[REBOL] Small admin/report benchmark Re:(3)

2000-09-23 Thread lmecir

Hi Joel,

You wrote:
> Ladislav's comes next (this is the second script he
> posted; the first one blew up on my box repeatedly).

Confused, I expected the SECOND script (the script using Hash! datatype) to
blow up - it looked to me like RT didn't succeed to implement of Hash!
datatype reliably, or like there was another sign of the GC bug...


[REBOL] Small admin/report benchmark Re:(3)

2000-09-23 Thread jeff

  Howdy, Joel:

> As for Jeff's...
> First, I had  to  comment  out all  of  the code  that  was
> specific to /View and replace it  with equivalent code.  (I
> needed /Core syntax,  and needed   to run  it in the   same
> fashionas   the   others,in  order   to   keep  the
> apples-to-apples comparison.

  Hey, no fair! Mine was supposed to be PRETTY not FAST!!!
