2000-07-27 Thread bhandley

Hi Larry,

> one small correction.

Yep. Slipped on a banana as I was nearing the finish line. I knew I should
have gone to bed - just had to get rid of the "monkey on my back" :)

> Of
> course, Carl's example was very contrived -- how else could one short
> have 15 uses (one hidden in 'b2) of the word 'b. :-)

Indeed. Apart from 'use, hopefully Carl has run out of more uses!


[REBOL] Where's the blue truck ?

2000-07-27 Thread mdb

The Blue Truck has gone, but will it be back tomorrow morning???

Check http://demo.rebol.net/webcam to find out


2000-07-27 Thread larry

Hi Brett

Good job!  Your "explanation" agrees well with the one I came up with.  Just
one small correction.

You wrote:
> So that "get b" evalutes to b1. "get-it b1" calls the function in the
> and thus returns the value of the word "b" in the object that is
associated with "b1".
> This value (a string) is then appended to the value (a block) of the
global word "var".
> 3.3.3) The same goes for the other two iterations, except that for "b3" a
> function of the nested object returns the value of "a" in that context.

Actually the value of the word 'b in the object referenced by 'b1 is the
block [a], which is then appended to the global 'var block.  The same for
'b2.  For 'b3, get-it returns the function func [][a].  So that

>> print mold var
[a a func [][a]]

The 3 instances of the word 'a are each bound to the separate contexts of
'b1, 'b2, and 'b3 respectively. The evaluation of the a's is done by the
print command which reduces the block before forming it, i.e. 'print block
prints the string that would be produce by 'reform block.

>> reduce var
== ["Time" "for you" "to leave!"]
>> reform var
== "Time for you to leave!"

I have included below the script that I used to investigate certain key
points in Carl's Conundrum. It also shows how one can access the same data
in the anonymous object without using the encapsulated get-it func. Of
course, Carl's example was very contrived -- how else could one short script
have 15 uses (one hidden in 'b2) of the word 'b. :-)

BTW The problem with recycle which I posted can be avoided by naming the
anonymous object created by the function 'b.

o: make object! [

Fun stuff :-)

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2000 8:45 AM

> Well this deserved a response, since it's has consumed so much of my time
> I do not claim my response to be elegant, but I hope it is practically
> accurate.
> And I want to know if I'll be eligible for that master's degree!

> A description of Carl's Completely Confusing Complex Contexts.
> b: function [] [b] [
>  make object! [
>   b1: make object! [a: "Time" b: [a]]
>   b2: make b1 [a: "for you"]
>   b3: make b2 [a: "to leave!" b: does [a]]
>   set 'b [b1 b2 b3]
>   get-it: func [b] [get in b 'b]
>  ]
>  b
> ]

> var: []

> foreach b b: b bind [append var get-it get b] first b
---snip rest---
 Title: "Carl's conundrum"
 File: %context.r
 Date: 20-Jul-2000

b: function [][b] [
 print ["^/function entry: local b type is" type? :b]
 make object! [
  b1: make object! [a: "Time"  b: [a]]
  b2: make b1 [a: "for you"]
  b3: make b2 [a: "to leave!"  b: does [a]]
  set 'b [b1 b2 b3]
  get-it: func [b] [get in b 'b]
 print ["^/after object: global b type is"
  type? get in system/words 'b
 print ["^/after object: local b type is" type? :b]

print ["^/after function def: global b type is" type? :b]
var: []
foreach b b: b bind [
 print ["^/in foreach: local b is" :b "with value" mold get b]
 append var get-it get b
] first b

print ["^/value of global b is" mold :b]
print ["^/value of global var is" mold var]
print var

print "^/Direct access (not using get-it) to data in object^/"
var2: copy []
foreach x b [append var2 get in get :x 'b]
print mold var2
print var2
;end of script

[REBOL] Over 70 REBOL Experimental Binaries Available Re:

2000-07-27 Thread greg_piney

So now how do I get my experimental version of /Command for Solaris
to issue a command like: "useradd -d /export/home/fredd fredd" from
within a Rebol script??


