[REBOL] 'dynamic append'

2000-07-23 Thread Bosch

Dear List,

Am at a loss here,

i have failed trying to get a script with an "unknown" number of blocks 

I need to create "blocks on the fly", example:

append/only test rejoin ["block1_"A ": copy []"]
do last test

will allow me to make blocks for any value of "A"

but: at some point i would like to append stuff to one of these
blocks, at that stage i know A (example: A: 12), and i need to:
append block1_12 "some data"

Question: how can i do append (join "block1_"A) "some data" 

perhaps someone can help me with this

Hendrik-Jan Bosch

[REBOL] Bug in 'use? Re:(2)

2000-07-23 Thread rebol

Hi Eric,

you wrote:
I think it's needlessly complex to say that the g function "has access
to f-arg". 

That is complex?

It's much simpler to say that the word 'f-arg is bound to the
context of the function F, 

That's "much simpler to say"? ;-).

Perhaps. It does not say, however, if 'g has access to the f-arg that is
defined in the context of the 'f function.

and that the function G has no privileged access
to that binding of 'f-arg by being within some kind of hierarchy.

But the embedded function g (a function that is defined in the context of
function f) *does* have privileged access to words local to the context of
function f. That happens to be an empirical fact. The questionable
*simplicity* of saying that function 'g "has no privileged access to that
binding" does not help, since your statement is incorrect. A simple
incorrect statement is not better than a correct one.


 x: "This is global x."

 f: func [x] [
[  g: func [] [
[print x
[  ]

 f "this is f's argument x"

 h: func [] [ print x ]

This is global x.

this is f's argument x

Why does the function associated with 'g (I'll call it the 'g function)
report f's argument, and not the global 'x, as 'h does?

It's because the 'g function, which is defined in f's context, inherits f's
context table. Therefore the 'x it prints is the 'x bound in f's context,
not the global context.

The term "f's context table" is simply a shortcut for saying" "all
word/value pairs defined in the context of the 'f function". 

Inheritance means that - without any programmatic efforts - REBOL
automatically exposes f's context table to the g function, because the g
function is embedded in f's context. Even though 'x is defined globally,
the 'x binding effective for 'g is x's binding in 'f, because 'g is defined
in 'f. (Mind you, I am not talking about the set-word g: being defined in
'f, I am talking about the function itself, the value 'g is associated
with, being defined in 'f. Nor am I talking about 'f. I'm using 'f as a
short way of saying "the function associated with f".)

This inheritance is hierarchical. Observe:

 x: "This is global x."
 y: "This is global y."
 z: "This is global z."

 f: func [y z] [
[  g: func [z] [
[print ["g's x" x]
[print ["g's y" y]
[print ["g's z" z]
[  ]
[  print ["f's x" x]
[  print ["f's y" y]
[  print ["f's z" z]
[  g "z argument passed to g."

 f "The y argument passed to f." "The z argument passed to f."
f's x This is global x.
f's y The y argument passed to f.
f's z The z argument passed to f.
g's x This is global x.
g's y The y argument passed to f.
g's z z argument passed to g.

Both 'f and 'g inherited the global context table, see the value reported
for 'x.
The 'f function uses the values of its local context table for the words 'y
and 'z.
The 'g function inherits the global context table for 'x, inherits f's
private context table for 'y and uses its own context table for 'z. 

I think this inheritance behavior is expressed fairly well with the word
"hierarchical inheritance". There is a hierarchy of context tables. REBOL
constructs this hierarchy top-to-bottom, from the higher-level function
down to the lower-level function defined in the higher-level function's
context. REBOL consults with context tables in the hierarchy bottom-up when
it resolves words and looks up what the value they are bound to, beginning
with the context table for the lower-level function, and, if it can't find
the word's definition there, it searches in the next-higher context table,
and so on, until it arrives at the global context table.

(The binding of 'f-arg of course took place even before the function G
was created.)

