On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 2:53 PM, Wendy Cheng <s.wendy.ch...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 4:38 PM, Doug Ledford <dledf...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> Our mcast_dev_flush routine and our mcast_restart_task can race against
>> each other.  In particular, they both hold the priv->lock while
>> manipulating the rbtree and while removing mcast entries from the
>> multicast_list and while adding entries to the remove_list, but they
>> also both drop their locks prior to doing the actual removes.  The
>> mcast_dev_flush routine is run entirely under the rtnl lock and so has
>> at least some locking.  The actual race condition is like this:
>> Thread 1                                Thread 2
>> ifconfig ib0 up
>>   start multicast join for broadcast
>>   multicast join completes for broadcast
>>   start to add more multicast joins
>>     call mcast_restart_task to add new entries
>>                                         ifconfig ib0 down
>>                                           mcast_dev_flush
>>                                             mcast_leave(mcast A)
>>     mcast_leave(mcast A)
>> As mcast_leave calls ib_sa_multicast_leave, and as member in
>> core/multicast.c is ref counted, we run into an unbalanced refcount
>> issue.  To avoid stomping on each others removes, take the rtnl lock
>> specifically when we are deleting the entries from the remove list.
> Isn't "test_and_clear_bit()" atomic so it is unlikely that
> ib_sa_free_multicast() can run multiple times  ?

Oops .. how about if the structure itself gets freed ? My bad !

However, isn't that the remove_list a local list on the caller's stack
? .. and  the original list entry moving (to remove_list) is protected
by the spin lock (priv->lock), it is unlikely that the
ib_sa_free_multicast() can operate on the same entry ?

The patch itself is harmless though .. but adding the rntl_lock is
really not ideal.

-- Wendy
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