[IFWP] Vint Cerf New ICANN Chair

2000-11-18 Thread Michael Sondow

Jay Fenello wrote:
 At 08:22 PM 11/16/00, Judith Oppenheimer wrote:

  A brief "special" board meeting followed at which Vint Cerf was
  named new ICANN Chair.

I foretold that this would happen, over a year ago. The idea was
scoffed at. Now it has come to pass exactly as I predicted, and as
any astute and honest observer should have foreseen. 

Vint Cerf was always slated to run the Internet Government. He
wasn't made chairman from the beginning because it would have been
too obvious that ICANN was fixed, but ISOC and its dictator Cerf
have been behind the ICANN fix even before the White Paper was
published. ISOC, its corporate backers, its creatures like CORE, and
its co-opted government officials like Burr are the conspiracy that,
in its blind and selfish elitism, has stifled every attempt to
achieve a balance of powers in Internet governance.

The appointment of Vint Cerf as ICANN chairman is the final proof,
if such were needed, that ICANN was never intended to be a
democratic organization, and that it was conceived and carried out
by a select group of Internet insiders who have always run the
Internet and who have now consolidated their control so that no new
people, and no users, can influence its policies.

This is the very definition of a dictatorship, and reflects the
arrogance of a national government that has reached such a pinnacle
of authoritarianism that it no longer feels the need to give even
lip service to the law, since it dominates the agencies supposed to
enforce the law, and which despises those of us who live and work
under its regime. This dictatorship has been achieved by control of
the press and of education, and by corrupting not only the people's
representatives but the people themselves.

Every one of you who acquiesces to the dictatorship of the Internet
through the undemocratic and illegal ICANN and its committees is
complicit in the betrayal and overthrow of Internet democracy,
indeed of democracy itself, since without free communication there
can be no democracy.

   "The law of nature, as a set of uncodified 
   commands implicitly accepted by the mind and 
   conscience of every reasonable person, is 
   merely the concept of Divine Law under another 
   name. Time and time again it has operated 
   to overthrow entire systems of positive law."

   --Felix Morley, "The Power in the People"

International Congress of Independent Internet Users (ICIIU) 
http://www.iciiu.org   [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

[IFWP] ICANN, Mike Roberts, and Richard Foreman

2000-11-18 Thread Michael Sondow


 + New Domain Backlash Begins
 By Kevin Murphy
 Naturally, successful candidates from the 44 applications
 received declared the whole controversial process a success.
 Register.com Inc, which was part of the consortia awarded .info
 and .pro, said: "This has been a challenging process, but we
 appreciate ICANN making it transparent and fair."

ICANN's President, Mike Roberts, has been colluding with Richard
Foreman, head of Register.com, for a long time, as their 1999
for PC-radio.com demonstrates. This is another antitrust law
violation which will come out some day in legal proceedings, if
someone has the courage some day to see to it that the laws of the
United States are enforced.

Michael Sondow
   http://www.iciiu.org(ICIIU)[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

[IFWP] Re: Vint Cerf New ICANN Chair

2000-11-18 Thread Richard J. Sexton

I've had more productive, friendly and constructive exchanges with Vint in the
last two days than I had in two years of trying to talk to Esther. Perhaps I'm
being co-opted but I sense a new era of a willingness to cooperate here. I am

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Richard Sexton  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | http://dns.vrx.net/tech/rootzone
"Maitland House, Bannockburn, Ontario, CANADA,  K0K 1Y0"; 1 613 473-1719

[IFWP] Deluded Organizations Supporting State-corporatism

2000-11-18 Thread Michael Sondow

Richard J. Sexton wrote:
 From: Hans Klein [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   CYBER-FEDERALIST   No. 7November 16, 2000

 The ICC will promote and facilitate user participation in ICANN by Internet
 users from around the globe.

The participation of users in ICANN, an organization committed to
blocking their interests in the Internet, is no different from
joining a company union.

 The ICC is intended to help the membership
 develop a collective voice with which to speak out on issues.

This may be its intention, but its effect is to legitimize the
anti-user policies of ICANN by the adhesion of users whose interests
are being undermined.

 A high priority issue for the At Large membership is the "Clean Sheet"
 study proposed by the Board at their July meeting in Yokohama.  At that
 time, the At Large Membership had not yet even been constituted.  Yet the
 study's mandate is to reconsider the very existence of the At Large
 membership -- a prospect that seems at odds with the remarkable success of
 the At Large elections in which some 158,000 users participated.  The ICC
 will be working with members to help articulate the member perspective on
 this study.

Yes, the "clean slate" bylaw is invidious to the existence of an
@large membership. But even without the clean slate study, no @large
member of ICANN enjoys the legal status of a member in the
corporation. This is clearly spelled out now in ICANN's bylaws. 

And these are not the sole anti-user bylaws, not by a long shot. The
bylaws referring to a DNSO having one out of seven constituencies
for non-commercial users, when the White Paper creating ICANN as
well as congressional testimony by the DOC contractor, Becky Burr,
clearly give users a 50% stake in the DNSO, are equally insidious,
as are all other bylaws disenfranchising Internet users from
Internet governance.

 Another issue for the ICC is the legal status of the ICANN membership.  At
 Large Members need to fully understand the rights and responsibilities
 should accompany membership.

There are no rights to @large membership. The @large members are not
legally members of ICANN, according to ICANN's bylaws. They have no
rights. They cannot remove directors, they cannot vote on policy
decisions, they cannot even demand to see an accounting of the
corporation's finances. @large membership is a fraud, cleverly
created by Touton and company to keep Internet users from having any
authority in governance.

 "The ICC is committed to constructive engagement with the existing Board,"
 said Wolfgang Kleinwaechter, professor at the University of Aarhus. 
 processes have sometimes been contentious, but with this important step
 forward in the implementation of the At Large membership, there is a
 renewed willingness to work together for effective problem-solving."

This man is either deluded, or he is another in the army of ICANN
apologists attempting to pull the wool over the eyes of the users.

Michael Sondow
   http://www.iciiu.org(ICIIU)[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

[IFWP] article on the new icann tlds

2000-11-18 Thread Richard J. Sexton

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://ph-1.613.473.1719  

"The public-private partnership is the essence of fascist economics."
--Dan Sullivan

[IFWP] test

2000-11-18 Thread Ken Freed

This is a test email. Please ignore. Thanks