Hi, annoying email that i wish i never had to send...

To ensure continuity, #linux-sunxi on OFTC was registered, and the 
existing (active) linux-sunxi founders and ops are added to chanserv 
already (2 left to go, hope they read irc/email soon). This should 
hopefully provide the stability that we have enjoyed for almost 9 
years... Once the founders have talked through some more things, some 
usual suspects will be added as ops, as we might need them now that we 
no longer have the stable home that we used to have.

Why OFTC? Well...

OFTC has a more primitive chan/nickserv than freenode and libera, and 
forked away from freenode like 15ys ago... So that's not good...


It forked away from freenode 15ys ago, has yearly elections, bookkeeping 
by SPI, and projects like debian and gcc have been there for ages. Even 
though with my history, i almost never use Xorg/fd.o as a positive 
example, this project is also moving there.

All of this is annoying, and pointless, i know. None of us chose for 
this to happen, but none of us are here to play political games in the 
middle of a fork of $infrastructure, we are all here to further support 
for sunxi hw, and OFTC seems like the least painful road ahead at this 

Not that i want to drive people out of freenode en masse right away, i 
just do not like to see the channel split over 3 or even more places a 
month from now. And i definitely do not want to see people give up on 
irc for something like forums or discord or whatever.

So while i am sorry for having to write this, I hope that this is an 
adequate solution that does not drive anyone away from a stalwart tool 
of open source development.

Luc Verhaegen.

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