2000-02-29 Thread icimjs

Hi Carlos,

secure none does not cause a message box when security has previously been
set to none. For instance if your user.r file includes the secure none
expression, then if you run a script later which also sets secure to none,
the messagebox will not be displayed.

The messagebox will always be displayed (ie on MS Windows) when evaluate
secure none and the previous security level was higher.

You can check what your previous security settings were when you run the
script under MS Windows by evaluating

 print [secure none]

For instance, under MS Windows:

1. Manually force the security level to quit, to ensure that you are
starting out with a higher security level:
 secure quit

2. Now evaluate the expression
 print mold secure none

and REBOL displays the messagebox and subsequently displays:

[net quit file quit]

because that was the previous setting.

For security reasons REBOL always requires operator response when the
security level is being lowered by a script. Use the -s command line
switch, to set security to none when REBOL starts up.

Under MS Windows that would be:

rebol.exe -c

At 04:59 PM 2/29/00 -0300, you wrote:
Hi Rebols,

my script has a SECURE NONE at the one of the first lines in order to avoid
that annoing question about write permission.

In Windows it works out fine but on MAC OS I still have a question where
Rebol wants me to be sure security is going to be down. WHY?

Any help is welcome


;- Elan  [: - )]

[REBOL] REBOL on a MAC Re:(2)

2000-02-29 Thread icimjs

Hi Carlos,

correct instructions, wrong example. Instead of:
Under MS Windows that would be:

rebol.exe -c

use rebol.exe -s

;- Elan  [: - )]