Re: ASUS and linuxbios

2005-03-06 Thread Geoffrey McRae
I would like the:
  Asus K8N-E Delux Please
I have a lan cafe with 40 of these machines in it, would be nice to be
running linuxbios in them so I can run a cluster after hours ;D (That is
if they could still boot windows 2000)

 I was talking to ASUS at one point but the conversation faltered. I can
 try again. Pick a mobo you really want to see it done for.


 Linuxbios mailing list

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Re: Can any one ID this board?

2005-03-01 Thread Geoffrey McRae
Does anybody know of a source for these in Australia, I would love to get
my hands on one or two to play with


 don't know, but it sure looks like yer basic geode board to me.


 Linuxbios mailing list

Linuxbios mailing list

Re: Can any one ID this board?

2005-03-01 Thread Geoffrey McRae
I am not worried if its not That board, just any embedded board that
would be good for an experimenter like myself.

 don't no of a source, or even who makes that board.

 - Original Message -
 From: Geoffrey McRae [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Ronald G. Minnich
 Cc: Adam Talbot [EMAIL PROTECTED];
 Sent: Tuesday, March 01, 2005 6:30 PM
 Subject: Re: Can any one ID this board?

 Does anybody know of a source for these in Australia, I would love to
 my hands on one or two to play with


  don't know, but it sure looks like yer basic geode board to me.
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 Linuxbios mailing list

Linuxbios mailing list

Re: A my wits end.

2005-02-19 Thread Geoffrey McRae
Justin Walsh wrote:
I'm old fashion, believing that True Users are End Users. 
Business/nonBusiness  people (dotCom/dotOrg,  or neither).
The Ideal model I use is the mobile phone: Who really cares what 
drives it, as long s it works.
I have two Integrated Development Environments, IDE's:
   1. PDC VIP nc; Visual Prolog non commercial and,
   2. Cincom VWnc; VisualWorks non commercial.
The first is primarily Declarative (non procedural leaning toward 
procedural). The mindset is radical  close.
The  second primarily Procedural  (non Declarative leaning toward 
declarative). The mindset is radical open.
I am stuck with a choice of which one to choose. Neither is making 
it easier for me.
Neither actually requires an Operating System at all, the earlier 
Borland and Digitalk (mid to late 80's) releases ran  well on early DOS.
From my experience both could have run just as well (if not better) on 
64k bit CP/M.
Since they are both true OO IDE's  and can perform everything  a 
modern computer should, then I don't see the OS as doing any more than 
provide what you describe so well  in you opening statement in

Reinout Heek wrote:
The most minimal Linux I heard of is the one being adapted to run 
instead of the bios (requires reflashing your bios)

Will boot in seconds
In fact  once my StV IDE has booted (DOS3.10) I can even delete c:\dos 
and the
Both Cincom and PDC (owners of the above tools) have hitched their 
respective wagons to either Windows or Linux or both and End Users are 
being led a merry techno-political dance.; no insult intended.
They now service only their Primary Users, who are nearly  all  
committed to either Linux or Windows; one and all  Programmers
Secondary or End User are left wondering whether years of development 
are going to end up as junk.
I am now faced with all the uncertainty which  a technical civil war 
i.e open v Close or  as in Gullivers Travels Big-enders v 
Small-enders, presents.
If there is anybody (with an open/closed mind), who can speak with me 
on the matter (soberly and Rationally), then:
I would be delighted to hear from him/her,them.

Linuxbios mailing list
Dude, have you even played with the new tech, its all designed to be 
backwards compatible and the linux community are doing what the can to 
support windows apps and dos apps (Wine, DosBox, even got it booting 
win2k), can you say the same for MS? Open source is becoming the way, it 
makes it much easier to maintain/fix machines, why just the other day I 
had issues with my mail server and the pam_mysql module, so I downloaded 
the source, found the issue, fixed it and I was back in musniess within 
a couple of hours, normally you would have to request a patch from the 
developers, and who knows how long it would take, and if they would even 
listen to you. Also, you say you have borland stuff from the 80s, go get 
youself a copy of Kylix and Delphi, then you can develop for both 
operating systems at once and your problem goes away.

Working in a computer shop I once encountered a guy running Dos and he 
wanted to upgrade but refused to use windows, we had to tell hit to go 
away because if your running dos you have to be a complete idiot. 
LinuxBios is designed to overcome bios limitations, the motherboard 
manufactures are jumping at the oppotunity to do this as it saves them 
time and money developing a bios for every MB that they produce, and if 
they have problems, they contact the community.

In fact  once my StV IDE has booted (DOS3.10) I can even delete c:\dos 
and the
Once linux has booted you can even delete everything, even though it is 
a stupid idea, you can ever partition the hdd and format without 
rebooting, which you cant do from dos. You are using dos as your 
operating system/launcher here, thats all the LinuxBios is, just 
smaller, smarter and much faster, you can make it boot whatever you 
want, even probarbly could make it launch dosbox and your dos dev 

Anyhow, feel free to flame me, this is just my opinion.
Linuxbios mailing list

NTV-1000 STB

2005-02-06 Thread Geoffrey McRae
Hi people, I have recently acquired a NTV-1000 set top box that has a 486
DX4-100 in it, so its standard ix86 architecture, but this thing boots
from a flash simm its own os (ONX) and no matter what I do I cant get it
to boot from its ide interface. This is where linuxbios comes in, would it
be possible to put LinuxBios onto the original bios in this thing?

The bios is a square smc chip, not like the one documented on the lb
website and according to its datasheet its OTP (one time programmable), so
flashing it is not an option. I would love to get this thing running as a
gateway, but thats pretty much impossible if I cant replace the operating
system, the chipset is made by OPTi but finding datahseets on it has
proven to be impossible.

I have googled for hours looking for a way to re-flash the flash simm with
a linux kernel, but the only solution I could find was to buy a
programmer, but since this is just an attempt to resurect some useless
hardware, I wont be spending more then a couple of $ on it. I cant even be
sure that the flash simm the same pinout as a normal simm, and if it is, i
wouldnt even know where to start with writing to it on a standard mobo. I
have found once reference to someone getting etherboot on it, but I cant
contact him as the post was from 2001 and it was a uni email address.

Anyhow, back on topic, is there a way to adapt this socket to take a DoC
and if so, would LinuxBios support the cipset? I am at work at the moment,
so I cant give you the chipset part numbers, but if you need them I will
send them when I get home.


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