Of course. Who was disputing that? I'm describing how g gets to access the
'f' functions f-arg, not when f-arg is bound to the f' function. Two
different things.

Here's proof, I think:

 f: func[x y][x + y]
 g: func[x y][x + y]
 f 1 2
== 3
 g 5 6
== 11
 b: copy second :f
== [x + y]
 c: copy second :g
== [x + y]
 append clear second :f c
== [x + y]
 append clear second :g b
== [x + y]
 f 1 2
== 11
 g 5 6
== 3
 f 10 11
== 11
 g 5 6
== 21

Here I've rebuilt the code for F and G, and now their bodies contain words
'x and 'y bound within each other's contexts. I think it's simplest to say
that those words "know" where they are bound. 
When you call F, it sets
the values of all instances of 'x and 'y bound to its context, but in this
case all those instances are now in the body of G, not within F's own
body. F doesn't see the word 'x within its body, and look up the value of
'x in some table, it just uses the value that results when 'x is evaluated.


I was talking about something else, something your proof does not address.
I was talking about rules that guide REBOL when it defines in which context
a word is bound in ambiguous situations. What's ambiguous about the


x: "Global x."

[REBOL] Rebol Dictionary as Clipbook Library Re:

2000-07-23 Thread bhandley

 For those that aren't familiar with "Notetab" you should go visit

No I wasn't familiar with it. It is an absolutely brilliant program. Thanks
for the reference!

 You can edit your rebol scripts in "Notetab" and view the dictionary
 file without loading your browser.



[REBOL] 'dynamic append' Re:

2000-07-23 Thread bhandley

Hi Hendrik-Jan,

You're almost there - here is a simple solution.

 append/only test rejoin ["block1_"A ": copy []"]
 do last test

test: []
a: 12
append/only test rejoin ["block1_"A ": copy []"]
last-block: do last test
append last-block "whatever you want"

so now try:
== ["whatever you want"]

Brett Handley

[REBOL] Words, Bindings and Contexts. (4)

2000-07-23 Thread lmecir

Note: The last two sections (Context Hierarchy. Pardon?; "Context
hierarchy"? Aye, aye, sir!) were complicated and not very useful,
but they can be skipped.

What are Rebol Contexts?

Rebol Contexts are existing data, sometimes available to the user.
They are used internally by Rebol for the purposes of many Core
functions. Their main purpose is to serve as attribute of Rebol
Words - ie. Rebol Context is a part of any Word's Binding - in
different wording: every Rebol Word knows its Context. Proof: see
the function Same-context? defined in part 3.

Known Rebol Contexts:  Available directly as:

a) Global ContextRebol/Words
b) Objectsthemselves
c) Function Contexts  not available
d) Use Contexts  not available
e) Special Contextsnot available


a) Global Context is the Default Context - Words are normally
Global Context Words, if not stated otherwise.
b) Objects are Local Contexts - as opposed to Global Context. They
are created by Make native. The list of Words object O
"contains" - ie. the list of Words that are local to O is
available as First O. But look out! There is a catch - the
elements of First O are equal to local O's Words, but the elements
of First O are Special Context Words. To obtain a list of Words
really local to O, one must do:
words-local-to-o: bind first o in o 'self
c) Function Contexts are Local Contexts too. They are attributes
of functions and are created when the respective functions are
created. Function Contexts contain: all argument Words, all
refinement Words, all optional argument Words and all local Words
specified by /local refinement. (you can verify it for particular
examples by using Same-context? function).
d) Use Contexts are Local Contexts and are created when the
respective Use function is evaluated. They contain the Local Words
specified by the first argument of Use.
e) Special Contexts - see a note under Object Contexts, other

a: "q"
a: make block! a
get first a

Here First A is a Special Context Word too.

