[REBOL] worse is better?

2000-08-14 Thread jehamby

Here's a very intriguing article about programming languages called 
"Worse Is Better" that was originally published back in 1991 and 
compares the Lisp approach with the approach that brought us C and 
UNIX.  Very interesting, IMHO, to see where REBOL might fit in to this 
theory.  Any article that made such an accurate prediction of the 
future as this:

"The good news is that in 1995 we will have a good operating system and 
programming language; the bad news is that they will be Unix and C++."

deserves to be (re-)read.  :)  Nearly 10 years later, how have we 
progressed.. or have we progressed?  Enjoy!



[REBOL] no networking in experimental BeOS REBOL?

2000-08-07 Thread jehamby


On my PC running BeOS 5.0.1 Pro Edition, I can't get any of REBOL's 
networking features to work, with either REBOL/core or REBOL
/view  For example:

REBOL/View 28-Jul-2000
Copyright 2000 REBOL Technologies.  All rights reserved.
Type DEMO to run demo if it is disabled
>> read http://anobject.com/
(30 second pause)
** Access Error: Cannot connect to anobject.com.
** Where: read http://anobject.com/

I have BONE Beta 4 installed, but I had the some problem before I 
installed BONE.  Fortunately, the released REBOL/Core works 
properly.  Any idea when this will be fixed?  Thanks..


[REBOL] Cool gels. Great demo. Re:

2000-07-20 Thread jehamby

> Had to take a quick break from the docs to regain sanity, so wrote this
insanely fun demo script that I thought you might enjoy.

Cool! (and very inspirational!)  It's so easy for me to forget that so much
cool stuff can be done with so little code when you have the right language
and infrastructure behind you.  I remember watching Benoit @ Be write some
fun little demos in as little as 20 lines of C++ code for BeOS, and I
thought that was amazing at the time, but in a coding shootout against Carl
and REBOL, I know who I'd place my bets on!  :-)  No offense, Benoit, if you
ever find this message in the list archive, you're still a coding god but
C++ vs. REBOL I think would prove too big of a handicap for you!  :-)

Speaking of coding shootouts, you know why the ACM Collegiate Programming
Contest (www.acm.org/contest) only allows C, C++, Pascal, and (in the finals
only, due to Microsoft sponsorship) Visual Basic, and not languages like
Perl?  Because, it's common knowledge that in schoolwide competitions (often
held by universities to choose the students to represent the school at the
ACM competition), whenever the judges have allowed languages like Perl, the
students who use it tend to win by huge margins (in other words have an
"unfair advantage") over the students struggling with C/C++.  When you're
trying to solve six non-trival problems in five hours, struggling with
printf() and strtok() (or iostreams) is *not* want you want to be doing!  :)
And REBOL should be even *better* at this than Perl, right?  If only it had
been around when I was in college.. because I never really liked Perl, ya
know, and I was tired of always coming in second at the local contest to the
resident Perl god..  ;)


[REBOL] Is é a valid char for use in urls? Re:(2)

2000-07-18 Thread jehamby


> An unescaped é is not valid in URLs, it should be encoded as %E9
> http://www.melbourne.net/antonr/résumé.html fails for me in IE5.5, but works
> in NT4.7
> http://www.melbourne.net/antonr/r%E9sum%E9.html works in both.
> More details can be found in RFCs 1738 and 2396.
> In REBOL, (at least in REBOL/View you must prevent the %E9
> encoding from being decoded too soon. A literal %E9 in a URL gets decoded
> into é immediately; therefore in literal URLs you must escape the % by using
> %25, or hide the url inside a string.
> read http://www.melbourne.net/antonr/r%E9sum%E9.html doesn't work, but
> read to-url "http://www.melbourne.net/antonr/r%E9sum%E9.html" does, and so
> does
> read http://www.melbourne.net/antonr/r%25E9sum%25E9.html.

This looks pretty ugly to me.  While it's nice to know that there's a
workaround, IMHO REBOL should be taking care of this automatically when
requesting URL's with special characters.  Would someone like to file
this as a bug report?


