higher uart baud rate corrupts image..

2002-09-27 Thread John Nikiforos

 What serial terminal do you use?
I had the same problem when I was using hyperterminal.
When I changed to SecureCRT, everything workds fine!


 --- atul srivastava 
??: >
> A quick question..
> i have been to use succesfully bootloader kernel and
> ramdisk , but
> only on certain serial port speed .
> I am facing a data corruption in dowloading
> kernel+ramdisk image
> at higher serial port speed.
> if i set my baud speed to 19200 it WORKS FINE.
> otherwise at higher serial port speed  the execve of
> /bin/sh just
> hangs and .
> also this problem is related to cpu frequency when i
> make that
> lower or higher the behaviour changed
> unpredicatabley.
> somebody pointed for skew problem woth sdram at
> higher cpu
> frequency.
> any body has more here to add...

** Sent via the linuxppc-embedded mail list. See http://lists.linuxppc.org/

higher uart baud rate corrupts image..

2002-09-25 Thread atul srivastava
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