----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, June 11, 2000 10:45 PM
Subject: [REBOL] User defined events in /view ? Re:(2)

Hi Brett,

> That's damn sneaky Allen. The rate setting working as a substitute for my
> POST event command very smart.
> Still, a 1x1 image... shades of HTML solutions :)

Yes and no..
It is just an inherited style, image had all the
other facets and feel, I wanted without having to write an entire face for
A lot of the VID components are inherited from others. Image is inherited by
all these
Progress, List, Anim, Frame, Box, Backdrop.

Here is a rough layout VID styles indicating inheritence.


> I wonder about few things though. When does the count down for rate start?

Observasional guess work here, and it would be good to confirm.
I believe it is triggered after the show is called on that face. Show is
called inside the 'view function. The beauty of this is that layouts can be
created before time and have their own individual load events, that won't
trigger until they are shown.

You can always add a counter with

switch ....[
'time [counter: counter + 1  if (counter > 10) [rate: 0 engage: none do
action] ; may have to change the order of these..

> Will this change in a different Rebol version? Will the "user experience"
> the same under different platforms? Do I really need the overhead (even if
> small) of an graphical element for what is really an event?

Good questions,
The overhead is minor, however to avoid adding it, the other way would be to
insert an event to the top level events using insert-event. Which is not
really a solution for the non technical
VID user. My aim was to provide a simple reusable plugin solution to the
problem from a VID point of view, though the technique can be used in any

If you are using faces then you have absolute control, investigate the
I know we have a 'quit event, I wonder if there is a 'start event?

> Nevertheless. Thank you. It will do this job.
> Brett.

Glad it helped..
I'm sure better ideas will come, it is the nature of progress..


Allen K

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