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2002-09-08 Thread Paul Baardman

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please explain to me why video/bios shadowing must be disabled to use graphics...

2002-09-08 Thread matt

Awhile back I tried getting graphics to work in dosemu on some linux 
distros I was playing with at the time. Sadly, I was totally unsuccessful. 
I realized after reading the docs that one had to disable video/bios 
shadowing in order to use graphics. The problem is, my computer (HP8570C) 
*does not* have any setting in the bios that lets you do this. So I guess 
that means I can't run dosemu in a graphical mode on my computer at all eh? 
What I don't quite understand is WHY do you have to disable video/bios 
shadowing to get graphics working in the first place?! I tried searching 
the web/usenet for information but apparently no one ever decided to write 
a technical document to explain why video/bios shadowing in dosemu must be 
disabled. I still think that perhaps this is some kind of quick hack that 
was put into dosemu to get graphics to work. Did it have to be programmed 
this way or was there another way graphic support in dosemu could've been 
implemented without having to require video/bios shadowing to be disabled? 
It would be great if there's another solution to get graphics working in 
dosemu without having to disable video/bios shadowing. To tell you the 
truth, i've been a windows user for quite awhile now (started with win3.1 
and i'm now using win98se) although i've used linux/bsd/solaris/etc... 
through shell accounts i've acquired over the years and from playing around 
with linux distros that are configured to run on top of a dos partition. 
Ultimately, I hope to make a complete transition to linux from wind0ze (I 
already purchased suse linux to try out). I'm guessing i'm going to have to 
go the dual boot route and keep a seperate windows partition behind to run 
my dos/windows games since i've come to realize that both dosemu/wine are 
still premature. If it wasn't for some of the technical problems with both 
emulators (probably due to microsoft's monopoly on *stuff*), I would 
quickly switch from windows to linux in a heart beat and say ados micros~1 
heh :P

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