computer video (was Re: Free IBM AT)

2006-02-28 Thread Ray Arachelian

Chris M wrote:

But Apple made a mistake with
the Mac by not supplying a distinct video ic, allowing
the 68k to do all the work, and therefore was lacking
in speed.

That's not quite true.  Both the original Mac and the Lisa shared memory 
access with the video hardware.  The video hardware was actually much 
simpler than what most computers used a dedicated display chip for.  It 
was basically a nothing more than a shift register that walked memory 
and spat out video signals. 

Half the time the CPU had access to the memory bus, the other half the 
video system.

Other contemporaries of the time may have used a dedicated IC to do the 
video, *BUT* in most cases, these also shared access to memory with the 
CPU.  So it was no better.  Infact, they were more complex because they 
were text mode (40x25 or 80x25) and needed a character generator ROM.  
The video IC would read a byte from main memory, then turn around an 
read the bitmaps for that character from a ROM and display that.

I remember there were various tricks done to get various styles 
displayed too.  For the Commodore line, there were several bitmaps (aka 
fonts today) that implemented primitive graphics.  The high bit (128) 
was used to invert the bitmap, so the scheme to display the cursor was 
to use XOR 128 on and off every second to flash the character.  There 
was a patent for this simple scheme.  Other displays used another chunk 
of memory that mapped along with the text to implement attributes such 
as underline, flash, inverse, and another set for color.

Things like the VIC20 and Commodore 64 had some dedicated hardware to do 
sprites and such, it's true, but for normal operations, it wasn't too 
much better what the Mac/Lisa had.  There were of course vector systems 
out there, but these were mostly for games and worked in a totally 
different way than raster displays like om the Mac, Lisa, Commodore's, 
and PC's. 

Even so, they generally had to share the memory with the CPU, so there 
was a slowdown due to that.  This can be exposed on the Commodore 128 by 
going into FAST mode which ran at 2Mhz instead of the usual 1Mhz.  The 
40column display would be shut off.  (The 80 column one which ran off a 
chip similar to the CGA controller still worked.)  Even the lowly 
TS/1000 had a fast mode that disabled the video because it too shared 
it's small memory with the video system.

I don't recall whether you had to do special stuff to access IBM PC's 
video memory on the CGA cards, perhaps it was accessible in memory 
though the video ram as it lived on the ISA card, but I do recall it 
displaying snow if you directly wrote to the video memory and didn't use 
the INT21 routines in the BIOS.  Lots of program wrote directly to the 
screen for speed, but had to do so in the vertical retrace.  (The BIOS 
routines were very slow.)

The Lisa ran at 5MHz even though the 68000 was an 8MHz cpu due to the 
video circuitry needing access to memory.  I'm not sure how they fixed 
this for the original Mac.  Perhaps faster RAM, or more likely the 
smaller screen real estate did the trick.  In some ways, if you look at 
the Mac and the Lisa, the Lisa actually had something like 5 CPU's 
(68000, 6504, COPS, COPS in keyboard, and an optional AMD/TI FPU for the 
early I/O boards, and a Z8 in the Profile/Widget).The Mac had to 
rely entirely on the 68000.

They could have added one more CPU just to do graphics, but, that would 
have added a lot more expense and complexity.  Besides, in that sort of 
system, whenever the main CPU would need to transfer a big chunk of data 
to the graphics controller instead of just instructions that say, draw a 
line from this point to that point in this color, there would be a 
bottle neck there.

Also, back then having a dedicated video processor didn't mean you could 
do graphics primitives with it.  i.e. the chips did not have the silicon 
to draw lines, boxes, in hires bit mapped display modes.  Rather the 
CPU had to do that work and there were various algorithms for it.  
QuickDraw just happened to be a better implementation that all of those. :-)

I'm not sure many computers had video chips that could offload graphics 
work from the main CPU at that stage (i.e. hardware accelerated 
graphics), except maybe perhaps for the Amiga, but that came later on.  
Most were just good old fashioned frame buffers in bit mapped mode, and 
character generator based displays.