Greg Piney
Standard and Poor's Web Engineering

[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 07/26/2000 08:48:31 PM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  cc:  (bcc: Greg Piney/McGraw-Hill/US)   
  Subject  [REBOL] Over 70 REBOL Experimental Binaries

Over 70 REBOL Experimental Binaries Available

Hello all:

We are proud to announce the launching of the REBOL
experimental build process.

In order to improve our testing process, we have
developed (using REBOL of course) a fully automated
build and release pipeline that allows us to put out
software more often.  With the press of a key we are now
able to rebuild and upload experimental versions of
REBOL that contain the latest bug fixes and enhancements.
You benefit from more frequent releases.  We benefit
from the testing and feedback that you provide.

At this time, over 70 separate REBOL binaries are being
made available from our automated build system, and you
can download these binaries directly from our web site.

However, in order to achieve this more rapid software
release process, some sacrifices are required:

The experimental builds have only received rudimentary
testing before being published. Also, at this time we
have not enacted an automated process to track the
changes evident in these versions of REBOL, so the
features of the build may not be immediately apparent.

Additionally, some of the builds may not be equivalent
in some features to others.  Some of the experimental
REBOL/command builds do not all have database
connectivity, and the type of database connectivity may
differ across platforms.

The experimental builds contain bug fixes for some
commonly reported problems.  Please submit bug
reports for all problems you encounter using the
experimental builds.

All files are provided under license of our end user
license agreement and beta test agreements. Currently,
our experimental builds have 30 day beta expiration

The list of experimental builds can be found at:


We don't expect these experimental builds to be
Frankensteins or anything.  They're likely to be as
stable as the last release of REBOL, but with anything
experimental: use at your own risk.

REBOL team

[REBOL] REBOL Vars Re:(5)

2000-07-27 Thread kevin

> I want the 3:15 to be like TIME which is a var

So use:

alarm: 3:15
if now/time = alarm [print "alarm"]


> -Original Message-
> Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2000 2:00 PM
> Subject: [REBOL] REBOL Vars Re:(3)
> > then how can i use this if statement: if now/time == VAR [
> if now/time = 3:15 [print "alarm"]
> or use either,
> either now/time = 3:15 [print "now"][print "not now"]
> - Chris

Kevin McKinnon, System/Network Administrator [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sunshine Communications http://www.sunshinecable.com

PGP Public Key: http://www.dockmaster.net/pgp.html   PGP 6.0 www.pgp.com


2000-07-27 Thread trobrock

I mean one that they run so all of us can talk to each other in real time.

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2000 2:03 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Re: IRC


On 27-Jul-00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Does REBOL Have An IRC Server?
Weep for the future, Na´Toth. Weep for us all.
-- G´Kar
JMS Trustee http://www.jms.org
First computer solar powered vic-20
AmigaQNX-notAmigaNG=no good
computers for people not suits
sent via Yam ver2 on AmigaForever ver3
Be a Rebel get [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[REBOL] that XML outliner example again Re:(3)

2000-07-27 Thread robert . muench

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2000 1:48 PM
> Subject: [REBOL] that XML outliner example again Re:(2)

> what about Web Dialect project - will XML be supported?

Hi, it is supported! Ok not completely as I first concentrate on the
HTML part but there is an XML emitter, which translates a complete
OpenWeb Project into XML, so it can/could be used with other
applications too.

> dialect to --> XML

That's the direction which is working. An interesting part would be to
have XML -> Dialect, so that changed OpenWeb projects can be imported
back into the generator. Robert

[REBOL] REBOL Vars Re:(4)

2000-07-27 Thread trobrock

I want the 3:15 to be like TIME which is a var

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2000 2:00 PM
Subject: [REBOL] REBOL Vars Re:(3)


> then how can i use this if statement: if now/time == VAR [

if now/time = 3:15 [print "alarm"]

or use either,

either now/time = 3:15 [print "now"][print "not now"]

- Chris

[REBOL] Over 70 REBOL Experimental Binaries Available Re:(4)

2000-07-27 Thread RChristiansen

> So far only the experimental builds for Unix are up, because those we can
> do automatically. All others require some "human intervention" and
> therefore take longer.

