[REBOL] compose?? Re:(2)

1999-11-13 Thread robert . muench

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Friday, November 12, 1999 4:31 PM
> Subject: [REBOL] Re: compose??

> ## a: 1
> == 1
> ## compose [(a + 1) [(a + 2)]]
> == [2 [(a + 2)]]
> ## compose/deep [(a + 1) [(a + 2)]]
> == [2 [3]]

Hi, aha this makes sense ;-), well than I will program my own flatten
function to convert nested blocks into one block level. BTW: Is it possible
to brace expressions programmatically? Thanks Robert

[REBOL] Linux different? Re:(3)

1999-11-13 Thread whip

Howdy Fleet:

>  Assuming you are trying to be helpful; it didn't work.  Now I don't
> know what the   heck *you* are talking   about.  I thought I   *had*
> specified the file (readme.txt) on the command line.

> file:  to-file system/options/args ;name of file to send 

  In the code you sent the list the above line read:

file: %mailer.r

  followed by the function to send FILE to you.  Sterling above takes
the file from the command line arguments.  What's more surprising is
that that script is sending you readme.txt under windows.  The code
you sent should ONLY ever send you %mailer.r. 



[REBOL] Another REBOL benchmark Re:(3)

1999-11-13 Thread ron

On a 450 MHz Mac G4:
.44 Rebol 2.2
.05 ThisForth, a token-threaded Forth
.009    A subroutine-threaded Forth
.004    PowerMacForth, which generates machine code
0.71 on an AMDK6 300, RedHat Linux 6.0, REBOL 2.2
Jim D.
> -Original Message-
> Sent: Friday, November 12, 1999 1:23 PM
> Subject: [REBOL] Another REBOL benchmark Re:
> Hi John
> Running 450MHz P2 with Win98 and REBOL2.2 and IE5.
> Tak test results:
> REBOL 0.42 sec
> Javascript  0.28 sec 
This is IE5 Jscript from bench.js.html
> Cheers

[REBOL] almost counter CGI Re:(2)

1999-11-13 Thread strejcek

> Very nice...
> Cheers,
> Allen K

Thanks, Allen.

It's a lot of work in this short script. 
To be frank, I expected more than only one reaction...
It can be used not only for counter.. it simply generate
gif (I can improve it - for example for making graphs 
in gif format (also for CGI use))...


> http://cgi.math.muni.cz/~strejcek/counter.cgi?hits=123&size=5

Jan Strejcek

[REBOL] Sorting and language specific chars ...

1999-11-13 Thread Petr . Krenzelok


I've just received one interesting question regarding localisations in

are there any plans for "localisation" of REBOL??? I mean, different
countries has different settings for money (currency), name of months,
days of week could be localised too.

Different countries also have different character sets, e.g. Czech

str: "abcèdïefghchijklmnòopqrøsštuvwxyzž"

as it can be displayed wrongly here, try decompressing following string:

>> huh: compress str
== #{

Note that "ch" placed behind "h" char is considered to be just one char
in our language ...

some sort/country str 'czech should be available :-)

Any solution?


[REBOL] almost counter CGI Re:(3)

1999-11-13 Thread danec


I'm sorry for not chiming in a timely manner.  I've been going over your 
script, deciphering it and attempting to use it for just that purpose 
(making graphs)...  Thank you for your great script!


At 01:22 PM 11/13/99 , you wrote:

>It's a lot of work in this short script.
>To be frank, I expected more than only one reaction...
>It can be used not only for counter.. it simply generate
>gif (I can improve it - for example for making graphs
>in gif format (also for CGI use))...

Dane Carlson

[REBOL] almost counter CGI Re:(4)

1999-11-13 Thread 70740 . 503

To all,

The following program creates pretty date and time in American format.  To
use it, enter do read %file, where file is the name of the file in which
the program is stored.
I think the code is quite clear, but if you have any difficulties, I shall
be glad to explain further.