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I've repaired my power supply and floppy issues, suggestions on cleanup?

2005-12-12 Thread Ray Arachelian

I was able to get this Lisa working.

I replaced several large caps in both the 1.2A and 1.8A power supply and 
got the Lisa to work from both.

The 1.8A supply had that large bulged out capacitor, it also had another 
identical one right next to it that had bubbled out - this wasn't 
visible until I removed both caps as it was inbetween them.  The 1.2A 
actually had a small cracked capacitor that was visibly damaged.  
Replacing the caps helped.

There are more capacitors I'd like to swap out of both supplies, these 
are the large clear amber ones - they look like they've suffered some 
stress - there are small hairline line fractures visible there.  One of 
the caps I need to do this is backordered, so I'll have to wait until 
the end of December to do so.

There was a short, but the short was from inserting the cable from the 
cable harness to the Lite adapter - the socket on the Lite adapter is 
keyed, but the plug on the harness is not, and from the way it fits, it 
looks correct when it's actually shorted.  I suspect that perhaps the 
1.8A was marginal, but working, but that the short caused by this is 
what prevented it from working.  The 1.2A I knew was broken from before, 
and this fixed it.

So for those who need to know this:  when there is a short the 1.8A 
supply behaves like this: power light comes on for 1 second, then shuts 
off, and you hear the speaker click once or twice.  The 1.2A supply 
makes the speaker sound like a machine gun (or very fast clicking, like 
a sewing machine) when there's a short circuit.

After playing around with with the XL I/O board, I was unable to get it 
to see the floppy at all, *but*  I was able to use one of the two 
battery leak damaged I/O boards.  In fact, the one that had the parallel 
port 6522 with the plastic melted on it worked - sort of.  I was able to 
boot using this I/O board, and while the mouse worked just fine, the 
keyboard did not.

After swapping out both 6522's and the COP421, I managed to get this I/O 
board fully working.

So this was a weirdo Lisa, it has a Lisa XL wire harness, but only 3 pin 
power, so it was never a Lisa XL, hence some of the confusion.

I do see a few other issues however.  This Lisa has the worm problem - 
that is video wiggles very very slightly on the horizontal, so if you 
have a straight line, you can see a very small - perhaps no more than 1 
pixel or even half a pixel wiggle.  I recall the Larry Pina book 
mentioned this could be solved by switching from the 1.2A to a 1.8A 
power supply, but guess what, I am using the 1.8A supply!  (It was doing 
this before the whole power/short issue.)

So either replacing the clear amber VAC capacitors in the power supply 
will fix the worms problem, or there's an issue with the analog video 
board.  Anyone know how to address this?

I'll try to swap the 1.8A supply out tonight or tomorrow with a 1.2A 
supply and see if the worms go away, if they do, then I certainly need 
to replace the remaining caps in the 1.8A supply.  But if they don't - 
then either the video board needs a bit of work, or both power supplies 
need their remaining caps replaced.

Battery leak cleanup questions

Also, what is the best way to clean the corrosion?  Since these are 
alkaline leaks, James suggested that possibly using a distilled water 
and distilled vinegar might neutralize it, or perhaps using full 
strength vinegar and then some other alkaline stuff - like baking soda 
to catch the rest of the acid.

I can certainly reflow the solder at the joints that are green, and 
patch small wires between the traces that were effected, but how do I 
prevent the corrosion from spreading?

I'm a bit weary of using anything containing water, as I wouldn't want 
any capacitors soaking up the humidity and dying just from that, so I'm 
not sure - is it really safe to clean with water?  I'm thinking maybe a 
lightly damp paper towel and some kind of brush - like an old toothbrush 
perhaps?  Any suggestions?