I figured as much. You guys are fantastic in your ability to work cross-
platform the way you do. You must be really well organized. Maybe you 
should write a book on cross-platform development techniques.



2000-07-27 Thread alanwall


On 27-Jul-00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Does REBOL Have An IRC Server?
Weep for the future, Na´Toth. Weep for us all.
-- G´Kar
JMS Trustee http://www.jms.org
First computer solar powered vic-20
AmigaQNX-notAmigaNG=no good
computers for people not suits
sent via Yam ver2 on AmigaForever ver3
Be a Rebel get [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[REBOL] REBOL Vars Re:(3)

2000-07-27 Thread chris


> then how can i use this if statement: if now/time == VAR [

if now/time = 3:15 [print "alarm"]

or use either,

either now/time = 3:15 [print "now"][print "not now"]

- Chris

[REBOL] Over 70 REBOL Experimental Binaries Available Re:(3)

2000-07-27 Thread holger

On Wed, 26 Jul 2000, you wrote:
> Still lookin' for the BeOS /View binary.

Working on it :).

So far only the experimental builds for Unix are up, because those we can do
automatically. All others require some "human intervention" and therefore take

We will try to get the following non-Unix builds up within the next day or two
-- IF we do not encounter any problems, i.e. no promises yet.

- Amiga 68000 and 68020+: Core, View
- BeOS R5 x86 and PPC: Core, View
- MacOS 7/8 PPC, 68k, FAT: Core
- MacOS X: Core
- Windows 95/98/NT/2000: Core, View, Command
- QNX RTOS V4: Core

Holger Kruse

[REBOL] source Re Re:

2000-07-27 Thread news . ted

I think the command is 


and should be the body of the message.


On 7/27/2000 at 6:23 AM [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

hey guys,

oops. Sorry. I thought "source" on the subject line was supposed to
selma send herself to me!

Turn your computer off. Go outside.


2000-07-27 Thread trobrock

Does REBOL Have An IRC Server?

[REBOL] REBOL Vars Re:(2)

2000-07-27 Thread trobrock

then how can i use this if statement: if now/time == VAR [

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2000 12:31 PM
Subject: [REBOL] REBOL Vars Re:


it's easy like this:

name: ask "What is your name? "

Michal Kracik

> How Can I Have A Script Ask The User Like What Is Your Name And What They
> Type Set To A Var Like Name?


2000-07-27 Thread bhandley

Well this deserved a response, since it's has consumed so much of my time :)
I do not claim my response to be elegant, but I hope it is practically
And I want to know if I'll be eligible for that master's degree!

A description of Carl's Completely Confusing Complex Contexts.

b: function [] [b] [
 make object! [
  b1: make object! [a: "Time" b: [a]]
  b2: make b1 [a: "for you"]
  b3: make b2 [a: "to leave!" b: does [a]]
  set 'b [b1 b2 b3]
  get-it: func [b] [get in b 'b]

1) A set-word starts evaluation, this involves first evaluating it's
1.1) The parameter to the set-word is the "function" function - it begins
1.1.1) A "b" word is found in the vars parameter to the "function" function
and thus
becomes a part of the context of this function.
1.1.2) The body block becomes the body of the function.
1.2) The function returns the specified function and this used as a value to
the global word 'b

var: []

2) Another set-word is encountered and process, it results in a block being
as a value which is used to define the global word "var".