[REBOL] Rebol's argument handling is broken Re:(4)

2000-07-18 Thread jehamby


>   Grep works similarly as REBOL currently does, considering
>   arguments preceded by - to be switches regardless of where
>   they are placed. For example:
> Before and after args:
>   grep -A 3 foo * -vi
> In between and after args:
>   grep foo -B 10 *.txt -A 20

Interesting..  But grep isn't a language interpreter, and that makes
*all* the difference! :)


[REBOL] large-scale REBOL coding? Re:

2000-07-18 Thread jehamby


> Wow, that makes my REBOL program look puny. A mere 7242 lines (including
> comments). And I was feeling so proud of it. Wh!

You wrote a 7000 line REBOL program?  That's pretty cool..  I'd love to
take a look at that, is it publically available?  What does your program
do?  Did you find any problems with using REBOL for a task like that? 
How did you split the source code up?  Inquiring minds want to know.  :)


[REBOL] Re: where are all the components?

2000-07-18 Thread jehamby

Thanks to everyone who replied to my post on this topic, especially Gary
and Brett!  I hope to find time to think about this a little more and
maybe type up a few more thoughts, but in the meantime, I got an
interesting message from Marcel Weiher on the MacOS X mailing list today
with some quotes from Alan Kay that I wanted to share (I didn't forward
the whole message because I didn't get a chance to ask Marcel if he
would mind.. I know the post was in a public forum but I don't want to
be impolite).  The comments on messaging being even more important than
objects gives me hope that REBOL truly is exploring a better path!

 Original Message 

"Simula to OOP is moving to new things. Simula to ADT (Abstract Data  
Types: C++, Mesa, Ada) is moving on to better old things."

"Java and C++ make you think that the new ideas are like the old  
ones. Java is the most distressing thing to hit computing since  

"If you think programming is a small thing, that's why your programs  
are so large."

"There is nothing more inefficient than 10 years development on an  
OS that never runs. (Reference to the Apple "Pink" OS project.)"

All from Alan Kay's  OOPSLA 97 talk.


Here is a longer message by Alan on the Squeak mailing list:

Just a gentle reminder that I took some pains at the last OOPSLA to try
remind everyone that Smalltalk is not only NOT its syntax or the class
library, it is not even about classes. I'm sorry that I long ago  
coined the
term "objects" for this topic because it gets many people to focus on
lesser idea.

The big idea is "messaging" -- that is what the kernal of
is all about (and it's something that was never quite completed in our
Xerox PARC phase). The Japanese have a small word -- ma -- for "that
is in between" -- perhaps the nearest English equivalent is  
The key in making great and growable systems is much more to design  
how its
modules communicate rather than what their internal properties and
behaviors should be. Think of the internet -- to live, it (a) has to
many different kinds of ideas and realizations that are beyond any
standard and (b) to allow varying degrees of safe interoperability
these ideas.

If you focus on just messaging -- and realize that a good metasystem can
late bind the various 2nd level architectures used in objects -- then
of the language-, UI-, and OS based discussions on this thread are
quite moot. This was why I complained at the last OOPSLA that --  
whereas at
PARC we changed Smalltalk constantly, treating it always as a work in
progress -- when ST hit the larger world, it was pretty much taken as
"something just to be learned", as though it were Pascal or Algol.
Smalltalk-80 never really was mutated into the next better versions  
of OOP.
Given the current low state of programming in general, I think this is a
real mistake.

I think I recall also pointing out that it is vitally important not  
just to
have a complete metasystem, but to have fences that help guard the  
of metaboundaries. One of the simplest of these was one of the
for my original excursions in the late sixties: the realization that
assignments are a metalevel change from functions, and therefore  
should not
be dealt with at the same level -- this was one of the motivations to
encapsulate these kinds of state changes, and not let them be done willy
nilly. I would say that a system that allowed other metathings to be
in the ordinary course of programming (like changing what inheritance
means, or what is an instance) is a bad design. (I believe that systems
should allow these things, but the design should be such that there are
clear fences that have to be crossed when serious extensions are made.)

[REBOL] where are all the components? Re:

2000-07-17 Thread jehamby

Oops, my apologies for the awful line-wrapping on that last message.  I
originally wrote it in pine, which wrapped it to 78 columns, and when I
resent it in Netscape, it chopped it down to 72 columns leaving all
those trailing words...  :-(


[REBOL] large-scale REBOL coding?