The problem is, that Bind doesn't work for Special Contexts, which
means, that our Same-context? function doesn't work too. Here is
an improved version:

special-context?: func [
{determines, if a word is a Special Context Word}
word [word!]
] [
error? try [error? get/any word]

; this function can help us explore the Contexts, that aren't
directly available
same-context?: func [
{find out, if the given Words are the Words of the same
word1 [word!]
word2 [word!]
] [
either global? word1 [
global? word2
] [
either special-context? word2 [
special-context? word1
] [
same? word1 bind global word1 word2

[REBOL] 'dynamic append' Re:(2)

2000-07-23 Thread Bosch

hi Brett,

it works great!

thanks very very much!


[REBOL] Re: Bug in 'use? Re:(2)

2000-07-23 Thread rebol

Hello Elan,

Please see comments below.

On 23-Jul-00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Eric,
 you wrote:
 I think it's needlessly complex to say that the g function "has access
 to f-arg". 
 That is complex?
 It's much simpler to say that the word 'f-arg is bound to the
 context of the function F, 
 That's "much simpler to say"? ;-).
 Perhaps. It does not say, however, if 'g has access to the f-arg that is
 defined in the context of the 'f function.
 and that the function G has no privileged access
 to that binding of 'f-arg by being within some kind of hierarchy.
 But the embedded function g (a function that is defined in the context of
 function f) *does* have privileged access to words local to the context of
 function f. That happens to be an empirical fact. The questionable
 *simplicity* of saying that function 'g "has no privileged access to that
 binding" does not help, since your statement is incorrect. A simple
 incorrect statement is not better than a correct one.
 x: "This is global x."
 f: func [x] [
 [  g: func [] [
 [print x
 [  ]
 f "this is f's argument x"
 h: func [] [ print x ]
 This is global x.
 this is f's argument x
 Why does the function associated with 'g (I'll call it the 'g function)
 report f's argument, and not the global 'x, as 'h does?
 It's because the 'g function, which is defined in f's context, inherits f's
 context table. Therefore the 'x it prints is the 'x bound in f's context,
 not the global context.
 The term "f's context table" is simply a shortcut for saying" "all
 word/value pairs defined in the context of the 'f function". 
 Inheritance means that - without any programmatic efforts - REBOL
 automatically exposes f's context table to the g function, because the g
 function is embedded in f's context. Even though 'x is defined globally,
 the 'x binding effective for 'g is x's binding in 'f, because 'g is defined
 in 'f. (Mind you, I am not talking about the set-word g: being defined in
 'f, I am talking about the function itself, the value 'g is associated
 with, being defined in 'f. Nor am I talking about 'f. I'm using 'f as a
 short way of saying "the function associated with f".)
 This inheritance is hierarchical. Observe:
 x: "This is global x."
 y: "This is global y."
 z: "This is global z."
 f: func [y z] [
 [  g: func [z] [
 [print ["g's x" x]
 [print ["g's y" y]
 [print ["g's z" z]
 [  ]
 [  print ["f's x" x]
 [  print ["f's y" y]
 [  print ["f's z" z]
 [  g "z argument passed to g."
 f "The y argument passed to f." "The z argument passed to f."
 f's x This is global x.
 f's y The y argument passed to f.
 f's z The z argument passed to f.
 g's x This is global x.
 g's y The y argument passed to f.
 g's z z argument passed to g.
 Both 'f and 'g inherited the global context table, see the value reported
 for 'x.
 The 'f function uses the values of its local context table for the words 'y
 and 'z.
 The 'g function inherits the global context table for 'x, inherits f's
 private context table for 'y and uses its own context table for 'z. 
 I think this inheritance behavior is expressed fairly well with the word
 "hierarchical inheritance". There is a hierarchy of context tables. REBOL
 constructs this hierarchy top-to-bottom, from the higher-level function
 down to the lower-level function defined in the higher-level function's
 context. REBOL consults with context tables in the hierarchy bottom-up when
 it resolves words and looks up what the value they are bound to, beginning
 with the context table for the lower-level function, and, if it can't find
 the word's definition there, it searches in the next-higher context table,
 and so on, until it arrives at the global context table.