foreach b b: b bind [append var get-it get b] first b

3) foreach is encountered and a new temporary context is created, and it's
first parameter - the word "b"
becomes part of that context.
3.1) The second parameter to foreach is evaluated. It is a set-word. The
set-word evaluates
it's parameter which is the global word "b". This word has the value of the
function created in 1).
3.1.1) The function is evaluated. A make is encountered and evaluated. The type parameter to the make
is object! so an object definition dialect is used to interpret the spec
parameter of make. This dialect applies any set-words (but no "set"
expressions) in the spec block to the context of the object being created.
In this case there will be four such set-words. During interpretation of the object spec block, a set-word is
encountered and evaluated.
The parameter to this set-word is evaluated and it a make which has
parameters that are evaluated.
The type is object!. This initiates interpretation of the spec block using
an object definition dialect. An object context will apply to the spec
parameter. The spec block is evaluated and any set-words in the block apply
to context of the object being created. The second set-word in this spec
block sets the word "b" to have a value of a block that contains a word "a". The next set-word is evaluated in the same manner as the first.
The type parameter to the make is evaluated and returns an object. The spec
parameter to the make is evaluated and applied (in make+datatype fashion) to
the creation of a new object. The next set-word is evaluted in the same manner again. During
this evaluation, the second set-word in the spec block evaluates the word
"does". The word "does" evaluates it's parameter and returns a function that
will return the word "a" in the context of the object. A set expression is encountered it's parameters are therefore
evaluated and this results in the word "b" of the function context having a
value of a block containing the three words "b1 b2 b3". Note that each of
these three words are defined in the context of the object. The last set-word of this object is encountered. It results in
the word "get-it" defined as having the value of a function. This function
takes a parameter, locally known as "b", and applys an "in" expression to it
(so "b" better be an object). The in expression finds in the context of the
object a word literally named "b". The result of this is passed to the "get"
expression in order to look up a value of the returned word. This then will
be the result of the function. The make object! is concluded and an object is returned from the
evalutation. The word "b" is evaluated and returns the value set there in This then becomes the result of the function.
3.1.2) The global word "b" is then set with the value returned from the
function. Ie a block of three words "b1 b2 b3". This then is returned to
become the data block of the foreach.
3.2) The body parameter of foreach is evaluated.
3.2.1) bind is encountered and it's parameters are evaluated. bind evaluates known-word parameter - thus the expression "first b"
is evaluated
and so this results in returning a word whose definition is in the context
of the object created by the function in bind binds each word of the data block that it can find in the
context of the known-word to that same context. In this case "get-it" is
bound to the object context.
3.2.2) bind returns the bound block.
3.3) foreach begins evaluating the body block (bound block) for each element
of it's data block - setting the value of it's iterator word as it goes.
3.3.1) On the first iteration the local "b" word is set to the word "b1".
3.3.2) The body block is evaluated. Thus append's parameters are recursively

[REBOL] REBOL Scripting Re:

2000-07-27 Thread RChristiansen

The most recent, complete free documentation is available in .pdf format 


> Hey,
>Does anyone know where i can learn to write a REBOL script?


2000-07-27 Thread kracik


it's easy like this:

name: ask "What is your name? "

Michal Kracik

> How Can I Have A Script Ask The User Like What Is Your Name And What They
> Type Set To A Var Like Name?

[REBOL] REBOL Scripting Re:

2000-07-27 Thread porterpa

Try this site:



>Subject: [REBOL] REBOL Scripting
>Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2000 11:00:23 -0400
>Does anyone know where i can learn to write a REBOL script?

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com

[REBOL] REBOL Scripting Re:

2000-07-27 Thread ralph

> Hey,
>Does anyone know where i can learn to write a REBOL script?

I can recommend a couple of good books... REBOL: THE OFFICIAL GUIDE
(McGraw-Hill) is available at http://www.rebolpress.com. My own book, REBOL
FOR DUMMIES, will be out the first of September... but just playing with
REBOL itself is a great way to start... Here's your first complete script:


print "Hello REBOL world!"

Dat's it! REBOL is a pure joy to code in.


