[REBOL] Re: (Off Topic) Kiwi w/ spider on Butt?

2000-10-27 Thread webdev

Hey that looks more like a rear facing kiwi with a spider ron its' butt...

 . .
( * )

- Original Message -
From: Joel Neely [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 27, 2000 6:14 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Re: [REBOL]

 Well, since I have to do development to support non-technical types,
 I'm hoping you'll add this scheme to REBOL 3.0

actual-requirements: read mind://customer/current-project

 . .
( * )

 (that's me, holding my breath...)


  home-video: read/part video:// 0:0:10
  On 27-Oct-2000/9:26:25-6:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  EAT wrote:
   Andrew Martin wrote:
EAT wrote:
 Built-in printing that uses the OS's printer interfaces. C'mon,
  is poetry we're talking about here.

 write printer:// face
My-Picture: read scanner://
 BookText: read scanner://OCR
  No, no, no. It doesn't scan! :-)
  BookText: parse/ocr read scanner://
  BookText: parse/ocr read %MyImageFile.tif
  write sound:// read %tada.wav
  Andrew Martin
  ICQ: 26227169
  To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the
  subject, without the quotes.
 Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
 REBOL  Adventure Guide
 REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
 The Official Source for REBOL Books (http://www.REBOLpress.com)
  To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the
  subject, without the quotes.

 ; Joel Neely  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  901-263-4460  38017/HKA/9677
 REBOL [] do [ do func [s] [ foreach [a b] s [prin b] ] sort/skip
 do function [s] [t] [ t: "" foreach [a b] s [repend t [b a]] t ] {
 | e s m!zauafBpcvekexEohthjJakwLrngohOqrlryRnsctdtiub} 2 ]
 To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the
 subject, without the quotes.

To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the 
subject, without the quotes.

[REBOL] NT Server Installations?

2000-10-12 Thread webdev

Dear List,

Is there any information that I should be aware of when installing Rebol
on an NT Server connected to the internet.

Specific topics are:

Controlling access to a specific virtual domain.
Permissions, security,installation of dlls, etc.

If there are any resources available in this regard I would be pleased
to hear about them.



[REBOL] Simple Script- mines Look Who's Listening webpage

2000-10-02 Thread webdev

To anyone that cares...

This is nothing special but it's the first thing I have actually sat
down to code in Rebol.
It may be ugly but it works.

For those that have not used "Speak Freely" for Voip I have to recommend
it highly.
Works like a charm even on a 386 machine half way around the world.
In any event code is self explanatory.

 Title: "Speak Freely (voip) internet telephone web directory scooper."
 Date: 10/02/2000
 File: %LWLonline.r
 Author: "jim"
 Purpose: {
  Grabs "look who's listening" webpage at the Fourmi Lab in Switzerland,
strips html and attempts to better align records along left column for
potential integration into database file and or other application then
saves file.

trace/net on
;in case you're a network voyeur!

set-net [ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mail.foobar.com none none none none ]
;uncomment to bypass proxy configuration.

page: read make url! http://www.fourmilab.ch/speakfree/lwl/online.htm
;webpage address for phone directory of active peers for "voip"

parse  page [thru pre copy text to /pre]
;this is where the records are on the page

text: replace/all text ":2074" newline
;2074 is default port for "Speak Freely" Just strip it to end up with
"peers" IP address

text: trim text
text: replace/all text "" newline
text: trim text
;feeble attempt to kill white space,left justify and maintain extra line
between records
;may fail due variable length of fields in webpagepage that lacks
delimiters or titles

print text
;in case you want to see it on the screen

save %whosonline.txt text
;save to disk

[REBOL] Netword link: rebol

2000-10-01 Thread webdev

Here is the link to search for "rebol" at netword.com


When you arrive at the search results page don't hit the link that says
just "rebol" at the top of the list. It is actually the above Url, which
will just bring you back to the page you were just on.

