want help regarding toolchain for E8260 Planetcore

2003-12-18 Thread Nikhil Bhargava


Thanks for all members of this grp for helping me out on almost all
ocassions when i have a doubt going beyond myself.

I have to port opensource Linux 2.4.X on to an E8260 mpc 8260 target
board from planet core. I will use this development board in testing
some protocol stacks. Can any one tell me what are the most stable
versions of Gcc, Glibc etc should i use. Further what components to
choose and what to discard from the standard os. Moreso, the board
already have a bootloader running so i just need to port the os on it.
In this scenarios how should i go about it. I will be using BDI 2000

I am following Karim's embedded linux book and web resources for this.


Nikhil Bhargava

** Sent via the linuxppc-embedded mail list. See http://lists.linuxppc.org/

want info. regarding toolchain for E8260 Planetcore board

2003-12-15 Thread Nikhil Bhargava


Thanks for all members of this grp for helping me out on almost all
ocassions when i have a doubt going beyond myself.

I have to port opensource Linux 2.4.X on to an E8260 mpc 8260 target
board from planet core. I will use this development board in testing
some protocol stacks. Can any one tell me what are the most stable
versions of Gcc, Glibc etc should i use. Further what components to
choose and what to discard from the standard os. Moreso, the board
already have a bootloader running so i just need to port the os on it.
In this scenarios how should i go about it. I will be using BDI 2000

I am following Karim's embedded linux book and web resources for this.


Nikhil Bhargava

** Sent via the linuxppc-embedded mail list. See http://lists.linuxppc.org/

testing mechanism for protocol stack

2003-12-10 Thread Nikhil Bhargava


I am looking for a test plan to test my protocol stacks. I am
developing protoco stacks for umts network (http://www.3gpp.com).

My purpose it to first test the entire stack (all layers) on a single
host and then cross compile the binary of the stack and port it to any
target development board and target test the protocols on it for actual
performance testing.

Presently I am integrating all layers of one of the stack on to a
single stack. I need a test plan for it. Precisely,

1. Tools which help in tracking memeory leakes, stack flow and
efficiency testing on host itself

2. Mechanism or suggestions for testing any generic stack on a host
environment. ( some documents or web material).

3. Suggestions for target testing the protocol stacks on the
development board.

I am currently evaluating some protocol analyzers and some freeware
tools. Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.


Nikhil Bhargava,
Research Engg.,
Center of Development of Telematics, CDOT,

** Sent via the linuxppc-embedded mail list. See http://lists.linuxppc.org/

Need PCI device driver help for mpc 8266

2003-11-21 Thread Nikhil Bhargava


I am looking for some documents and help in writing a device driver for
pci bus in motorola's ADs 8266 board. My purpose is to use the local
bus in mpc 8266 as pci bus and then acheive multiple processing by
connecting it to another processor. My target os is linux based.

Has anyone written the device driver for pci bus. Any document or web
link on the subject will be highly appreciated.

Thanks for your time and concern.

nikhil bhargava

Nikhil Bhargava,
Research Engg.,
Center of Development of Telematics, CDOT,

##  39, Main Pusa Road,
######  New Delhi 110005
######  India
######  Phone: Office-01125753350-58

** Sent via the linuxppc-embedded mail list. See http://lists.linuxppc.org/

information about a a board

2003-11-10 Thread Nikhil Bhargava

hello friends,

I am a new member of the forum.

I am looking for a board having POWERPC QUICC-II series mpc 8266 as
target with PCI interface besides other standard features. The board
should have arunning boot loader on it so that i could port any linux
real time variant on it and test my protocol stack. Paralleling my
group is developing its own custom board.

Thank for your time and concern.


nikhil bhargava

** Sent via the linuxppc-embedded mail list. See http://lists.linuxppc.org/