On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 11:48 AM, Bond Masuda <bond.mas...@jlbond.com> wrote:
> however, bottom line is this: Dell is trying to increase profits and
> they see this "lock-in" as a potential method to achieve that goal. if
> Dell customers want to see this change, you'll just need to show Dell
> that it doesn't accomplish that goal. I.e., stop buying Dell, cancel
> your orders, etc. anything short of this will not change how a business
> operates. no amount of complaining on this mailing list is going to make
> this change until dollars are at stake.

Let me chime in here; after recently shopping between Sun, Dell, and
several other vendors for a 64-TB storage server, I opted to go with a
non-Dell solution. The research lab this hardware is intended for
already has several MD-1000 shelves, so I was initially leaning
strongly towards Dell. Although I made the choice prior to hearing
about this fiasco, this has wiped away any doubts I had about whether
I made the right decision in moving away from Dell. Although Dell
hardware has long been my first choice in the server room, this policy
is going to be a big mark against them in the future.

Systems Programmer, Principal
Computer Systems Group
College of Engineering
The University of Arizona

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