> I don't know about the subject; but I came upon this page and have been
> playing with it some:
> http://www.philb.demon.co.uk/rebol/rebol1.html
> It uses REBOL thusly:
> <SCRIPT language="REBOL">
> [
>     REBOL [
>          Title:  "Example of a REBOL Script in HTML File"
>          Date:   26-Dec-1997
>          File:   %message.r
>          Purpose: {
>               Shows how to embed a REBOL subscript within an
>               HTML document.
>          }
>     ]
>         print ""
>     print "its a mad mad mad mad mad world :-)"
>         print ""
>     prin "The date/time are " now
> ]
> Hope this is of some help, one newbie to another.

No, it doesn't, I am sorry. Above section of code gets executed, once you
"do http://......." in REBOL, while Maciej is asking for REBOL sections to
be executed by webserver and result of code being inserted into resulted
html code, sent to client.

But, I have answer for you. REBOL Apache module is supposed to be out soon
after /Command version is out.

Hope This Helps,


> Paul
> >Subject: [REBOL] [REBOL] I'm really new linux user.
> >Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 19:30:02 +0100
> >
> >Hi
> >
> >I would like to use rebol like i use php, mean
> >I'd like to write
> >
> ><script language=rebol>
> >myscript ...
> ></script>
> >
> >I use apache, what should i do ???
> >I do not want to use Rebol as CGI.
> >
> >Thanks
> >-------------------------------------------------------
> >| Maciej Lopacinski - hamster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  |
> >| elbalg.top.pl WeBmasTer - proud SkyNet Squad member |
> >|        waiting for the sun... j.d.morrison          |
> >-------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >
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