Please let me interrupt. A few days ago, I'd have said the same thing, but some 
experiments I've done in the last couple of days (and the thread "REBOL's scoping 
rules") have convinced me othervice.
I agree that some sort of hierarchy exists, but maybe it just "seems to be".

I'd like to go thru an example, but to do that, I must make the presumption that each 
lit-word in REBOL can have it's own private binding (ie. each word can be bound to a 
specific context).
The BIND function can be used to modify a words binding. (I which I could express this 
better, but well, I can't :-)

First the sample script:


x: "global x"
y: "global y"

code-1: [print [x y]]

f: func [x] [
code-2: [print [x y]]
do code-1
do code-2
g1: func [y] code-1
g2: func [y] code-2
g1 "g-arg-y"
g2 "g-arg-y"

f "f-arg-x"

Ok, I'll try to explain what I *belive* goes on during the loading and execution of 
this script.
I'll be using a notation like x@global, which means: lit-word 'x bound to the global 
context, and x@f means 'x bound to the context of 

[REBOL] context exploration

2000-07-23 Thread rebol


While playing with contexts, I threw together this little function to show the words 
that are defined in a context (and their values in that context).
(something like that have been discussed before AFAIR, but a 1min. search didn't find 
it, sooo :-)

It goes like this:

show-context: func [word [word!]] [
foreach x-word next first system/words [
if value? bind x-word :word [
print [:x-word "|" get bind x-word :word]

Attached is a script that demonstrates the use of the function with contexts created 
with func, use and make object!

Best regards
Thomas Jensen


show-context: func [word [word!]] [
foreach x-word next first system/words [
if value? bind x-word :word [
print [:x-word "|" get bind x-word :word]

a: "global-a"
b: "global-b"
c: "global-c"
x: "global-x"
v: "global-v"

o1: make object! [
a: 1
b: 2

o2: make object! [
b: 20
c: 30

test: func [test-arg /local x] [
x: "local-x"
print [a b c]
print "^/-- show-context 'a --"
show-context 'a
print "^/-- show-context 'b --"
show-context 'b
print "^/-- show-context 'x --"
show-context 'x

o1/o2/test "argument to o1/o2/test"

print "^/-- show-context in o1/o2 'b --"
show-context in o1/o2 'b

use [v w] [
v: "local-v"
w: "local-w"
print "^/-- show-context 'v --"
show-context 'v

[REBOL] Re: context exploration

2000-07-23 Thread rebol


forgot to say, that words that have the special value unset! will not be displayed.

On 24-Jul-00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 While playing with contexts, I threw together this little function to show the words 
that are defined in a context (and their values in that context).
 (something like that have been discussed before AFAIR, but a 1min. search didn't 
find it, sooo :-)
 It goes like this:
 show-context: func [word [word!]] [
foreach x-word next first system/words [
if value? bind x-word :word [
print [:x-word "|" get bind x-word :word]
 Attached is a script that demonstrates the use of the function with contexts created 
with func, use and make object!
 Best regards
 Thomas Jensen

Best regards
Thomas Jensen

[REBOL] Bug in 'use? Re:

2000-07-23 Thread KGD03011

Hi Elan,

I think you're going to be really busy refuting Ladislav, so I'll keep
my comments brief.

You wrote:


 x: "This is global x."

 f: func [x] [
[  g: func [] [
[print x
[  ]

 f "this is f's argument x"

 h: func [] [ print x ]

This is global x.

this is f's argument x

Why does the function associated with 'g (I'll call it the 'g function)
report f's argument, and not the global 'x, as 'h does?

It's because the 'g function, which is defined in f's context, inherits f's
context table. Therefore the 'x it prints is the 'x bound in f's context,
not the global context.

