[REBOL] Re: sendmail...

2001-02-16 Thread Gabriele Santilli

Hello Chris!

On 15-Feb-01, you wrote:

 C from a cgi script I have to invoke /usr/sbin/sendmail! Is
 C there any way I can do this from /core? I very much doubt it,
 C and if not I will be mightily miffed... :/

Being that a Unix system, you could write a shell script that
invokes sendmail and REBOL. I won't call this elegant, but it is
effective as a last resort.

Gabriele Santilli [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Amigan - REBOL programmer
Amiga Group Italia sez. L'Aquila -- http://www.amyresource.it/AGI/

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[REBOL] Re: sendmail...

2001-02-15 Thread Chris

#15-Feb-01# Message from *GS Jones*:
Hi GS,

 I am just pondering out loud and am not really answering your question, so


 If I demonstrated my ignorance, and sendmail can be run as needed, 

AFAIK it can run in both modes. The hoster I'm interested in expects
you to call it when needed.

 Finally, what I suspect will be the solution you would need if you stick
 with the "hoster" that you have chosen, is to forward the mail to an
 alternative smtp server. Some (many) do not allow for the "from" domain
 name to be different than the accounts for which the smtp is configured
 (ie, avoids some spam sources).

I may try sending a mail with the from: set to my demon address using
demon's smtp, but I don't hold much hope of it working. If it fails another 
idea I had - I have *no* idea if this will work:

I write a perl cgi script that takes a recipient address and a filename
from the query string. It loads the filename from the server and invokes
sendmail with the required recipient and the file in the body. When its
done it returns a block of text indicating the status of the operation.
In rebol I do something like

result: read http://www.starforge.co.uk/cgi-bin/emailscript.cgi?...etc..

and then use the contents of result to tell whether the email was sent or
not.. I don't know whether chaining cgi scripts like this will work,
but I'll probably give it a shot once I learn enough perl to try it! :)

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[REBOL] RE: sendmail

2000-04-10 Thread evans

I second the motion.  REBOL should pipe output to sendmail.

My web host offers its 150,000 customers POP/IMAP mailboxes but not SMTP.  Mail
can be received, but not sent, at least not by SMTP.  Sendmail is the only way.
One can log into Unix and type sendmail commands in the terminal window.  One
can also write procmail scripts.  The company told me there was no way for them
to authenticate SMTP, so they had to shut it down.  This kind of thing is
happening all over the web.

Sendmail is mandatory for any sort of newsletter or discussion list run over
e-mail.  And procmail "recipes" are exactly the sort of cryptic, error-prone
Unix syntax that REBOL could replace.

Some people suggest running SMTP servers from home.  To me it's not a good idea.
The whole point of using a hosting firm is to let them handle 24/7 uptime and
server hardware costs and software configuration.


-Original Message-
Sent: Sunday, April 09, 2000 8:00 AM
Subject: [REBOL] REBOL CGI's and sendmail

Is it possible to write a CGI script in REBOL which uses sendmail?

[REBOL] RE: sendmail Re:(2)

2000-04-10 Thread evans

To answer respondents -

IMAP is a nice protocol but it's receive-only, as is POP.  Neither one of them
has anything to do with sending email.  (SMTP is for that.)

The web host company has sendmail working fine.  I am using it (and procmail).
The problem is, I can't exercise sendmail from a REBOL script even though they
have REBOL on the server.

The company claims it can't provide authenticated SMTP and are faced with a
choice of "open-relay" SMTP (spam-bait) or nothing.  So they provide nothing so
far as SMTP is concerned.

They told me this inability to authenticate SMTP was a function of their Sun
Solaris 2.7/Apache server software.  (If anyone has ideas how they could
configure authenticated SMTP I would be glad to hear about it.
