 
working with me contact me through my private email for further details: Your earliest response to this letter will be 

Lee D
To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in
the body of a message to
More majordomo info at
Please read the FAQ at


2015-12-28 Thread 'Lee Dong'
Dear Friend,
Good day, I have a mutual business proposal to share with you, it involves the 
transfer of a large sum of money . I got your reference in my search for 
someone who suits my proposed business relationship. If you are interested in 
working with me contact me through my private email for further details: Your earliest response to this letter will be 

Lee D
To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in
the body of a message to
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Please read the FAQ at


2015-12-28 Thread 'Lee Dong'
Dear Friend,
Good day, I have a mutual business proposal to share with you, it involves the 
transfer of a large sum of money . I got your reference in my search for 
someone who suits my proposed business relationship. If you are interested in 
working with me contact me through my private email for further details: Your earliest response to this letter will be 

Lee D
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the body of a message to
More majordomo info at
Please read the FAQ at

Foreign Investment Partnership

2015-11-21 Thread Mrs. Cadence Mufaro
Please see attachment for details.

Mrs. Cadence Mufaro.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Foreign Investment Partnership

2015-11-21 Thread Mrs. Cadence Mufaro
Please see attachment for details.

Mrs. Cadence Mufaro.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Foreign Investment Partnership

2015-11-20 Thread Mrs. Cadence Mufaro
Please see attachment for details.

Mrs. Cadence Mufaro.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Foreign Investment Partnership

2015-11-20 Thread Mrs. Cadence Mufaro
Please see attachment for details.

Mrs. Cadence Mufaro.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Soliciting Your Partnership

2015-08-11 Thread Barr. Frank Rooney
I am getting in touch with you in respect of the portfolio investment
of a deceased client of mine that bears the same last name as yours
deposited in the bank,More details will be provided upon your reply.

Best Regards,
Barrister Frank Rooney
Email @
To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in
the body of a message to
More majordomo info at
Please read the FAQ at

Soliciting Your Partnership

2015-08-11 Thread Barr. Frank Rooney
I am getting in touch with you in respect of the portfolio investment
of a deceased client of mine that bears the same last name as yours
deposited in the bank,More details will be provided upon your reply.

Best Regards,
Barrister Frank Rooney
Email @
To unsubscribe from this list: send the line unsubscribe linux-kernel in
the body of a message to
More majordomo info at
Please read the FAQ at

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