I have probably answered my own question:
I'm still a newbie, but am pleased to return
results ->
; == consider the following code: the two objects work
;  independently. They use the same named methods
; op, prn, and close
; When I named those methods open, print,and close,
;  I got stack overflows, which suggests to me
;  that rebol doesn't like me overridding their
;  own system functions. 
;  I'm happy with the result. Less typing eh!
    Title: "object"
    Date:  011-Apr-2000
    File:  %object.r
    Purpose: {testing rebol objects}
;=== make first object
object-one: make object!
  op: func [] [fp: open/new/write %objone.txt]
  prn: func [value]
    [append fp value]
  cls: func[] [close fp]
;=== make first object
object-two: make object!
  op: func [] [fp: open/new/write %objtwo.txt]
  prn: func [value]
    [append fp value]
  cls: func[] [close fp]
;=== test first object
object-one/prn "testing object-one once more"
;=== test second object
object-two/prn "testing object-two once more"

At 05:10 PM 4/11/00 -0800, you wrote:
>Hi Michael -
>At 12:42 PM 4/11/00 -0700, you wrote:
>>I'm currently defining a 'print element of an object as a function. I'm
>>assuming that the REBOL definition of 'print will be hidden in the
>>definition of this object (and definitions of functions local to the
>Actually .....
>print would write to a port, which could be standard
>output OR a physical file. The port would be defined
>as a member of the object as well.
>let's call this content-object ; will build virtual
>; pages OR could be used to build a physical web page
>; let me know what you think of the following:
>; thanks for your interest :>) 
>; tim
>content-object: make object!
>  write_to_file: func []
>  [
>    ; is this being run from a server? 
>    either equal? system/options/cgi/server-name none
>    [return true]
>    [{else}return false]
>  ]    
>  init_output: func[fname[string!] /local fpl]
>  [
>    either write_to_file ; no server so open a write port
>    ; to fname 
>    [
>      file_name:  make file! fname
>      fp1: open/new/write file_name
>    ]
>    ; yup, we're on the server so keep writing to stdout
>    [{else} fp: system/ports/output]
>    return fpl
>  ]
>  ; what the hay!! We can call this anything, but
>  ; print would be great if it didn't screw up implicit
>  ; output to stdout for the "original print"
>  fp: init_output "hello.htm"
>  print: func [fp[port!] value]
>    [append fp value]
>; If this process works with out conflict, then I would
>;  create a debug object which would write to a file that
>;  would be created every time the application runs 
>;  and an errorlog object that would be appended every
>;  time the application ran, given an error or warning
>; condition appeared. Standard parts of the my C/C++/CGI
>;  toolkit and expected by sysops that my cgi programs
>;  run on. They could all have a print element (method)
>;  OR I could call it something else.
>>- which is ok. Outside of the element 'print, the REBOL definition works
>>just fine. Following is the relevant piece of my object:
>>player-def: make object! [
>>      name: none
>>      connection: none
>>      ; METHODS
>>      ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
>>      print: function [
>>              "Print a message to this player, with trailing new-line"
>>              msg [string! block!]
>>      ][new-msg][
>>              ; Cleanup the message suitable for telnet display
>>              new-msg: player-format-print msg
>>              append new-msg new-line
>>              append connection new-msg
>>      ]
>>      ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
>>      prin: function [
>>              "Print a message to this player"
>>              msg [string! block!]
>>      ][new-msg][
>>              ; Cleanup the message suitable for telnet display
>>              new-msg: player-format-print msg
>>              append connection new-msg
>>      ]
>>- Michael Jelinek
>>-----Original Message-----
>>Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2000 11:32 AM
>>Subject: [REBOL] [REBOL] Redefining functions with objects
>>I'm thinking of developing a class.
>>Let's call it 
>>Suppose I write a function for this
>>class and I call it 
>>redefine rebol's own print? 
>>I don't really want to do this, so
>>I would welcome comments on this.

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