The other non-working I/O board that also had battery damage which I 
cannibalized a 6522 from had one trace that was so badly corroded that 
it was visibly raised off the board by several millimeters:  I can 
imagine this stuff eating through the copper traces quite easily, and 
since electricity is passing through those half corroded traces when the 
Lisa is on, they will heat it up, as more resistance builds up from the 
corrosion, the heat from the resistance will then act  as a catalyst to 
further speed up the corrosion.

Also, I noticed that someone had repaired one of the boards and put some 
kind of clear lacquer on top of the repairs, where can I get this stuff 
from and what is it?  Can it be used to seal repaired corroded portions?

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Re: Lisa doesn't power on - power lights up for 1sec, speakerclicks, then off.

2005-12-01 Thread Ray Arachelian
Yeah, from what I see everything seems to point at the power supply.  
It's likely that plugging in one of the bad I/O boards stressed out 
something in the power supply. Other than this, the only thing that's in 
common are the CRT, video board, LisaLite and cables in the chasse.

I originally had the following which worked, except I could never get 
the floppy drive to function.

Lisa motherboard (regular Lisa2 - external parallel port)+cage+Parallel 
Port card

Lisa 2-10/XL I/O board with 88 ROMs + the extra on board IWM.
Lisa Chasse with LisaLite adapter + 1 3.5 floppy.
1.8A power supply.

I tested:

a 2nd motherboard
two I/O boards - one with a visibly damaged 6522 - both with some 
corrosion from leaked battery packs.

two more CPU boards.

one known bad 1.2A power supply which I tested last night to be sure 
it's dead.  It does provide the +5V trickle to the COP421, but doesn't 
turn on as the 1.8A one does.

So my next steps are to take apart the 1.2 and 1.8A power supplies and 
see if any caps or components are visibly damaged and check the polarity 
of any diodes after discharging their caps so I don't get shocked.

I guess I could eliminate the LisaLite too by unplugging it, as well as 
memory boards.

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Re: Lisa doesn't power on - power lights up for 1sec, speakerclicks, then off.

2005-12-01 Thread Ray Arachelian
Yup, it's the power supply - took apart the 1.8A power supply and found 
one of the large capacitors was bulging out slightly, when I touched it, 
the top plastic cover sunk in - it's all dried up.  Time to buy a bunch 
of replacement caps.  Diodes that I've tested measured ok.

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Lisa doesn't power on - power lights up for 1sec, speaker clicks, then off.

2005-11-28 Thread Ray Arachelian

Hey guys,

My Lisa doesn't power on anymore.  I was going through my spare 
parts in order to inventory what I have, so I swapped out several I/O 
and CPU cards.

For a few of the cards, the Lisa exhibited some strange behavior - I'd 
push the power button, the light would light up for maybe half a second, 
and I'd hear the speaker click, but it wouldn't turn on.   Both of the 
two spare I/O cards I tested had some battery leak damage, one I know is

dead from a long time ago, the other did leak, but I caught it and removed
the battery pack and cleaned it up, but perhaps the corrosion spread
over time, or was marginal enough to work when I last tested it a few years

When I was done swapping boards, I placed the originals back, but still
got the power light on for 1/2 a second and no power. :-(  So I've got
a totally non-working Lisa now.

I wasn't aware of this until I read Larry Pina's Mac repair book, but 
the I/O board I had in there is a new one designed for the 2/10 or XL and 
has the extra chip that replaces the LisaLite board.  So I was never able

to get the floppy drive to work, because the motherboard and case were
setup as a Lisa2/5 or just plain Lisa 2.  (I believe this board works -
except for the fact that it's inside the wrong motherboard since it
passes the power on self test - unless the LisaLite or motherboard can
harm it.)

I don't believe I can get my hands on a Lisa 2/10 motherboard any time
soon :-) though perhaps I can rewrire the connector in some way to 
hook up this I/O board directly to the floppy drive.  Anyone have the

pinouts I'd need for wiring this board directly to the floppy drive?

Far more likely, perhaps I can repair one of the two corroded I/O boards
which are from Lisa2's or 2/5's, and make use the LisaLite card which does
exist in the floppy drive bay.