The object is to present all the resources rather than shooting you off
to rebol.com from whence you may never return to the list. Use netword
if you haven't already and you will understand the rationale behind

I created  most of the links just to give the query page some more
There are some dead ones from other people.
If you are reading this and you created the links please either delete
or revise them so they are not stale or dead.



[REBOL] Voronoi indexes (was philisophical /UnRebolish /Interleave)

2000-09-26 Thread webdev

This is Not Rebol specific.Spatial indexing 
using voronoi tesselations.Sensing an interest by some of the list members 
in this subject matter aswell as its' possible trancendence into a Rebol 
application...If you are interested in the practical and theoretical 
aspects of spatialindexing and related geometry then go visit: http://voronoi.com/The subject matter applies 
to many disciplines that have a significantspatial aspect such as chemistry, 
medicine, imaging, and geography to namebut a few. It makes for a much more 
stimulating intellectual fare than BillGates latest bid for world domination 
or why Rebol has not been ported to mylavatory 
appliances.Enjoy...- Original Message -From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Tuesday, September 
26, 2000 9:15 AMSubject: [REBOL] Re: Philosophical (was "UnRebolish") 
commentary  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  
... Do not  attempt to do anything more serious than a napkin sketch 
of this  method without the supervision of an adult or perhaps an 
attending  physician unless you wish to go numerically mad with 
something akin to  a division by zero.  
ROTFL!   Thanks for the feedback, ... 
 Thanks for the question!   
it was most enlightening and informative.  .. and 
fun! AFAIAC, it provided a welcome break from a very frustrating 
network infrastructure problem. Also, by concidence, it arrived 
the same day I found the following link: 
to a page bearing the 
title In Pursuit 
the manuscripts 
of Edsger W. 
Dijkstra [If you don't want to bother with reading the remainder 
of this note, please feel free to skip it. But PLEASE don't 
skip the opportunity to look through the collection of papers 
under the above page!] For those who've 
had the pleasure of reading his EWD series, this site is a MAJOR 
treat. Dijkstra is a world-class thinker and writer in computing 
science whose entire career is been marked by the pursuit of simplicity 
and elegance in the description and design of algorithms and 
proofs. Although his writings are off the beaten track, and 
though he uses his own notation for some things, and though he can be 
very intellectually demanding (all of which remind me of REBOL), 
almost everything he has written has hidden rewards to the reader who is 
patient enough to work through it. His contributions to 
programming include such crown jewels as: * invention of the 
"semaphore", now widely used as a means of synchronizing 
concurrent threads/processes, * the eponymous algorithm for 
finding the shortest path between two points in a 
graph, * the first clear description of using a stack to 
support procedure scoping/entry/exit (created during 
early implementation efforts for Algol 60!), 
* a lovely, minimalist, nondeterministic programming 
notation used for the design and proof of programs (a small 
part of which I implemented in REBOL a few months back with 
great assistance from the members of this list -- the EWD/if 
and EWD/do selection and iteration 
structures). He is probably best known to the larger programming 
community as the author of the letter published under the title, 
"go to Considered Harmful" in the Communications of the ACM, which (for 
good or ill) is usually credited as the spark that ignited the 
"structured programming" movement (although he should not be blamed for 
all of the things that have been done under the cover of that 
banner!) His career-long pursuit of beauty as a prime 
criterion of quality in programming strikes me as wholly aligned with 
what I perceive as "the spirit of REBOL" (and I'm not saying that just 
to achieve ob-REBOL-relevance ;-) In particular, let me 
recommend that you give a close (and patient! ;-) reading 
to http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/EWD/MCReps/MR34.PDF 
which -- although written in 1961 (!) -- states forcefully that it is 
the responsibility of a programming language to assist the programmer in 
clearly stating reliable algorithms, and that this responsibility is 
more fundamental than simply minimizing CPU cycles or memory 
bytes. [Over-simplified araphrase, and any errors therein, are my 
fault.] Dijkstra's forceful, uncomprimising, artistic 
personality and attitude appear almost quixotic (in the fullest sense! 
;-), especially when he tackles none-too-subtly the behavior of 
IBM (the Microsoft of the 60s and 70s). His article entitled, "How 
do we tell truths that might hurt?", available 
at http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/EWD/ewd04xx/EWD498.PDF 
(from 1975) is a collection of pointed sayings 
including: "The problems of business 
administration in general and data base 
management in particular are much too 
difficult for people that think in IBMerese, 
com- pounded with sloppy 
English." "Many companies that have made 
themselves dependent on IBM-equipment (and 
in doing so have sold their soul to the 
devil) will collapse under the sheer 
weight of the unmastered complexity of their 
data processing systems." 

