[REBOL] [REBOL] [REBOL] Default Port Values? Amended Re:

2000-05-24 Thread icimjs

Hi Tim,

A) Initiliazing Words?
why do you want to initialize the word port to some value before opening
it? Let us assume you did NOT initialize it. Then there are three possible
states for the word port. It does not exist yet, because the port has not
been opened. You can check for this condition using value?

  value? 'port
== false

once the word port has been assigned to some value? 'port returns true.
This value could be an open port! or something else. 

Second condition is port has been opened. Third condition is port has been
closed. Note that when a port has been closed, it still qualifies as a
value of type port!. Trying to read from or write to a closed port will
generate an error. (Maybe that is the source of some of your errors? Can
have you been trying to read from or write to a closed port, because the
port was not none?)

3 - 2

You may want to reduce complexity by dealing with two port states: exists
or open. Then, whenever you close a port, use unset to get rid of the word.
Instead of using the close function, you use the following shut function
that does it for you:

shut: func ['port] [
  if port? get port [
close get port
unset port

 value? 'port
== false
 port: open %file
 value? 'port
== true
 shut port
 value? 'port
== false

Of course it's more port-like (portly?) to ask the port if its open,
instead of asking it if it exists. Also, if it exists, it better reference
a port! value. Let's do that:

open?: func ['port] [
  return all [
   value? port
   port? get port

 open? port
== false
 port: open %file
 open? port
== true
 shut port
 open? port
== false

Using the three functions open?, open, and shut consistently, instead of
using close will narrow words referencing ports to two states. If open?
port returns true, then the word port is pointing at an open port that was
opened using open. If open? port is false, then there is no word port and -
if port previously referenced an open port - then that port has been closed. 

For instance you would say:

if open? port [safe-close port] 

and by having used open? you would be guaranteed that that the port you are
passing to safe-close is an open port, not some other type of value, not a
closed port, and it exists.

3 - 5?

When you initialize port to some non-port value, you are introducing a
fourth and a fifth state for the word port, in addition to the three
default states. 

Besides being 
1. existent/non-existent
2. open
3. closed

the word port can now also be
4. none
5. a type that is not port!. (namely none!)

1. A function may fail because it expects a port! type value, BUT it is
passed the word port when it references the value none, i.e. a none! type

2. A function may fail because the having checked for none, it determines
that the value of port is NOT none, and it now attempts to access the port.
BUT the port - even though it is not none - is closed, not open, and
accessing it generates an error message.

My personal preference is to reduce complexity. Two states suits me better
than five.

If I thought that declaring values before using them is important, I would
certainly prefer none over an empty block. A value set to none can easily
be identified using if or either, because none evaluates to a logical false
value. An empty block evaluates to a logical true value. It complicates

With respect to your example code, be sure to use a uniform function
interface. It does not help you, if you test for the types of arguments
occassionally and not consistently. 

In the following example you note that once you do and once you don't get
an error message. Apparently you overlooked that in one function you are
checking for the type of the argument being passed and in the other version
of the function you do not:

  argument is type checked here:
With type checking:safe-close: func [p[port!]][if p [close p]]

Without type checking: safe-close: func [p][if p  [] [close p]]
   No type checking here

You comment saying:

lets say  
dufus: none
safe-close dufus
Script Error: safe-close expected p argument of type: port

The error message is reporting that your safe-close function is checking
for the type of the passed argument. You require that the argument be of
type port! 
safe-close: func [p [port!]] ...
but you are passing a value of type none!
Therefore you get the error message. You would be getting the same error
message, if you used [] instead of none with this version of the safe-close
function, because you would be passing a value of type block!, while this
version of safe-close expects a value of type port!. block!  port!

if I write 
safe-close: func [p][if p  [] [close p]]
dufus: []

[REBOL] [REBOL] [REBOL] Default Port Values? Amended Re:

2000-05-23 Thread Al . Bri

tj wrote:
 What would be the preferred way to initialize a port prior to a possible
 would it best to be:
 my-port: none
 my-port: []

This way:

my-port: none


my-port: port!

This has the advantage of reminding the writer/maintainer as to what
type of value is expected to be in 'my-port.

Andrew Martin
ICQ: 26227169