2000-07-17 Thread jehamby

Hi all,

Here's something I've been thinking about since talking to a friend
about REBOL and its prospects.  He said that just about any scripting
language can handle scripts of a few hundred lines, but the real
challenge for REBOL will be in whether or not it can handle large-scale
programs as well as, for example, Python.  Take Zope (www.zope.org), for
instance, a Web application server written in Python (with a few native
modules).  I just downloaded the latest version and ran a quick line
count on all the .py files:  83165 lines, plus another 10391 lines for
the ZServer HTTP server!  That includes comments, but still I'm very
impressed that the language can scale up to handle a project of this

One project I'd like to work on once I'm finished with my current
programming contract job would be to look through the source code to
Zope and figure out how feasible it would be to do something of that
size with REBOL.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems that one big
limitation of REBOL currently is the lack of solid module support. 
DO'ing subsidiary scripts doesn't seem like the right approach,
especially compared to Python's powerful import facility.  I know there
are some third-party module managers available (which to be honest, I
haven't had time to investigate), but this seems like the type of thing
that needs to be built into the language.  I would assume that RT is
aware of this, and hopefully working on a solution, but are there any
other areas where REBOL is currently lacking?  I don't want REBOL to be
only useful for quick hacks!!


[REBOL] where are all the components?

2000-07-17 Thread jehamby

Hi all,

Here's a longish rant I originally sent to some friends this weekend
about where I see REBOL having a lot of promise in "the big picture." 
I'm sure I'm not saying anything that RT isn't already thinking of, but
considering how long it's taken me to really GET what REBOL may mean for
the industry, I hope this might be useful for some readers of this list
who are still new to REBOL.. and of course, if I'm way off base in my
logic, I'd like to hear about it.  :-)

I remember reading some very optimistic books by a team of authors
Harkey, etc.) extolling the virtues of CORBA, The Distributed Objects
Survival Guide being the most typical.  In these books, they painted
very compelling image of a wonderful world in the near future where all
software would be made out of a bunch of components, and companies and
end-users would be free to either write their own or buy (or in the case
of open source, download) ready-made and tested components that others
written.  They saw CORBA as the horse most likely to win the race of
first to market with a workable component architecture that could bring
about the "component revolution."

So, where are all the components?  Why is it that, outside of things
VBX controls and JavaBeans that have been very successful within very
limited domains, we still haven't progressed beyond, essentially, shared
libraries?!  I take that back:  MS has done a good job of implementing
Windows technologies in terms of COM components, but, even on Windows,
doesn't seem like ISV's are embracing COM within their own
And, on UNIX and Mac and BeOS, neither COM nor CORBA seems to have taken
off, and even though GNOME apps are linking with an ORB now, I really
don't see GNOME doing anything with CORBA that it couldn't just as
have done without it.

Long story short, I think one of the answers might just lie with a
REBOL is pushing, dialects.  Think about some of the most highly
successful Internet protocols we use today:  SMTP, HTTP, FTP, NNTP. 
not an "Internet" protocol, let's add SQL to the list.  What do they
in common?  Instead of using CORBA or COM or some binary packet format,
all client/server communication is in the form of domain-specific ASCII
text commands!  Why can't we take that architecture and apply it to
creating components that communicate within a single machine?  In some
sense, we're already doing it in a very static and primitive way with
things like /etc files and command-line arguments.

Another piece of the puzzle is the notion of minimizing the number of
incompatible namespaces on the system.  Plan9 took this to an
extreme:  everything's a file in Plan9, even more so than UNIX, and so
it's easy for shell scripts to do things like act as TCP/IP clients just
by manipulating the right magic files.  More on this below.

So, why dialects?  First, I think they're much easier to design and
document than object interfaces.  They've traditionally been much harder
to IMPLEMENT, which is why people don't go that route unless they
absolutely have to, but that's where REBOL comes in (as I'll expand on
a bit)..  They're also MUCH easier to debug, as you can just open a port
and start typing in commands and see what's going on!  Think about how
many mail problems have been diagnosed by sysadmins telnetting to port
Why shouldn't you be able to, say, telnet to a port and type a command
open a window, another one to draw a circle in it, etc., and see all the
mouse, keyboard, and other events come back to you as text messages
In fact, like any good RAD environment, I can picture a very clean
design/implement/debug cycle where you add a new command, document it,
debug it, all with quick turn-around time compared to designing a class,
implementing all the get/set accessor methods, realizing it still sucks,

Dialects are much easier to script, as any random scripting language
has the ability to open the port (which, in Plan9 was done in the same
as opening any other file) can spew stuff to it with print statements,
get responses back with read statements.  Of course a language like
makes these two tasks particularly easy, so it helps on both sides of
fence.  Finally, dialects are TRIVIAL to extend:  unlike binary
where it's easy to screw up and not leave yourself room to elegantly add
new capabilities, with a dialect, you simply add a new command word! 
don't even have to worry about proprietary extensions screwing up
because there's natural namespace protection built into a dialect, you
simply do something like:

X-MyCompany-WeirdCommand: foo

and if the server doesn't understand, it gives you an error in a
well-established (by the particular dialect) way.