date: function [][t d m]
   t: now/time
   t: fixtime reduce [t/1 t/2 t/3]
   d: join pick ['Monday 'Tuesday 'Wednesday 'Thursday 'Friday
 'Saturday 'Sunday] now/weekday ","
   m: pick ['January 'February 'March 'April 'May 'June 'July 'August
'September 'October 'November 'December] now/month
   Print [d m join now/day "," join now/year "," t]

fixtime: function [t][a]
   a: t/1
   if and (a < 12)(a > 0) [return join a [":" t/2 ":" t/3 " AM"]]
   if a > 12 [a: a - 12 return join a [":" t/2 ":" t/3 " PM"]]
   if a = 12 [return join 12 [":" t/2 ":" t/3 " PM"]]
   if a = 0 [return join 12 [":" t/2 ":" t/3 " AM"]]

[REBOL] epoch? Re:(13)

1999-11-13 Thread rryost

My look was a little too quick.  I was looking for the constant 400, and saw
only 100 and 4, but by first dividing by 100 and then by 4, the years
divisible by 400 are turned into leap years, as they should be!

For another question.  How are the decimal parts of the JD numbers to be
interpreted?  I always assumed JD no's were integers.

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, November 12, 1999 3:43 PM
Subject: [REBOL] epoch? Re:(12)

> > >From a quick look, it appears the algorithms below don't allow for
> > that are multiples of 400 to be leap years, so might not work for 2000
> > well as 1600, which is not so important, as the Gregorian calendar
> > a big one-time adjustment jump in 1852, I think.  I don't think anyone
> > now using the Julian calendar, which preceded the current Gregorian
> > and had major errors, but are numbering days serially based on the
> > period, devised by Scaliger and named after his father.
> If I remember the source correctly, that comes from Astronomical
> Formulae for Calculators by Jean Meeus. It does take the Gregorian
> reform into account, and it should be solid regarding the leap years.
> Andy

[REBOL] almost counter CGI Re:(3)

1999-11-13 Thread Russ


I was quite impressed by your script and the way you constructed a
"composite" GIF from pieces for the individual digits.  I didn't have time
to delve into your code deeply, but if you'd care to take a moment to
describe how it all works (i.e., the "header, body, tail" of a GIF) and HOW
you created the binary strings that comprise the GIFs for each digit, it
sure would make interesting reading.  I'm sure the technique could be
expanded and utilized in many different applications, as you imply here.
Another possible use would be to add a date/time/title banner to a GIF, say
an image from a security camera.



At 10:22 PM 11/13/99 +0100, you wrote:
>> Very nice...
>> Cheers,
>> Allen K
>Thanks, Allen.
>It's a lot of work in this short script. 
>To be frank, I expected more than only one reaction...
>It can be used not only for counter.. it simply generate
>gif (I can improve it - for example for making graphs 
>in gif format (also for CGI use))...
>> http://cgi.math.muni.cz/~strejcek/counter.cgi?hits=123&size=5
>Jan Strejcek

[REBOL] Re: Dates Re:(3)

1999-11-13 Thread ejolson

On 12-Nov-99, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Has anyone got an  i-date  to REBOL  date formatter? Or  is
 there one  built in I   haven't found.  I  actually thought
 that to-date might work...but alas no luck
> to-date skip to-idate now 5
>>>== 3-Nov-1999/21:37:42-8:00
>> What? That's the same as what 'now gives. What was the point of to-date
>> skip to-idate now 5, besides alot more typing?  What is idate anyway?  I
>> missed that if it was explained in the previous mail.
> try to use 'source function from time to time ...
> ->> source to-idate
> to-idate: func [
>"Returns a standard Internet date string."
>date [date!]


OK, but this doesn't explain the difference between Rebol's 'now and idate. 
The results looked the same to me.  Or am I missing something


[REBOL] Fixing REBOL software Re:(2)

1999-11-13 Thread Al . Bri

Hi, Jeff.
Jeff wrote:
> Of course, I'm sure that if someone fixed IMPORT-EMAIL and sent it
in, with a little due process on our part, we'd certainly include it in
the core and give credit within the source of the code.

> Would the REBOL crew do that if we sent in fixes for other functions,
etc in REBOL? Oh, I don't know, like a fix for 'build-tag and 'open (in
the http scheme), etc?

> Sure, if the changes are bug fixes. But redesigns or broad changes in
the intended functionality in the code is a little more difficult in
that regard.  It's ultimately got to go past the rather finicky eye of
the chief REBOL, afterall! :-)
> Many facets of today's REBOL/core have been the result of user

That's OK with me. Now the only question is: where to? Your address,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or somewhere else? Please let us all know.

Andrew Martin
Online @ 33,600 Baud!