The config in this Lisa is a 1.8A power supply (known to be good before
the swapping of cards), H ROMs, and the wrong 2/10 I/O board - no widget,
nor ProFile attached when I tested it.

Anyway, when I was done testing all the boards and put back the 
originals, the Lisa would no longer turn on and no matter what I did, I 
got the same behavior - pushed the power button, the light comes on for 
half a second, and I hear the speaker click, then the light goes off and 
it doesn't actually turn on. 

I also had trouble fitting the CPU board back in, it doesn't quite mate 
with the connector on the motherboard unless I push it towards the 
connector, then it does make the connection, and I do see it in the 
socket.  I suspect that perhaps part of the connector doesn't quite make 
it in all the way, even though I see it in there, perhaps being in the 
card cage for so long, it has warped a bit, and now it's no longer making 
contact all the way.

I left the Lisa unplugged, hoping the boards would acclimate over 
time so that I can try re-seating them later on.   I had it in 
storage for quite some time now, haven't powered it on in several 
years until last night.  It did power up initially, and passed all the self

tests before I tried to swap cards.

I'm not sure whether my issue is similar, or even the same as the 
previously discussed chirp-on-power, as this is (was?) a known good power 
supply, but seems to me that it may  be related to the COP421 controller 
in some way, or perhaps the I/O board doesn't see a CPU board attached 
and doesn't quite power on.

So my questions are:

1. Is there a known symptom/fix for the power button lighting up for 
half a second this way?  Is it an I/O board, motherboard, or CPU board

issue?  Anyone else had a CPU board that got slightly warped and wouldn't
fit?  Any way to relax them enough to fit without damaging them?

2. Is there a way to use a Lisa 2/10 I/O board and rewrire it directly
to the floppy drive without going through the motherboard, or rewrire the
existing connector from to the floppy.  (I believe the end that goes into
the LisaLite card has more pins than the cable that goes from the LisaLite
to the floppy, so perhaps Apple just left some unused pins, and hopefully
all the ones that go to the floppy are there.)

3. Would placing such a board inside a Lisa 2 with a LisaLite floppy card
damage either the I/O board itself, the motherboard, or the LisaLite card?

4. What's involved in repairing an I/O board with a battery leak?  I can 
certainly rewire/resolder the missing traces - at least the ones that are still
visible. (I know one of the two dead I/O boards that I tested has a broken 
VIA chip since the plastic on the chip shows it melted. :-) so I can 
possibly use parts from this one to repair the other.) Any tips, tricks, or 
things to watch out for?

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Re: Apple soap box

2005-08-26 Thread Ray Arachelian

Nord, Al wrote:

If Apple cared that much about the Lisa computers they and Sun Data
would not have hired bulldozers to drive over piles of Lisa computers in

Speaking of which, AppleFritter used to have a ton of Lisa documentation 
online, any word as to where it moved to?

I did as well, but lack of bandwidth is not helpful.  Perhaps things 
like bittorrent can be helpful if several of us leave the client open 
always.  Perhaps we can compile a comprehensive collection of all apple 
lisa docs, hopefully something that can fit on one or more DVD-R's and 
share those over bittorrent?

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Re: Original Mac Portable disposal

2005-08-26 Thread Ray Arachelian

Nord, Al wrote:

At the end of last school year in June of this year I had a call from a
teacher who offered me 40+ working old Mac portables for free if I
hauled them away. Where could I store 40+ of these vintage computers and
what would I do with them ? 

Hell, you could have made a fortune on ebay. :)  I would have loved one 
of those.

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Re: Motherboard/CPU

2005-08-18 Thread Ray Arachelian
It is a very good idea to remove the power cord before disassembling the 
Lisa as it's always turned on even when it looks off.

Assuming you're facing the back of the Lisa and have turned the two 
metal knobs and removed the back cover, the board on the bottom is 
called the mother board.  To the right, you'll see the power supply 
module along with the brightness and vertical (I think) controls.