Efficiency seems to be the big reason more stuff hasn't gone this way,
to be fair, I'm certainly not proposing that we throw away shared
libraries!  Things like printf() will always 

[REBOL] Rebol's argument handling is broken Re:(3)

2000-07-14 Thread jehamby


>   If you pass items beginning with a dash (-switch) as
>   arguments to the script, how would you suggest REBOL find
>   it's own command line switches?

To make this work as Sean expected, the answer is simple:  REBOL should
find its own command line switches *before* the filename of the REBOL
script, and pass anything *after* the name of the REBOL script untouched
to the program.  This is how the UNIX shell, and I believe Perl, Python,
TCL, and every other popular scripting language work.  I'll walk you
through an example of how this works in practice.

Here's a simple shell script that echoes a list of its arguments:

echo $*

I can run this script passing arguments that bash would normally pay
attention to, and they are happily passed to it, whether I do this:

$ sh test.sh --version

or this:

$ chmod +x test.sh
$ ./test.sh --version

So how do I pass arguments that I want bash to listen to?  I would have
to either say:

$ sh --version test.sh
GNU bash, version 2.04.3(1)-release (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu)
Copyright 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

or modify the script to something like:

#!/bin/sh --version
echo $*

$ ./test.sh
GNU bash, version 2.04.3(1)-release (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu)
Copyright 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

BTW, when you use the "#!" trick on UNIX to automatically launch the
interpreter, what gets passed to the interpreter's argv array?  Again,
an example makes this crystal clear.  Here's a little C program that
prints its args:


int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  int i;
  for(i=0; i

[REBOL] Rebol's argument handling is broken Re:(4)

2000-07-12 Thread jehamby


>   DOing formed blocks is sort of inelegant.  You're taking a
>   REBOL data structure, a block, and then turning it into a
>   string. By the DOing the string the interpreter actually
>   turns the string back into a block of REBOL data types
>   before evaluating it.  It's not very optimal.  Just DOing
>   the original string ends up being half as much work.

Yes, but either way it doesn't seem like a whole lot of work, unless
you're talking about a REALLY long command-line on a really slow
machine.  :-)

>   Another idea that was brought up was that you could have
>   more than one view of the command line args available, so
>   those that want the separation of args would have it in a
>   block somewhere, and those that want just a doable string
>   would have it somewhere else.  Best of both methods
>   approach.
>   Would that work for us disgruntled REBOL command liners? (-:

Sounds great to me!


[REBOL] Rebol's argument handling is broken Re:(2)

2000-07-12 Thread jehamby

Just noticed a minor goof in the message I just sent.  In order for
REBOL to be able to produce the argument block:

> ["loop" "5" "[print" {"foo"]}]

the original input would have to be, not:

> $ myscript.r loop 5 [print "foo"]


$ myscript.r loop 5 [print \"foo\"]

This doesn't invalidate my argument, of course... You'd have to escape
the quote marks in this example for the block to be doable, regardless
of how REBOL passes the arguments to the script, because otherwise the
shell will throw them away.


[REBOL] Rebol's argument handling is broken Re:(2)

2000-07-12 Thread jehamby


> The argument passing scheme for REBOL needs to address two
> things:  1) Providing args from command line, of course
> and 2) providing an immediately DOable REBOL expression.

1) How many people are going to *want* an immediately DOable REBOL
expression?  I think a lot more people are going to want something
that's easy for them to parse.  And a block is definitely easier to
parse, and less ambiguous, as Jussi said, than a string.

