Thank you for your help

I sent a fixed version of the script before i get your response :-)

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2000 3:07 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Big Brother Re:(2)

> Hey -
> this is pretty cool!  I fixed the axis one by doing the following:
> write/binary (to-file join "image" [ count ".jpg"]) copy/part head buffer
> ;count: count + 1
> f/image: load (to-file join "image" [ count ".jpg"])
> ;f/image: load to-binary copy/part head buffer p2
> show f
> I'm not sure why the to-binary statement isn't working tho.  All this does
> is save jpg to disk, and load it, reusing the same filename over and over.
> - Porter

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