The motherboard, along with all the cards it contains, just slides out 
forward twoards you.  Once it's out, there are 3 or 4 boards inside it 
on the right hand side.  The I/O board is the one directly facing you, 
the CPU board is next, followed by one or two memory cards.  They have 
clips at the top at the left and right, which you can undo on to take 
the card out by pulling them upwards.  The clips are color coded on one 
side and there are matching marks on the card cage to let you know what 
card goes into which slot.

On the left side, there are three expansion slots which could contain 
various I/O cards - most commonly a dual parallel card, though other 
devices have been known to exist, such as a 4 port serial card, a SCSI 
card (compatible only with MacWorks,  and so on.)  These just slide 
forward once you undo the yellow tab at the bottom,  I believe you have 
to pull and twist the yellow/metal clip thing at the bottom clockwise 
(maybe) which opens up the slot enough to let you slide the card out 
towards you - not up!

You should not have to remove any screws other than what is necessary to 
unlock the motherboard.  The Lisa's designed to be user maintainable.

This is what an empty motherboard looks like: and

Here's what the CPU board looks like:

and the I/O board:

If you see a battery pack to the lower left of the I/O board, you should 
remove this - just clip the tabs carefully off. This is a great source 
of trouble - these NiCAD packs tend to leak, and when they do, they'll 
corrode both the I/O board and the motherboard, destroying your Lisa.

These batteries are used to provide backup to the equivalent of the PRAM 
settings, however the Lisa will function just fine without them - it 
won't be able to keep the date and time, but since the Lisa's clock has 
a range from 1980-1995, it's useless anyway.

Justaname wrote:

OK, I have disassembled the cage, but can't see how to remove the CPU 
board from the bottom of the cage which now consists of the metal base 
only.  The dozen or so screws are out and the sides have been removed.

Any suggestions on how to gently remove the board?

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Birth of the Lisa

2005-07-29 Thread Ray Arachelian

Found this during this morning's surfing on

The Lisa project was initiated in 1978 to provide Apple's next 
generation business computer.  According to the original marketing 
specifications, created in 1979, the computer bore little resemblance to 
the computer that was actually released several years later.  It's major 
claim to fame was its inclusion of a bit sliced processor, but it became 
clear that such a processor would price Lisa well above the $2,000 goal 
that the marketers had set.


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Re: Birth of the Lisa - copy protection, Lisa serial #'s, GEOS, and other computers of the era

2005-07-29 Thread Ray Arachelian

Nord, Al wrote:

Considering the Apple lisa's list price was $10,000.00  it is a miracle
as many Lisas were sold that there were. Apple had a software serial
number prom preventing other copies of software installed on other Lisas
from working. So each Lisa owner had to purchase a legal copy of the
software they wanted to use. 

Um, yes, but didn't LisaOS and the office tools come with the Lisa when 
you purchased them?  Certainly
upgrades were free, but this is no different than Microsoft - except 
that the Office apps came free with the
machine.   Of course, when Lisa became Mac XL, the included software 

Also, the Lisa wasn't sold at $10K for too long, they dropped the price 
pretty quickly, so very

few actually paid that much.

I remember replacing logic boards and
having to swap that prom chip so their software would continue to

That's right, the first time you inserted a virgin tool disk into a 
Lisa, it would stamp the serial # on it.
You could have of course unserialized them if you read David Craig's 
compuserve article about where the
serial # is stored on the disk.  If that PROM failed, you could have 
sent it to Apple for a replacement


It's funny, but the old knockoff GEOS did the same thing except that 
since the C64 did not have a

serial #, it randomly picked a 16 bit serial # and used that the same way.

The 5 meg Profile HD was also a treat. Apple decided to reverse
their software writing to hard disk to make the profile HD the only HD
to work inside the profile. I tried other Seagate st-506 5 meg HD's in
the profile case but was never sucessful in getting them to write the
boot track. One company devised a way to write the boot track but they
charged too much from what I remember. 