Ralph Roberts, CEO
Alexander Books / Creativity, Inc.
65 Macedonia Road
Alexander, NC 28701
1-800-472-0438 voice & fax tollfree U.S. & Canada
1-828-255-8719 voice & fax overseas

click here>> http://1-b.net/historypc.html

[REBOL] REBOL Scripting Re:

2000-07-27 Thread allenk

- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, July 28, 2000 1:00 AM
Subject: [REBOL] REBOL Scripting

> Hey,
>Does anyone know where i can learn to write a REBOL script?

Start with the docs and the example scripts in the library or buy the books
Links to all these resources are on http://www.rebol.com/developer.html 


Allen K



2000-07-27 Thread trobrock

How Can I Have A Script Ask The User Like What Is Your Name And What They
Type Set To A Var Like Name?

[REBOL] REBOL Scripting

2000-07-27 Thread trobrock

   Does anyone know where i can learn to write a REBOL script?

[REBOL] input a bunch? Re:(2)

2000-07-27 Thread ralph

well, just using

text: input

will let you type a bunch until a Return is hit.

--Ralph Roberts

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2000 10:30 AM
> Subject: [REBOL] input a bunch? Re:
> How about:
> something: ask "Type Something "
> -Original Message-
> Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2000 5:38 PM
> Subject: [REBOL] input a bunch?
> hey list guys,
> I have something like this:
> print "type something"
> input: somthingtyped
> this works like a champ when I type stuff in at the console.  but I'd
> prefer to get it in some other way, and pasting mucks stuff up.
> how can I get, say, a paragraph into input?  I'm typing in stuff that
> I don't know beforehand...
> thanks,
> --
> Spend less time composing sigs.
> -tom

[REBOL] input a bunch? Re:

2000-07-27 Thread ptretter

How about:

something: ask "Type Something "

-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2000 5:38 PM
Subject: [REBOL] input a bunch?

hey list guys,

I have something like this:

print "type something"
input: somthingtyped

this works like a champ when I type stuff in at the console.  but I'd
prefer to get it in some other way, and pasting mucks stuff up.
how can I get, say, a paragraph into input?  I'm typing in stuff that
I don't know beforehand...



Spend less time composing sigs.

[REBOL] that XML outliner example again Re:(2)

2000-07-27 Thread Petr . Krenzelok

Hi Robert,

what about Web Dialect project - will XML be supported? I mean - maybe
Hendrik could be interested in reverse aproach too - dialect to --> XML



> > -Original Message-
> > Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2000 12:02 PM
> > Subject: [REBOL] that XML outliner example again
> > appended to a block with names like: arMenu1_1_4_3_3_2,
> Hi, I have written a JavaScript based hierarchical menu, which uses a
> tree structure (based on nested arrays). It works quite nice and is
> much more natural representation of an XML tree...
> > it's idea is to create a JavaScript file with array's which
> > can be used by the JavaScript from www.webreference.com
> (hierarchical
> > menu's)
> Hm... I think we should sync our developments :-)) Let me know if you
> are interested. Robert

[REBOL] that XML outliner example again Re:

2000-07-27 Thread robert . muench

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2000 12:02 PM
> Subject: [REBOL] that XML outliner example again

> appended to a block with names like: arMenu1_1_4_3_3_2,

Hi, I have written a JavaScript based hierarchical menu, which uses a
tree structure (based on nested arrays). It works quite nice and is
much more natural representation of an XML tree...

> it's idea is to create a JavaScript file with array's which
> can be used by the JavaScript from www.webreference.com
> menu's)

Hm... I think we should sync our developments :-)) Let me know if you
are interested. Robert

[REBOL] source Re

2000-07-27 Thread balayo

hey guys,

oops. Sorry. I thought "source" on the subject line was supposed to make
selma send herself to me!

Turn your computer off. Go outside.

[REBOL] source

2000-07-27 Thread balayo


Spend less time composing sigs.

