Methinks that there is unfortunately a dependence on the registry. I forgot
to send feedback about this, but when I first installed View I had a similar
(same?) problem.

All in all I think you would be better off uninstalling and reinstalling
view. Which is what I did, and it works.
Since there is not uninstall feature (yet, I guess), you should delete the
directories (backup whatever you want to keep of course) and use the
registry editor to remove the registry key from NT's registry (<insert
disclaimer here re dangers of editing the registry, loss of data... losss of
sanity... panic, pandemonium, gnashing of teeth, and maybe a couple of
tears>). Then reinstall, letting the install process create the directories
for you. Then put back any scripts that you had saved.

Hope it helps.


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, June 24, 2000 2:02 AM
Subject: [REBOL] (NT) View home

> How does View determine it's home? I see where it reads home, but where
does the
> actual value come from? I have it installed in E:\Program
Files\_Rebol\View and
> when I try to check for updates, it tells me there's a problem and I
should set
> up the Network stuff. When I try to do that, it asks for permissions to
> E:\Program Files\Rebol\View\user.r, which of course doesn't exists. If I
try to
> rename _Rebol to Rebol, I get a permission denied message. Wha?
> --

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