I take it that you consider their service has been good. 
Their software arrangements are unusual, and new to me. I am just
starting to study their offerings, and haven't seen anything like it
elsewhere - it sounds like you control your own config like a webmaster would
on a private machine - although the *limits* of what *other* software you
can install were not totally clear. Everyone should at least check
out this site to see what's there. If anyone else knows of similar web
hosting sites, I would like to hear about it. 
Thanks for the info.

On Mon, 22 Nov 1999, you wrote:

> I have a virtual server (see http://vservers.com for details) which was
> running BDSI 3.x Unix. This version of Unix is not supported by Rebol (at
> least not without a lot of jumping through the hoops to add ELF libraries
> and all kinda other stuff). However, BDSI 4.x does run Rebol very elegantly.
> So I had my vserver upgraded to the newer version of BDSI and not only does
> Rebol run nicely, I got numerous other goodies like mySQL databases, PHP,
> etc.
> Virtual serving is the only way to go if your budget is limited and your
> traffic reasonably low. I'm running over 25 domains off my server right now
> with no strain.
> Hope that answered your question.
> Best,
> ------------------------------
> Ralph Roberts, CEO
> Alexander Books / Creativity, Inc.
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