Re: WP8 envelope question

2001-12-23 Thread Joel Hammer

OK. I will make it more ambitious. I will look into doing envelopes with several
applications. This may take a couple of weeks.
On Sun, Dec 23, 2001 at 04:54:10PM +0100, Zoran wrote:
> On Dec 22 Joel Hammer was heard saying:
> ->Do you really think this is worth a SxS?
> ->Joel
> ->> On Dec 21 Joel Hammer was heard saying:
> ->>
> ->> ->Well, I finally solved this vexing problem, without having to tinker with
>   ^^
> *** You gave the answer already... ;-) Why letting somebody else with the
> same problem reinvent the wheel?
> A few lines, that's all.
> Cheers,
> Zoran.
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Re: WP8 envelope question

2001-12-23 Thread Zoran

On Dec 22 Joel Hammer was heard saying:

->Do you really think this is worth a SxS?
->> On Dec 21 Joel Hammer was heard saying:
->> ->Well, I finally solved this vexing problem, without having to tinker with

*** You gave the answer already... ;-) Why letting somebody else with the
same problem reinvent the wheel?

A few lines, that's all.

"Software is like sex, It's better when it's Free..."
  -- Linus Torvalds

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Re: WP8 envelope question

2001-12-22 Thread Joel Hammer

Do you really think this is worth a SxS? 
> On Dec 21 Joel Hammer was heard saying:
> ->Well, I finally solved this vexing problem, without having to tinker with
> ->the postscript code.
> ->To move the text on the envelope over to the right side of the printer, in
> ->the envelope definition, move the text up with the TOP adjustment 4.375 inches. 
> ->Joel
> *** A petit SxS maybe!?
> Cheers,
> Zoran.
> --
> "Software is like sex, It's better when it's Free..."
>   -- Linus Torvalds
> ___
> Linux-users mailing list
> Archives, Digests, etc at
Linux-users mailing list
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Re: WP8 envelope question

2001-12-22 Thread Zoran

On Dec 21 Joel Hammer was heard saying:

->Well, I finally solved this vexing problem, without having to tinker with
->the postscript code.
->To move the text on the envelope over to the right side of the printer, in
->the envelope definition, move the text up with the TOP adjustment 4.375 inches. 

*** A petit SxS maybe!?

"Software is like sex, It's better when it's Free..."
  -- Linus Torvalds

Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: WP8 envelope question

2001-12-21 Thread Joel Hammer

Well, I finally solved this vexing problem, without having to tinker with
the postscript code.
To move the text on the envelope over to the right side of the printer, in
the envelope definition, move the text up with the TOP adjustment 4.375 inches. 
 On Fri, Dec 21, 2001 at 01:09:25PM -0500, Joel Hammer wrote:
> Now that I have the filtrex patch installed, I can use WP8 again.
> One real problem for me is envelopes. I have to print them out in the narrow
> format, not wide format, since my lexmarkz53 isn't wide enough for a
> business envelope.
> Problem is, wp8 insists on printing them out on the left hand side of my
> printer (users left hand). However, my printer insists that the paper be
> loaded flush with the right hand side of the printer. Before I look into
> patching up my print queue filter to change the postscript file generated by wp8
> (this could be done, I guess) does anyone know of a way to make WP8 print
> envelopes in the narrow format with the text flush to the right side of the
> page.
> Thanks,
> Joel
> ___
> Linux-users mailing list
> Archives, Digests, etc at
Linux-users mailing list
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WP8 envelope question

2001-12-21 Thread Joel Hammer

Now that I have the filtrex patch installed, I can use WP8 again.
One real problem for me is envelopes. I have to print them out in the narrow
format, not wide format, since my lexmarkz53 isn't wide enough for a
business envelope.
Problem is, wp8 insists on printing them out on the left hand side of my
printer (users left hand). However, my printer insists that the paper be
loaded flush with the right hand side of the printer. Before I look into
patching up my print queue filter to change the postscript file generated by wp8
(this could be done, I guess) does anyone know of a way to make WP8 print
envelopes in the narrow format with the text flush to the right side of the
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