[REBOL] Interleaving of strings question Re:(5) (UnRebolish commentary)

2000-09-25 Thread webdev

In light of the recent posts... 
Yes this has nothing to do with Rebol in the 
strictest sense. 
Mea Culpa.

Regarding this whole interleaving 
debate might I submit that I never intended 
to seed a thread around the validity of interleaving as an optimal method of 
performing complex and or seamless geospatial calculations. But while I'm here 
and the thread is active I'll mention that I just needed some Rebol code to 
explore the concept on a practical and or intellectual level. The method I 
described is  only one variation on this theme, as some of you 
illustratedbyrecasting it in different forms. What I described was 
actually a bastard child from a specific method involving binary interleaving 
along with some other features that I could not possibly explain off the top of 
my head without the original source material. I truncated the method description 
intentionally for the sake of being able to pose my real request for Rebol 
parsing methods. And yes the method does break down across boundaries and goes 
for a tilt in a big way at the poles. In the absence of higher level support the 
conceptfails in a variety of ways that make it a poor contender for 
afully functioningGIS. Do not attempt to do anything more serious 
than a napkin sketch of this method without the supervision of an adult or 
perhaps an attending physician unless you wish to go numerically mad with 
something akin to a division by zero. 

Thanks for the feedback, it was most enlightening 
and informative.


[REBOL] ENOUGH already Re:

2000-09-24 Thread webdev

You read my mind!
SNR is definitely swinging into the negative numbers.

All things being equal I would like to take this opportunity to express my
humble gratitude to those that have answered my questions (as well as those
of others) so expeditiously and with such charity.

On the flip side...
Although some of you are perhaps very clever and capable individuals I think
you are pissing in the wind. Such pursuits have their own cathartic merits,
but might I mention the rest of us are getting little wet about now. And no
doubt we all have heard the familiar chant that "If wishes were horses
beggars would ride". And perhaps if Jules Verne were an engineer rather than
a visionary writer he would have hung himself out of frustration, attempting
to cobble his dreams in the wrong century.

Any fool can turn a house into a pile of stones but its far rarer to find a
man who can turn a pile of stones into a house. If Carl and company can
build a house then the least we can do is mix the mortar without too much
water and sand.

Need I say more?

I remain respectfully yours,

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2000 10:37 PM
Subject: [REBOL] ENOUGH already

 Puh-lease!  I subscribed to this list to learn REBOL
 from those of you who are so well-versed in it and
 have explored very advanced topics with it.  But more
 and more, I have to wade through 20+ postings
 regarding opinions on marketing, open-source,
 comparison of platforms (each with lots of 'proof' to
 back it up), etc, to find one posting with some
 programming information.  Notwithstanding that there
 are good points being made, there is also way too much
 unresolvable opposing philosophies; sort of like
 talking religion or politics - and you know where that
 gets you.  I'm not saying limit it strictly to coding
 questions and examples, because I think discussions on
 collaborative efforts to build a few killer apps is
 fruitful, but maybe there should be another list for
 all the discussions about what RT 'should' do.  I am
 simply happy to have such a language which is so new
 and different and powerful.  I mean no offense, but
 how many of us who are so smart about what RT needs to
 do to be successful could have done what they've done?
  It's human nature to look at what exists and see
 'what's missing' or how things should be, but that
 angle becomes fruitless when it degenerates into long
 historical justifications.

