[REBOL] cgi Re:(3)

2000-07-15 Thread Al . Bri

Ryan wrote:
 I need to figure out how to pass a static value with a form, one that is
not generated or chosen by the submitter.

IIRC, hidden controls in the HTML form will provide this.

Andrew Martin
ICQ: 26227169

[REBOL] CGI Re:(3)

2000-06-14 Thread allenk

- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2000 3:45 AM
Subject: [REBOL] CGI Re:(2)

Howdy, Daniel: 
  Thank you for your help, everyone.
  This is how far I've got until now :
  Apparently,  file access is   working normally only in  the
  first  cgi script launchedby   Apache, all itschild
  processes (subsequent calls of scripts, whether they reside
  in cgi-bin or elsewhere) have  problems to access the local
  file system.
   That's an odd one.  We'll have a closer look at that one
   when we can (cgi with apache for windows, right?), but
   unfortunately don't have a decent answer for why you're
   seeing that behavior right now.
   Is having your cgi-bin script reading and writing files
   outside of cgi-bin what you want to accomplish?
   Perhaps you could have a separate rebol process running
   living in the directory that you want to write files in that
   talks through ports to the cgi-bin program. This background
   REBOL process could do the writing and reading of files on
   the cgi-bin script's behalf.

Hey Jeff,

This might be related to the do/args "string" bug I found, feedback #3246.


Allen K


[REBOL] CGI Re:(3)

2000-06-13 Thread jeff

   So, Daniel: what do you see if you do what-dir in the
   other script?  Can you change-dir?  What are the
   system/options/path, and system/script/path values?
   Can your script write out a test file, if so, where
   does it show up?  

   The exists? function actually makes this determination
   by attempting to open a port to the file or url your
   specified.  If opening the port results in an error it
   does not exist (for all practical purposes that's true
   as far as REBOL's concerned there)-- otherwise it does
   exist.  Point being that other things can make it
   appear to not exist. 


  Just  a  guess, but does the  same  happen if   you add a
  trailing slash, ie: print exists? %./
 Yes it does.  I  guess it has to  do with file permissions.
 I'm  running NT, the script   does some stuff on files  but
 it's  local.  The rebol script  invoked with the do/args is
 outside of the cgi-bin directory defined in Apache. Is this
 a problem ? (it runs fine, it just  seems oblivious to what
 local files pertains).

[REBOL] cgi Re:(3)

1999-11-28 Thread ingo

I am no expert either, but I seem to have it going (at last).

I added the following to access.conf

Directory /home/ingo/public_html
AllowOverride All
Options ExecCGI FollowSymLinks
order allow,deny
allow from all

This allows me to use CGI (ExecCGI) within the dir
/home/ingo/public_html and all its sub-dirs.

CGI scripts need to have the ending .cgi (this may be 
changed somewhere else), be runnable, and have a 
#!rebol -cs
in the first line (if the rebol executable is in the same

I don't remember if I changed other settings in the apache
conffiles, sorry


This is not possible now, but wait for the rebol apache 
module, due to be in betatest soon. Of course then your
provider needs to install it ... (unless you're your own

hope this helps


Those were the words of [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I am not an expert on this, and I don't have rebol working under
 Apache (yet) but the following thoughts occur to me:
could "SEREVR" be misspelled?
   2. I use SuSE 6.1 which does a lot of the install/config of
 Apache for you. I have experimented with Apache
 only in loopback mode. The main config file is
 and it has a lot of comments in it which provide clues
 on which settings to fiddle with. I have included some
 *severely* snipped text from this file to give an idea -
 it is a starting point - I cannot claim to have retained
  all the settings you may need to fiddle with. Apache
   has a lot of documentation - books, web site, and
   stuff with the distribution. 
   Basically, it seems that any program that Apache
   calls through the cgi interface must either be
   loaded as an Apache module, or configured
   via httpd.conf  or both.
 3. I hope this is a little help, as I would like to see the
   detailed instructions myself.
 On Sat, 27 Nov 1999, you wrote:
  Well ... I have been waiting for a reply to the message below. Has there
  been a reply and I missed it? I have been trying to use rebol for CGI
  scripts which is the main reason why I started to use it. People have send
  CGI examples to me, which work for them but they don't work for me. I have
  by now tried to run rebol cgi scripts on WIN95 and PWS4, WIN98 and PWS4,
  Windows NTWS and PWS4, Windows NT Server and even tried it on a SuSe Linux
  and Apache. But nothing has worked for me so far.
  A previous message to the list said that rebol cgi did not need any setting
  up on the server, it only needs to have the rebol.exe in a directory where
  the scripts are. - Doesn't work for me. I have also seen an example of rebol
  to be used as follows ...
  etc ... I would be VERY VERY VERY interested in knowing how to set this up
  or in knowing where I could host my web site that supports this.
  Any help would be great as I just don't know what else to do.
 =  snippings from /etc/httpd/httpd.conf which may be
 =   relevant to getting rebol to work under SuSe 6.1/Apache
 # Each directory to which Apache has access, can be configured with respect
 # to which services and features are allowed and/or disabled in that
 # directory (and its subdirectories). 
 # First, we configure the "default" to be a very restrictive set of 
 # permissions.  
 Directory /
 Options FollowSymLinks
 AllowOverride None
 # Note that from this point forward you must specifically allow
 # particular features to be enabled - so if something's not working as
 # you might expect, make sure that you have specifically enabled it
 # below.
 # ScriptAlias: This controls which directories contain server scripts.
 # ScriptAliases are essentially the same as Aliases, except that
 # documents in the realname directory are treated as applications and
 # run by the server when requested rather than as documents sent to the client.
 # The same rules about trailing "/" apply to ScriptAlias directives as to
 # Alias.
 ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/usr/local/httpd/cgi-bin/"
 # "/usr/local/httpd/cgi-bin" should be changed to whatever your ScriptAliased
 # CGI directory exists, if you have that configured.
 Directory "/usr/local/httpd/cgi-bin"
 AllowOverride None
 Options None
 Order allow,deny
 Allow from all
 # cgi-bin for SuSE help system
 # using SetHandler
 Directory "/usr/lib/sdb/cgi-bin"
 AllowOverride None
 Options +ExecCGI -Includes
 SetHandler cgi-script
 # enable perl for cgi-bin
 Location /cgi-bin
 AddHandler  perl-script .pl
 PerlHandler Apache::Registry
 PerlSendHeader On
 Options +ExecCGI
 # To use CGI scripts:
 AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
Hi Rebols,