Re: SCO: "thread creation is about a thousand times faster than on native Linux"

2000-09-26 Thread Thomas Zehetbauer

> But if you can get rid of the stacks, and you _can_ get rid of the
> stacks sometimes, then why not have one thread per widget in a GUI?  Or
> one thread per animated objected on a web page?  Some notions of
For this to work without opening up a security hole we must be able to
distribute the processor timeslice for a process among all of it's threads.
Please correct me if I am wrong but AFAIK this is impossible with the current
scheduler logic.


Growing old is mandatory... growing up is optional.
  T h o m a s   Z e h e t b a u e r   ( TZ251 )
  PGP encrypted mail preferred - KeyID 96FFCB89

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Re: SCO: "thread creation is about a thousand times faster than on native Linux"

2000-09-10 Thread Thomas Zehetbauer

> quote> SCO's Juergen Kienhoefer tells us that by mapping clone processes
> quote> directly onto UnixWare's native threads, huge performance gains
> quote> can be realised. "Basically thread creation is about a thousand
> quote> times faster than on native Linux," he said. The performance boost
> quote> could particularly benefit applications such as Domino, according
> quote> to Kienhoefer.
As they are referring to Domino as an application that can benefit from faster
thread creation they obviously do not have any clue what performance and
threading is all about.
I would put this in the same folder as the 'Linux is Open Source and hence
cannot be secured' message before - this was /dev/null here.


Quantum Mechanics is God's version of "Trust me."
  T h o m a s   Z e h e t b a u e r   ( TZ251 )
  PGP encrypted mail preferred - KeyID 96FFCB89

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