> With just a string for command line args, the second case
> is easy-- just do the system/options/args.  In the first
> case there are situations where the distinction between
> args is unrecoverable, however you can force distinctions
> using escaped quotes, eg:
> \"first arg\" \"second arg\"
> or
> {first arg} {second arg}

2) If people are going to try to use REBOL to write command-line scripts
for others to use, they're going to want to make them behave like native
scripts, and that means escaping spaces in the same way that
command-line programs written in C or Perl or bash do.. Having to escape
quotes or use an alternate quote character is UGLY!  Not allowing REBOL
scripters to get at information that would be available to them in ANY
other scripting language is also ugly.

> If you get a block of separate args in strings then the
> result is not easily DOable.  The alternative is to have
> the args prescanned (essentially the LOAD of the command
> line args).  The prescan creates a potential for
> syntax errors in the command line arguments preventing a
> script from running.  That's not very advantageous.

Maybe I'm missing something, but what about FORM?  For example, assume I
pass this to my script:

$ myscript.r loop 5 [print "foo"]

If split into a block, as Jussi suggests, this might look like:

["loop" "5" "[print" {"foo"]}]

Watch as REBOL works its magic and recovers the original string:

>> cmd: ["loop" "5" "[print" {"foo"]}]
== ["loop" "5" "[print" {"foo"]}]
>> form cmd
== {loop 5 [print "foo"]}
>> do form cmd

Looks good to me!  Is there a case where this wouldn't work?

> In the end, it was decided the best course of action was
> to leave it as it is because people COULD make delimiters
> using shell escaping measures and what not.

As I said, it seems like the wrong solution to me.

> So that's what the reasoning was. Make sense?

Not really.  :-)  I definitely agree with Jussi on this one.


[REBOL] func[func] Re:(10)

2000-07-12 Thread jehamby


> BTW When I was first learning REBOL last fall I tried programming many of
> the samples from the "Wizard Book" by Sussman et. al..  I found that it was
> not really possible to write programs with the same behavior as the Scheme
> examples, possibly because of the lack of dynamic binding in REBOL.
> Presumably in REBOL 1.x this was possible.

I was planning do to exactly the same thing when I get a chance!  It
looks like some of the messages that have been posted to this list over
the past few weeks should be very helpful.  I feel bad because, while I
can realize that there is a lot of subtle stuff going on with issues
like when variables are bound, I don't seem to have the intuitive grasp
of how things work that other people on this list do.. or rather, I have
to work a little bit harder to figure out what's going on.. and an
exercise like porting the samples from the Wizard Book should bring
things into a closer focus for me.


[REBOL] func[func] Re:(2)

2000-07-12 Thread jehamby


> I concur.
> People *building* difficult stuff can't see the difficulty because they know the 
>stuff by name, having seen it grow from day one. As I may have said earlier, I can 
>feel the power of parse, I can almost grasp it, but there's something *just* out of 
>reach. This context thing I almost got... almost, but not quite... And other little 
>things here and there.
> The meat RT is cooking is already good as it is, but it lacks ketchup. :-)

For example, the message I just sent to the list a few hours ago because
I couldn't figure out how to parse something that I probably would've
been able to parse with no problem using lex and yacc, partly because
there are so many more good examples out there for how to use lex and
yacc to steal from..  :-)


[REBOL] need help with complicated parse

2000-07-12 Thread jehamby

I need a little bit of help trying to parse something..  I've modified
makespec.r to add a couple of new options to help me generate some HTML
documentation for a project I'm working on.  They're not very general
purpose options, but I'm quite happy with how easy it was to get
something quick-and-dirty going.  If anyone's interested, I'd be happy
to mail you my changes.  For example, to generate a two-column table,
with the first column in bold, I can use:

#row "1st Column" "2nd Column"
#row "row 2 col 1" "row 2 col 2"

For this change, I modified makespec.r like this:

parts: [newline | "===" section | "---" subsect |
"#indent" (emit marg-in) | "/indent" (emit marg-out) |
"#side" side | "/side" (emit []) |
"#table" table | "/table" (emit []) |
"#row" row |
 "###" to end (emit [marg-out "-End-"]) | example | paragraph]

table: [(emit [ newline])]
quoted: [some space "^"" copy text to "^"" "^""]
row: [quoted (emit [text])
  quoted (emit [text newline])]

Here's the problem..  I'd like to be able to embed HTML tags inside a
few of these tables, and some of those tags have embedded quotes, like

#row "Protocols" "DB1 DB2"

