Linux is not reliable enough?

2004-07-23 Thread Kevin P. Dankwardt

I am working with a team on a project where their customer is concerned
about the reliability of Linux. The customer wants to go with QNX because of
the belief that QNX Neutrino is inherently more reliable. This belief
revolves around the differences in design where drivers in QNX do not reside
in the same address space as the (micro-)kernel.

What the team was hoping to use is a MPC5200 based system and the ELDK.

The team needs to specifically address their customer's concern that a
single driver can crash the operating system in Linux, since the driver
resides in the same memory space as the kernel. They need to present
convincing arguments to the customer's Chief Software Architect.

Does anyone know of any good resources/references to address these concerns?
Any evidence, either way, that QNX Neutrino is more reliable?

Will the ELDK be adopting any of the Carrier Grade Linux requirements for
reliability? Any other projects like this of note?

Does anyone know of any embedded Linux projects where human lives really do
depend upon Linux to be robust and reliable?

Is UserMode Linux a possibility? Can one create custom drivers for UML and
mitigate risks that way?

Any clever ideas? Any clever, actually tested, ideas?

Despite all of the hype, would any of you be willing to look a customer in
the eye and say that an embedded Linux system can be reliable enough for
human lives to depend on it?

Kevin Dankwardt

** Sent via the linuxppc-embedded mail list. See

Context Switch in Real Time Linux Vs VxWorks (or any other RTOS)

2004-07-16 Thread Kevin P. Dankwardt

There are a number of approaches to real-time in Linux. There are also
several different task/thread/process models from which to choose. Some
involve kernel space and some allow for user space. Some are open source and
some are proprietary. One has to decide on a number of factors before
choosing the solution best suited.

If you are comfortable with the flat memory model of VxWorks then a kernel
space solution may be acceptable. Kernel space solutions such as RTAI have
quite low context switch and quite fast interrupt response time.

For more information I'd recommend starting by reading (my) articles from
Embedded Linux Journal:

Best of luck,
Kevin Dankwardt

I'd like to compare the features of Linux and VxWorks with respect to the
Real Time capabilities. I am little concerned about Linux's Context

I'd like to get your opinion on this. Even if I want to move to Linux, I'll
have to convince my management. So, any pointers on comparison of Linux Vs
VxWorks with respect to Real Time capabilities would be highly appreciated.

** Sent via the linuxppc-embedded mail list. See

Your valuable Suggestions / Advise for Beginners in DeviceDriver Development under Embedded Linux P

2004-07-12 Thread Kevin P. Dankwardt

The books and references that others have listed are certainly helpful. In
fact no matter what route a developer takes, getting training, figuring it
all out for one's self, or working with a vendor - the books and Web are

The fastest route for a developer to get up to speed is to take one or more
training courses.

The cheapest way is to get the books and use the Web.

The most expensive way is to hire an embedded Linux vendor.

Of course, they all have other tradeoffs as well.

Kevin Dankwardt
K Computing

** Sent via the linuxppc-embedded mail list. See
** This list is shutting down 7/24/2004.

Fast boot times

2004-06-07 Thread Kevin P. Dankwardt

I am participating in a project that has a challenging boot time
requirement. We need a Linux boot solution where we have booted in the
50msec range, talking on a protocol stack, from a COLD Start (power being
applied to the board.) The loading of the drivers and the stack
initialization has to occur within 50msec.

Does anyone have any leads/ideas for being able to meet this deadline?

Kevin Dankwardt

** Sent via the linuxppc-embedded mail list. See

remote access via shell

2004-03-09 Thread Kevin P. Dankwardt

I have a ppc 5100 that is currently running Linux. I also have downloaded
and looked at the ELDK. Neither appear to have a telnet nor a ssh daemon.
What daemon for remote access is recommended? Are there small versions
especially appropriate for embedded use? Versions that have Make files
conducive to cross-compilation for PPC?

Kevin Dankwardt

** Sent via the linuxppc-embedded mail list. See