[REBOL] my most frequent complaint

2000-04-03 Thread bemerson

...about scripting languages is that they let you do a whole lot *very* 
quickly and then you're stuck.  My current case in point, is this program 
I'm writing to sync files from the three different computers I use to a 
central location.  (bookmark files, address books, etc.)

All the stuff that I expected to be hard was easy: querying a FTP site, 
uploading and downloading files, comparing file dates and times.

The part that I expected to be easy seems impossible: setting the time on a 
file in the local file system.  I never once imagined that I wouldn't be 
able to do this.

It's incredibly frustrating.  Is there a way to make calls to custom DLL's?



= Original Message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] at 4/03/00 8:06 am

Does anyone know the SERIES package for CommonLisp
(http://series.sourceforge.net/) and can explain difference and common referring to 
Rebol ?



Sent through GMX FreeMail - http://www.gmx.net

[REBOL] my most frequent complaint Re:

2000-04-03 Thread bemerson

= Original Message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] at 4/03/00 9:41 am

 ...about scripting languages is that they let you do a whole lot *very*
 quickly and then you're stuck.  My current case in point, is this program
 I'm writing to sync files from the three different computers I use to a
 central location.  (bookmark files, address books, etc.)

 All the stuff that I expected to be hard was easy: querying a FTP site,
 uploading and downloading files, comparing file dates and times.

 The part that I expected to be easy seems impossible: setting the time on a
 file in the local file system.  I never once imagined that I wouldn't be
 able to do this.

I am sorry, but I don't think you will easily find many scripting languages which 
will allow 
to do so, or am I wrong?

No.  You are correct, hence my complaint.  It wasn't targeted at Rebol, but 
scripting languages in general.  I'm C/C++programmer, and I constantly have 
hopes that a scripting language will arise that I can switch to.

The happiest I've been was when I had my own interpreter using the 
Postscript dialect.  For the most part I wrote in Postscript.  When I need 
to do something better done in a language like C, I wrote it in C and added 
it as a builtin function.  It was awesome, but it since it was all custom it 
wasn't something I could really use at work.  If you supported a mechanism 
to call DLL's, and maybe created a generic one, people could use Rebol for 
what it's good at and switch to a langauge like C for the things it's not 
good at--like talking to the system.

I know this violates the whole portable code thing, but it's *really* useful 
and no one *has* to use it.

I really doubt that one language will ever be all things to all people.  Two 
languages quite possibly might do the trick.  We just need some glue and 
Rebol looks like pretty good glue.

 It's incredibly frustrating.  Is there a way to make calls to custom DLL's?

Wait for the /Command version ...

Okay, I'm waiting...  (any idea how long???)


[REBOL] Parsing examples? Re:(2)

2000-02-29 Thread bemerson

You guys are awesome!

Hi Brad,
you wrote:
 I want to write an XML'ish parser.  Which is to say that I need to match
 beginning and ends of tags, but I don't know the tag names.  i.e.
 itembook/itemnameXML in a nutshell/name  The tags are made up for a
 specific data set, but i don't know what they are in advance.  I know they
 begin like this, ??? and end like this /???

Check out
  source xml-language

You may find it helpful, especially the function xml-language/parse-xml,
which is used by the global word parse-xml.

  source parse-xml

;- Elan  [: - )]

[REBOL] example of switch...

2000-02-23 Thread bemerson

Can some one please give me an example of how to use /default in a switch 



P.S. The dictionary *really* falls down in advanced examples...

[REBOL] select help

2000-02-23 Thread bemerson

This is probably a repeat, but I don't see my original posting.

How do you search a key-value sort of series when the key can appear more 
then once?  i.e.  [ a 200 b 22200 a 22323 ]  Select returns 200.  If 200 
isn't what I'm searching for I want to look for the next.

Brad Emerson

[REBOL] select question

2000-02-23 Thread bemerson

I have a series with multiple identical entries, but different values:

[ "book" "The Hobbit" "book" "The Stand" "candy" "Mars Bar" "candy" "MM" ]

I want to search the series for each occurrence of say "book" and then 
evaluate it for a match.  How can I do this?  Or, is select perhaps not the 
right hammer to beat this puzzle with?

Brad Emerson

[REBOL] email question

2000-01-18 Thread bemerson

Is there a way to remove pop mail from the server as you read it?  I'm 
working on a command based email service and I have to use another program 
to remove the email once it has been processed.


[REBOL] email question Re:(2)

2000-01-18 Thread bemerson

It's hard to imagine a more complete answer. :)



Brad wrote:
  Is there a way to remove pop mail from the server as you read it?

Try the beta manual on the Post Office Protocol (POP)


Deleting Email
REBOL provides two words that can be used to delete email. The remove
function deletes single messages, while clear deletes all messages from the
current index to the end of the pop account.

remove mailbox

removes the current message of an online account. To remove the 22nd message
from the host, for instance, use skip n - 1 , where n is the index of the
message to be removed.

remove skip mailbox 21

removes the twenty-second message of the online email account, provided the
index of mailbox has not been modified and mailbox is pointing at the first
message. Actually, the message will not be removed until the connection is
To empty your online account completely, use the clear function:

mailbox: open pop://username:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
clear mailbox
close mailbox

Which messages are removed depends on the relative position of the word


I hope that helps!

Andrew Martin
ICQ: 26227169

[REBOL] Just wierdness

1999-10-20 Thread bemerson

I'm trying to create an application to keep an eye on some email servers I 
have and alert me if they stop responding.  It's working, but I'm going 

Try this from the Rebol prompt

a1: [ a: "aaa" b: "bbb" ]

a2: [
fox: "fox"
box: "box"

find a1 a
== none

find a2 box
== [ "box"

This is crazy.

My other craziness is that a key (host:) can't be found (as in FIND) in a 
block, but a key named host2 can be.

scheme: 'pop
user: "brad"
pass: "wort"
host: "mail.aneusdamith.com"
host2: "mail.aneusdamith.com"

I end up with the duplicate host2 so I can know the host's name if there is 
an error connecting.  The random'ish behavior is so frustrating.

Brad Emerson

[REBOL] Just wierdness Take 2 Re:

1999-10-20 Thread bemerson

The problem is that I'm working with things I don't understand and I can't 
find good documentation.  I found some code to connect to an email 
server.  Something like this:
x:  [
scheme: 'pop
user: "srad"
pass: "portw"
host: "mail.aneurosmith.com"

open x

I don't understand this array which looks like a structure.  (I still have 
hope that I'll find dictionaries in here somewhere...)  I actually intend 
to process an array of these blocks and generate a report if unable to open 
the connection.  One question is what's going on above?  Is it just a block 
of code to define some variables?  Instead of trying to search the array 
should I just execute it (do?) and then use the variables directly?  That's 
probably it...

Does this language have key-value pair functionality?