[REBOL] that XML outliner example again

2000-07-27 Thread Bosch

Dear List,

and my thanks to Brett Handley and Keith Devens for helping me out with my
'dynamic append' problem

have no idea if parsing a XML file into a javascript array is very easy for 
other people
working with rebol or languages, but i found it to be rather complicated... 
(individual nodes will be dynamically
appended to a block with names like: arMenu1_1_4_3_3_2, depending on the 
level of the
node within the tree, and depending on the number of childs of the parent 
of the current node which have been parsed
and which are still left in the tree to be parsed... stuff like that )
and.. (for a different color)

my code is very very dirty at the moment (6kb)
if i have the time, i will clean it up off course

it's idea is to create a javascript file with array's which can be used
by the javascript from www.webreference.com (hierarchical menu's)

comments, ideas for improvements  please

hendrik-jan bosch

Title:  "hiermenus.r"
Date:   27-Jul-2000
Author: "Hendrik-Jan Bosch"
Version: 1.2.3

xml-language/check-version: func [v][return]
xml: first third parse-xml read http://www.scripting.com/xml/currentOutline.xml
clean: func [B [block!] /local res-B] [

res-B: make block! 10
foreach elem B [
either = (type? elem) block!
[append/only res-B clean elem]
[if not = (length? trim copy to-string 
elem) 0 [append res-B elem]]
return res-B
xml: clean xml
Q: make block! [1 1]
P: ["document"]
levels: copy ["root"]
arraylist: copy ["root" "arMenu1"]
menuarray: copy []
armenu1: copy []
correction: 1
javascript: ""

basic: func [B [block!] P [block!] /local result] [
either all [(= (length? B) 3) (= (type? B/1) string!)]
[X: "T"] [either (= (length? B) 1)[either (= (type? B/1) string!) [X: "V"] [X: "L"]] [ 
either (= (type? B/1) string!) [X: "A"] [X: "L"] ]]
if (X = "L")[append/only Q length? B append Q length? B append/only P B/1/1]
if (X = "T")[reverse Q if (= (first Q) 0) [ if (= (first Q) 0) [ remove Q remove Q 
reverse P remove P reverse P
if (= (first Q) 0) [ remove Q remove Q reverse P remove P reverse P]]] Q/1: Q/1 - 1 
reverse Q]
if (X = "T")
if (= (B/1) "outline")
either any [(find B/2/2 "rule>") (find B/2/2 "rules>") (find B/2/2 
"") (find B/2/2 "")(find B/2/2 "rules>")(find B/2/2 

[REBOL] Over 70 REBOL Experimental Binaries Available Re:(2)

2000-07-27 Thread deryk

> Hey!!
> This is really exciting Carl!
> And and I can just barely imagine how much work
> this must be to set this all up.
> Here's a thought something that programmers
> might pay some money for...
> The ability to compile Rebol binaries into
> C, C++ etc. It would extend legacy code
> with all of rebols features. I'd sure
> like to be able to do that with either
> Windows or Linux Platforms.
> I could foresee testing code with the interpreter,
> with all of those advantages, then compiling it
> into an executable, with those advantages.
> Best of both worlds, y'think?

I would have to agree with this request.  Companies like to protect
their IP and being able to compile it in one way or another would aid in
that issue.


[REBOL] Over 70 REBOL Experimental Binaries Available Re:

2000-07-27 Thread robert . muench

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2000 2:49 AM
> Subject: [REBOL] Over 70 REBOL Experimental Binaries Available

> In order to improve our testing process, we have
> developed (using REBOL of course) a fully automated
> build and release pipeline that allows us to put out
> software more often.  With the press of a key we are now
> able to rebuild and upload experimental versions of
> REBOL that contain the latest bug fixes and enhancements.

Hi, I always thought that you don't use ordinary makefiles. I was
thinking about this too. Do you think it's possible to release the
build process scripts? I'm sure a lot of (open-source) projects would
benefit from this. Anyone else interested in a Rebol based 'automake'
system? Robert