On Thu, Dec 05, 2002 at 04:48:32PM +0530, Alexander.J at lntinfotech.com wrote:
> Hi all,
> We would like to build a Router software engine using Real Time Embedded
> linux.

The alternatives that immediately come to Mind are:

- Xilinx Virtex II Pro with Linux (Linux port posted 2 months ago and on 
- Intel IXP425 with Linux (Linux port expected Jan 2003)

I believe both those chips where targeted specifically to build
high-end, modern one-chip routing solutions. They have high speed
connections on them.

What is the bandwidth and number of interfaces you are targeting ?

> In this process, we need to freeze the target CPU. Could anyone help me in
> this regard?

In the telecom sector PowerPC is the standard (the optimized power consumption
of the ARM family is less relevant in switches; and PowerPC is high-performant).

XScale (ARM derived) is also a new performant platform that is available at
high frequencies in certain chips (80200 e.g.). Typical operation frequencies
of PowerPC405 and XScale in both chips are 300 MHz I believe.

Please note that the use of the FPGA created some very spectacular possibities,
such as the idea to build-in a wirespeed firewall in the FPGA logic, where you
could reprogram the rules through a reconfiguration of the FPGA filters (this
is not a SW firewall, but it is still reprogrammable).


> Thanks
> Alex

|       Mind: Embedded Linux and eCos Development.       |
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| Mind (http://mind.be)            tel:  +32-16-30.96.66 |
| Vaartkom 11                      fax:  +32-16-30.96.44 |
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