Hi Ole,

you wrote:

>Do you mean the Beta programming language, 


>or just the beta versions of
>GnuC++? (Didn't think anybody outside of the University of Aarhus, here in
>Denmark, knew about Beta. 


>And before I get your reply, I still think I'm
>right on that one ;-) )

Yikes. I didn't know Beta was *that* unknown. I actually printed out and
studied the accompanying manuals. I especially like the idea of fragments.
It provides some interesting added flexibility. I also found the arrow
notation very intuitive and appealing. The only thing that stopped from
actually using Beta beyond just entering all the examples from the manuals
was the fact that the MS Windows GUI support was rather weak (at the time
it relied on Tcl/Tk, if I remember correctly.) The kind of software I was
looking to implement would have been very GUI intensive and I dreaded the
idea of having to fool around with Tcl/Tk in order to get it to work,
albeit through a Beta interface. 

At some point I remember someone announced that they were a implementing a
constraint sub system for Beta.

;- Elan >> [: - )]

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