 I realize this has been somewhat of a rant, and let me
 reiterate that I learned a lot from the list in its
 earlier days, but it has become not very useful in the
 past few weeks.  Can we get back to being more

 Respectfully (and I mean that),

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Send instant messages  get email alerts with Yahoo! Messenger.

[REBOL] Interleaving strings -How? Re:(2)

2000-09-22 Thread webdev

Dear Andrew,

At present there is no software (at least not in my possession).
It is currently "dreamware". The question is whether Rebol can do it in a
scalable distributed fashion.Terra Server uses this method to store
locations in their database. It is called a "Z" transform. There is no loss
of information during the
transform. The transform actually introduces an ordering pattern that mimics
physical proximity when
values are sorted sequentially.

Depending upon the resolution of the numbers you will see a pattern of
sequential blocks that start at  1deg. x 1deg and nest themselves at  .1,
.01, .001, 0001, .1, etc.
resolutions depending upon how many pairs are in the interleaved value.

If all the values in the database were to have five interleaved pairs to the
right of the decimal they would have an effective resolution of 5 decimal
places or .1 of  1deg which is approx. 1/1 of  110.57km or 11.057

If you have one less pair in the resolution then the interleaved value will
appear at the beginning of the next higher block and so on up. Think of them
as basins of attraction. Anything at that resolution and a specific value
will be drawn to that position in the linear series of all values. More
resolution means smaller basins of attraction within larger ones. It is
basically a
compression method that takes multiple dimensions and compresses them into
fewer dimensions (many multiple strings become single strings within a
larger string). The first transformation was from 3 to 2 dimensions. We went
from a position
on a sphere (3 dimensional object) to a two dimensional description in the
form of lat
long coordinates. The next transformation went from 2 to 1 when we performed
the "Z" transform
and descended to one dimension in the form of a value in a line (computer
memory is
linear). Tell me if this starting to look a lot like a strand of DNA.
Enzymes are to DNA the same way various parsing routines are to various
strings. They serve to extract information based on position and content.
In summary  have a three dimensional (there might be more) "organism"
defined in one dimension (a string).

You can in essence have any level of resolution from 110.57 km down to 1
meter or less. Objects that are large need less precision and can be stored
with a shorter string. Although they have less precision they will still be
located in the
data file with points that are close by in the "real" world.

(Numbers are short for clarity)
Notice the ordering
33, 33.5689, 33.57, 33.58, 33.583, 33.584  34,  34.5,  34.56, 34.562,  35,

The marks illustrate the lowest resolution boundries.

The ordering of points follows a regular pattern.
Where there is no data (spelled no data or less granularity) the pattern
just turns into a void and requires no effort to maintain.
The traversal of the locations actually follows a nesting zig zag pattern
somewhat like the scan lines of wall of individual monitors depicting a
larger scene except if there is no data then the scan jumps to the next
block which can be at any resolution.  Navigation can easily be accomplished
by jumping to the next level (lower resolution) by trimming the last pair of
numbers from our "Z" transform value and then walking the line by specific
Arrays within arrays in the easiest way to visualize it.

Only when we find the point of interest do we need to reverse the
transformation or do a lookup to find its' actual location coordinates in
traditional lat long format.

That's it in a nutshell.
I hope I have made this somewhat clear despite its' ad hoc nature.

Gotta fly...


- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 3:39 AM
Subject: [REBOL] Interleaving strings -How? Re:

  The short and the long of what I want to do is take latitude and
 coordinate pairs and interleave them with each other.

  The rational behind this is to place objects that are physically close
 each other in the real world close together in computer memory, which we
 know is linear and not spherical like the earth. The coordinates are in
 decimal degrees for the sake of easy manipulation.

  As an example:
  latitude value :   043.6732452849
  longitude value:   142.8321724625

  interleaved value: 043142 6783 3221 4572 2846 4925
  (spaces are only for readability/illustration)

 Purely out of curiosity, could you describe the software around this
 How does it manipulate these shuffled coordinates to work out how things
 close together?

