If you grab proxy.r from REBOL.org and run that you can see what you
browser sends and maybe that'll shed light on it.


> Petr,
> here's the results of turning on the trace...
> >> trace/net on
> >> do %getsecurepage.r
> Script: "Secure Page Retreival" (25-Jan-2000)
> http://webuser:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/mysite/
> URL Parse: webuser letmein none mysite/ none
> Net-log: ["Opening tcp for" HTTP]
> connecting to:
> Net-log: {GET /mysite/ HTTP/1.0
> Accept: */*
> User-Agent: REBOL
> Host:
> Authorization: Basic d2VidXNlcjpsZXRtZWlu
> }
> Net-log: "HTTP/1.1 401 Access Denied"
> ** User Error: Error.  Target url: could not be
> retrieved.  Server r
> esponse: HTTP/1.1 401 Access Denied.
> ** Where: print read http_file
> To me - it looks like REBOL simply parses out the username:password from
> the URL.  But I'm not sure what the results of the trace mean.  I can see
> that the Authorization chalenge comes up - the little box that pops up in
> your browser when accessing a password protected resource is referred to
> as "Basic Authentication" - not just in Microsoft's parlance.
> So - I'd say the server is responding appropriately - but that REBOL isn't
> reacting to it correctly, and not handing it the username and password...
> - Porter Woodward

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