I'm sure this is still a problem today.  You need a special version of a 
ROM and an Apple II/III to
reformat these old beasts as the ROM in normal profile drives did  not 
support the low level format


If I recall correctly, early Mac OS's (some 6 and 7) refused to install 
or boot from non-Apple branded
hard drives and CDROM drives too.  Of course, these usually came with 
third party drivers to make

them work.

The Mac plus also had an external
HD20 meg drive that used the serial port on the MacPlus. 

You mean the external floppy port.  I have one of these somewhere in the 
attic.  I remember you

needed a special extension called HD20 to make that work.

The Mac
portable used a special controller board to operate their internal HD's
which failed regularly. I have swapped that controller board and used
other HD's in the Mac portable  but that's another story. Apple sure was
innovative in their HD selections and often were the only ones
available. But since the first Apple //e floppy drives sold for $500.00
with out the controller when they were introduced. Most of the other
computers were still using the cassette drive to load and run programs
like the TI-99 and the Comodore 64.

Maybe, but I do recall the Commodore 1540 and 1541 floppy drives which 
were very slow and
had their own on board 6502 CPU + a little bit of RAM.  These were 
initially very expensive too
(~$500), so you could say that was the market price.  Still, you 
wouldn't want to wait for a program
on tape to load - and even programs on tape had copy protection.  (I 
recall a game for the VIC20
called Swarm that left some data in the tape buffer and executed it.  It 
was impossible to copy it
to tape, but it was very easy to create a loader for it and transfer it 
to a floppy.)

Much like the Lisa, the C1541 (and future disk drives too) had a CPU 
inside them.  The Lisa has
the equivalent of a stripped down Apple II without RAM, display, etc. as 
the floppy controller.
The 1541 had a 6504 and a few K of RAM, which could hold small programs 
that could be used
to either write copy protection to the disk (weird errors, checksum 
errors, two tracks with the same
ID's, multiple sectors with the same ID, sync-traps, etc.) or they could 
be used to detect copy
protection, or for fast loaders - there's a story somewhere on the net 
about how the VIA chip (which
the Lisa also uses) has a broken shift register, so you can't really use 
it for serial transfers - this is why

the original Vic20, and C64's were so slow accessing the floppy.

Eventually someone wrote a fast load program, and then there were clones 
of it.  GEOS had this

feature built in...

One game had a very dumb protection, I think it was spy hunter, that 
after it loaded,it paused for
a second to display a logo, then it checked for a disk error on a 
specific track/sector, then never
looked at the floppy again - so you could easily just time it right and 
open the floppy door

right before it checked but after it loaded and it worked just fine.

When the C128 came out, you had a machine with a built in monitor 
(debugger) - so it was very
easy to remove the protection off lots of programs - just press the 
reset switch and hold 

Re: Lisa Office System and GUI

2005-01-09 Thread Ray Arachelian
Shirl wrote:
The only regret I have about this area is the WIMP (windows/icons/mouse
pointer) interface is still around. There must be something better than
this. I know efforts have been made to develop the WIMP successor, but these
seemed to have failed due to WIMP's hegemony in the computing world UI.

The closest, I'd imagine, is the OpenCroquet project...

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Re: Hard drive reformatting and setup

2004-12-21 Thread Ray Arachelian
Yes.  1.44M SuperDrives can do this.  I've created 400K Lisa disks on a
Mac 7100 (Mac OS 7.5) using Apple Disk Copy 4.2 and DART, as well as on a
20th Anniversary Mac (Mac OS 9.1), and on a IIsi (Mac OS 7.5).

My Lisa was able to use them without any problems.

Note that you cannot use *NEW* versions of Apple Disk Copy as they will 
not write the tag data to the disk, so if you try, those floppies will not 
work on a Lisa.  Nor can you use the new versions of Apple Disk Copy to 
convert from DART to Disk Copy 4.2 image formats - again, the tag 
information gets stripped off.