 Andrew Martin
 ICQ: 26227169

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 3:39 AM
Subject: [REBOL] Interleaving strings -How? Re:

  The short and the long of what I want to do is take latitude and

[REBOL] Interleaving strings -How?

2000-09-21 Thread webdev

Dear "Fellow Rebol Rousers",

After having read the docs I have not quite figured 
out how to accomplish the interleaving of strings.

The short and the long of what I want to do is take 
latitude and longitude coordinate pairs and interleave them with each 

The rational behind this is to place objects that 
are physically close to each other in the real world close together in computer 
memory, which we all know is linear and not spherical like the earth. 
The coordinates are in decimal degrees for the 
sake of easy manipulation.

The max longitude is 180 degrees while the max 
latitude is 90.Ignore the issue of positive/negative values as indications 
of north/south east/west locations.

The first segment of the numbers would be 
interleaved on the basis of the non decimal portion of their values (1st three 
positions assuming required zero padding).The balance of the values would be 
interleaved on each subsequent pair.

As an example:

latitude value : 
043.6732452849longitude value: 142.8321724625

interleaved value: 043142 6783 3221 4572 2846 
4925(spaces are only for readability/illustration)

The non decimal portion must be padded with a zero 
for all latitude values (they never exceed 90).For longitude the non decimal 
portion must be padded with zero if the value is 100.

I understand that I must convert the numbers to 
rebol strings to access the necessary functionality required to step through the 
"number" and pluck out the required portion.

My problem:

At bare minimum I need to understand the command 
syntax for stepping and clipping the string at specific points as well as the 
method for specifying the length of the clipped portion.

Any inspiration would be most 

Thanks in advance,


[REBOL] GPS Stream via serial/Tcp Bridge

2000-07-15 Thread webdev

First I would like to thank Brett for the pointer to the serial/tcp
bridge at  http://www.iox.co.za .
As an aside it was pure hell pulling the program file back across the

The program lets me telnet to the designated serial port.
My problem...
Basically I have this Gps hanging off the serial port that I can chat
with through the the bridge program. When you turn on the gps it starts
pumping out nmea sentences on a line by line basis through its' serial

What I want to do is log on to  the bridge program  which presents me
with a tcp interface to the serial port and print out the serial stream
on a line by line basis as long as it persists.

listen: open/direct tcp://   defines the connection
to the interface

what comes next?

I have spent considerable time cycling through bits of code to get the
desired result but am getting tired of guessing. I just wish to see the
data stream as it appears so I can move on to the next step of parsing
it on a line by line basis.

I know this a "three line" code effort in Rebol so I appeal to your
charity to help me along so I have some raw data to work upon.

My eternal gratitude beckons you.

Thanks in advance!


[REBOL] Re:Com port parameters.

2000-07-06 Thread webdev

Thanks for the pointer Brett.

Seems a little odd that a "messaging system" would not be inclined to talk or at
least listen to something as fundamental as a com port. Think of all the serial
devices hanging off the end of PCs that need monitoring in real time. Given that
I just "discovered" (thanks ddj) Rebol perhaps there is something I am missing?



 My understanding is you cannot access the com port directly from Rebol.
 However, I used IPComserver a program by http://www.iox.co.za to essentially
 give the Com port a tcp/ip port.
 Then I could use Rebol with tcp/ip through IPComserver to talk to my device.


[REBOL] serial to tcp bridge - 404 at emtec.

2000-07-06 Thread webdev

File Not Found (aka: 404)

I went to emtec and found nothing that remotely looks like a bridge between
serial and tcp communications.
Am I blind or slow?

Please be more specific.



 I found another (and smallest) serial to tcp/ip program at

  My understanding is you cannot access the com port directly from Rebol.
  However, I used IPComserver a program by http://www.iox.co.za to
  give the Com port a tcp/ip port.
  Then I could use Rebol with tcp/ip through IPComserver to talk to my
  - Original Message -
   What is the method for setting the com port parameters so I may
   interface to a GPS unit.
   Specifically com2 4800 8N1.
   Thanks in advance!