[REBOL] Over 40 Platforms make for good press, but.... Re:(4)

2000-09-24 Thread jackseay

[EMAIL PROTECTED] said at Ò[REBOL] Re: Over 40 Platforms make for 
good press, but Re:(2)Ó.
[Sep/24/2000Sun 00:56]
-> Gotta go with the status quo. 
-That's an attitude that might make sense if you believe the future
-will just be like the present, and I'd probably agree with you if the
-roads were still full of black Model Ts, but they're not and so I 

I also don't believe Winxx, Macxx, and *nix are the OS's that will be 
used by most people 10 years from now. They won't be able to compete 
with the new generation of OS's, of which BeOS, QNX and Amiga/Elate 
are examples. Even these will probably be surpassed in a few years. 
We probably won't even call them OS's anymore, but distributed agent/
objects or something. They will have multi-dimensional unbreakable 
links, automatic version archiving and comparison, no configuration 
problems, be multi and distributed processing, and will adapt to the 
user instead of forcing the opposite. They will provide for automatic 
or easy payments of royalties, allow simple comment adding to any 
document, and won't require years of study to be able to produce an 
interactive document-program. And your whole work setup and all files 
will be securely and instantly at your service from any computer on 
the net. Every computer will be both server and client without 
requiring a computer science degree to configure and protect. You 
can't do all this using the status quo, but it can all be done, and 
is in development right now.

-I don't see a future with just a few OSs having 90% of the market, 
-dozens of them and in every device imaginable.  And of course,
-they'll all be chattering to each other over the Net.  This is why
-cross-platform matters.  The future is probably no OS with more than
-20% of the market - when you include phones in the market...

This will make cross-platform languages and data the norm.

-Like you I also drooled over an Atari 800, but bought a ZX81 
-Had two Commodore 64s since then, three Amigas...  And you know what?
- I'm sick of leaving my programs behind with each change of platform,
-or having them become useless because of an OS upgrade.  I'm also
-sick of having to learn new programming languages with every switch
-of platform.  REBOL's probably a nice language, (give me time:), but
-if it wasn't cross-platform I wouldn't be here.

My computer history is almost identical to yours: ZX81, C64, 4 
Amigas, and 2 Mac laptops. In the future, I also want to have  data 
and programs that will follow me to my next system, or I should say 
follow me around.

Jack Seay [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://home.earthlink.net/~jackseay/jack

[REBOL] Over 40 Platforms make for good press, but.... Re:(4)

2000-09-24 Thread rishi

> Heh, RT was offered possibility of bundling REBOL as a package with default
> distribution of RtP which is gonna be available in few days (26.9.) by CEO
> of QSSL, Dan Dodge. I've suggested Carl to go for it. greenboy, chief of
> Phoenix developers consortium suggested REBOL/View to Carl too IIRC, but now
> you can see how the company thinks of what is/what is not important 
> sadly ...
> -pekr-

Holy Moly! What was Rebol thinkingThat would have been a great opportunity 
considering there
probably isn't much effort needed into porting to qnx rtp. This is shocking to me that 
they passed
up this opportunity...especially considering a lot of the people who will initially be 
using qnx rtp
are coming from the amiga and beos (like me) crowd...exactly the same type of people 
who would use
rebol. What a shame


[REBOL] Over 40 Platforms make for good press, but.... Re:(4)

2000-09-23 Thread jsc

On Sun, 24 Sep 2000, you wrote:
> That's an attitude that might make sense if you believe the future
> will just be like the present, and I'd probably agree with you if the
> roads were still full of black Model Ts, but they're not and so I
> won't.
> I don't see a future with just a few OSs having 90% of the market, but
> dozens of them and in every device imaginable.  And of course,
> they'll all be chattering to each other over the Net.  This is why
> cross-platform matters.  The future is probably no OS with more than
> 20% of the market - when you include phones in the market...
> Like you I also drooled over an Atari 800, but bought a ZX81 instead.
> Had two Commodore 64s since then, three Amigas...  And you know what?
>  I'm sick of leaving my programs behind with each change of platform,
> or having them become useless because of an OS upgrade.  I'm also
> sick of having to learn new programming languages with every switch
> of platform.  REBOL's probably a nice language, (give me time:), but
> if it wasn't cross-platform I wouldn't be here.
> As to EPOC32, it's the Psions's OS.  See...  http://www.psion.com/
> They look kinda nice and kinda fun and are apparently quite popular.
> Give me a good reason why they should be ignored?

Yes fantastic! _That_ is what I try to say whole the time.
The future of OSs is very similar to REBOLs dialecting facilities!
We will have highly specialized OSs but can run (With some limits)
the same applications on all of them. Some applications will need a special
OS/Device but a huge amount of standard software will run everywhere.

Jochen Schmidt