Your explanation agrees with your example, but I don't think it's quite
the best one. I think the best explanation (which I'm mostly basing on
what Gabriele and others have said) is:

Before the function G is constructed, its body block, [print x] is
already bound to the context of the function F. Of the two words in this
block, 'x is defined in the "context table" of F. So when G is
constructed, this block is bound to G's context, but since 'x is not
redefined in that context it simply retains its binding. You could say
that G inherits the binding of 'x, but I don't see any proof that G
"inherits f's context table".

I think your explanation about embedded functions inheriting context
tables has the potential of causing major confusion. My previous example
was a lousy one, but here's an example involving embedded functions that
can easily occur:

 b: [print x + y]
== [print x + y]
 f: func[x][g: func[y] b print x]
 x: 100
== 100
 f 10
 g 1

If you think in terms of "inheriting context tables", wouldn't you expect
G to print 11? That's certainly what I would think.

What happens here accords with my explanation, though. When G is
constructed, in its body block 'x hasn't been bound to the context of F,
and that binding doesn't change - it's still bound to the global context.
This happens because the body block wasn't actually in the block that
was bound to F's context - only the word 'b referring to the body block
was.  (Actually, the bindings in the original B are unchanged, since a copy
is used to construct G.)

I think this inheritance behavior is expressed fairly well with the word
"hierarchical inheritance". There is a hierarchy of context tables. REBOL
constructs this hierarchy top-to-bottom, from the higher-level function
down to the lower-level function defined in the higher-level function's
context. REBOL consults with context tables in the hierarchy bottom-up when
it resolves words and looks up what the value they are bound to, beginning
with the context table for the lower-level function, and, if it can't find
the word's definition there, it searches in the next-higher context table,
and so on, until it arrives at the global context table.

When is it that "REBOL consults with context tables"? At run time? When the
function is constructed? Surely it's the latter.

I think a simpler explanation than hierarchical inheritance is that
when a function is constructed, it simply binds all the words in its
body block that are defined in its own context (that is, its own arguments
and local variables), and retains the binding of all other words. If one of
the words in its body block happens to be bound to the context of another
function, that word will retain its binding, whether or not one function is
embedded in another one.

Ladislav's tools for examining binding are very interesting. I'd just
like to extract and adapt the crucial part of his argument that proves
that contexts are not inherited:

 x: y: z: 0
== 0
 f: func[x z][g: func[y] [print [x y z]]]
 f 10 30
 g 20
10 20 30
 b: reduce [
[bind 'x probe second second second :g
[bind 'x probe third second second :g]
== [x x]
 reduce b
== [0 10]

This shows that the word 'x is nowhere in G's context table. The word 'y
which _is_ in G's context does not allow us to access any bindings for
'x except the global one. The word 'z which is in F's context table _does_
allow us to access F's binding for 'x.

Wish I'd thought of that!

See you,

[REBOL] context exploration Re:

2000-07-23 Thread bhandley

I really like your function Thomas. Very good!


- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2000 1:03 PM
Subject: [REBOL] context exploration


While playing with contexts, I threw together this little function to show
the words that are defined in a context (and their values in that context).
(something like that have been discussed before AFAIR, but a 1min. search
didn't find it, sooo :-)

It goes like this:

show-context: func [word [word!]] [
foreach x-word next first system/words [
if value? bind x-word :word [
print [:x-word "|" get bind x-word :word]

Attached is a script that demonstrates the use of the function with contexts
created with func, use and make object!

Best regards
Thomas Jensen

[REBOL] REBOL on phones? Re:

2000-07-23 Thread cgamayo

Hello Nitish and rebol friends,

you are on the way.
I have experience in the mobile and wireless industry, with different
kinds of platforms, sw and hw and there is no doubt about it.
I'd like have some like rebol in the mobile and wireless area.

I am thinking since some months ago, and I consider that is time to
build the answer.
Obviously, I'd like very much contact whos belive the same.

Best regards
Cristian G. Amayo