Normal PC floppy drives will never work as they only write MFM format, 
whereas the 400K format requires GCR.  Apple 400K, 800k, and 1.44M 
Superdrive floppy drives are able to create proper 400K disks for use on a 

I vaguely recall there may have been some strange Mac's that had a 1.44M 
MFM only floppy, but not sure if they were clone PPC's or what - only that 
they had no soft eject - they used PC floppy drives with a push button for 
eject.  These did not of course work, but I don't recall ever using any of 

On Tue, 21 Dec 2004, Marcin Wichary wrote:

  This can be done with Macs, with a build-in 800k Floppy-Drive or a so 
  1,44 MB Super-Drive if you use DiskCopy and are able to run with OS 6 
  up to
  OS 7.5.3
 Are you sure that SuperDrives can correctly write to 400K disks? I read 
 reports to the contrary...

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Re: My sick 2/10

2004-11-28 Thread Ray Arachelian
Speaking of which, there's a power supply on ebay.  Doesn't say if it's a 
1.2 or 1.8A model, and the auction will close in 10h, so you might want to 
ask the seller quickly. :-)

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Re: Installing Lisa OS on ProFile

2004-08-19 Thread Ray Arachelian

On Thu, 19 Aug 2004, Chris Smolinski wrote:

 For that matter... I wonder if the Lisa OS 3.1 might work any better 
 than 3.0? I've seen several sites that claim to have Office 3.1 disk 
 images, but they are all actually version 3.0.

Lisa OS 3. aka 7/7 1 is just Lisa OS 3.0 with one more application: 
LisaTerminal.  When you boot from these, they'll all say 3.0, even thought 
they were sold as 3.1.

 I think i can get the Lisa to boot off the profile on the external 
 card port, if I can just install the OS. Perhaps if I can get my Lisa 
 2/5 to function I can use it to do the installation.

What you can try is to take the motherboard (card tray) from the 2/5 and
also it's I/O board, but use the CPU board from the 2/10, and install
LisaOS on the Profile that way, then put all the cards back, and setup the
ProFile on the parallel port card and see if it will function.

It's vital that you keep the OS on the ProFile with the CPU board because
this board contains a serial # in the video state ROM.  Without it, you'll
have problems with that instance of the OS (not being able to print is one 

Also be aware that when you do the install, your OS disk will be
serialized with the serial # of that CPU board, and I believe it won't
work elsewhere.  The same is true of the tools (Write, Calc, Project,
Draw, Graph, Term, except they'll write the serial #'s on the floppies 
they came with.)  So be sure to have disk images of everything if you plan 
to work with serveral Lisas.

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Re: Floppy fixed! Boots, but disk problem ...

2003-10-17 Thread Ray Arachelian

On Fri, 17 Oct 2003, Stephen M. Jones wrote:

 That was it, I cleaned the sensor with a soft paper towel and found an
 oily residue on it.. I put it back in the machine and .. its works! Thanks!

Cool. :)
 I was under the impression the images I got were LisaOS 3.1 .. however,
 they state they are LisaOS 3.0 1983, 1984 .. but that shouldn't make a
 difference, right?

The only difference between 3.1 and 3.0 is that 3.1 added another tool -
LisaTerminal I think. :)
 I don't think the drive is dead, its actually spins nicely and doesn't 
 make any strange scraping or funky calibration sounds.

One thing I wasn't clear about... is this hard drive an internal
(Widget) or an external (ProFile)?

If it's a profile, on power up, it should also flicker the red LED.. not
sure about Widget drives...  At this point what's happening is that the
drive has it's own Z8 cpu (microcontroller actually) that can scan the
drive for errors, and it is doing just that.  I think it took something
like 5 minutes for this process before the Lisa would see the disk...
 I would like to do my best to 'repair' the internal drive .. I'm damn
 curious to see whats on it ;-)

More than likely the media lost the data it was holding.  I've seen this
happen to my profile hd's  I installed an OS on them a very long time
ago, and a few years later when I powered them back on, they had lost all
data, but if I reinstalled an OS, they'd hold the OS for a long while...

