[IFWP] Re: Setting one record straight....

2002-02-27 Thread Jay Fenello

At 2/26/02  06:25 PM, Jim Fleming wrote:
- Original Message -
From: Einar Stefferud [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  What is this?


I believe we agree that the ICANN Monster is out of control.

In my opinion, it is important to document where the ICANN Monster
came from. People do not seem to understand how such a beast forms
and who is responsible. People also do not seem to understand why
some people close to the situation would stop what they are doing and
step aside to allow the monster to grow and become unchained.

Hi Jim,

I can remember when many of the people on your cc: list
first joined the ICANN debate.  I can also remember how,
one by one, they slowly came to realize how corrupt the
process really was -- just like I did.

Before that moment, our actions were driven by mistaken
assumptions about the way our world works.  But how were
we to know?  Everything we've been taught, and read, and
seen on TV, supported the illusion that kept us stuck.

[At least, this was true for me :-]

Anyway, I agree with your comments about the Monster.
If we really want to stop it, we must first understand
how it grows.  More below ...

same thing happened with the IAHC. That required people at the highest
levels of the U.S. Government to stop it in it's tracks. You may want to
enlighten everyone on how all that happened. Most peasants, like me,
only saw shadows of the monster and heard the crash when it fell and
saw the people running from the scene.We are told later that powerful
dragon slayers like yourself fought the battle and won.

The Aspen Institute appears to be the Jurassic Park of the Internet. Each
time these monsters appear the Aspen Institute pops up as one of the
potential breeding grounds. What is odd is that very few people seem
to want to admit to being involved. We are now seeing leaders of ICANN
who claim not to be accountable for anything that went on while they
were running the show. We also see indirect messages from U.S. Government
officials that they are not informed or involved. I find it interesting that
even the members of Jon Postel's ITAG, who architected ICANN, are
now making it appear that they were not involved. Despite all of this,
when a critical meeting is called, all of the right people seem to show up
and eventually news leaks out that reform is underway, and the monster

I suppose everyone has to watch and wait to hear about the fate of the
current ICANN monster. I hate to over-simplify, but all that is left is for
the insiders to make sure that .ORG becomes their cash cow. Maybe the
millions from that will feed the monster and it will become passive and fade
from the scene, grazing on the green stuff flowing from the masses...who
clearly are kept a long way from the inner circles and inner workings of
the Internet

ICANN taking over the Internet is not the problem.
It is merely a reflection of our current system
as it has evolved over time.

In actuality, our system is a collection of memes.
It's a consciousness that is guiding our collective
actions and behaviors.  And it's leading us towards
disaster ...

Instead of fighting the ICANN hydra, let's recognize
the beast for what it really is.  Once we do, our
path will become clear.

Comments welcome.



Jay Fenello, Internet Coaching
http://www.Fenello.com ... 678-585-9765
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http://www.AligningWithPurpose.com ... for a Better World
The first step is to penetrate the clouds of deceit
and distortion and learn the truth about the world, then
to organize and act to change it.  That's never been
impossible and never been easy. -- Noam Chomsky

[IFWP] Four more years?

2002-02-27 Thread Richard J. Sexton

The problem, Jay as I see it, is this: can ICANN be reformed? I don't
think so - not with the people that are in charge of it now. Why are
they there then? Ira/the DoC appointed them. Why the DoC?
Because in the Inter-agency Domain Name Task force meetings 4
years ago the DoC claimed to have all the answers so when
everybody else stopped snickering, they told them sure, go run with
it. Why did the DoC want to run is? Large 3 letter corporations
lobbied to the tune of tens if not hundreds of millions to make sure
DoC got the ball. Follow the money. 

Remember, this is still all under DoC oversight. ICANN has admitted
they're in constant communications with them just like they're in
constant communications with foreign governments - which is rightly
the job of the State Department. 

This has manifested itself into, once again, the installation of power of
a group, not of the community, over that community - In this sense
ICANN is just a recapitulation of the IAHC disaster; sero sum games
both. The IFWP consensus documents came very very close to this
whole group acting as a coherent one but big monied interests acting through
outside forces not really committed to the community it pretended to
be a part of couldn't let that happen and the thing was derailed faster
then Enron became a national laughing stock. 

Kill the head and the body will die. Nothing will get done till the DoC
is taken out of the position of having absolute power. Or thinking it

They had their chance, we've suffered 4 years of them screwing up
and I think that's enough. 

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