[REBOL] How do I get the sort/compare func not to sort? Re:(2)

2000-09-20 Thread holger

On Wed, Sep 20, 2000 at 02:30:50PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 1)  the comparison function should return  true  or  false according
 to whether its two arguments are presented in the desired order
 or not, and
 2)  sort/compare  uses an unstable sorting algorithm.

Correct on both points. The current sort function does have its
limitations... One of the next experimental builds will have
a significantly improved sort function, which uses a stable sort
algorithm and provides several additional options and refinements
(hierarchical/lexicographical sorting etc.)

Holger Kruse

[REBOL] How do I get the sort/compare func not to sort? Re:(2)

2000-09-20 Thread lmecir


there is a help, but you must use a stable sorting algorithm, eg. my
Merge-sort could do what you want (can send you my %msort.r privately).


 Based on the following:

 == [8 6 4 2 0 3 7 5 1 9]
  sort/compare blk1 func [a b] [a  b]
 == [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
  sort/compare blk1 func [a b] [a  b]
 == [9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0]
  sort/compare blk1 func [a b] [(a // 2)  (b // 2)]
 == [6 2 8 0 4 3 7 5 1 9]
  sort/compare blk1 func [a b] [(a // 2)  (b // 2)]
 == [2 0 6 4 8 7 3 9 1 5]
  sort/compare blk1 func [a b] [(a // 2)  (b // 2)]
 == [0 4 2 8 6 3 7 5 1 9]
  sort/compare blk1 func [a b] [(a // 2)  (b // 2)]
 == [4 8 0 6 2 7 3 9 1 5]
  sort/compare blk1 func [a b] [true]
 == [1 5 2 9 7 6 8 4 0 3]
  sort/compare blk1 func [a b] [true]
 == [0 3 7 4 6 9 5 1 2 8]
  sort/compare blk1 func [a b] [true]
 == [2 8 6 1 9 4 3 0 7 5]

 I infer two things:

 1)  the comparison function should return  true  or  false according
 to whether its two arguments are presented in the desired order
 or not, and

 2)  sort/compare  uses an unstable sorting algorithm.  That bit of
 jargon that means that the result is guaranteed to satisfy the
 comparison function between adjacent elements, but is there is
 NO guarantee that original ordering is preserved (even among
 elements that were properly ordered to begin with).

 We can test the second inference by creating a comparison that uses
 only part of the values, and see if the ignored portions remain in
 the same relative positions:

  blk: ["fe" "ca" "br" "ff" "cb" "bq"]
 == ["fe" "ca" "br" "ff" "cb" "bq"]
  sort/compare blk func [a b] [(first a)  (first b)]
 == ["bq" "br" "ca" "cb" "ff" "fe"]
  sort/compare blk func [a b] [(first a)  (first b)]
 == ["br" "bq" "ca" "cb" "fe" "ff"]
  sort/compare blk func [a b] [(first a)  (first b)]
 == ["bq" "br" "ca" "cb" "ff" "fe"]
  sort/compare blk func [a b] [true]
 == ["cb" "ff" "br" "bq" "ca" "fe"]
  sort/compare blk func [a b] [(first a)  (first b)]
 == ["bq" "br" "cb" "ca" "fe" "ff"]

 Notice that the function requires that strings be in order by their
 first letter only.  In each of the first three uses, that property
 is clearly possessed by the result, but ordering (even original
 ordering) between strings with the same first letter gets fiddled

 Using a compare function which always returns  true  basically
 lets the sort routine do whatever it wants.  After that has
 happened, returning to the first-letter-only sort produces yet
 another ordering (in which two out of three pseudo-equal strings
 change ordering from the input).

 I'm out of ideas, except to say "don't sort to start with", but you
 didn't hear it from me!   ;-)


  s: "abvde"
  sort/compare s func [a b][return 0]
  What can I exchange for the 0 return value such that the input is left
  (and no, the answer is not "don't sort to start with" :-)
  I've tried -1, 0, 1.   They all change the string!