
Since our current world is one where people like me and Alejandro are 
not able to spend that much time on sunxi anymore, and one where the 
upstream support has advanced massively, it is high time to update our 

Since i am giving my lime board an actual purpose, i adjusted the lime 
page's (http://linux-sunxi.org/Olimex_A10-OLinuXino-Lime) Manual build 
section to be more in touch with the current reality.

I have reduced the information under the manual build section to only 
show the relevant build targets or board config files. This reduces the 
chance of people taking shortcuts and getting lost, instead of using the 
manual build howto. It also reduces the chance of device pages becoming 
out of date.

I have also restructured the manual build howto to clearly show the 
difference between sunxi/legacy and upstream/mainline. Not all children 
of the manual build howto are properly updated yet, but now that at 
least the direction should be clearer.

Since it is the weekend and we have become more incorporated this last 
year or so, feedback on irc has so far been limited. So more feedback 


Luc Verhaegen.

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