Had I thought this through, I could have changed my quote character to
something else, but I'm sure REBOL will let me parse this if only I
could figure out how.  Basically, I'd like to modify the 'quoted' rule
to ignore quotes inside of <> markers.  How can I encode an algorithm

quoted: [some space "^"" copy text to either "<" (in which case skip to
">" and keep going)
or "^"" "^""]

into valid REBOL code?  I tried a few approaches but couldn't get
anything to work.  Another alternative would be for me to escape the
embedded quote marks, but then I'd need to figure out how to transform
them back for the final text block.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.  For extra credit, if someone can
figure out a way to modify the row: rule to process an arbitrary number
of columns (terminated by newline) instead of just two, that would make
this new rule a lot more general purpose and probably useful to more
people without modification.


[REBOL] a quine or two Re:(2)

2000-06-29 Thread jehamby

> Isn't a quine supposed to be the minimal code needed to print out itself?
It's good if it can be done in one line.  In REBOL, wouldn't it be:
>   do a: [print ["do a:" mold a]]

You're right, of course.  I should have spent a little more time and tried
to optimize it down to one line myself, but instead, I wanted to see how
short I could make it and still have some meat inside the REBOL block.  I
can see already that I could get rid of two lines by combining the do and
the assignment, as in your example.

> I'm not sure it has to be a program, does it?  But, if so, no problem:
>   REBOL [] do a: [print ["REBOL [] do a:" mold a]]
> Pretty short.  Of course, I'd like to see other languages do a
"superquine", which is to actually write out a file that when run will write
out itself.
> REBOL [] do a: [write %quine.r reduce ["REBOL [] do a: " mold a]]

Actually, this is not difficult to do in other scripting languages.  I'm no
Perl expert, but it was pretty trivial for me to turn this quine from the
Perl section of the quine page:


into this:

$_=q(open(O, ">quine.pl");print O "\$_=q($_);eval;");eval;

> And, regarding that sly newline tag.  There is currently no way to access
it.  But there needs to be.

Agreed.  BTW, I submitted your three examples, naming you as the author,
along with the shortened version of my second verbose example, to the quine
page:  http://www.nyx.net/~gthompso/quine.htm  Maybe someone will stumble
across the page and REBOL will get some free publicity.  It can't hurt,


[REBOL] a quine or two

2000-06-28 Thread jehamby

Just for fun:  here's one of my first little exercises to get to know REBOL
better:  a "quine".  This is a program which prints out its own source code
when you run it.  Here was my first attempt:

Title: "A simple REBOL quine"
Author: "Jake Hamby"
Date: 23-Jun-2000
File: %quine.r
header: [
Title: "A simple REBOL quine"
Author: "Jake Hamby"
Date: 23-Jun-2000
File: %quine.r
code: [
print ["REBOL" mold header]
print ["header:" mold header]
print ["code:" mold code]
print "do code"
do code

Note the duplication of the contents of the REBOL block.  Of course the
program would have been much shorter had I left the REBOL block empty, but I
wanted to be kosher and do things the right way.  Also, it piqued my
curiosity about whether or not I could get at the contents of the REBOL
block from within my script.  I discovered how to do it, and here's my
second successful quine:

Title: "A simple REBOL quine"
Date: 23-Jun-2000
File: %quine2.r
Author: "Jake Hamby"
print-obj: func [x][
foreach word next first x [
val: get in x word
if val [print rejoin ["" word ": " mold val]]
code: [
print "REBOL ["
print-obj system/script/header
print ["]^/print-obj:" mold :print-obj]
print ["code:" mold code]
print "do code"
do code

I'd like to submit these to the script library, as well as to this page
(http://www.nyx.net/~gthompso/quine.htm), a repository of quines in many
different languages, but I wanted to see if anyone could do better first.
One curious "feature" of REBOL I discovered while fooling around was that
blocks of code can contain embedded newlines and other whitespace, which
display when you print the code block, but are invisible when you manipulate
it like a list.  In other words, this:

block: [

and this:

block:  [a b c]

are equivalent in every way that I can see, *except* when you print them.
Similarly, I was unable to programmatically construct a block with embedded
newlines, which might have been helpful to me for this exercise, but
print-obj turned out to be so short that I guess it doesn't matter.  It is a
weird feature, though:  I think REBOL's doing the Right Thing for
readability, but it's curious that I can't get at the internal structure
where this is stored.
