I have a feeling this wont ever fly - but ....

Technology that permits users to access Internet sites, locate
information, and send emails using simple and easily remembered
names instead of URLs is coming close to completion and is
entering the market.  Engineers at Network Solutions, RealNames,
Netword, and AT&T have developed the Common Names Resolution
Protocol (CNRP).  A beta version of NSI's CNRP software is being
released for Web users, and later this fall RealNames and Netword
will offer commercial CNRP versions.  CNRP will likely be useful
in the wireless environment due to its use of short and simple
phrases and names, and network managers at corporations could
utilize CNRP services to access employee and customer information
or to share corporate documents.  This month a final version of
the CNRP protocol specification will be published and this fall
the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) will probably approve
CNRP as a standards-track protocol.  Internationalized domain
names are the final technical obstacle CNRP faces, says Leslie
Daigle, chair of the IETF working group on CNRP.  The current
CNRP pilot project will run for approximately six months.
(Network World, September 4 2000)

Joe Baptista
The dot.GOD Registry

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