If you don't mind wiping it, you could try to boot up MacWorks and see if
it can format it...  Or Xenix. :)

If it's external, are you attaching it directly to the parallel port, or
to a dual parallel port card?  If it's on a card, I seem to recall only
being able to use one of the ports to off boot off from, but that the
parallel port on the motherboard always worked.  (could be my parallel
card wasn't working?)

The profile cable is just a straight through DB25 cable with all the pins
wired.  Be careful - if you buy a replacement.

Some DB25-DB25 cables are made for serial cables, and to save money the
manufacturers don't wire all the pins...

You should get a small ohm/volt meter - set it to OHM's and try the pins
on each end.  All of the pins should be wired - except for one which I
think is missing on the original ribbon cable...

The Lisa detects the ProFile/Widget drive by a single pin (Open Cable
Detect), so even though the Lisa POST can see the drive, it might not be
able to talk to it.  So check the cable.

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Re: Lisa 2/10 widget drive problems ..

2003-10-17 Thread Ray Arachelian

On Fri, 17 Oct 2003, Stephen M. Jones wrote:

 Ahh, okay.  Both the drive and the widget board have an LED each.  I'm
 assuming the POST is the initial test that runs when the LISA is turned
 Here is what happens when I turn on the LISA:
 1. The widget board LED flashes and the drive LED lights up briefly.
 2. The drive then spins up and then, it flashes as it calibrates then
it goes solid
 3. If I try to boot off the hard disk, the widget LED will flash, then
the drive will seek/head calibrate, then the widget LED will flash 
again .. then the lisa goes 'beep, beep, beep' error 82.

82 means Drive doesn't answer - not sure what that means, but could be a
cable issue again...  It does sound like it to me.  The LED means
Ready unlike most HD LED's of today.  So when it's not flashing, it
means there's no access...
 If I continue and boot off the floppy, when I select either 'repair' or
 'install' I get the message the lisa is looking for attached disks, 
 the LEDs just remain solid and the drive does not seek .. then I get a
 message no usable drives were found

From what I know of the Lisa's POST - and it's more than I'd like to know,
it doesn't check for much on the Widget drive.  Just it's presence so it
can put up a menu option to boot off it, or to attempt to boot off it.  
But it may not have tested it...

 So it would seem that the Lisa POST (if that is what the test is called)
 seems to be able to see the disk, but because of error '82' (anyone know
 what that might be?) that it can not find a boot image.
 Oh, google just told me what an '82' is:
 82  Internal HD  Drive doesn't answer
 Now as far as the LisaOS disk 1 doing nothing with the internal disk,
 I'm at a loss.  I've already tried taking out the drive and checking
 the cables, what I could do next is take it apart and check the components
 (just to be sure no one assumes this, I'm not going to *open* the drive).
 Hopefully I can recover this piece of hardware without having to replace

Well, it does say on the screen Lisa is looking for attached
disks... could mean it's looking for a parallel port drive... From what I
know, your Lisa should either not have an external parallel port - unless
you have the dual port card, or you should see a ribbon cable plugged into
the parallel port going back inside the case.  The Lisa 2/10's shouldn't
have any external parallel port from what I recall.  The port is internal
to the motherboard, and that will go to the drive area...

It's far more likely that you'll have dirty contacts, so try to wipe any
junk off the connectors first...

So tighten the cable like you planned and clean the contacts, and failing
that, take the motherboard rack out (carefully), and take the widget drive
out and attempt to test each pin on the ribbon cable with an ohm meter.  
Put one probe in the drive area, and the other where the motherboard was
attached - might need two people to do this...  If you feel it's worth it,
you can try to extract the cable - but be careful.

If you find a broken wire, you can patch another one.  CAREFULLY!  Get an
Xacto knife and slowly shave off the plastic coating off the wire you
think is crimped - then attach another to it.  A light bit of solder will
do, be careful not to melt the plastic off it's neighbors...

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